Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 442 Merry Meet, Merry Part

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Zac knew what had happened yesterday would definitely leave a shadow for her and intensified the

misunderstanding between her and her mother. He had to find out the truth early and resolve the

conflict between the two old people.

"Actually, when I first saw Essie brought to our home by Zac, it reminded me of that mischievous angel,

Cathy. She really resembled you very much," Albert said with a smile.

The next day after the announcement of Zac's marriage, Albert sent a group of people to Jiang City to

investigate the background of Essie because he had to be sure that the background of the future

hostess of the Rong family must be clear.

Lucy had changed her name, changed her appearance and got married. He couldn't be sure that she

was the same person as before, but he thought it was possible. He was reassured after aunt Bonney

made the prediction of the Eight Character for the children. That's because Essie had the same birth

date as Cathy.

However, he did not speak out the secret. Some of the problems could only be solved by the young

themselves. He believed that Essie would say what she wanted to say and she wouldn't need his help.

Hearing that, Essie was shocked. She could hear what Albert was trying to express. It turned

out that he knew she was Cathy. Her father in law was really a shrewd and hidden man.

Zac also knew what his father meant. How calm his father was! How could he keep such an important

secret from his own son? He had been 'tricked' by this little fool.

"I found that I was always the last one to know a lot of things," Zac sighed with self-mockery.

Raising her eyes slightly, Essie stole a glance at him from her thick eyelashes. She couldn't help but

think of the story of Mili and Dot. If he knew the truth, he would not spare her, would he? It was his own

flesh and blood, but without knowing it, he always thought they were other people's children. The most

pathetic thing was that the kids also knew the truth and followed their mommy to hide it from him.

In fact, he was a tolerant and generous person. He had thought that she had cheated him and had kids

with another man. Yet, he accepted her again. As an arrogant king, it was challenging his bottom line.

She had never felt sorry for him, but she indeed felt guilty when it came to her children. But she had no

choice. She couldn't lose her baby. She couldn't bear to separate Mili and Dot. The only thing she could

do was to hide the truth.

"The less you know, the less trouble you will have," she said in a low voice.

"That is right. But if there is misunderstanding between you, it's better to let it go and make it clear,"

Adding to her words, Albert said in a gentle tone, as if it was a kind reminder.

Lucy said with a faint smile. "In fact, it's a happy ending for both of you to have your own love now."

A bitter smile flashed across Zac' face. Maybe it was a happy thing for Essie. She could finally marry

the man she had a crush on for a long time, but it was a sad thing for him.

He took a sip of the wine on the table to ease himself.

With a gentle smile, Bob looked at his daughter and said, "Marriage is a big event in one's life. But if

you make a mistake, you still have a chance to turn over a new leaf. Since you and Zac have your own

new families now, you can live a peaceful life. Don't have anything in your heart any more. It is said that

'merry together, merry part'. It is good for you to leave each other like friends and take care of each

other in the future."

This was also what Essie thought. She nodded, and she believed that the best ending for her and Zac

would be to be friends. In the past, Leila said that he married Leila out of some reasons. She believed

it. But why did he hold the wedding with her? Was there also any reason that he had to hold the

ceremony with her? She didn't believe it at all. It was his love to her had been rekindled.

They had a deep love that she couldn't compare with. They were connected with each other all the

time. Now that they lived together day and night, it was strange that he didn't fall in love with her again.

"Zac, let's be friends in the future. I wish you and Leila grow old together." She forced a smile.

"You just can't remember what I said," Zac said with a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, but his

eyes flashed malicious and cold light.

She shrugged. She remembered. And she remembered clearly that he said that if they couldn't

become a couple, they would be enemies. But would they become enemies? The Xu's group and the

Rong's Group were partners and were closely related by interests. They were an alliance, how could

they become enemies?

"Anyway, we are business partners. It is good for all of us to be friends. Right, President Rong? " She

reminded him. As a giant capitalist, he should know that profit was everything.

"I always keep my personal and business separate," Zac said in an implicit and meaningful way.

Essie instantly got what he meant. He was her business partner and an enemy in a private relationship.

Was it done in this way? He was indeed a devil, behaving in a different way from others.

"Although President Rong didn't tell me before you made your decision, I'm still willing to respect your


She sneered. It was him who got divorced her secretly and married with another woman. He didn't

listen to her opinion or care about her feelings.

If he wanted to be an enemy, then he should be one. It was her who should hold the grudge. It was

magnanimous of her to treat him as a friend. He should be grateful and had no right to hate her!

Zac cast a dark and deep glance at her. Right now, he was a jerk. But when his day of injustice came,

he would see whether this stupid girl could challenge him reasonably!

The elders around them couldn't understand what they were talking about, but they could feel the

disharmony on the table.

"Well, let bygones be bygones. Don't mention them anymore. Let's all look forward," Bob said.

"Yes, it is better to forget what happened many years ago. Don't let it affect our future life." Albert took

over the chance to continue. He was making his point to the kids, and also to Luce. No matter what

happened between Mary and her, he didn't want to affect the next generation. After all, they were

innocent and shouldn't be involved in the matter of the last generation.

