Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 581 A Bastard Who Abandoned His Wife And Daughter

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The most shocking and sensational wedding in this century was held on a giant cruise.

The wide deck of the cruise was covered with roses.

Wearing a beautiful and holy wedding dress, Essie slowly walked towards the handsome groom with

the company of her father, Bob. The pure diamond on the wedding dress was shining brightly in the

sun, making her like a fairy coming out of the sea.

Holding the bouquet of flowers, Mili and Dot followed their mommy happily. Their mommy and daddy

could finally hold a sacred wedding and receive the blessing of god.

Zac looked at her affectionately. At this moment, he only cared about her. Everything in the world and

the sea cruiser had turned into nothingness.

Baron watched his daughter with his heart up and down. She was his biological daughter, but he could

not hold her hand in the name of his father to enter the sacred palace of the wedding. He could only

watch himself being replaced by others.

Now, he didn't dare to expect too much. He just hoped that she could call him daddy in person, but

from her mouth came always two cold words: Mr. Baron.

Walt's mood was even more complicated, as if a soldering iron was rolling in his internal organs. The

picture of him marrying Essie on D Island kept flashing through his mind.

Why did God make fun of him and let her hold a wedding ceremony with her brother with his child?

He really wanted to rush forward and take her away at once, but he dared not. If he did so, he would

die. He couldn't do that. Only by making himself stronger could he take back Essie and his child.

Lucy was worried. Mary hated her daughter. Now that such a thing had happened to her, she must take

any chance to humiliate her.

However, it was impossible for Essie to be with Hanson if she didn't have a abortion. Hanson could

accept Mili and Dot, but he might not accept this unidentified child. Besides, both Bob and Baron said

that it was better for Essie to be with Zac. She could only hide all her worries in her heart. If Mary

bullied her daughter, she would get even with her.

Essie walked to Zac. The two of them faced the priest and made a sacred oath.

"In front of God and all the witnesses here today, I, Zac, am willing to marry Essie as my wife. From

now on, no matter in prosperity or adversity, wealth or poverty, health or illness, happiness or sadness,

I will love you, cherish you, and be faithful to you forever. I will hold your hand and share the hardships

and difficulties with you. I will share the haze, rainbow, sunrise and sunset with you. As long as you are

by my side, I feel that I am the happiest person in the world. "

Zac said seriously, sincerely and solemnly, staring at her with love and tenderness.

Tears of excitement flashed through Essie's eyes, and her mouth and heart were full of happiness.

"In front of God and all the witnesses here today, I am willing to marry Zac and make him my husband.

Zac, thank you for being the love of my life and the only one for sharing all my dreams, desires,

blueprint, adventures and more. Thank you for being my partner in my future life. I will use my hand to

take you out of the sadness and difficulties, and your wine glass will never dry up, because I will be the

spring of life in your cup. I will use this candle to light up your life in the darkness and spend the rest of

my life with you. "

The priest smiled at them and said, "now I declare you as a couple in the name of the Holy Father and

the Holy Spirit."

Zac exchanged rings with Essie and kissed her deeply.

Eva looked at the two with tears in their eyes, as if she was the one who was married. She was really

happy for her bestie to find a man who really loved, cherished and cared for her.

Jim glanced at her and said with a mocking smile, "you want to get married, don't you?"

"It's none of your business." Eva rolled his eyes at him.

Hearing this, Vinton held her in his arms and said, "Eva, if you want to get married, I'll prepare it now."

Eva turned around and smiled at him, "don't worry, Vinton. I'll tell you that I'm going to get married." His

words seemed to have injected a strong needle into Vinton's heart, making him happy. "Eva, even if it

takes a lifetime, I will always wait for you."

Jing shook his head and looked at Vinton sympathetically. This guy was a womanizer. Why did he have

such a bad taste? If he had a crush on a tough woman like heaven pepper, he would suffer a lot.

After the wedding, Zac took the whole family on a luxury cruise around the sea. This was a honeymoon

specially designed for Essie. She was pregnant now, so it was not suitable for her to travel around the

world by plane. Therefore, he came up with the idea of going around the sea and having a honeymoon

with her on the cruise ship.

Perhaps it was because of the wedding of Essie. Eva began to have confidence in love. Recently, she

and Vinton frequently attended public occasions, and the two of them seemed to be a couple.

