Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 363 Settle The Problem

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She struggled desperately, beating and kicking him, trying to escape, but it was useless. In front of him,

a strong demon, she was always a weak lamb. All her resistance was in vain, and at last she was

eaten up by him.

"Zac, you bastard, shameless, brute, we have divorced," she protested weakly, tears dripping with the

sweat soaked the hair of her forehead.

"You have to remember that you are mine. If you forget, I will come to help you strengthen your

memory," he threatened.

She thought to herself, 'Does he mean that he will come and plunder me from time to time?'

Why? He had married another woman. Why didn't he let her go?

"You are so horrible."

"If you are afraid of me, then behave yourself and don't make me angry." He gave a sinister and evil


"Devil." She took a deep breath again and again. She had no strength to resist. What she could do was

to digest all the grievances. She looked out of the window and found that it was already dark. She

suddenly remembered that she was going to have an afternoon tea with Mili. In a hurry, she picked up

her cell phone and dialed her number.

"Mommy, we have been waiting for you for a long time. You haven't come yet, so we have to eat

something and go back," Mili said in a sweet voice over the phone.

"Isn't it June Pavilion?"

"May Pavilion. Alas, did I write something wrong in my message?"

Hearing that, Essie didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. It had never occurred to her that it was

the trap of a daughter and a father had set for her. She just thought that she went to the wrong place

and happened to bump into the territory of Zac's, as a result she was pulled in by him.

"I'm going back." She picked up the scattered clothes on the carpet and put them on.

Zac strode forward and hugged her from behind. "You little fool, I'll keep my integrity and come back

clean. Don't believe it no matter what video or gossip you see or hear in the future, okay?"

"Do you mean the gossips between you and Landis?" she blurted out.

"There might not just be Landis. There might be others. Please don't believe it." He had to give her a

heads up first.

She couldn't understand him at all. Her mind seemed to be glued by his words. What was he talking

about? And what was he doing?

Before she could figure out what was going on, he pulled her over and demanded, Honey, you must

stay away from what happened in America."

"Which... Which kind of thing?" She was confused.

"The things with Hanson." He looked gloomy. "I'll only forgive you for once. If you dare to make the

same mistake again, I'll throw you to a desert island and imprison you for life," He almost said it

through gritted teeth.

She was overwhelemed with rage. She knew what he was referring to. He always thought Mili and Dot

were the kids she and Hanson had given birth in America.

It was just because he couldn't accept the truth that he forced himself to forget her unconsciously after

he passed out.

But now, he said he had forgiven her!

How could he forgive such a serious thing?

It was unbelievable!

Even an ordinary man would not accept his wife to have a baby with another man, let alone an arrogant

king like him! This was a serious issue that was related to men's dignity and face.

"Can you really forgive me?"

"You are a brainless fool. You would do something wrong as soon as your brain got hot. And you

always think that we have divorced," he said in a low voice. He loved her too much. He loved her with

all his heart and soul. He even forgot his bottom line.

"Frozen guy..." She was dazed, and in a moment, the bitterness, together with a hundred kinds of

feelings mixed in her chest, made her unable to say a word. She could use tears to express her

complicated and conflicting feelings.

She cried even more loudly. In the next second, she was filled with pain, sadness and resentment.

"Why did you marry Leila? Why?" She cried bitterly. Although he didn't have sex with Leila, she was

heartbroken as long as she thought that his wife had become another woman.

"My little fool!" He hugged her tightly in his arms. His heart was hurt by her crying and it was broken.

"I'll be back. I'm yours. I'm always yours, always."

"If you make yourself dirty, I will leave you forever. I will never take you back again." Her small hands

firmly grasped the hem of his cloth. She had never thought that she was so reluctant to lose him.

When she came back home, she became particularly calm and rational, which suppressed all her

impulsive emotions.

What the hell Zac was he doing? He acted so weird and abnormal that it was totally not his style of

doing things. The most weird thing was that he let another man and Leila have...

Was it because his disease didn't recover and he didn't want Leila to know?

