Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 530 Am I That Bad

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"My biological father is not as kind as my adoptive father. My father is very kind to me. If it weren't for

him, my mother and I wouldn't have lived till today. He gave me the missing father's love, gave me a

complete family, loved me, took care of me, and he was enough for me. I don't need another nominal

father. "

Baron took a deep breath, feeling guilty and sad. "I've been looking for you all these years, but I haven't

found you."

Essie shrugged. Her mother had changed her face and changed her name with her. It was not easy to

find them.

"Well, Mr. Baron, the most important thing now is that you should recover as soon as possible and take

charge of the Xu group. Other things are just unimportant."

The corners of Baron's mouth twitched slightly. How could it be a trifle? For him, getting back together

with his daughter was as important as the Xu group.

At this time, in Hanson's villa, Ivy finally prepared a delicious dinner. Then they turned off the light and

lit two rose shaped candles on the table.

The moonlight, the starlight and the candle light interwove into a dreamy and romantic net, quietly

enveloping the romantic world of the two.

She attentively served a piece of curry crab for Hanson, and nervously stared at his chewing


With a faint smile at the corners of his charming mouth, he said, "It's not bad." He said lightly. There

was a wave of disappointment in Ivy's heart. In order to learn how to cook this candlelight dinner, she

had hurt ten fingers, and they were still painful.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it or not. I'll continue to learn." She lowered her head and murmured.

With an unfathomable smile in her eyes, Hanson suddenly reached out and held her hand.

She shrank back as if she had been stabbed by a needle, with a painful expression on her face. At this

time, Hanson found that her fingers were scalded with several blisters.

His bright eyes twinkled slightly. "A rich lady like you who can afford everything is not suitable to do

such a thing."

Feeling that he was caring about her, Ivy's heart sank into a pool of extremely soft spring water, and

her mind rippled. "It doesn't matter, brother Hanson. I won't... It doesn't hurt at all. "

Hanson glanced at her. What an innocent woman. She was touched at his simple care tone. In fact,

what he wanted to say was that she was not his style, so there was no need to try.

However, he didn't show it immediately. Instead, he smiled and said, "Let's watch a movie together


"Really? Brother Hanson! " Ivy was so excited that her heart was beating wildly. It seemed that in the

twenty-one years, she had never been so happy as now.

On the second day, when she entered the office, she began to stare at the clock, hoping that it could

walk as fast as flying.

The shadow of the sun finally moved to the West. She jumped excitedly and ran to his office...

He was tidying up the documents on his desk and preparing to get off work.

"Brother Hanson, I'm ready. Let's go." She smiled.

"I have an appointment with a friend tonight. How about another day?" He looked indifferent and his

tone was also indifferent, as if the gentleness disappeared in an instant. After saying that, he picked up

his coat on the back of the chair and walked out without even casting a glance at her.

Disappointment, like a high wave, violently struck the heart of Ivy.

She bit her lower lip tightly and a drop of tear fell down.

She went back to her desk and sat there for a long time. Then she called Daisy and went to eat super

spicy hotpot to vent her anger.

When she arrived at the hot pot city, she drank a glass of ice beer angrily. Suddenly, she saw the figure

that made her depressed from the corner of her eyes.

He sat in an inconspicuous corner and looked at the woman affectionately with a smile on his

handsome face.

That woman...

Oh my god!

Who else could it be if it wasn't Essie? Her sister, Alice, was also sitting next to her.

This dinner was arranged by Alice, and it was also Lucy who asked her to do so. They were trying their

best to bring Essie and Hanson together, hoping that they still have a chance to reconcile.

Seeing the delicious hot pot steaming, Essie was rubbing her hands. She didn't expect that her sister

would call Hanson here, but she had never thought of keeping a distance from Hanson. Even if they

couldn't be lovers, they could be good friends. After all, Hanson was the most trustworthy person in the

world except for Zac.

Hanson poured her favorite duck tongue into it.

It was a call from Alice in the name of Essie, which really surprised him. He had thought that after Essie

and Zac reconciled, they wouldn't have much chance to meet.

"You haven't changed at all. You still look like a little glutton," he said with a smile.

"Eating is the most important and happiest thing for a person." Essie licked her lips.

