Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 472 Conquer You Slowly

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"Luce, how dare you slap me?"

"Mary, do you dare to touch my daughter again?" Lucy stared at her fiercely. "I wanted to slap you

eighteen years ago. After all the things you have done to me, even slapping you a hundred times

wouldn't relieve my hatred!"

"Nobody dares to hit me in Dragon City." Mary's face turned red with anger. She raised her hand in an

attempt to slap back. But her arm was grabbed by Zac. "All right, Mommy. Don't push others too hard."

"Zac, didn't you see that woman slap me? I'm your mother. Why do you even stop me if you don't help

me?" Mary's face darkened with anger.

"You are my mom and she is my mother-in-law. It's unfilial to help anyone," Zac said in a solemn tone.

"You and Essie have divorced. She has nothing to do with you." Mary was infuriated.

"Mother for a day, and mother for a lifetime," Zac answered firmly and decisively.

Hearing that, Lucy was shocked slightly in her heart. It seemed that the child was inherited from Albert.

Unlike this vicious woman, he was the blessing of the Rong family.

Mary was furious to death. How could she have such an ungrateful son?

"If you help her today, you will not be my son anymore."

"I won't help anyone." Zac answered in an indifferent tone and turned to mark. "Aunt, you may go back


Lucy nodded and left with Alice.

Withdrawing his hand from his mother's, Zac walked in front of Leila and said, "Leila, you go back too.

Let's have dinner together in the evening."

Unwilling to give up, Leila took a look at upstairs. She knew that there must be someone hiding in the

room, even though Essie wasn't there. However, there was a conflict between Zac and Mary to be

solved. It was not the right time for her to fight. She'd better leave wisely.

Without saying a word, she turned around and walked out of the room in silence.

Seeing the door closed, Mary hit Zac angrily, "You are really my good son."

Zac poured her a cup of tea. "Mommy, you couldn't stand it even though auntie slapped you twice.

What about the things you did to her? You not only broke up her family, but also tried to drive her to

death. Why do you hate her so much that you even want to kill her?"

"Did Essie frame me up again?" Mary said with a pale face.

"Mommy, although it's been more than twenty years, all the people involved are alive. As long as I send

someone to look into it, it's easy to get the truth." Zac looked at her, deep and sharp. "You may deny it,

but people are doing it, God is watching, what is wrong is wrong."

"Are you on their side to judge me?" Mary's shoulder shivered.

"I am not qualified to judge you, and I don't want to judge you either. I just hope that the feud between

you and aunt Du can be resolved, and that you won't be as resentful as an enemy. You see the current

situation. The Qin family is trying every means to make the Xu family become their ally. Luce is the

mother of Essie and her sister. If your relationship is not good, it will indirectly affect our relationship

with the Xu family. The elders of the Rong family are already dissatisfied with you. If you continue to

confront with Essie and her mother, I'm afraid you will no longer be the hostess of the Rong family." Zac

tried his best to persuade his mother. He didn't want to hurt his mother's feeling. He hoped that his

mother could do something for the sake of family interests.

But how could Mary listen to him? She hated Luce, even her daughter, Essie. But her reaction was not

as fierce as before, but became peaceful. Since her son knew her secret, she had to use soft means to

win him over, so as not to completely lose respect in his heart.

"I will think about your words. But you are a married man now and you should avoid arousing suspicion

with Essie. You should try your best to avoid seeing her."

"I can't make decision on this matter. I have to follow the instructions of Grandpa and grandma. I've

already put the interests of the Rong family in jeopardy by marrying Leila. Grandpa and grandma have

warned me that if I don't handle the relationship with Essie well, they will deny my right to be a

successor and ask my cousin to assume the heritage of the Rong family." Zac sighed deeply.

Mary was taken aback. "Is it really that serious?" She couldn't believe it.

"Of course, if the Xu family and the Qin family unite together, it will be very disadvantageous to the

Rong family. All I have done is trying to get close to Essie for the sake of family interest. Please don't

make any more trouble from your and Leila's side. You'd better find a way to help me get out of this

crisis, so that I won't be with Essie anymore." Zac bluffed deliberately.

Mary was skeptical. Anyway, she wouldn't allow anyone else to take over the heritage. Actually, she

was not worried about the other brothers of the Rong family except Allen's. Although they covered it

well, she knew that in fact Allen had always been coveting the position of the host, and his wife, Sally

had always been coveting the position of the hostess of the Rong family. She couldn't let them fall in

when the opportunity came.

"I know what I am doing. Don't worry." She slightly nodded her head, picked up the cup on the tea

table, had a sip of the tea, and then floated her eyes upwards. "Are you being too naughty recently?

How could you get involved with two women..."

