Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 302 Kneel Down And Beg For Mercy

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Essie clutched the lipstick gun and was ready to attack.

Just when the tall and thin man was one meter away from them, a loud bang was heard. His left eye

was bleeding immediately. He fell to the ground in a howl and rolled on the ground with his hands

covering his eyes. At the same time, he screamed like a pig.

One of the punks screamed. Sam put his hands over his head and squatted down in fear of being hit.

Essie glanced at Pana, and the latter shook her head and said, "no, it's not me."

Hearing the footsteps behind them, the two of them looked back in a hurry.

A group of awe inspiring men in black were walking towards them. The leading one, tall and straight,

with an imposing manner was Zac. Wearing a pair of big sunglasses, he looked more cold and gloomy.

He held a gun in his hand, and the bullet came from it.

The punks dropped their swords and were to run away. They had never been frightened like this

before. Soon they were surrounded by the black men, with guns pointing at their heads and trembling

with fear.

Zac walked up to the tall and thin man, and pulled the trigger mercilessly. Then he shot at his other

eye. He screamed in a hoarse voice and stopped moving.

"Who brought you here? Did he want to die?" Zac's cold voice sounded like a message from the hell.

The punks were so scared that they even peed. Trembling, they pointed at Sam.

Sam was scared stiff. He really wanted to run away right now. Didn't the person who gave him money

promise him that the person in charge here was just a fragile woman? Where did these young men

come from?

The man in black lifted Sam up and threw him in front of Zac.

Zac turned his head to take a look at Essie. "You go in first."

Then she entered the studio with Pana.

Zac picked up the knife on the ground and waved it gently. At the same time, two cold lights flashed.

Sam screamed and fell to the ground, blood flowing like stream.

With no expression on his face, Zac didn't even blink. He just took out a handkerchief and covered his

nose. He was obsessed with cleanliness and hated the smell of blood. "Dispose of it."

One of the gangsters, who was very timid, fainted on the spot. The other gangsters' face was as pale

as a dead leaf being swept by the cold wind.

"Who stabbed the workers?" His voice was as light as a goose feather, but in the hooligan's ears, it

was like the soul of death. It was extremely terrifying.

"Throw them all into the blender." Before his words were finished, a thin hooligan stood up. "Don't kill

me. I didn't cut anyone. I'm just following behind." While saying, he pointed out the people who injured

the workers honestly.

Zac ordered the men in black to hand the knives to them. "Chop each other."

Since that, a variety of cries and screams were heard from the construction site. As it was a

construction site with heavy build and a remote suburb, the nearest village was two kilometers away.

And it was surrounded by iron sheet walls tightly. Even if there was a car passing by accidentally, they

could not see it. There was still a blender and a sound of hammer knocking. Only the people in the

construction site could hear their screaming.

When it was dark, the workers on the construction site went back to work. They cleaned up the blood

on the ground and then left as if nothing had happened.

Essie asked the construction team members to visit the injured men and workers in the hospital. The

company would pay all the medical bills for them. During the hospitalization, their wages were paid as


Zac took her back to the hotel. His face was extremely gloomy. "Are you out of your mind again? As a

woman, can you handle this kind of thing well? " If he didn't get the news and arrive in time, the

consequences would be unimaginable.

"I didn't take everything into consideration this time. I thought Cathy and I could scare them away," She

bit her lips hard.

Zac flicked her forehead. This confused and smart girl was admirable, and made him even speechless


"I will never do such a stupid thing again." She lowered her head, like a child who had done something

wrong. In fact, at that time, she was terrified and regretted a lot. She should not have rushed over so

impulsively and put herself in danger, and almost got Pana into trouble.

Zac's face softened. He stretched out his arms and held her in his arms. "It's good that you know about

self-reflection. In the future, if you can't deal with anything, leave it to me. I'll help you."

She nodded meekly and buried her little face into his arms. Her enemies were too powerful. Since she

was weak and had no solid foundation in Dragon City, she had to seek an alliance. And Zac was the

best choice.

"These people must have been instructed by someone."

"Someone will come over tomorrow to give you an order." Zac touched her head with a profound look.

The next day, when they arrived at the construction site, a bald man and his two subordinates had

been waiting for them at the entrance for a long time.

"So you are Mr. Rong, right?" The young bald man asked timidly.

Zac glanced at him through the big sunglasses and walked inside directly. Although he was

expressionless and said nothing, the strong and cold aura around him was enough to make others


He hurried to keep up with Zac. People had said that a handsome man with a cold face was the most

frightening person in Dragon City. He had never seen anyone with such intimidating aura.