Luce picked up the glass of wine on the table and took a sip of the wine. She understood what was in

Albert's mind. But she could never forgive Mary, never. And she knew that this wicked woman would

not be good to her daughter. She would definitely do anything to put her daughter in dangerous and her

daughter would repeat her tragedy.

"Essie, your engagement ceremony was held in next month. Did you invite uncle Rong and Zac to the

engagement ceremony?" she asked deliberately.

"Yes." Essie nodded.

"That's good. Brother Albert, remember to come here to attend the engagement ceremony of my

daughter." She took hold of Essie's hands and said, "My biggest wish now is that Essie to have a

happy marriage and a happy family. Now she finally has someone whom she can spend the rest of her

life with. I am really happy for her. As for Zac, I don't blame him. I heard that his wife was his first love

and they should be close. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to divorce with Essie. Love cannot

be forced. Since he doesn't love Essie, it is good that he let her go. We should get together and break

up peacefully. Don't contact with each other again and hurt your own families in the future." Her words

were very ambiguous, but the meaning was very clear. That was, Zac and his daughter were

completely over. They would not have any connection anymore!

Zac's mouth twitched. What his mother-in-law said was like a stick hitting hard on his head. However,

he was now in a completely passive position. He could only swallow his anger and explain nothing.

There was no way for Albert to help his son. As long as his marriage with Leila remained, he had to

keep a distance with Essie.

"Essie, Grandpa and grandma will be back in two days. Both of them miss you very much. You can go

back to visit them whenever you are free. The gate of Rong family is always open for you. " The last

sentence was meaningful. The Rong family would only admit her as their daughter-in-law. As long as

she was willing to come back, the Rong family would accept her at any time.

"Okay," Essie said, nodding politely. If it weren't for Mary's appearance, she would be very happy to

visit the Rong's house, after

all there used to be her husband's home. But she wouldn't since Mary was here. She was a thorn in her

flesh. If she went there, she would be insulted by her again. She didn't want to humiliate herself.

After that, there was a long silence on the table. When the dinner was about to finish, Albert asked

again, "How is everything going with Alice?"

"She is good, but she has not regained any of her memory," Essie said in a low voice.

"She is totally different now," Albert said in a low voice. He had been paying attention to what had

happened between Alice and Fell.

If the Xu family and the Qin family were to be united by marriage, the setup of the business world in

dragon city would be more or less changed, which he didn't want to see. His keen intuition told him that

things were not as simple as they appeared to be. Alice and Fell was together. Leila married his son. It

seemed that someone must have set a great trap to ruin the situation, so he could benefit from it.

Nevertheless, did he underestimate the power of the Rong family? When it was time to be ruthless and

cruel, the Rong family would not be perfunctory, and the people who should be sacrificed could not live

in the world for too long.

"Yesterday, I just went to visit Alice. I'm worried that she can't take good care of herself since she lives

alone now. " Luce sighed. If it weren't for Essie's hesitation, she would have taken Alice back to their

house and live with them.

"Mom, don't worry. Anna is there. She will take good care of sister. And sister only loss her memory.

There will be no other problems with her health," Essie comforted her.

If she had not been alerted by the thing about Pana, she would not have moved out to live alone.

She knew very well about Pana's character that she would never steal a common diamond necklace.

Moreover, the salary she paid to her was a considerable amount, enough for her to buy dozens of

diamond necklace. She could never steal anything from her. And most probably, she thought Pana was

an obstacle to sister now and she wanted to drive her away. But what did Pana get in her way?

"She is totally different now," Albert said in a low voice. He had been paying attention to what had

happened between Alice and Fell.

If the Xu family and the Qin family were to be united by marriage, the setup of the business world in

dragon city would be more or less changed, which he didn't want to see. His keen intuition told him that

things were not as simple as they appeared to be. Alice and Fell was together. Leila married his son. It

seemed that someone must have set a great trap to ruin the situation, so he could benefit from it.

Nevertheless, did he underestimate the power of the Rong family? When it was time to be ruthless and

cruel, the Rong family would not be perfunctory, and the people who should be sacrificed could not live

in the world for too long.

"Yesterday, | just went to visit Alice. I'm worried that she can't take good care of herself since she lives

alone now. " Luce sighed. If it weren't for Essie's hesitation, she would have taken Alice back to their

house and live with them.

"Mom, don't worry. Anna is there. She will take good care of sister. And sister only loss her memory.

There will be no other problems with her health," Essie comforted her.

If she had not been alerted by the thing about Pana, she would not have moved out to live alone.

She knew very well about Pana's character that she would never steal a common diamond necklace.

Moreover, the salary she paid to her was a considerable amount, enough for her to buy dozens of

diamond necklace. She could never steal anything from her. And most probably, she thought Pana was

an obstacle to sister now and she wanted to drive her away. But what did Pana get in her way?


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