Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 531 Divorce

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"Not to my taste." Hanson said ruthlessly. He had never thought about the feelings of Ivy. The reason

why he deliberately invited her to watch a movie yesterday was not to give her a chance, but to give

her a hard blow to make her give up completely.

It seemed that Ivy was kicked into an ice hole. She was cold from inside to outside, without any heat.

However, she would not give up. On the way of love, she had to be more courageous.

Essie thought highly of Ivy. She was simple, kind and not scheming. She believed that Hanson would

be happy with her.

However, that was not what Alice thought. In her eyes, Ivy was a trouble, a trouble that prevented the

harmonious relationship between Hanson and Essie.

"There is a saying that nothing forcibly done is going to be agreeable. If he doesn't like you, don't force

him. Otherwise, you won't even be friends in the end." She said crossly.

Glaring at her fiercely, Ivy retorted, "Fell doesn't like you either. Why do you still want to marry him?"

Her words hit Alice on the point. Fell had always been lukewarm towards her, and his attitude had been

even colder since that incident. If it wasn't for the interests of his family, he wouldn't marry her.

"Who said that Fell doesn't like me? We are good." She would never admit that there was a gap

between her and Fell.

"Forget it. Everyone in the upper class knows that Fell wants to marry my sister-in-law. If you hadn't

drugged him and made him have sex with you, he wouldn't marry you." Said Ivy rudely.

With a livid face, Alice really wanted to stand up and slap the little girl in the face to teach her a lesson.

But she held it back. After all, she was a member of the Rong family. She didn't want to make it a big


"Ivy, you'd better be careful when you speak. Don't talk nonsense."

"I just gave you a dose of your own medicine. There is a huge difference between before and after you

lost your memory. It's unbelievable that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground." Ivy curled her


"I prefer me now." Alice hated to hear others compare her now with her before. Alice before couldn't be

back. It was impossible for her to regain her memory. No matter they wanted it or not, they could only

accept her now.

Noticing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Essie hurriedly came out to be the

peacemaker and said, "well, only one know what love is oneself. You don't need to care about others'

opinions. The most important thing is not to make yourself regret. You should try your best to pursue it,

and you should pursue it bravely. Why do you have to worry too much?"

Hanson cast a sidelong glance at her. Although she said that to Ivy and Alice, this was also suitable for

him. As long as he was still alive, he didn't want to give up on her. He wanted to fight with Zac to the

end. Zac used to take advantage of the void to take her away, he could have taken her away. It was all

Christina's fault. He missed the good opportunity due to her.

"Sister-in-law, you are right. I like Hanson. I just want to chase him to the end." Said Ivy, smiling at


Pretending not to hear it, Hanson lowered his head to eat the hot pot. In fact, he didn't hate ivy very

much, but she was late. He had already had Essie in his heart.

After that, there was only silence at the table. Everyone lowered their heads to eat the hot pot without

saying a word.

The news that Baron had woken up had been sealed by Essie. It was not until he was discharged from

the hospital that Essie went to the Xu family's villa to announce the good news.

When Elizabeth and Valery saw her, they seemed to see the God of plague. With a gloomy face, they

asked, "Why are you here again?" Valery said through gritted teeth.

"Cathy is a member of Xu family. Why can't she come?" Vinton glared at his sister. Essie had promoted

him as the vice president. In his eyes, Essie was more like a family member than his mother. She didn't

just want to use him as a puppet and control the whole company herself.

Walking up to Vicki, Essie said with a smile, "I have a good news for you. Mr. Baron has woken up and

recovered. Today is the day he leaves the hospital."

"That's great. God bless us. God bless us." Vicki was so happy that her hands trembled with


Elizabeth's face turned pale as if she had been hit by a stick. She didn't know how many bad words

Essie had said about her in front of him, especially the affair between her and Bles. It would be strange

if Baron could let her go.

"Where is Baron? Take me to see him right now!" She ordered.

"Don't worry, aunt Elizabeth. Dad will be here soon." Essie said with her eyes turning deep and


Looking at her confusing eyes, Elizabeth felt a chill in her heart. She had calculated thousands of

times, but she didn't expect that Baron would wake up so soon.

Alice came here later. She was also surprised at his waking up.

At noon, Baron entered the Xu's mansion with the company of Zac and Holy.

Vicki had already asked the servant to prepare a hearty lunch, all of which were his favorite dishes.

"Baron, I'm relieved to see that you're fine." She cried with joy, with tears and snot.

