Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 362 I Will Definitely Come Back

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"Don't mention him. We are here for fun and don't let this spoil our mood." Essie said quietly. She didn't

even want to hear the words 'Zac' anymore.

"Okay, okay. Let's stop this topic. I want to talk about the gossip between Eva and Vinton." Lucy teased

her with a smile, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"Well, whatever. I am the queen of conversation." Eva laughed.

In the fishing platform, the children had fished out a large bucket of fish.

"We'll have fish soup tonight. Uncle can cook the best fish soup," Holy said cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll feed each of you a big bowl." Bob smiled and stroked his head.

"Daddy Hanson." Michelle turned to look at Hanson. "You have to come to accompany Mommy more

often in the future. Don't let other uncles take her away."

"How do you know there are other uncles who want to steal Mommy?" Hanson asked with a smile.

"Recently, there have been roses delivered to my home every morning. Needless to say, it's from the

uncle who has been pursuing my mommy." Mili's long, dense eyelashes fluttered twice.

"So I have to keep an eye on mommy in case someone takes her away from me. Hanson smiled.

"Daddy Hanson, don't worry. Mommy just like you, not them," Dot said unhurriedly.

"But why?" Hanson asked on purpose.

"Because Mommy is a very faithful person. You are her first lover. She will always like you," Dot said

earnestly as he touched his chin, imitating an adult's behavior.

Hearing that, Hanson felt very happy in his heart. Stroking his head with a smile, he said, "Dot have

learned to make people happy."

"I'm not going to lie. I'm just telling the truth," Dot said seriously.

"Daddy Hanson likes your truth-telling." Hanson gave him a big kiss on his pink face. To be honest, he

paid no attention to other pursuers of this woman, except for Zac. He believed that their relationship

could not be replaced by those evil dudes.

The sun rose high in the sky. Bob stood up and went to the cabin to prepare lunch.

Hanson continued to fish with Holy and Dot. Mili excused herself with drink and sat down on the sofa

beside the bar counter. She faintly heard what they gossiping just now. She wanted to ask Zac if the

gossip was true.

"Daddy, are you free today?" She took out her iPad and sent a message.

"Yes, I did," Zac replied soon.

"I heard that you were involved in a love affair. Are you really dating with Landis in secret?" She sent a

crying-smiling face Emoji.

Zac wiped the sweat from his forehead on the other end. "Did your mother know about it too?"

"Yes, Mommy must be very angry. You're completely over. You're out of the game. Even if you want to

come back later, Mommy won't take you back anymore." Mili sent an Emoji with a neck cut.

Zac shook his head and smiled bitterly. He deliberately got himself involved in the gossip in order to

distract Leila's attention and prevent her from targeting at his little fool. His image must be very bad in

her heart. He couldn't let his current image affect her. What if she had a fever in her brain and did an

irreparable 'mistake' again? Then everything would be worse.

"Little girl, can you do me a favor?"


"The day after tomorrow at noon..." Zac was typing on the keyboard. Something vicious flashed in his


After Bob made the lunch ready, everyone went into the cabin's dining room to eat.

On the table, there was a pot of delicious sea fish soup. The smell was so tempting.

The kids said that they couldn't wait to have soup. Essie filled one bowl for each of them and said,

"Drink it slowly. Be careful of the fishbone."

"Uncle Yi is really good at cooking. If he takes part in the chef competition, he will definitely win the first

place." Eva gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Of course, the ancestors of our Yi family are the Royal chef, and we have made a full formal banquet,"

Essie said with a smile.

"If a woman meets a man as good as Uncle Yi, she has to marry him as soon as possible. Don't

hesitate, or she will regret," Eva said half-jokingly.

"It makes sense. My father is the best man in the world. You can't find the second one!" Essie sighed


"That's not right. Am I not the second one?" Hanson put his arm around her shoulders to strengthen his

sense of existence.

"Yeah, you can't just talk highly of me and forget my good son-in-law," Bob said with a smile.

Eva patted Hanson's shoulder and said, "He can get a full score now, but it still needs time to take the


Hanson gave her a reproachful look and patted his chest. "True gold fears no fire."

After spending two days on the sea, Essie went back to her office. The moment she sat down, she

received a message from Mili, which read, "Mommy, let's have afternoon tea in the Victoria teahouse. I

asked aunt Pana to book a private room for us. It is called June Pavilion. Three o'clock. Be there on


Essie shook her head with a smile. It was the most high-end British style afternoon tea room in Dragon

City, where celebrities came and went. Did her little Mili want to be a socialite divas?

In the afternoon, after she dealt with the company's affairs, she went straight to the Victoria tea house.

There were twelves private rooms in the tea room, all of which were soundproof and able to protect the

privacy of the rich and powerful families.

