Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 455 The Secret Was Found

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He snorted, but didn't let go of her,.

The salty smell of blood poured into her mouth, making her shrink and weak. Her stiff body seemed to

be drained and collapsed in his arms.

He reached out and closed the small window, so that the people on the driver's seat could not see the

back, and then he took the opportunity to attack and seize her.

He was like a raging fire, burning her reason and thinking.

When the car stopped at the entrance to the cemetery, she felt so shame that she hastily tidied up her

messy clothes. The big demon must have the ability to capture a soul. Obviously, she is a rational

woman. How could she fall in him again?

"We will... Keep a distance in the future." She moved up and tried to stay away from him. It was really

inappropriate for her to take the same car with him.

"In the future?" He pursed his lips and said, "We haven't parted yet. Are you looking forward to the next


Embarrassed and annoyed, she explained, "You misunderstood me. I mean, the less we see each

other the better." She added. There was a saying that it's better to miss someone than to meet one. It

was said that love was as ruthless as heart. And it was most suitable for their current relationship.

He reached out his arm and caught her. Then he gently pulled her into his arms.

"Stop it. Everybody has got out of the car." She shook off his hand in panic, fearing that someone

would come over and see it.

"People outside could not see what was happening inside the car." Zac reassured her. All the cars in

the Rong Mansion were customized. They were bulletproof and able to prevent peeping.

"Even so, we have to leave as soon as possible. After all, you are married. We have to avoid

suspicion." Essie curled her lips again, thinking that the big devil would only push his luck if he succeed

this time.

"Polygamy is quite common in the Rong family," Zac said in a joking tone.

However, Essie did not see any amusement in it. She hit him on the shoulder angrily and yelled, "Who

is your concubine? You can't even dream of taking me as your concubine! "

"When did I say you were a concubine? Don't demean yourself. The old lady declared in public that you

are her granddaughter in law. Of course you are a wife." Zac said, flicking her forehead.

She pouted. Without that piece of paper, no matter what, she felt that it was not valid in name.

Moreover, there was a lack of legal protection. So she did not have the courage to be his wife. Besides,

she didn't want to be his wife anymore.

"As for me, I'm your ex-wife and this is the most suitable relationship for us. As for your present wife

and concubines, you should go and find Leila and Landis." She turned her head to the window and

didn't look at him. The only thing she wanted to do at this moment was to get off the car quickly and

stay away from him.

He suddenly said in a serious tone, "Look at me, Essie." He grabbed her chin and turned her head to

force her to look at him. It seemed that he had something to say to her.

She looked at him with her eyes wide open, seeming to be bewildered and wondering what he was

going to say.

He pursed his lips and opened his mouth slowly, "Give me some time. Don't rush to marry Hanson."

She was slightly stunned and lowered her eyes, which cast a shadow on her eyelids. "You're already

married. Can't I start a new life?"

"Only three months are enough." He held her hands and said, "I will make it up to you."

"I have even sent out our engagement invitation cards with Hanson. It's impossible to cancel it." She bit

her lips and looked dispirited. She had lost confidence in their relationship.

"I mean don't go to the Bureau of civil affairs. You two will be officially married in October, right? You

can register on that day,"

he said in a low and clear voice. Although he hoped very much that she would not hold an engagement

ceremony, it was obviously impossible. It was known to all that they were engaged. She loved Hanson

more than him. How could she disgrace Hanson for the sake of him? He could only make a request

that she could accept.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Essie said, "I've decided to get married with Hanson when I recover my

health." She told him in a low voice that she made this decision not for him, but for the old lady. She

had made so much effort to delay the wedding. She couldn't disregard her. Today, she came to worship

the ancestors of the Rong family and acknowledged that she was still the daughter-in-law of the Rong

family. That was to say, she accepted the old lady's request.

Zac didn't care about the reason. What he wanted was only to get the result satisfying. With a smile at

the corners of his mouth, he said, "Okay, it's a deal. You can't promise anything to Hanson even if he

asks to register ahead of time,"

he said in a tone of near order, as if he could only allow her to follow and not allow her to disobey. She

sneaked a glance at him. He was really an arrogant big demon, even asking for help was so


There was a solemn ceremony for worshipping the ancestors of the Rong family. First, Abel and Alena

led the seniors to do the worship, then, Albert and Mary led their sons and daughters in law to do the

worship, and finally, was the grandchildren led by Zac and Essie went down on their knees to worship.

