Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 381 Nowhere To Speak

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"My people found that he was smuggling business of diamonds in South Africa. One fifth of the

diamonds produced at South Africa were bought at a low price by him and sold to other jewelry

companies." Said Zac slowly.

"A thief in the family is difficult to detect." Essie said in a low voice.

"This is one of his wealth. Do you know what to do?" Zac said as he put his arm around her shoulders

with an enigmatic smile.

Essie gave him a sly smile, and a tinge of extreme coldness flashed across her eyes.

Although it was late at night, the villa of Xu family was still very noisy.

As soon as Elizabeth knew about what had happened to Valery, she immediately took Valery out of the

psychiatric hospital that very night. Right then, they were quarreling with Vinton.

"Valery is your sister. How could you set her up with that outsider Essie?" Elizabeth flew into a rage.

"I'm going to kill Essie. I'm going to kill her." Cried Valery.

"Mommy, look at her hysteria. It is obviously a typical symptoms of mental disease. Dr. Li is a authority

in the field of mental disease, so his diagnosis couldn't be wrong. You spoiled my sister so much that

you didn't even find she was ill. Now she has been under treatment and her condition has just become

better. You took her back, and the previous treatment is all in vain. " Said Vinton.

"You're sick! Essie and that bitch forced you to drink the soup!" Valery yelled at him.

Vinton walked up to Vicki and asked, "grandma, look at my sister. Is she behaving abnormally?"

Vicki heaved a sigh. In fact, she had long felt that Valery was acting strangely. How many women could

bear such a blow?

"Elizabeth, Valery needs to be treated as soon as possible if she gets mental disease. Your indulgence

is not good for her, but is harmful to her."

"I'm not sick. I'm healthy. Vinton, if you dare speak ill of me again, I will kill you. " Valery was confined in

the psychiatric hospital and she felt as if she were going to die. If anyone dared to lock her up again,

she would definitely do everything she could to let them off.

"Grandma, listen to her carefully. My sister is going to kill someone. It was horrible. She bit me and the

nursing assistant when she was sent to the psychiatric hospital. The director said that she got violent

depression and had a tendency to commit suicide and kill others. It's very dangerous not to cure her. "

Vinton couldn't put on a stern look on his face anymore. In his heart, he already assumed that there

must be something wrong with Valery.

"People in the mental hospital are not suitable for Valery. People will become insane if they are locked

up for a long time. I will never allow you to put her in that hospital again." Elizabeth didn't believe that

her daughter had lost her mind.

"Then ask her to take some medicine at home first. If the condition still remains the same, then you

have to send her in." As Vicki said, she didn't want to spend time with a crazy granddaughter.

"Mommy, you have to keep an eye on my sister every day. If anyone gets hurt again because of her

madness, you have no choice but to send her back the hospital." Vinton felt that he had to warn Valery

not to make use of his Eva again.

But given Valery's vicious and domineering nature, it was impossible for her to give up easily and not to

get the revenge back. However, she had to do it secretly in the future and could not be found out easily.

Elizabeth touched her daughter's head, with a malicious coldness in her eyes. How could she be

threatened so easily by this young girl as Essie? She thought. But Essie was so lucky that she didn't

die from the explosion.

It never occurred to her that Essie would prepare a great gift for her and Bles.

Essie believed that they would be very "surprised" and would soon come to "thank" her. However, she

didn't expect that the woman in front of them was her best friend, Mandy.

They probably wanted to take advantage of her friendship with Mandy.

It had been a long time since Essie met Mandy last time, and she didn't expect that Mandy was still

with Bles.

"How are you doing recently, Mandy?" Essie asked with a smile at the woman sitting in a tea room in

the afternoon in a tea house.

"Not bad. I haven't contacted you for a long time. I finally have the time to take two days off recently, so

I want to invite you out for an afternoon tea and have a chat." Mandy said casually.

"We should keep in touch. No matter how busy we are, we can't forget friends." Essie said mildly.

Anyway, she wanted to maintain the friendship with Mandy.

"Yes, you've been through a lot lately. You were injured in hospital, divorced, and even had two

children. I was so dizzy." Mandy rubbed her forehead in confusion. To be honest, when she heard the

news that Zac divorced her and married Leila quickly, she was very happy and relieved.

Then she smiled softly and continued, "I have experienced ups and downs since I was seven years old

and I have already been used to it."

Mandy picked up the black tea on the table and took a sip. "Eva and I didn't expect that you would be

the third daughter of the Xu family? You're such a Secret Keeper! "

"I prefer being Essie, a simple and happy girl." After she left the Xu family at the age of seven, she

didn't think of herself as one of the Xu family members. She just didn't expect that she would come

back to the Xu family one day.

