Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 295 He Was Really Angry

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"Don't you have someone with you tonight?" Essie stared at him angrily and found that Leila was not

with him at the moment. She should be going to the makeup room to fix her makeup.

"Do you really want me to be with another woman?" He frowned slightly and felt a little displeased.

"It's none of my business whether you have women or not, but I'm a neat freak. Stay away from me if

you touch other women. Don't make me dirty." She turned her head angrily and looked away from him.

Thinking of the image that he made out with Leila, she was filled with anger and wanted to give him a


There was a sparkle in his dark eyes. He reached out and held her in his arms.

"What are you doing? Everyone is watching us. " Essie felt ashamed and annoyed and wanted to push

him away in a hurry. But she couldn't get rid of him because of his strong arms. "Everyone knows that

you are my wife. Even if I have you now, nobody dares to say no."

"Your ex-wife." Feeling the curious gazes from the surrounding people, Essie wished that she could dig

a hole on the ground like a rat preying on its prey. She asked, "where's Leila? Aren't you afraid that she

might see us?"

Zac was silent for a while. Though it was only a short time, it was long enough to make Essie calm

down. Indeed, he cared about Leila's feelings very much. "Let me go." Essie was so angry that she

stepped hard on his foot with her high heels. He groaned and let go of her.

"Go to find your Leila. Don't bother me anymore." She quickly ran into the shadow after saying this.

Leila was not far away. She was jealous of what just happened, so she walked towards where Essie

was and found her soon.

"In the past three years, I have been with Zac. Now, he is mine. Can you stay away from him?" Leila's

tone was a bit sharp. She had to warn Essie.

"You must have made a mistake. He is the one who won't let me go, not me. Please take care of him.

Don't let him bother me again," Essie said in a mocking tone.

Leila's heart thumped, and a wave of disappointment surged like waves. She said, "how can it be

possible? Zac has told me clearly that he doesn't like you. I think you were too frivolous, which made

him misunderstand."

"Whatever you think," To be honest, Essie didn't want to waste her time to talk to Leila. Essie had

already been sick of being a substitute for Leila. Whenever she saw Leila, she would feel sorry for


"I just want you to remember that I am the one Zac loves. Whatever you do, you can only try to seduce

him temporarily. He won't fall in love with you." After her smug attempt, Leila went back to Zac's side to

guard her place.

Staring at the intimacy between the two in the distance, Essie felt like there was a claw scratching hard

in her heart, which made her very uncomfortable. She clenched her fists, raised her head and gulped

down the champagne. She enjoyed the effect of alcohol. The stronger the alcohol was, the more numb

her heart became. The pain was gone.

After the party, she stood at the door of the hotel and waited for Malcolm to drive the car over. At this

time, a Rolls-Royce quickly came and stopped in front of her. Before she could see the person on the

driver's seat, she was pulled into the car by a strong force.

She screamed in fear, thinking that she was kidnapped in public. How bold he was.

Out of natural reflex, she lifted her bag and threw it towards the person beside her. Her bag was

grabbed in midair by a pair of big hands. "Do you want to kill your own husband?" The familiar voice

came to her ears, and a strong aura quickly surrounded her. She trembled fiercely, opened her eyes.

And through the dim light, she finally saw the face of the other person.

"Zac, do you have to be so fierce every time you show up?" She raged.

"That's all you get." Zac shrugged his shoulders and smiled evilly.

"I want to get off." Essie pulled the car door, but the window had been locked by the driver. "Open it, or

I will call the police."

"If you think it's useful, you call the police." His tone showed his indifference. In Dragon City, the mayor

would bow to him, let alone the police superintendent. She was like a punctured ball, completely

discouraged, and collapsed on the seat. "What on earth do you want?"

"As I said, You have to serve me tonight. " His eyes were like lion's shining in the darkness.

"Where is your girlfriend?" She looked out of the window. Didn't Leila want to watch him closely and

block all the chances that he could "go wild"?

"I asked Tim to drive her back." He reached out and pulled her into his arms. She tried hard to push

him away, but it was in vain. He continued, "aren't you afraid that she will get angry if you leave her


"She is much more obedient than you. I like the woman who is as obedient as her." He deliberately

annoyed her. She raised her foot and kicked his leg and stomach. She was really very angry. Her anger

made her breathing very hot. "Go to her, let her accompany you, and don't bother me again."

