Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 648 A Trap In A Trap

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"Leave it to Willi. I believe he will find a way. You have to calm down and never act rashly, understand?

" Leila warned him. She decided to watch him twenty-four hours in case he ran into the hospital on


The date of Essie's operation was set on Friday. She posted this news on micro-blog, hoping that her

friends could pray for her unborn baby together.

In the morning, as soon as she opened her eyes, a doctor came.

"Mr. Zac, I'm going to take your wife to have a B Ultrasound examination before the operation."

Zac nodded, helped Essie sit on the wheelchair, and followed the doctor to the B Ultrasound room.

"Please wait outside." The doctor said to Zac.

Zac sat on the chair outside and the doctor closed the door. As soon as Essie want to lie on the bed,

she was stopped by him.

He put off the mask, revealing a familiar face to her. "Cathy, I'm here to take you away. Zac wants to kill

our child. I won't let him succeed."

Hearing that, Essie trembled violently. "Zac is outside. How are you going to take me away?"

The man walked to the window, opened it and pulled a table. The B Ultrasound room was on the first

floor. It was easy to get out from the window.

"My car is just outside. As soon as we get out, we will leave quickly. He can't catch up with us."

Shaking her head, Essie said, "there is indeed something wrong with the baby. Even if we don't

perform the operation now, we can't save it."

"I know an expert in obstetrics. He is very good at it. He will definitely save our child." The man said.

"Really?" Essie touched her belly gently.

"Trust me." The man said seriously.

"This baby is mine. As long as I can save it, I'm willing to do anything." Said Essie in a low voice.

The man held her hand and helped her climb onto the table. Then he jumped out first and held her

horizontally when she came out.

The two of them quietly entered a car parked nearby. The man quickly started the engine and drove the

car out of the hospital.

"Steven, where are we going?" Asked Essie.

"You'll know when we get there." The man said.

"If Zac finds that I haven't gone out for a long time, he will look for me everywhere." Frowning, Essie

was a little worried.

"He won't find you again." The man snorted and a hint of anger flashed across his face.

He soon got on the expressway. After two hours' drive, he drove out of Dragon City and headed for D


Leaning against the back of the chair, Essie gently stroked her belly and said, "Steven, the baby is a

little noisy in my belly. Play some music please. It will be very obedient every time it hears music."

"Okay." The man nodded and turned on the music.

Three hours later, they arrived at the foot of the South Mountain in the suburb of D City. The secret

base Willi built in D city was located in the col.

Looking around, Essie held her arms and said in a cold voice, "Steven, it's so remote here. I'm afraid."

"It's okay. Don't worry. I will always be here with you." The man patted her on the shoulder to comfort


"Don't you take me to the hospital? How can you save our child here?" She was confused.

"Don't worry. The doctor will come tomorrow." The man said.

Walking along the mountain road, they saw an old villa.

There was no one living in the villa. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time. But when

Essie went into the basement, she found something different.

The basement was bigger than the villa itself, and there was a secret passage leading directly to the

mountain road. There were rooms, meeting rooms, activity rooms... Looking at the several cups on the

table, Essie guessed that there was more than one person living there.

"Steven, are you alone here?" She asked deliberately.

"Usually, I am here alone. However my friends come here every Saturday." The man said casually.

Essie nodded. Today was Friday. The villa would be bustling tomorrow. "I'm a little tired. I'm going to

sleep for a while."

"Okay." The man took her into the room. According to Willi's arrangement, as long as the baby was out

of danger, Essie would secretly be sent abroad, so that Zac would never find her again.

At night, the villa was very quiet. The man slept in the next room.

The second morning, as soon as Essie heard the noise outside, she opened the door and came out.

There were eight people in the basement, three women and five men. They were all arranged by Willi

to work in different fields in China.

When they saw her, they looked at each other, with different expressions on their faces.

"Why is she here?" A tall and thin woman asked discontentedly.

"This is Willi's arrangement. You just need to obey it." The man said.

"She will bring Zac here." The woman said with a frown.

"Don't worry. She is our woman now." The man said indifferently. Zac wanted to kill the baby. If she

wanted to keep the child, she could only say goodbye to Zac.

"Since Willi doesn't worry about her, we don't have to be too nervous. Let's have a meeting first."

Another man said.

Others echoed and entered the meeting room.

Then, Essie went into the kitchen. Last night, she opened the huge fridge and saw that there were a lot

of food in it, so she decided to cook a rich lunch.

As soon as the people in the meeting room came out, they were attracted by the fragrance.

