Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 683 Uphold Justice At The Cost Of His Blood Relations

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"No --" Essie screamed hysterically. A mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth and stained Zac's

shirt red.

"Essie!" Zac's face was pale and nervous. The bright red blood stung his eyes. Looking at her mental

breakdown, he felt a sharp pain in his chest like a fire, and at the same time, he was panic and fearful.

There were too many things in her life that she couldn't bear. He was afraid that she would collapse

because of this.

"My little fool, I know you can't accept it. But you still have Mili, Dot and me. You have to be strong for

us." He caressed her face, kissed her, and comforted her in a hoarse voice.

Essie didn't move, like a wooden man, turning a blind eye to it and ignoring it. She was completely

trapped in her own painful state.

Her eyes widened, and tears fell down from them like broken beads. She clenched her fists. Her

fingernails were deeply embedded in her flesh, but she didn't feel any pain, because the pain in her

heart had covered everything.

Walt was not far away. His eyes darkened. If it weren't for Leila's hold, he would have fallen down. He

couldn't believe that the child he had been looking forward to was gone.

Immersed in their own pain, no one noticed him. Worried that he would lose control, Leila pulled him

out and said, "Let's leave first and let Essie and Zac calm down alone."

Walt turned around stiffly and stumbled outside. He needed a place to cry out.

In the car, Walt grabbed Leila's neck and asked, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Leila grabbed his hand and tried to break it off, but he was too strong. She could not do so. "I... I am

most afraid of the fierce ghost in red How dare I make use of her? " she explained with difficulty, almost


Walt relaxed his hand. "Aren't you still dreaming of being the hostess of our family?"

"A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier. And if I don't want to be the hostess,

I'm not a good daughter in law either. Is there anything wrong if I want to be the hostess? And I did this

for you. " Leila curled her lips.

"You'd better have nothing to do with it, or I will let you die with my child," Walt warned harshly.

"I've only been in the Rong Mansion for a few days. How could I know there is a secret passage?" Leila

snorted, "In fact, everyone knows who did it, but no one dares to say anything without conclusive


Walt cast a sidelong glance at her. He and Zac didn't know that there was a secret passage in the

family, let alone her, a member of the Qin family who had never been allowed to enter the family. The

only person who could know was his mother.

"I didn't expect her to be so vicious." He gritted his teeth.

"It's not surprising that mother-in-law hates her daughter in law and kills her. There are already many

news about the examples on TV. Mother-in-law quarrels with daughter in law, and mother-in-law kills

the latter. Besides, there is mother-in-law hated their daughter-in-law so much that she took it out on

the grandson and killed him," Leila said casually.

Walt smashed his fist on the steering wheel. "Vicious woman! Vicious woman!" If she was not his

biological mother, he would kill her without hesitation and avenge his poor child!

Leila patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "Now that things have come to this, you'd better restrain

your grief."

In the hospital, at the door of the emergency room, Essie reached out her hand to the doctor and said,

"Give my child back to me. I want to hug him. I haven't hugged him well yet."

The dean of the hospital walked into the emergency room, took out the baby who had lost his breath

and put it into the arms of Essie.

Essie held him, stroke his little pale face. "Don't be afraid. I'm here. I won't let anyone take you away.

You just fell asleep. You will wake up when you are hungry. " She gently stroked his head, lowered her

head and kissed his little face, eyes, nose and mouth.

Zac punched the wall with grief and indignation. He could become the hand of God, turning clouds and

rain in the stock market, turning stone into gold, and invincible in business. But now seeing his son

passed away and his wife was heartbroken, he could do nothing.

"Ice guy, can you sing to the baby?" said Essie in a hoarse voice? He likes to listen to daddy singing

the most. In the past, he didn't want to sleep at night and played naughtily in Mommy's belly. As long as

daddy sang, he would stay still and go to bed. "

"Okay." Zac nodded, turned around, and held her in his arms. "When I am down and oh my soul so


This was the song he often sung for his baby, 'You Raise Me Up', which was also the favorite song of

Essie. She said that this song expressed her feelings for him, "You encouraged me, so I stood on the

top of the mountains. You encouraged me, let me go through the waves and waves, and leaned on

your shoulder, then I became incomparably strong!"

However, at this moment, he found that he was not so strong. It was because of his mercy that she and

the child suffered devastating damage.

Essie pulled the baby's mouth and blew on it gently. Tears streamed down her cheeks into the baby's

mouth. The baby's lips trembled, and so did Essie. She didn't ignore his subtle reaction, but keenly felt


"Baby... The baby moved! " she screamed in a hoarse voice.