"Mommy, grandpa has made it clear that my child with Leila can't be the successor. Even if she made

some achievements in the future, and accepted by the elders, I also have to be cautious. I want to have

a few more sons and be well prepared. I can't just sit by and watch others take over the company,

right?" Zac explained.

Mary nodded slightly. She didn't care who was with her son, as long as he was not with Essie. "You

must hide it from Leila. I don't want her to make trouble."

"Got it." Zac nodded.

After sending away Mary, he went to the garden house in the backyard. With her head on the

windowsill, Essie looked out at the peony flowers.

"They all left?" She didn't turn around and asked him casually.

"All gone." Zac let out a sigh of relief. "I knew Leila and my mommy would come here, but I did not

expect that your mother and Alice also come."

"What?" Hearing that, Essie was so shocked that she jumped up from the chair. Hiding in this place,

she knew nothing about what had happened in the villa. She asked, "Did they meet? Haven't they


"It was so close. Luckily I stopped them," Zac said in a low and deep voice. He secretly installed a

monitoring device in Leila's mobile phone. When Alice called her, Ford immediately heard it and called


He had expected that Leila would come, so he arranged everything.

His script was supposed to let Leila push the door open to make herself angry. Unexpectedly, his

mother and mother in law also joined them.

They wouldn't let him go if they didn't enter the room. So he had to ask Mary to go upstairs because

she would help him hide the truth. If Lucy saw it, he would never be able to explain for himself.

Essie put her hand on her forehead and felt a little dizzy.

"Frozen guy, this is too dangerous. We'd better not see each other again."

Zac was also a little depressed. They were still a legal couple. They were a couple and it was natural

for them to be together, even God could not care about it. But now they behaved like they had did

something wrong, and he even let a fake wife to poke her nose it everything he did. Damn it!

"I have asked William to find a new place and remember to block your GPS when you come to see me,

so that no one could find out your whereabouts."

"Zac, we are now business partners, not lovers. Please let me go. You have recovered from your

hidden disease and you don't need me any more. " She almost used a tone of begging. She could not

change his mind, so she could only beg him to let it go. If this time her mother found out, she would risk

her life.

Something malicious and cold flashed through his eyes. He walked to the window, plucked a peony

and said, "I have to remind you that Alice and the Qin family would not give up fighting against you for

the position of CEO. Mr. Gu is a very capricious person. Now that he has helped you, things will be

different next time. "

"What do you mean?" she asked in disbelief.

"Only I have a way to stabilize him and make him always support you." Although his tone was as light

as breeze, the threat hidden in his words was more serious than lead.

She was shocked. If Mr. Gu supported her sister, she couldn't be the president anymore. "You... What

do you want? " Her face was pale.

"You know that." His eyes sparkled in the sunshine. With a flick of his finger, the peony in his hand

became flower pulp.

She shivered again, feeling like that she was the flower in his hand, unable to resist.

"Are you sure you can keep him on your side?"

"Of course." Zac said in a determined tone.

She lowered her head and said nothing. She surrendered to him. He struck her weak spot, making her

lose the power to fight back, and only to be at the mercy of him.

A mischievous smile appeared on Zac's mouth. In fact, Alice's farce had helped him a lot, giving him a

chance to suppress his little fool.

Although it was impossible for her to beg for a chance to get back together with him, it was a good idea

to take it slow.

"Show me your sincerity now." While saying that, he pushed her slightly and pressed her against the

flower frame.

Seeing the rapacious eyes which resembled to that of a lion's, she wanted to cry.

Although there was a huge gap in strength in the past, at least she could use resistance to maintain her

dignity. Now, she could only accept any request of the demon king.

After tidying up her clothes, he picked her up and carried her to the villa. After he put her on the sofa,

he called down the two women upstairs.

"This is Serena and Leona. They are my new followers," he introduced.

"I thought all your followers are handsome guys." She smiled and greeted the two beautiful women.

Serena put her arms around Leona's waist and smiled mischievously. "Boss, Mrs. Rong is our type.

Please ask her to join us."

Zac raised his hand and patted on the back of her head. "My wife doesn't like women."

Hearing that, Essie was a little surprised. The two women was...

She swallowed hard and repelled the words and asked again, "Who called Leila and asked her to come


After tidying up her clothes, he picked her up and carried her to the villa. After he put her on the sofa,

he called down the two women upstairs.

"This is Serena and Leona. They are my new followers," he introduced.

"| thought all your followers are handsome guys." She smiled and greeted the two beautiful women.

Serena put her arms around Leona's waist and smiled mischievously. "Boss, Mrs. Rong is our type.

Please ask her to join us."

Zac raised his hand and patted on the back of her head. "My wife doesn't like women."

Hearing that, Essie was a little surprised. The two women was...

She swallowed hard and repelled the words and asked again, "Who called Leila and asked her to come



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