Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 355 She Was No Longer His Wife

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When Essie woke up, her family and friends were all in the ward. She was missing the person she

wanted to see most.

"Essie, you finally wake up. I was scared to death." Lucy said while wiping away her tears.

"Where are the kids?" She said in a weak voice.

"Hanson and Pana are taking care of them. I didn't tell them about your hospitalization," Said Bob.

Essie nodded and looked out of the door unconsciously. Where was Zac? Why isn't he here? She

missed him so much. She had dreamed so many things. All of them were about what happened when

they were young. She knew that those were not illusory, but the memories she had lost.

He wouldn't refuse to see her. He must have left for some urgent matter. He was always busy. There

might be an emergency in his company.

She comforted herself.

But the next day, the third day, the forth day, the fifth day... She couldn't see him. Only William had

come to ask her about the killer.

Today was the day she was discharged from the hospital, but there was no smile on her face, only

despair and sadness.

Lucy could see what her daughter was thinking. "He won't come." She said in a low voice and took out

a divorce certificate from her bag. "He divorced you when you were in a coma, and married another


She had experienced a violent spasm all over her body. "That's impossible, that's impossible!" She was

almost screaming, because the words on the marriage license pierced her eyes, and tore her heart

apart. No wonder that he was the most powerful man in Dragon City. He could even get a divorce

without his wife's help.

But why did he choose at this time? Even if he had forgotten everything, even if he had never liked her

or even hated her, he should wait for her to wake up and put an end to this marriage clearly!

Tears gushed out of her eyes, like the flood of a gate, which could not be stopped.

"Don't be sad. It's all right. Anyway, you will end up with him sooner or later. Short pain is better than

long pain." Lucy sighed.

"Who did he marry?" Feeling like crying, Essie asked with a lisp.

"Leila." Lucy said in a low voice, which sounded like a violent wind stirring up great waves in her heart.

It was her!

It must have been in his mind a long time ago that he wanted to marry her. Maybe he was right. He had

never loved her. He took the bullet for her out of instinct.

He had been in love with Leila ever since. She was just a substitute, a substitute to satisfy his needs.

He must have thought that she was unconscious and useless, so he divorced her. You're indeed the

most cold-blooded person, cold-blooded and ruthless.

She would not waste her time or energy to deal with such a person.

From now on, they were just strangers. She didn't need him. Without him, she could still support the

Xu's Group.

A cold and determined look ruffled her eyes. She bit her lips and stopped crying. She took a tissue to

wipe away all the tears on her cheeks. "Mom, I'm fine. Let's go. I don't want to stay here any longer."

In the shadow of the inpatient building, Zac had been standing for a long time. His heart trembled when

he saw her walking out slowly.

He really wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her to tell her how much he missed her. He missed

her crazily, and he was also worried about her. He was so worried that he lost his appetite and couldn't

fall asleep at night.

Unconsciously, he stepped forward and took it back painfully.

She must hate him very much now, right?

He couldn't explain it. What if she refused to receive treatment when she knew the truth?

He could not take any risk. As long as she could recover her health, he would accept all the hatred and


And Essie only took one day rest at home before she went to the office. She came back safe and

sound. She believed that someone must be very disappointed.

The first person who came to see her was Leila.

Essie knew very well that she was here to show off her victory and hit her hard.

"You should have known that I have married Zac. Now I am the real Mrs. Leila." She raised her

eyebrows smugly.

"I'm very busy right now, and I don't have time to talk about these personal matters with you. I have

nothing to do with Zac. I'm not interested in knowing your things." Even though her heart was twisted

into a knot with pain, she still maintained the calm on her face, and her voice was also flat without any


"That's the best. I'll defend our marriage. Whoever dares to be mistress and ruin our marriage, I'll let

her die." Each of Leila's words was a sinister threat. Essie's life was still under her control. Leila could

kill her at any time if Leila was unhappy.

"If you are finished, please leave." Essie turned her eyes to the computer. She didn't want to look at

Leila for one more second.

"I'm here to tell you that I will move into the villa by the lake today and have a sweet couple life with

Zac. You'd better move away all your stuff right away. You should not leave a single pin left in it." She

commanded like a landlord.

"I will move out. I don't want to get my stuff dirty." She announced through clenched fists.

Leila's face darkened. She said, "Zac planned to pack all your stuff and throw them away. He said he

hated them and you. It was I who persuaded him to keep them for you. After you came here, please

take them away."