Both Zac and the doctor were shocked.

"Is it your illusion?" a doctor said in a low voice.

"No, no, my baby really moved." Shaking her head desperately, Essie reached out a hand and grabbed

the hem of Zac's cloth. "Zac, it's not an illusion. Trust me. He really moved, really moved," she said

repeatedly, afraid that he wouldn't believe her.

"Check it right away," Zac said in a low voice.

The dean asked the nurse to bring the stethoscope and put it on the child's chest to listen carefully. His

face gradually showed an unbelievable expression of shock. "There is a heartbeat, really a heartbeat.

A miracle, a miracle!" he shouted excitedly.

The pediatrician rushed over, "Hurry up, Mrs. Essie, give the child to us, and we'll go to the emergency

room for rescue."

"Let me in with my husband. The baby must have heard Daddy singing before he came to his senses,"

said Essie, carefully putting the baby into his arms.

The dean nodded. The nurse pushed her into the emergency room with Zac. Zac continued to sing for

the child. His singing was like the source and power of life, like the candlelight of hope, guiding the

child's soul back to his parents.

"Blood pressure, heartbeat and pulse are recovered! The baby is back to life! " the nurses cheered


"It's a miracle in the medical history," the dean said excitedly. It was also reported on the news that a

mother in Australia comforted her dead son for two hours and brought him back to life. He didn't expect

such a miracle to really appear in front of him.

Zac and Essie hugged each other tightly, crying with joy. The baby was back with them. That's great!

That's great!

The doctor gave the baby a ventilator, put it into the incubator carefully and sent it to the VVIP intensive

care unit.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rong, the baby's vital signs have returned to normal and will not be in danger for the time

being. But because of the premature birth, his breathing system is still very weak. He must stay in the

incubator. We will definitely take care of him. Please rest assured," said the dean.

Hearing that, Essie nodded. Her eyes darkened and she fell into Zac's arms. She had been weak for a

long time. She could hold on till now only with perseverance.

The doctor came to examine her and made sure that she fainted because of lack of strength. Zac was


It took Essie two whole days to wake up. Zac had been taking care of her all the time.

In the afternoon, William came over. He had two things to report.

The first thing was that Marlon had caught the woman who called Essie's cousin near Phoenix Road

that day.

The second thing was about Peri, a maid who disguised as a fierce ghost in red. She was dead. That

day, after she ran out of the secret passage, she hid in a col near the horse farm. The security guards

found her whereabouts and chased her. She jumped into the waterfall in a hurry. When the security

guards picked her up, she was already out of breath.

"You and director Liu should interrogate all the people who have contacted her. You must find out who

instigated her." Murderous look appeared on Zac's cold face. This time, no matter who it was, he would

not let go!

Not long after William left, Lucy and Bob came with the children.

The couples felt so sorry for their daughter.

"I knew it. That vicious woman, Mary wouldn't let go of Essie. She is so vicious that she won't let go of

her grandson for the position of hostess," Lucy said while wiping her tears.

Taking a look at Zac, Bob said, "Your mother and I have reached an agreement. After Essie is

discharged from the hospital, she will sit her month in our home. We will take care of her. We can't trust


How could Zac not understand what he meant?

"Dad, mom, I'm sorry. I didn't protect Essie well this time." He felt guilty and sorry.

Waving her hand, Essie said, "It's none of your business. I was too reckless to go in alone." No matter

how strong he was, he was still a mortal, not a God. Without three heads, six arms and avatar skill, he

couldn't stay by her side and watch her twenty-four hours a day.

Lucy held her daughter in her arms and said, "It's easy to dodge an open gun, but difficult to dodge an

arrow in secret. Someone is scheming to kill you. Even if you dodge this time, you may not be able to

escape next time."

"It won't happen again," Zac said firmly. His patience had exceeded his limit and he could no longer

tolerate that person.

Lucy glanced at him and said nothing. What could he do? Was he going to uphold justice at the cost of

his mother? A narrow-minded and petty woman like Mary would trample on her as long as she

regarded her as an enemy. She wouldn't stop until she killed her.

escape next time."

"It won't happen again," Zac said firmly. His patience had exceeded his limit and he could no longer

tolerate that person.

Lucy glanced at him and said nothing. What could he do? Was he going to uphold justice at the cost of

his mother? A narrow-minded and petty woman like Mary would trample on her as long as she

regarded her as an enemy. She wouldn't stop until she killed her.


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