It was a mandatory custom for the grandchildren to kneel on the ground. Because of Essie's injured

knee, she was specially granted to do the worship without kneeling down.

Essie felt that she was so outstanding in the group. It was because everyone, including Zac had to

kneel down to do the worship. Only she stood there. Another reason was that she was not his current

wife but his ex-wife.

In Rong family, in more than one hundred years, she was the only wife that could obtain such a great


The two elders doted on her so much, which made her feel very uneasy.

The ceremony didn't come to an end until afternoon.

When they came back, the old lady asked Essie to go to the study alone.

"You are a smart girl. You should know what I want to do today." The old lady held her hand.

Essie nodded. "Grandma, thank you and grandpa for still taking me as the granddaughter in law of the

Rong family. I don't want to disappoint you and grandpa. But I have already engaged to Hanson and I

have already sent the wedding invitation cards. I can't eat my words. But I have promised Zac. I will

give him three months. Within these three months, I won't get married. What do you think? "

The old lady nodded slightly. "Three months is enough. If Zac could not handle it well, I could only say

that he is not lucky enough to have you."

Essie lowered her head again. In fact, she didn't have much hope at all. She just didn't want to

disappoint the old lady.

The old lady patted her on the hand and said, "I know it's not easy for you. Zac has hurt you, so you

have the right to pursue your own happiness. But I can't watch our great grandson becoming someone

else's grandson."

The old lady said in a low and soft voice, which stirred great storms in Essie's heart.

"Grandma..." Her tongue stiffened in fear and she couldn't even speak.

The old lady, however, looked peaceful. She picked up the teacup on the table, sipped the tea and

slowly said, "I've already seen Mili and Dot. Dot look exactly like Zac when he was a child. I know he is

from Rong family from the first sight I saw him. "

How could it be? Essie's eyes widened. How come the kids never mentioned it?

The old lady looked into her eyes deeply and continued, "I also checked your medical records in

Dragon City hospital. You didn't have an abortion, did you?"

Panic and fear filled Essie's eyes. The thought of losing her baby sent a chill down her spine. But she

could tell from Zac's calmness that the old lady hadn't told him yet.

"Grandma!" She stood up and knelt down in front of the old lady which startled her. "My girl, what are

you doing?"

"Mili and Dot are the kids of Zac, but they can't reunite with Zac. Please don't tell this secret to him,


"Are you resenting Zac?" The old lady sighed.

Essie shook her head. "I'm doing this for the safety of my kids. At the beginning, both Elizabeth and

Valery wanted to kill my children. Fortunately, Hanson came in time and drove the murder away, so that

they could be saved. I know they won't let my kids go. They will do this a second time, a third time. So I

had to ask the doctor to lie to them so that they thought I lost the baby. Then I left Dragon City and hid

in a safe place to give birth to the baby."

Tears welled up in the old lady's eyes. Thinking about the prestigious family as the Rong family, but

couldn't even able to protect her two great grandchildren.

"It was your stupid mother-in-law. She connived in Valery, that murder again and again. Otherwise, you

and your baby wouldn't be bullied." Anger was written all over the old lady's face. "I was too careless. I

had been hoping that your mother-in-law would wake up. I didn't expect her to be so unrepentant until


"Grandma, right now, Zac and Leila have been married. Leila is not a white rabbit. She is as strong as

Valery. If she knows that Mili and Dot are Zac's kids, she will take them as a thorn in the flesh and try to

hurt them."

"If she dares to hurt my great grandson, I will peel off her skin," the old lady said coldly.

"But it's not easy to find out who's behind all this. We can't keep an eye on the kids all the time. But

what worry me most is not Leila. No matter how malicious she is, she is only an individual."

After a pause, Essie continued, "What I worry most is our Xu family's current enemies. They dare to do

anything to Mr. Baron and my sister, which indicates that their power is extraordinary. More horribly,

they are still hiding in the dark. We don't know who they are? If I'm not mistaken, they are planning to

destroy the relationship between the two families. If they know that Mili and Dot are Zac's children, they

might try to kidnap them and threaten us with them."

Holding her hand, Alena stood up and sat beside her. "Your concerns make sense. Kids are too young

to protect themselves. You can't put hidden danger around them."

"Grandma, even if I have to marry Hanson, the kids won't change their surname to Xia. They knew they

were Zac's son, and often went out with him. They got along well. I promise you, after the crisis of the

Xu family is solved, I will take all of them back to our clan, okay? " Essie begged.

Alena sighed. "That's the only way. But you have to promise me one thing..."


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