Zac stopped. He turned around and the bald man knelt down in front of Zac with his men. "Mr. Rong,

I'm sorry. It's my fault. I didn't teach them well. I'm a jerk! I'm sorry!" After saying that, he slapped

himself heavily on the face. He slapped so heavily that the corners of his mouth were bleeding. He

didn't seem to be putting on a play. He didn't dare do that, because Zac was the embodiment of a devil.

"Say something useful." Said Zac coldly.

The young bald man answered quickly. "I have dealt with those bastards for you in order to prevent

future trouble. Besides, I have interrogated him in person. He dared to make trouble because he had

privately taken a million dollars from the other man. The fact that the other man lied to him and told him

it was a woman's land and he didn't know it was yours at all. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had the

nerve to step further. "

"This woman is my wife." As Zac said, he put his arm around Essie.

"Oh, it's you, grandma. I am sorry to make you frightened. Please forgive me, grandma. This was all

done by the bastard Morris. It had nothing to do with me." The bald man said while kowtowing, as if he

was worshiping his ancestors.

Essie let out a deep breath. How horrible Zac was! At least, the bald man was the leader of some

gangs. People would be scared to death when they met Zac.

Zac said in a cold tone, "if it has anything to do with you, how can you still kneel here and talk to me?"

"Yes, yes, I'm flattered. Please trust me," The young bald man wiped the sweat on his forehead. He

took a photo out of his pocket and said, "this photo was taken secretly by one of Sam's men. It was this

man who gave him the money to cause trouble." He would try his best to make amends and ask Zac to

give him a chance of leniency.

Zac nodded, "you can leave now."

The bald man breathed a sigh of relief. He thanked Heaven and earth and said, "don't worry. I have told

my brothers that nobody dares to make trouble here again." He quickly walked away in fear that he

would change his mind and settle accounts with him.

"Is this Jason, Elizabeth's assistant? I knew she had something to do with it. "

"Keep her for the time being, and let's follow the clue to find out the people behind, and then teach her

a lesson." Said Zac in a deep voice.

Essie nodded, because she had already thought of ways to interfere with this woman's affairs. There

was a person who could be her Achilles' heel.

When she went back to Hengyuan, she found that Vinton was working in the company. As expected,

he was obedient to Eva, which made things easy for her.

She then knocked on the door of his office and asked, "Mr. Xu, may I come in?"

"Come in, please." Vinton was playing the racing game on the computer in his office with nothing to do.

When he saw it was Essie, he turned off the computer.

"Mr. Xu, you haven't come in for such a long time. Your office must have been covered with dust,

right?" She giggled.

"Are you here to mock at me?" Vinton frowned with displeasure.

"Of course not. I'm happy that you finally come to the company." Then she closed the office door and

drew the curtain.

Essie's mysterious expression astonished Vinton. He pulled back his chair subconsciously. After

swallowing some saliva, he asked, "do you have a crush on me? You're beautiful, but I like Eva now.

I've decided to be faithful to her."

And Essie was in a mess. Being a man who stayed away from women all year round, he could easily

guess what happened when she drew the curtain.

"Mr. Xu, you think too much." She touched her forehead, "I just don't want others to spy on our


Vinton let out a sigh of relief, sat up straight and asked, "what do you want to talk about?"

"The first thing is about the amusement park project with the Emperor in Sea City. Our CEO wants you

to take responsibility together with me."

"Me?" Vinton asked, slightly taken aback.

"You will be the chairman and CEO of the company in the future. It's time for you to get in touch with

the core affairs of the company." Said Essie.

"Does she trust me so much?" Asked Vinton in disbelief, raising his thick eyebrows.

"You are brother and sister. She doesn't trust you. Does she have to trust strangers? Besides, she is

not like your mother who has so much power and desires. She did all these for the sake of you and the

Xu family. If you have the ability to shoulder the responsibility earlier, she can be discharged from the

burden earlier and go back to the United States to reunite with her fiance. " Said Essie worriedly.

Vinton's handsome face flashed a glimmer of light. "Well, I'll have a try."

Essie smiled, "now let's talk about the second thing. You, the director of human resources, should put

on airs. Is everything done by your assistant?"

Vinton cleared his throat and said, "he did what I asked him to do."

With a cunning smile, Essie bent down slightly to press the voice to the lowest and said to his ear, "I'm

afraid he is not following your orders, but your uncle's orders, right?"


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