Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 546 I Can't Marry You

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So far, she had only treated Vinton as a good friend, and had no intention of dating him.

Therefore, it was the best way to maintain the status quo between him and her.

"I can't. Vinton, I can't. I'm sorry!" She bit her lips and shook her head hard, trying to leave.

He caught up with her and rushed to her like the wind. He held her shoulders and didn't let her escape.

"Eva, trust me this time. I will be a good husband! Maybe I was notorious before, but since I met you, I

have no interest in other women anymore. " He held up her face and looked at her with almost sincere

eyes. "From the first time I saw you, I believed that you were the person I was looking for and what I

wanted. Give me a chance. I can be your shoulder, support you, protect you from wind and rain! "

She lowered her head and didn't say anything. The struggle and contradiction in her eyes seemed to

be more violent than the waves.

The silence made Vinton's internal organs twist together.

The sun broke through the thick dark clouds and tried to climb up into the sky. The golden light spread

over the blue sky.

Just like his heart, he did not intend to give up at all.

He held her hand and put it on his chest. "Here, there's only you. I can no longer accommodate others.

If you still can't believe it, let time prove everything, okay?"

Eva sighed heavily.

Time? Time could only destroy everything!

That man used to love his mother and her so much. But in the blink of an eye, all the sweet words and

vows were gone.

She vaguely heard her own voice, trembling, struggling, begging, as if it was not from her own mouth.

"I don't want to get married. It is good for us to be friends. Don't destroy it, okay?"

Vinton felt a chill all over his body, and his heart sank from the sun to the abyss, sinking... It sank into

the cold valley.

"Eva, have you never liked me?" he asked sadly.

She still lowered her head and said nothing.

His hand suddenly tightened, and in an instant, his face was as pale as death, and the pain in his eyes

deepened, as if a sharp sword was stabbed into his chest, splitting his heart in half. "Not a little, not

even a little?" His anxious tone was filled with shock, pain and despair.

She didn't raise her head.

"Vinton, I..." She choked, and all her words turned into a string of hot tears.

A terrible silence stood between them.

The long and silent silence crushed Vinton's heart. He let go of her hand, as if what was pinched in his

palm was just a phantom, and could no longer be held.

Then he disappeared, not sending her a message or making a phone call.

Time passed slowly. A week had passed.

Sitting in the library, Eva stared at the book on the table, lost in thought. She was not in the mood to

prepare for the final exam. Her expression was dull and absent-minded, like a spirit that had lost its


Every time her phone rang, her eyes lit up and then dimmed.

Vinton ignored her forever?

Every time she asked herself, she felt a pang of sadness.

In the past three years, Vinton had been with her all the time. She had been used to his existence, his

care, and his punching bag to vent her annoyance. Now he suddenly disappeared. She was not used

to it, as if a corner of her heart was missing.

At dinner, she ordered a lot of dishes. When Essie saw them, she knew what to do. Every time she was

unhappy, her best friend would turn grief into appetite, because she always said that only by eating

more could she have the strength to live on.

"Didn't my brother come back? Didn't you see him this morning? " she asked in a low voice.

Eva shook her head with a hint of pain on her face, "Vinton... He proposed to me today, which scared

me. "

"Oh my God!" With her big eyes wide open, Essie laughed and said, "My brother is so awesome!"

Biting her lips, Eva said with tears in his eyes, "But I refused."

The smile on Essie's face froze all of a sudden. "Why? Eva?"

"I've never thought about getting married. I've always treated Vinton as my best friend and never

treated him as my boyfriend." Eva lowered her head, and her thick eyelashes left two deep shadows on

her eyelids.

Holding her hand, Essie said sincerely, "Eva, love can be cultivated. I know my brother used to be a

playboy, but since he met you, he has completely changed. For you, for your future, he is working very

hard. I've been through it. I can see that he really loves you. It's not easy to meet someone who really

loves you in this world. Don't miss him. "

Eva frowned and sighed imperceptibly, "Forget it. Anyway, it's useless to say anything. He hasn't come

to me for a week and hasn't called me. He must be angry and doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"Then you can call him!"

"Call him?" Eva was stunned. She realized that she had never called Vinton in the past three years!