Baron put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Mom, I'm sorry to bother you these days."

"Daddy, you are finally back. If you were a little later, mommy and I would have been tortured to death

by Essie." Valery ran to him and complained.

A shadow flashed across Baron's face, "I came back to deal with those people who make waves." After

saying that, he glanced coldly at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth shivered and a chill spread from her spine. Valery didn't understand her father's words at all.

She thought that her father was going to teach Essie a lesson, so she was very happy in her heart.

"Daddy, drive Essie out of the Xu family as soon as possible and never let her come back."

"Cathy is my daughter. No one can kick her out of the Xu family." Baron's two thick eyebrows knitted

into a sullen line. He paused and changed his tone, "but there are some people who I have tolerated

for too long."

Elizabeth trembled violently, knowing that he was referring to her. However, she didn't show it. She tried

her best to keep calm. "Baron, since you were in trouble, I have been worrying about you all day long.

Every month, on the first and fifteen day of the lunar month, I would go to the Huang Temple to burn

incense and worship Buddha, hoping that the Buddha could bless you to turn from bad to good. Now

you finally wake up. Thank God! I have to go to the Huang Temple to burn incense to fulfill my wish

tomorrow. "

Baron snorted and looked at her coldly, "I think you are scheming to be the chairman, aren't you?"

Hearing this, Elizabeth burst into tears all of a sudden. "I knew that this Essie must have said a lot of

bad things about me in front of you. You know how much she hates me, so of course she slandered

me. I'm just a woman. Why do I want the Xu Group? I have to leave it to Vinton in the end. "

Before she finished her words, Baron slapped her across the face and said, "don't always use Vinton

as an excuse. You see, you are not thinking about Vinton at all. You are creating a way for the kid of

you and Bles's. You and Bles colluded with outsiders in order to get the property of the Xu Group. It's

really hateful. "

Hearing this, Vicki was so angry that she slammed her crutch on the ground and said, "Elizabeth, did

you actually do such a thing? You are humiliating our Xu family." Bles was the child of Vicki's husband

and another woman, and had always been a sore spot in her heart. She had been on guard against

him all the time. She would never forgive Elizabeth for having an affair with Bles.

"Mom, don't believe what Essie said. She is slinging mud at us. I have been working hard in the Xu

family for so many years and have never done anything wrong to the Xu family. I don't have much

contact with Bles. How could I do such a dirty thing? " Elizabeth cried and said.

Seeing this, Valery quickly spoke for her mother. If her mother lost her power, she would have no place

to stay in the Xu family.

"Daddy, my mommy will never do such a thing. You must believe her and don't listen to Essie's words.

You don't know how bad and poisonous Essie is. When you were in a coma, she came to find fault with

us from time to time and didn't let mommy have a good day. "

Baron didn't seem to hear her at all. He had long wanted to divorce Elizabeth. He stared at Elizabeth

with disgust and said, "well, I've asked the lawyer to draw up the divorce agreement. You can move out

of the Xu's mansion tomorrow."

Elizabeth burst into tears. "Baron, you are too heartless. We have been married for more than ten

years. I gave birth to a son and a daughter for you. You just heard the gossip of the villain and wanted

to divorce me. What's the meaning of my life! "

Baron looked very cold. If Vicki hadn't forced him to marry Elizabeth, he wouldn't have married her.

Although they had been married for more than ten years, he had no feelings for her at all. He just lived

a simple life for the sake of their children.

"Even without this, I will divorce you. Our marriage will come to an end."

Elizabeth's eyes darkened and she almost fainted. She hurriedly ran to Vicki and knelt down, "Mom, I

can swear to God that Bles and I are innocent. I have never done anything wrong to the Xu family. If I

lie, let me beat the thunder and lightning, and I will not die well."

Her oath was cruel and resolute. Essie sneered in her heart. She had long been accustomed to it.

Unfortunately, god did not pay attention to her every time, so people could only rely on themselves to

take revenge.

Valery also knelt down with her mother and said, "grandma, please persuade dad, he listened to you

the most. He can't divorce mommy. They are at such an old age and have lived together for more than

half of their lives. What problems can't be solved?"

"All right, all right." Vicki waved her hand and said, "I will find out the truth. If you and Bles really do

something shameful, our Xu family will never allow you to stay."

"If you want to arrest a thief, you need to show us evidence. Essie said that my mommy had an affair.

Where is the evidence?" Valery shouted angrily.


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