Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 548 If You Can't Fall Asleep, Do Some Exercises

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His two beautiful thick eyebrows twisted when hearing her words. He took a deep breath from the gap

of his teeth, as if somewhere was painful. "Do you think I will care about your company?"

"Why not? The capitalist's pursuit of interests is endless." She frowned and looked at him as if he was

a stranger.

He gritted his teeth, and the muscles around his lips were very tense. A malicious and ferocious aura

covered his face. "So what? Business is like a battlefield, and I don't need to show mercy. I don't feel

guilty about this, and you have no reason or qualification to blame me. "

Elizabeth had hurt his child, and he would never let her go. And he would neve forgive Alice for letting

him lose his wife. Taking away the Xu Group was the biggest blow to them.

However, Essie had a different thought. She had already taken herself as the daughter of the Xu family.

Even if he didn't know that she was the daughter of the Xu family, she couldn't ignore his coldness, let

alone pretend that nothing had happened.

"It turns out that I don't know you at all."

A flame of fury swept over his knitted eyebrows. He stared at her for a long time, and a touch of

indescribable sadness and disappointment quickly surged into his eyes. "Essie, are you still saying that

till now?"

"I'm just telling the truth." An invisible resentment was spreading in her throat, and her voice became


His chest heaved heavily, and his face was as pale as death. His cold eyes were dark with cold light,

and his face was full of gloom and anger. "This can only prove that you are a heartless woman!" He

said through gritted teeth. And then he turned around and went upstairs angrily, ignoring her. It seemed

that he was extremely disappointed in her and didn't even want to say anything more.

Hiding at the stairway, Mili and Dot peeped at them. As soon as they saw Zac, they rushed into the

room to hide, fearing that he would see them.

Tears welled up in Essie's eyes. She fell onto the sofa and couldn't help sobbing. Tears fell down on her

collar and soon wetted it.

She didn't do anything wrong. He was the one to blame. It was all her family who had suffered. He had

already known the enemy's actions, but he was indifferent. If he could help them at that time, they

would not have been hurt.

She had no sense of security when she was with such a cold, ruthless, sophisticated and unpredictable

man. If one day he had no feelings for her, he would even sacrifice her mercilessly, regardless of her

life and death.

In the room, Mili sighed, "Daddy and mommy have just been together for a few days. Why did they

quarrel again?"

"Adults are always like this. They have to fight for the past, the present, and the future. There will

always be endless arguments." Dot sat on the sofa, crossed his arms and said seriously.

"Will they make it up?" Mili was very worried. It seemed that her daddy was very angry and didn't mean

to coax her mommy.

"They have gone through a lot of ups and downs. They won't be separated for a little thing. At most,

they will have a cold war for a while." Dot said thoughtfully.

Mili let out a long sigh. Her parents were a happy couple. One was a fire, and the other was an oil.

When they were together, they would definitely burn fiercely.

In the evening, Zac didn't go back to his room but slept in a guest room.

Essie tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. She felt like a python stirring in her heart, uncomfortable

and resentful.

So she got up and went to the living room to drink.

To her surprise, when she went downstairs, she found that Zac was sitting in front of the bar counter,

drinking sulkily. He was obviously more irritable than her.

She lowered her eyes, neither looked at him nor spoke to him. She went straight to the bar counter,

took out a bottle of red wine, poured a glass, and drank it up in a gulp.

He glanced at her, grabbed the bottle and cup from her hand and said, "go upstairs and sleep."

"It's none of your business." She jumped up and grabbed the glass from his hand. He frowned and

grabbed her waving little paws. "Do you want me to carry you up?"

"I can't fall asleep." She stamped her feet in anger.

An indescribable mischievous look flashed through his eyes. "Stupid woman, do you need a lesson?"

"You deserve a lesson, cold-blooded beast!" She rolled her eyes at him and felt a little sad.

"Can you teach me a lesson?" He snorted, his eyes full of mockery and contempt, looking at her as if

she were an insignificant ant.

She was furious. Although it hurt her self-esteem and she was unwilling to admit it, it was true. She

couldn't fight against the great devil, so she could only be enslaved and plundered.

"I'm going to sleep." She stamped her feet hard and walked towards the stairway. Suddenly, a huge

force came and she was lifted into the air.

It turned out that the big devil rushed over and carried her on his shoulder.

"Let go of me, cold-blooded beast. I'm going back to sleep." She kicked his shoulders with all her

strength, but it didn't work at all.

He kicked the door open, walked in and threw her on the bed.

She saw through his intention, got up and wanted to run, but was pressed down by him.

"Zac, don't touch me. I haven't forgiven you yet!"