Vinton and Eva also attended Elizabeth's birthday party.

When Eva arrived, she found that she was going to attend Elizabeth's birthday party. Vinton told her

that it was an ordinary friend party, so she agreed to come. Now that she knew the truth, she was very

embarrassed, but since she had already come, it would be even worse if she turned around and left. At

that time, she would be told that she didn't respect the elders and was impolite.

"Vinton, if you dare to fool me again next time, I won't talk to you anymore." She said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Eva. I hid it from you on purpose because I was afraid that you would refuse me. I promise I

won't do it again." Vinton said apologetically.

Eva didn't make a fuss anymore. After all, it was not the right time to do so in public.

In the banquet hall, as soon as the two of them appeared, it seemed that a bomb exploded between

the Wang family and the Xiao family. The huge mushroom cloud covered the light above their heads.

Elizabeth's smiling face was covered by dark clouds in an instant. Anger was burning in Valery's eyes

again. "He is getting more and more outrageous for Vinton to bring this bitch here."

Wendy jumped with anger and said, "Auntie, you must help me punish this tramp, so that she won't

dare to pester Vinton anymore."

Elizabeth patted her hand to calm her down. After all, there was still an indecent video in Vinton's hand,

so they couldn't act rashly. Otherwise, Wendy's reputation would be ruined and she would never be

able to marry into the Xu family.

Beside her, her cousin, Shelly, had always been Wendy's sidekick. She always flattered her.

"Sister, don't worry. I'll help you teach her a lesson later." She snorted and decided to behave well in

front of her cousin to vent her anger.

Eva looked around the banquet hall and fixed his eyes on the middle-aged man not far away.

A violent spasm ran over her shoulder, and fear and anger surged up at the same time.

"That man is Wendy's uncle, York." Vinton noticed that she seemed to care about that man very much.

"I know who he is!" Clenching his teeth, Eva squeezed a few words from the gap between her teeth.

Vinton was stunned for a while and asked, "do you know him?"

"He is the bastard who abandoned his wife and child for the sake of wealth!" Eva's eyes turned red with

anger. He looked at York with resentment.

Vinton was shocked, "is he your father?"

"I don't have a father. My father has been struck to death by lightning." Eva said angrily. She had to go

to the bathroom to calm down, or she would rush forward and scold that bastard.

Shelly took this opportunity to follow her and waited for her in the corridor. As soon as Eva came out,

she rushed over.

She spat on the ground angrily, "you cockroach, you are not qualified to stand beside Vinton. Even if

you are famous in the entertainment circle, you can't compare with my cousin. She is ten times, a

hundred times, a thousand times better than you. You cockroach came out of the slum. You smell

rotten rubbish all over your body. You are a bitch in an evening dress! Go back to your slum. Don't

make a fool of yourself here. " As she spoke, she raised her hand and tried to slap Eva, but her hand

was grasped in midair by Eva. She withdrew her fingers with strength, and the sound of bones breaking

came from the air.

"Ah! My hand is broken!" Shelly screamed in pain, which immediately attracted the attention of the

guests around.

"I don't know where you came from. You are too young to touch me." Eva sneered.

"Her name is Shelly, and she is Wendy's cousin." A woman said.

Eva was slightly stunned. Her surname was Fang, was she...

"Is her father York?" She looked at the woman beside her.

The woman nodded.

A flame of fury emerged from Eva's chest. She swung it hard, and Shelly flew away like an iron

pancake. She fell to the ground and couldn't even cry for a long time.

Looking at her biting mud like a dog, Eva felt as if he had taken a sip of frozen lime tea. He was so

happy that he felt as if he had already taken revenge.

When York heard his daughter's scream nearby, he hurried over and helped his daughter up. Seeing

her hand swollen like pig's feet, he was furious. Seeing that it was Eva who slapped her, he was even


In fact, as soon as Eva came in, he saw her, but pretended not to see her. He had no intention of

admitting this daughter for a long time.

"Eva, you've gone too far. Apologize to Shelly right now."

"Who are you? How dare you order me?" Eva's cold laughter was like the cold wind from Siberia,

swirling in the corridor.

York's face turned pale and blue. Shelly held her hand and burst into tears, and her mouth tilted to one

side due to the pain. She had been taken good care of by her parents since she was a child, and had

never suffered such pain. "Father, I'm dying. Send me to the hospital as soon as possible."


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