When Essie opened the door and saw the person inside, she was shocked. She turned around and

wanted to run away, but it was too late.

He came like a hurricane, pulling her into his arms and closing the door.

"Let me go!" She hated him very much. Yet, she felt ashamed and angry, so she slapped on his face


Zac could have dodged it, but he didn't move. He took it.

"If it help you to relish your anger, you can go on beating me, just do it." he said in a low voice.

"Don't touch me. You are so dirty. Don't contaminate me," she almost roared. Thinking of the intimate

scene he and Leila made her want to kill someone.

"Why am I dirty?" He was full of grievances.

"You are dirty all over!" She roared and punched him on the shoulder. She hated him!

"I've always kept my integrity for you." He grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

She sneered. This was the most shameless lie she had ever heard. She pushed him away with all her

strength and took out her mobile phone from her pocket. She opened the e-mail from Leila.

"Do you think I am so naive and easily fooled?"

A vicious light flashed in the eyes of Zac, and his disgust for Leila deepened. "That was not me." He

said openly.

"Has it been photoshopped?" She sneered. Although it was dark and she couldn't see the man's face

clearly, she was sure it was him. She was so familiar with his face.

Zac lowered his head and whispered in her ear in a deep and clear voice, "Darling, take a closer look.

Is that my body?"

Hearing what he said, Essie trembled, and her cheeks flushed red. They had countless times of making

it out together, so they were very familiar with each other's figure.

"It's disgusting. I won't take a look." She turned off the video and put her phone in her pocket. At the

sight of his face towards another woman, she was driven crazy, resentful, and engulfed with jealousy.

She really wanted to kick the bad guy who had betrayed her in between his legs, and told him not to do

anything bad in the future.

She didn't know if her thought was inadvertently expressed on her face, but his dark cold eyes blinking.

With a wave of his iron arm, he held her slender waist and resisted her against the wall, then he used

his long legs to hold her legs. "Honey, have you heard of the ultra-realistic replicas mask?"

She was stunned. What did he mean?

"I've never heard of it." She turned her head away. His hot breath spread over her face, which almost

burned her skin.

"The bastard who attacked you last time probably wore the ultra-realistic replicas mask, so I haven't

found him until now,"

Zac said slowly. "But he seemed to have enlightened me, so I spent a lot of money hiring someone to

make a mask with the same face as mine. With it on, you won't be able to see any different in the dim

light." He paused and lowered his voice, "The one you saw in the video is my double body."

Essie shuddered with fear. She saw a customized ultra-realistic replicas mask on the Internet when she

went on searching something else. It was reported that someone had put it on to a crime, but she didn't

expect that Zac would use it.

"You asked someone else to..." She opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe what she just heard.

Wasn't this equal to cuckolding himself? And Leila was the love of his life. Didn't he feel sad to let

others have sex with her? He was a powerful and possessive man in the universe. How could he allow

his wife to have sex with other man? He was outrageous even she had just talked to other men.

She couldn't figure it out. She was so stupid that she seemed to never be able to read his mind.

When she was stunned, Zac said in a low voice, "Honey, I have to keep my integrity for you." His

slender fingers touched her face, and his thin lips almost touched hers. His charm of male hormone

turned into a warm breeze, gently circling on her face, making her feel drunk, as if she had just drunk a

lot of champagne.

"We have We have divorced. I'm your... ex-wife." She corrected him in a low voice. Since her brain was

out of oxygen and her tongue was tied up, she could not speak clearly.

There was an unspeakable hopelessness in his eyes. He couldn't tell her about the fake divorce or

sham marriage for the time being. He needed to wait until the virus on her body was completely cleared


"I'll be back. Wait for me." He said word by word, firm and forceful.

"No, we have finished," she said in a fit of pique.

"You have to wait. You are my woman." He regained his usual arrogance and tyranny.

"I'm not your pet, nor your puppet."

She got angry and began to beat him on the shoulder like raindrops.

He let her vent and then bowed his head to kiss her on the lips.

turned into a warm breeze, gently circling on her face, making her feel drunk, as if she had just drunk a

lot of champagne.

"We have We have divorced. I'm your... ex-wife." She corrected him in a low voice. Since her brain was

out of oxygen and her tongue was tied up, she could not speak clearly.

There was an unspeakable hopelessness in his eyes. He couldn't tell her about the fake divorce or

sham marriage for the time being. He needed to wait until the virus on her body was completely cleared


"I'll be back. Wait for me." He said word by word, firm and forceful.

"No, we have finished," she said in a fit of pique.

"You have to wait. You are my woman." He regained his usual arrogance and tyranny.

"I'm not your pet, nor your puppet."

She got angry and began to beat him on the shoulder like raindrops.

He let her vent and then bowed his head to kiss her on the lips.


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