A touch of hatred flitted across Essie's face. They were showing off their love in public, but love couldn't

be lasted long. Since Zac hadn't recovered from his hidden illness, how long would their asexual

marriage last?

How could Leila know the secret? The only thing on her face was smug. She finally won this battle. In

the future, she could take Zac as her own, and Zac forever belonged to her.

Next was Elizabeth.

Essie knew that she would come. Without her permission, it was hard to bail Luke and Pitkin out, let

alone let them out.

"I didn't expect you to leave hospital so soon. You are so lucky." Elizabeth said in a voice dripping with

sarcasm. Noticing that her face looked a little gloomy, she added in a hurry, "it has nothing to do with

me. Don't put the blame on me. I'm not the suspect."

Essie then took a glance at her. It didn't matter.She would investigate it. She would not wrongly accuse

a good person, and she would not let go of those who want to hurt her.

"Aunt Elizabeth, do you come here for the business of Mr. Luke and Mr. Pitkin?"

"Since you have already guessed it, I won't beat about the bush." Elizabeth curled her lips and said,

"Mr. Luke and Mr. Pitkin did do something wrong. Mr. Baron knew it before the accident and had taught

them a lesson. They also agree to make a compensation. We are all relatives. Why do you have to

fight with them so fiercely?"

Essie picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip slowly. "I can withdraw my accusation against

them, protecting them from prison, but it depends on your sincerity, aunt Elizabeth."

"You're now the chairman and CEO. How can I compete with you?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her


"You misunderstood me." With a slight smile on her face, Essie said, "in fact, nothing can be fought for

between us. After all, the Xu's Group belongs to Vinton and Holy sooner or later."

"It's not easy for you to understand." Elizabeth snorted and asked, "what do you want on earth?"

Putting down the teacup, Essie leaned forward and asked in a lower voice, "tell me, who is your


Elizabeth was shocked, "I... I don't understand. "

"You murdered Mr. Baron and tried to kill my sister. I'm sure that you and Bles didn't do that. Someone

must help you." Essie spoke slowly and clearly.

"Don't talk nonsense. It has nothing to do with us." Elizabeth said in a hurry.

"Aunt Elizabeth, I'll tell you one more thing. That person is not helping you, but making use of you. His

real purpose is to swallow Xu's Group when it is in great pain. When the stock of the Xu's Group fell

sharply, someone seized the opportunity to buy a large number of it. There is a mysterious major

shareholder in the Xu's Group that hasn't shown up yet. "

A hint of fear flashed across Elizabeth's face as she heard this. Taking the opportunity, Essie continued,

"as long as you tell me the background of this person, I will forgive you for whatever you did. Mr. Pitkin

and Mr. Luke can got out of prison safely. I can help you hide your story about Loren and you can

continue to be your Mrs. Elizabeth. " With that, Essie believed that she had prepared well.

"Are you really that good?" Elizabeth's eyes were full of doubts. Years ago, she drove Luce and her out

of the Xu family. Didn't she come back to take revenge?

"My mom has married. Even if I drive you away, we can't go back." Leaning back in the chair, Essie

looked at her peacefully.

"I don't know who he is. He is very mysterious. He just contacted Bles in secret. I have never met him

in person."

With a slight smile on her face, Essie said, "I think it won't be difficult for you to pry into some

information based on your relationship with Bles. The case is to be held in the court next month. The

judge will be on you. "

"Do you really let the past go?" Elizabeth was still a little perturbed, fearing that she would fall out with


"Don't worry. When daddy wakes up, I will blame all the things on that person. You and Bles have

nothing to do with it." Said Essie seriously. Now the main enemy was the viper lurking behind the

conspiracy. She could temporarily put aside her grudge against Elizabeth.

When Essie walked out of the Hengyuan building, she had a feeling of exhaustion, especially when she

thought about going to the lakeside villa to pick up her stuff.

Fortunately, Hanson came to pick her up.

Seeing her pale face, he immediately held her in his arms. "Are you tired? I've told you to take a few

more days off. You haven't recovered yet, and you came to work in a hurry. There are so many things

to do in the company. How can you bear it?"

Essie leaned her head against his shoulder. She felt both physically and mentally exhausted. Luckily,

he was there for her and she could rely on him. "Thank you, Hanson. Thank you for not leaving



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