He fixed his eyes on her, and suddenly there was a slight bitterness in his throat. "I thought we would

not eat face to face like this in the future."

"Why not? Hanson, anyway, you are my best friend! " With a soft smile, Essie's eyelashes fluttered like

butterfly wings.

"Hanson, don't give up. If Zac can take Essie away from you, you can also take her back," Alice said in

a joking tone.

Pretending not to hear her words, Essie ate a piece of duck tongue and sighed with satisfaction. "I

haven't come out to eat hot pot for a long time. I must eat a lot today."

Hanson stared at her. A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, which soon turned into a

silent sigh. If it weren't for Zac, she would have been his wife.

Why did the Matchmaker take the side of Zac?

Not far away, Ivy had been staring at them. Her burning eyes were almost burning, and her originally

charming face was even more gloomy and terrible.

"What are they doing? Why doesn't sister in law go out to eat hot pot with cousin? Why does she go

out with brother Hanson? Since she has reconciled with cousin, she should avoid arousing suspicion!"

She glared at them and murmured to herself in a low voice.

Now she finally knew why Hanson stood her up. It turned out that he had an appointment with his old


Noticing her difference, Daisy turned around and looked in the direction of her gaze. Soon, she saw


"It's sister in law and her sister and your brother Hanson. What a coincidence! They are also eating hot

pot here."

"It's really annoying that they have to eat together today. Not a day earlier nor a day later." Ivy pouted.

"Ivy, haven't you given up on Hanson?" Daisy sighed.

"Why should I give up? Now that my cousin and sister-in-law have reunited, brother Hanson will be

free. I should take advantage of the situation to pursue him," Ivy said seriously.

Daisy smiled, "So you are angry and jealous now?"

"I didn't!" Taking a glance at her, Ivy said, "I'm worried about my cousin. What if they get back together

and cheat on him?" Then she stood up. No matter whether they had cheated or not, she had to guard

against them to prevent them from being connected.

When Essie saw them, her face was very calm. She smiled and asked the waiter to put the two tables

together. Ivy specially sat next to Hanson.

"It is interesting to eat hotpot with a group of people to gather together," Essie said with a smile.

"Ivy was depressed to be stood up, so she asked me to come here as a foil." Daisy smiled. She didn't

know that her cousin was stood up by Hanson.

Hearing that, Ivy's face flushed slightly. She stole a glance at Hanson. There was a slight gloom on his

face, as if he didn't welcome this sudden intervention.

However, Ivy didn't notice it at all. She attentively put the beef rolls and lamb rolls to the hotpot for him.

Hanson felt helpless and had no appetite.

"Please, can I eat by myself?" he said unhappily.

Ivy pouted and said in a casual tone, "I'm your girlfriend to be. It's my duty to cook for you."

"Girlfriend to be?" Alice raised her eyebrows, a malicious look flashed through her eyes. She had never

expected that Ivy would step in at this time.

Daisy smiled, "We should get rid of 'to be'."

A shadow floated over Hanson's handsome face. Without saying anything, he picked up the beer at

hand and drank it gloomily. He was in a bad mood.

Looking at the two of them, Essie smiled and said, "I'm so happy to see my good friend have such a

beautiful and gentle girlfriend to be, and my little sister have such a handsome and considerate

boyfriend to be."

Hanson glanced at her with an implicit look, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. He still didn't say a

word, raised his head and drank up the rest of the beer in the can.

"Since you have added the word 'to be' to it, it means that it has not confirmed yet. Is it possible that

Miss Rong is actively pursuing Hanson?" Alice said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yes, everyone has the right to pursue happiness. I like brother Hanson. I just want to pursue him." Ivy

rolled her eyes at her.

"I think Ivy and Hanson are a good match," said Essie with a smile. Then she turned to look at Hanson

and said, "Hanson, give Ivy a chance to date her."

Hanson opened another can of beer and gulped it down. He felt like a gift that was sent out by Essie


"I'm not interested in her," he replied coldly.

These words hit Ivy hard. She had never been in love. Hanson was the first man she liked. She didn't

know what to do to win his heart, and how to make herself the second Essie. She was so distressed,

so depressed, and now she was even sadder.

"Am I that bad?" She lowered her eyes, and two eyelashes left a deep shadow on her face.


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