When she was thinking about it, the voice of Essie came again, "A man who is used to being

surrounded by the crowd like my brother must be very hurt when he is suddenly refused. At this time,

you should take the initiative to call and comfort him, so that his self-esteem will be better." She held

her friend's shoulder and said, "Eva, once you miss something like love, there is no way to retrieve it. If

you still have a little feeling for him, call him as soon as possible."

Eva lowered her head. When she was struggling in her heart, her hand had unconsciously reached into

the pocket of her coat and held the phone. But she suddenly lost her strength when she was halfway

through it.

What if he didn't want to answer it?

What if he didn't want to talk to her anymore?

Should she call him to ask for trouble?

After hesitating for a while, she loosened her grip and the phone slipped back.

"I'm so hungry. Let's eat first." She forced a smile, took out her chopsticks, picked up a piece of braised

pork and put it into her mouth.

Shaking her head, Essie took out her phone and called Vinton.

In fact, Vinton had stayed in Hengdian for the past week. As soon as he returned to Dragon City,

Elizabeth and Wendy would annoy him, so he decided not to go back.

When Vinton received the call from Vinton, he told her his address.

After dinner with Eva, she went to Vinton's Luxury Apartments near Hengdian.

As soon as she entered the room, a pungent smell of alcohol came, and the ground was filled with

empty beer cans.

Vinton was half drunk and half awake. His hair was in a mess and his chin was covered with stubble.

He looked haggard and bleak.

With a sigh, Essie cleaned the apartment for him with a broom and made him a cup of sober tea.

"Brother, I have known that you proposed to Eva." She sat next to Vinton and said cautiously.

A bitter smile flashed across Vinton's handsome face. "Am I a loser? It's been three years, but she

doesn't have any feelings for me."

Essie patted him on the shoulder and said, "I grew up with Eva. I know her very well. She refused you

not because she doesn't like you, but because she is afraid of marriage."

Vinton was shocked, "She is afraid of marriage?"

Essie nodded. "Eva grew up in a single parent family. When she was five years old, her father cheated

on her mother, abandoned her and her mother, and married someone else. The most hateful thing was

that his father was very ruthless. He not only never came to see her, but also did not pay her any

money for custody, as if he did not have a daughter. Her mother didn't have a formal job and had been

supporting her by part-time jobs. Every day after school, she had to work for her mother. And she even

had to sell some small things to earn tuition fees. There are often children of the same age bullying her,

laughing at her, and calling her a wild child without a father. "

Hearing this, Vinton hit the tea table angrily, "Damn it! Her father is simply not a man!"

"Parents' failed marriage will more or less have an impact on their children. If my mother and I hadn't

met such a good man as my father, perhaps I would have lost confidence in marriage and men like her.

I didn't dare to love, devote myself, or marry anyone. " Essie sighed.

After witnessing what her mother had suffered in the Xu family, she swore to herself that she would

never get married and be a single noble all her life. But Bob's appearance let her see the true love in

the world and let her know that there were good men in the world, but she needed a pair of golden

eyes to find and cherish.

Vinton sighed. In the past, he just wanted a complete family and a father, but now he knew very well

that he had a complete family, while his sister lost her family and father.

Patting the back of his hand, Essie said, "Brother, be patient with Eva. You have to believe that the best

way is to get what you want by your sincerity."

Vinton nodded, "Thank you for telling me this. I know what to do."

With a gentle smile, Essie said, "I will help you. Don't let other people get the benefits. If Eva dares not

to be my sister-in-law, I will break up with her."

Vinton also smiled, "Whoever dares to compete with me for my wife, I will send him out to the outer

space immediately. And let him never return to the earth for the rest of his life."

When Essie returned to the villa, she found that Zac had come with Dot. He had to visit no matter how

busy he was since tomorrow her daughter would be on the play.

"Where did you go?" he asked casually.

"I just came back from my brother's house." She smiled.

"Elizabeth has been pushing him hard recently, hasn't she?" Leaning against the back of the sofa, Zac

crossed his hands on the back of his head, looking lazy.

With a slight sigh, Essie said, "I hope he and Eva can withstand it."

Zac's deep and cold eyes flickered in the light. "In fact, as long as we can deal with one person, it's not

difficult to solve it."


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