"Stupid woman, I didn't forgive you either. Now it is a punishment for you." He grabbed her struggling

hands, raised them above her head and pressed them hard, making her unable to move.

Seeing the terrible cruelty in his eyes, a chill spread from her spine. "You are the one who is wrong.

Why should I be punished?"

He frowned ferociously, and his eyes flashed with cold light like a lion, as if he was going to eat her

alive. "Stupid woman, listen carefully. In front of me, you have only obligation and no right. No matter

what I do, you have to accept it. No matter what I say, you can only listen to me. No objection, no

doubt, and no intention of resistance. "

She was so angry that she trembled all over. She stared at him ferociously, with a face of rage and

savageness. "Bastard, I am not your slave!"

"You are not a slave, but my woman, so you must strictly abide by my rules." Every word came out of

his thin lips was quite cold, strong and domineering.

There seemed to be no pity on his face. He lowered his head and kissed her hard on the lips...

When she woke up again, it was already in the evening.

The man who tortured her was no longer by her side. He was playing in the garden with children. He

seemed to be always full of energy and was not tired at all.

When she endured the pain and went downstairs with difficulty, the servant had already prepared the


"Madam, would you like to have dinner?" She asked.

She nodded. Of course she would eat. If she was not full, how could she have the strength to fight

against the fierce demon king?

When Zac came back with the children, she had already eaten two bowls of rice.

"Mommy, did you stay awake last night because you quarreled with daddy and got angry? Did you do

exercise all night?" Mili tilted her head and looked at her, confused.

She choked hard and coughed several times to calm down.

What the hell was wrong with Zac? What did he take about with the children?

She wanted to explain, but she couldn't make a sound because of her hoarse voice last night. She

wanted to stand up, but her legs were soft and she fell back weakly. This embarrassed her very much.

She turned around and glared at the culprit.

Zac looked complacent. This heartless and stupid woman irritated him last night. This was a lesson! If

she did it again, he would punished her again and let her be unable to get out of bed for three days!

Seeing her mother's painful expression, Mili felt very sorry for her. She reached out her small hands

and held her. "Poor mommy, if you quarrel with daddy again, come to me. I'll chat with you. Don't do

tiring exercises anymore."

Dot touched his chin and said slowly like an adult, "Mommy was doing exercise last night. What was

daddy doing?"

Zac patted him on the head and said, "of course I'm sleeping."

"Didn't you say that you couldn't fall asleep without mommy by your side?" Dot raised his eyebrows and

asked doubtfully.

Since daddy came back, they had completely lost the right to sleep with mommy.

Last time, when Mili wanted to sleep with her mommy, he took her back to her bed. He was now

domineering as if he wanted to monopolize his mother. Mili asked him sadly. Why couldn't she sleep

with her mommy? He said that if her mommy was not beside him, he would suffer from insomnia and

affect tomorrow's work. So Mili had to sleep by herself.

At this moment, hearing his words, Zac was a little embarrassed. "Don't question adults, kid."

Dot winked at Mili, and Mili understood what he meant. She said with a secret smile, "so daddy can fall

asleep without mommy, right? Then next time you can't drive us away and monopolize mommy by

yourself. We also want to sleep with mommy. "

Zac had to explain to them. "I said I was sleeping. I didn't say I was asleep. I counted the sheep until


"Then you sneaked back to your room and slept with mommy, didn't you?" Mili giggled. She had seen

him walk out of the main bedroom.

Zac gently pinched her little face and said, "little girl, mind your own business. Otherwise, you will be


Mili spit out her tongue and said. "I don't want to care. I just want to know if you are reconciled or not."

Dot smiled. "Since he has taken the initiative to go back to his room, they must have reconciled.

Anyway, mommy is not by his side, and he can't sleep. He was willful."

Pretending not to hear the conversation between the three, Essie filled another bowl of rice and

lowered her head to eat. Her voice was hoarse and she couldn't speak. Besides, she didn't forgive the

devil at all.

Standing next to her, Zac didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. As the cold-blooded young master of

Dragon City, he was going to be defeated by two three-year-old kids.

Zac gently pinched her little face and said, "little girl, mind your own business. Otherwise, you will be


Mili spit out her tongue and said. "| don't want to care. | just want to know if you are reconciled or not."

Dot smiled. "Since he has taken the initiative to go back to his room, they must have reconciled.

Anyway, mommy is not by his side, and he can't sleep. He was willful."

Pretending not to hear the conversation between the three, Essie filled another bowl of rice and

lowered her head to eat. Her voice was hoarse and she couldn't speak. Besides, she didn't forgive the

devil at all.

Standing next to her, Zac didn't Know whether to cry or to laugh. As the cold-blooded young master of

Dragon City, he was going to be defeated by two three-year-old kids.


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