There were ten dishes on the table, including boiled meat, pinenut fish, chilli chicken, braised beef...

She even poured the wine.

"Come and have lunch." Essie smiled.

"Aren't you pregnant? How could you cook so many dishes?" The tall and thin woman said.

"A pregnant woman is not so delicate. I can do housework. Besides, the doctor said that the baby will

follow me when I do it. Maybe it will untangle the umbilical cord around its neck by itself." Said Essie.

"Is this child a thorn in Zac's eyes?" The tall and thin woman asked.

Essie lowered her head, her thick long eyelashes casting a shadow of sadness under her fair eyelids.

"In fact, he has been forcing me to abort it but I don't want to. Although we seem to be on good terms

these days, in fact, we often quarrel in private. He hated the child so much that he gritted his teeth. It

was his shame. But I'm different from him. This baby is a piece of my flesh. I just want to give birth to it

peacefully and safely. "

She paused and took a sip of juice. "This time, the baby's umbilical cord is around its neck. He is very

happy. Although the doctor said that the baby could still survive, he didn't care and forced me to

arrange the operation. He won't stop until the baby is dead. As long as I'm with him, the baby can't be

born safely. For the sake of the baby, I have to leave him. As long as I can give birth to it, I am willing to

do anything. "

Hearing her words, the thin and tall woman sighed, "women are different from men. They are pregnant

and keep the baby in their belly for almost ten months. Women would have stronger feeling than men

to the baby. If you abort the baby, it will be like cutting a piece of meat. It's so painful. "

"You didn't have a baby. How could you feel that way?" A long haired man laughed.

"I never had a baby, but I aborted one." The tall and thin woman glared at him.

Sitting next to Essie, Steven didn't say anything. His eyes flashed with malice. If his guess was right,

after giving birth to the baby, Essie was about to go back to Zac. However, when they went abroad,

everything was not up to her. It seemed that she would never see Zac again in her life.

"Your boss Willi is so mysterious. Have you ever seen him?" Essie said casually after eating a piece of

sparerib with sauce.

"No." The long haired man shook his head. "He is also mysterious to us. He never shows his true face

to others. All the instructions are given by his subordinate, Rocky. Even if he happens to be on the

video, he is still wearing a mask. "

"Rocky?" Raising her eyebrows, Essie asked, "is he a foreigner?"

"To be exact, he is a hybrid, half Eastern and half European." The long haired man said.

"He is tall and handsome, but unfortunately, he doesn't like women." The thin and tall woman pursed

her lips with a hint of regret on her face.

"Is he a gay?" Essie was slightly shocked.

"Someone said he was Willi's lover." The tall and thin woman said slowly.

"Willi is also a gay?" Essie was shocked.

"I heard that he has a wide range of sexual orientation, and he is bisexual." The long haired man


Taking a deep breath, Essie thought, 'such a person is really different from others.'

"Why are you willing to follow him wholeheartedly? Because of money? "

"For money, fame and power, without him, we are still struggling at the bottom of the society. I don't

know how many years it will take us to become superior." The long haired man shrugged.

"It's useless to talk to her. She is the daughter of a rich family. She won't understand us." The tall and

thin woman waved her hand.

With a slight sigh, a hint of sadness flashed across Essie's face. "You're wrong. I've been a wire puller

before. I know how it feels to be poor and live under someone's roof. I don't want to live that kind of life

anymore. " After saying that, she raised her glass and said, "come on, let's toast together. I hope the

future will be better and better."

Everyone echoed and drank with her.

A few minutes later, their eyelids became heavier and heavier. They shook their heads for two times

and then fell on the table, unable to move.

Looking at them, Essie sneered weirdly.

When the people in the basement woke up, it was already night.

When they opened their eyes, they saw the aggressive men in black standing in front of them.

Their hands were handcuffed and they couldn't resist.

A violent convulsion ran over Steven's body. When he came here, he was very vigilant. He looked

around, but found on one was following him. How did they find this place?

What confused him most was that they were having lunch, but why did they fall asleep? Was it


The men in black escorted them out of the basement.

Zac had already contacted the international police. After the interrogation, he would hand them over to

the international police, so that they could use their resources to attack Willi from both illegal and legal


Being forcefully lifted by two men in black, Essie stared at the man in horror.

"Steven, what's going on?"

The man didn't say anything, and his eyes flashed with an extremely ferocious light. All of a sudden, he

rushed towards Essie. Because he used too much strength, Essie was knocked down by him without



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