"I am tired of main dishes. I need to eat some side dishes to change flavor. That's why you are here

now." His tone was full of irony. The more she resisted, the more angry he was. Wasn't she always as

gentle as water in front of Hanson? Why was she acting like a fire towards him?

"Asshole --" roared Essie, like an irritated rabbit. She opened her mouth and bit his arm so hard that

she vented all her anger on her teeth.

He groaned and did not push her away, letting her bite him. He could not feel the pain, because the

pain in his heart had been suffering, which was a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than the

pain in his body.

She tasted some salty blood in her mouth. She trembled violently and loosened her grip. Two rows of

deep teeth marks were left on his arm and blood kept flowing out. She trembled and suddenly became

afraid. She hid herself in a corner by the window. She did not expect herself to be so harsh on him.

Zac furrowed his eyebrows angrily. He stared at Essie angrily. The way he looked at her was like the

thunderbolt that could cut through the dark clouds.

She felt the smell of the storm and huddled herself up. She was so frightened that the car window

seemed to shake.

"Soon, I will show you what a real bastard is like." He said word by word.

When the car stopped, he twisting her into the villa, kicked the door open, and threw her heavily on the

woollen blanket. Then he loosened the belt, and tied her to the bed pillar.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" She was terrified. She struggled to free herself but failed.

"You don't deserve my pity any more." His eyes flashed a fierce cold light, as if he was going to swallow

her alive. At that moment, she found that he had become more terrifying, no longer an ice block she

knew before...

When she woke up from the nightmare, the sun was shining brightly outside the window. She didn't

know when her hand was removed, or after she fainted. She clenched the blanket and wrapped up her

messy body. What happened last night was not what she had expected.

When Zac came out of the bathroom, fear filled her misty eyes and her nerves were on edge.

"It's good that you know you are afraid." There was only coldness on his handsome face. All his

emotions for her were frozen in the deepest part of his heart. It was no longer easy to open. He walked

over and grabbed her chin. "You'd better listen to me in the future. You are no longer my wife. I don't

need to have a trace of pity and indulgence for you."

She curled up. A drop of tear slid from the corner of her eye silently. His heart trembled slightly, and he

quickly turned his head away, no longer allowing his feelings to be controlled by her. "You can go." After

saying this coldly, he turned around and walked out, as if she was a doll, throwing it ruthlessly into the

trash can when she was bored.

She sat up, took a quick shower in the bathroom, and went downstairs after putting on her clothes. He

was sitting on the sofa in the living room. She didn't even give him a glance and went out with her

dignity broken.

Looking at her back, Zac's bony mask was broken into pieces. A trace of pain was overflowing from the

bottom of his eyes and quickly covered his entire handsome face.

Essie, we are doomed to be entangled with each other for the rest of our lives. We won't be able to


Essie walked into the gate of the villa with a heart full of scars. Hanson rushed out and took her into his

arms. "Malcolm told me that you were taken away by Zac. Did he bully you again?"

"I'm fine." She shook her head and said in a very weak tone. She was so tired that she just wanted to

have a good sleep.

Hanson clenched his fists, the blue veins on his forehead rolling. "Go upstairs to have a rest," he said.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to control his tone to be calm. He was ready to wait for her to go

upstairs and confront Zac. Seeing his intention, Essie held his hand and said, "it's a critical time now.

The cooperation with the Emperor has just begun. I can't fall out with Zac."

"But..." Hanson frowned. Since the moment she returned to Dragon City, he had been worried that Zac

would take her away again. In the past three years, they had been like a family and lived a peaceful

and happy life. He had to maintain this happiness and wouldn't let the destruction of Zac disturb them.

"Maybe I haven't had a tragedy with him. I have to settle with him this time. The doctor is doing his best

to treat Baron. I can leave when he wakes up. Mili and Dot are waiting for me. " She gave him a

reassuring smile.

He sighed and hugged her tightly.

On the second day, Essie, as the business representative of Hengyuan, took the same flight to Sea

City with Zac, attending the opening ceremony of the project.

There would be a biggest sea amusement park and a unique marine hotel in the country.

After what happened the night before, Essie still had fear in her mind. She didn't want to stay with Zac

alone. However, Malcolm had other things to deal with and she had to go herself. So she had to hang

on by herself and braced herself to board the plane with him.

"You don't need to come here. You'd better stay at home." Zac made no secret of his scorn.


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