She understood that he just wanted to have two girlfriends at the same time.

Such a good plan!

Although she was very confused and she often had a brain fart, she was not a fool. She had already

seen through his trick, and she would not get into his tender trap. She knew what happened today

wouldn't happen again and his words wouldn't be easily believed.

For the next two days, Landis dominated the front page of entertainment news. The press release of

the secret meeting between her and some rich young master was exposed, along with the photos of

them two in private meeting in the club. Although the parts above the male neck were blurred, and they

were completely invisible, the mobile phone in his hand was clearly magnified, and the character 'Rong'

carved on it was completely exposed which fully revealed his identity.

And the leading role of the most popular TV drama series 'Splendid Phoenix' starred by Landis, which

had cost Sino Star a lot of money recently, had also been the evidence that she was the mistress of the

big boss.

When Leila saw the news, she got mad. It had been two days in a row that Zac didn't come back.

Probably he stayed with Landis. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. At last,

she couldn't help but ran to the Emperor's office.

"Zac, is the gossip about you and Landis real or not?"

"Just for a play." Zac replied carelessly, leaning against the boss chair.

"Brother Zac, we have just gotten married. How could you go out and find another woman?" Feeling

wronged, Leila almost burst into tears.

"I've been with her for a long time. She has followed me since she was signed by Sino Star," Zac said

indifferently. He stood up and put his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry. You will only be my wife,

and no one can take it away from you. Those women are just for fun. I won't take it seriously."

Leila wasn't comforted at all. She wanted to monopolize him, not to share with other women. "Weren't

you still with Essie when she came to Sino Star? Are you cheating on Essie and have an affair with

another woman?"

Zac sat back in his chair, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of the tea. "You don't think

that I only have one girl, Essie, in this relationship all the time, right?"

"Isn't it true?" Leila was shocked.

At the same time, a slight smile was drawn at the corners of Zac's charming lips. "For a man, love and

desire can be separated. In terms of sexual desire, what I pursue is freshness. Can a woman be fresh

with me for too long?"

As if hit by a blow, Leila's shoulders shook uncontrollably. "You... Why didn't I know you had a mistress


Zac raised his eyebrows and said in a stern tone, "Who do you think I am? Why do I have to make

everyone know about it?"

"But now everyone knows that you are involved in the affair with Landis," Leila was so desperate that

she almost screamed. Right now, Zac had completely changed. He was a playboy, a womanizer and

always treated women as her plaything. She knew nothing about this Zac.

"That is your problem!" Zac snorted, "In the past, after I had done with those women, Essie would solve

it for me without leaving any future trouble. She was very sensible to maintain my good reputation and

good image. And you, instead of doing anything for me, just ran to question me. Don't you know the

most basic responsibility as a wife?"

There were buzzing sounds in Leila's head. She felt like she had been kicked into the bottomless abyss

by him. And she didn't expect that Essie would help him solve the problem of his love affairs with other

women. How was that possible? He seemed to love her very much. How could he cheat on her and

play with another woman behind her back?

She didn't believe, not at all.

He had always been cold to women. Knowing him for so many years, he had never been gentle to any

woman except Essie. He must be lying to her on purpose so that she would hate him and divorce him.

She told herself to keep calm. She couldn't fall into his trap. She needed to sound it out from Essie's

and find out his real purpose.

"Brother Zac, I won't ask you anything about this. Come back early tonight, okay? Let's have dinner

together. " She softened her voice.

Zac held her hand and said, "I have a dinner tonight. Try to come back as soon as possible. Don't

worry. As long as you are good and generous, I will take good care of you."

Leila bit her lower lip and nodded reluctantly. The moment she walked out, Zac's eyes became darker,

as gloomy and cold as a thousand year old well.

As soon as she came out of the Emperor, Leila drove directly to the HENGYUAN building.

Essie didn't want to see her, but she stayed at the CEO's office's secretary's office, and she refused to

leave. Essie could not help but let her in.

"Do you have time? Let's go to the coffee shop downstairs to have a cup of coffee," Leila said.


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