There was a slight sneer on Mandy's face. She didn't believe what she said. Everyone wanted to be the

daughter of a rich and powerful family. Essie got beaten terribly when she was still a girl from ordinary

family. She stayed at home, opened online shops and almost left Yang City. But now, she owned tens

of millions of dollars, was hot in Dragon City, and was nominated as the top figure of the American

weekly of the year. She didn't believe that she was not greedy for such a glory.

"You have so many things to deal with in the Xu family. Are you busy enough?" She didn't forget her

intention and seized the opportunity to lead the topic onto the right track.

Essie guessed that Mandy was not here to talk to her, but Essie didn't react to her. She picked up the

teacup and took a sip of the tea slowly. "Yes, I have to open my eyes wide and take every step

carefully. Otherwise, I don't know how I will die." She purposely made it sound very serious. She

believed that Mandy had known about the explosion, because she had been following Bles for a long

time and must know something.

Hearing what Essie said, a weird look flashed through Mandy's face. She said, "actually, Bles wanted

to help you. After all, you are his nephew. Even if there is a little misunderstanding or conflict between

you, it is easy to solve."

With a slight smile on Essie's face, Essie continued, "I haven't met uncle Bles for several times since I

went back to the Xu family. How could there be misunderstanding and conflict between us?"

"I'm glad to hear that. In fact, I was planning to invite you to dinner this evening when I came here. Bles

had a party at Scenery Restaurant. He wanted to have a good chat with you," Mandy asked, her mouth

twisting into a pretentious and wild smile.

She was afraid that it was not an easy dinner for her but a trap.

Essie took a slight glance at her. In the yellow light on her face, her eyes looked particularly deep and

dark, like an ancient well that could not be seen through.

"It's not easy for Bles to arrange everything so considerately. But I am very busy these days. I have

appointments every day. I can only disappoint him," Then she changed the subject, "but if uncle Bles

can come to my office tomorrow if he has something to talk about. It's not a bad place to catch up."

Mandy's face darkened. She didn't expect that Essie would refuse her without any hesitation.

"Are all your dates important?" Mandy asked.

"It's Mr. Fell who invites me for dinner. We've made the reservation a few days ago. All of us are

famous people, so it is impossible for us to break the appointment." Essie said in a casual tone.

Mandy's eyes were filled with envy and envy. After Essie divorced Zac, her value didn't weaken at all.

Instead, she became a good match for a large population of Dragon City. Mandy seemed to be a

popular anchorwoman, but in fact, she was miserable. She was almost driven crazy when she stayed

with Bles.

At that time, the three of them wandered in Yang City together. One of the other two girls acted as an

extra actress while the other opened online shop. Only she had the best development and the most

promising future, but the situation had completely changed. They lived a luxurious life but she was left


"Is Hanson jealous that you dated another man?" Mandy tried to keep her voice calm, not letting Essie

feel her anger.

Essie didn't look at her and said, "it's just a dinner between friends, not a date. I also told Hanson that

he didn't mind."

"Fell is handsome and cute. He is a strong rival. Hanson is too reassured. Isn't he afraid that you might

get abducted by Fell?" Mandy curled her lip.

"You're overthinking things. I'm not a saucy woman." Then, in a tone of ridicule, Essie answered. There

was no room for another man in her world except for Zac and Hanson.

There was an imperceptible cold smile on Mandy's face. In her heart, Essie was just a green tea bitch.

She was trying to seduce Zac on the one hand and grasped Hanson on the other hand. No other

woman would be saucier then Essie.

"Do you still keep in touch with Zac after the divorce?"

"We've been all very busy lately, so we didn't meet each other often." After saying that, Essie shrugged.

It seemed that she was just talking about someone insignificant. She and Zac were both daredevil.

They could only hide under the ground in secret and could not be seen in light.

"I didn't expect that he would abandon you and marry another woman when you need him most."

Mandy sighed, pretending to be gloating.

"It doesn't matter. We can still be friends even if we break up peacefully." Essie said flatly.

"Be friends?" Mandy raised her eyebrows, showing an unbelievable expression. "He treated you like

that, which was cruel and heartless. Can you forgive him and make friends with him?"

"Forced to be together is also a kind of pain, we'd better be free and easy." Essie said in a light voice.

In fact, she knew that she was not that easy to persuade herself into giving up Zac. She had already

given up on him, and it would not be easy for her to completely forget him. Moreover, he often teased

her and refused to let her go.


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