Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 479 A Fight Between Two Brothers

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When Ivy saw Essie, she dragged her into her room.

She would rather see Hanson marry Essie than let him be with Christina. Though the girl in front of her

was Hanson's true love, she regarded Christina as her most powerful rival in love because Christina

knew Hanson through her.

"It must be Christina who set up brother Hanson. It is fair that she cannot compete with us frankly. She

is so shameless to do such a dirty thing behind our back. She is so evil!" she said angrily.

With a sigh, she said, "In fact, I wish Hanson could be with you too. But I didn't expect that..."

"Will brother Hanson and Christina get married?" Ivy said in a choked voice. She was so regretful. If

she hadn't invited Christina to her birthday party three years ago, she wouldn't have met her brother


"I don't know. Since she is pregnant, Hanson must give her an explanation," Essie said in a low voice.

"Only the most shameless woman in the world would like to get the man by trapping the man

to have a baby with her," Ivy said, gnashing her teeth.

Essie patted her on the shoulder to comfort her and said, "Ivy, if Hanson and Christina really get

married, please forget him and find someone who really belongs to you."

Ivy was so sad that she lowered her head. She didn't know if she would fall in love with others in the

future, but she really loved Hanson now. All she wanted was to be with him.

A moment later, Essie walked out of Ivy's room. She met Walt.

"Brother," she greeted him with a smile.

"I'm glad to see that you're okay," Walt said.

"Now everyone is sympathizing with me, so please don't sympathize with me any more, okay? I was

robbed of the loved ones twice by two girls of the Qin family. It is not the doomsday. They won't do

anything to me," Essie said in a tone of self-mockery.

Walt sighed slightly. "Well, I won't say that again. There are some people who can be forgotten."

Essie nodding her head slightly. She would not forget Hanson, who was her best friend and her senior

forever, even though they could not get married.

"I'm going to look for the kids. They are fishing by the lake with Zac. Do you want to go with them,


"Okay." Walt smiled and went to the lake with her.

"Uncle," Mili and Dot saw him and greeted Walt affectionately.

"Good kids." Sitting down beside Dot, Walt smiled at him. "Hey, kid, why do you have to draw a face

every time you come here?"

"Because I don't like strangers, neither do I like to go to places with many people. I only feel safe after I

draw my face," Dot said seriously, trying to hide his little secret.

"We have met before, so we are not strangers now," Walt said with a smile.

"But there are many servants here." Dot pouted.

"Well, I won't put you on the spot anymore. You can do whatever you want," Walt said, patting his head.

No one would doubt what a three year old kid said.

"Uncle," Mili called out. "Are you also a twin brother to daddy?"

"Yes." Walt nodded.

"You don't look like each other." Mili looked at him and then at Zac.

"We are fraternal twins, so we don't look alike. If we are we identical twins, we will look like each other

very much," Walt said with a smile.

"Does anyone in your family are identical twins?" Mili asked curiously.

"Yes, your grandmother and her sister are identical twins. It's said they look almost the same. If they

stand together, even my daddy can't tell the different," Walt said.

When Essie heard his words, she was shocked. She turned around and looked at Zac, asking, "Your

mommy has a twin sister?"

Zac nodded slightly, with a trace of sadness on his face. "Yes, but it's a pity that my aunt passed away

because of a car accident when my brother and I were young."

"I'm sorry," Essie said with sorrow. She shouldn't have mentioned such sad memories.

"It's okay. brother and I were small at that time. We barely remember her. Mommy never mentioned our

aunt in front of us. Only daddy mentioned her occasionally," Zac shrugged and said in a light tone.

"Is she as bad as grandma?" Mili pouted.

"It seems that you don't like grandma at all," Walt said, stroking her little head.

"She doesn't like my mommy, and she doesn't like me and Dot. Why should I like her?" Mili snorted.

Hearing this, Walt sighed helplessly. At this moment, he was also dissatisfied with Mary. She was not

allowed Zac to get back together with Essie, and even tried to stop him from going out with Essie. She

ruined his chance.

At this time, Mary was peeping at them from not far away. Hearing Mili's words, she was very angry.

How dare this little bastard bear grudges against her! If it were not for the two elders who wanted to win

the support of Essie, they would never have had the chance to enter the Rong Mansion in her life time.

Essie was kicked away by Hanson and she might turn to her son again. She had to guard against her

son and wouldn't give her any chance.

Suddenly, a big fish took the bait and Mili yelled excitedly, "Mommy, help me!"

Delighted, Essie stood up and ran to help her up. Unfortunately, she stepped on the moss and

stumbled backward.

Almost at the same time, Zac and Walt jumped up and rushed over to hold her in their arms.

Zac thought his brother could release his hand since Essie had been holding tight by him. But Walt

didn't intend to let them go right away. It seemed that he had deliberately ignored Zac's existence. He

didn't let go of his hand until he was sure that Essie stood steadily.

A dark light flashed across the eyes of Zac. He had been a little worried that his brother was coveting

his wife, and now his performance seemed to further prove this point.

"Are you okay? Essie," Walt asked with concern, completely ignoring Zac's feelings.

"Nothing." She smoothed the hair near her ear and felt a little embarrassed.

With his arm around her waist, Zac said, "Brother, don't worry. I will protect my woman." He was

showing his sovereignty.

A faint smile appeared on Walt's face. "Did not you change your woman to Leila?" Although it was a

joke, there was a hint of provocation in his tone.

A shadow flew over Zac's face. It turned out that his brother did it on purpose. Why mentioned it?

He frowned. As his eyes locked with Walt's, a lightning burst out.

"Daddy, Mommy, come and help! It's a big fish! Dot and I can't hold it anymore!" Mili's voice echoed at

the lake, breaking the strange atmosphere.

Zac and Essie then hurried to the kids to help them.

Seeing the fish struggling desperately on the fish hook, Mili happily danced. "Did I catch the biggest

fish in the lake?"

"Probably, my little princess is awesome." Zac gave her a thumbs up.

Mili giggled, and the clear and childish laughter was like the collision between the silver bell, rippling in

the lake.

Others also burst into laughter, dissipating the smell of gunpowder in the air just now.

Behind the tree, Mary didn't smile at all. She had witnessed what had just happened.

It was horrible.

Her two sons started to grow apart because of this little foxy woman.

The little tramp was really a disaster!

She must get rid of her from Rong family!

Coming back from the lake, Zac decided to have a talk with Walt and went to the study with him.

"Brother, I haven't heard you talk about your little sun for a long time. Haven't you contacted each

other?" he said casually as making tea.

"Just say it out. There is no need to beat about the bush between us." Walt gazed at him coldly. It

seemed that he had known what he wanted to talk about.

Zac didn't speak at once. He poured him a cup of tea, and then picked up the cup in front of him. After

taking a sip of the tea, he said, "It is really good tea. Just like my woman, it tastes fresh, sweet and full

of charm."

A cold light flashed through Walt's eyes, "Which woman? Leila or Landis?" he deliberately asked. He

didn't mention Essie, because in his eyes, Essie had nothing to do with his brother any more.

"You know the answer." Zac recognized his scheme. He lifted the corners of his mouth and smiled


Taking a sip of the tea, Walt said, "It is really good tea, but unfortunately it's not yours anymore. Don't

put it in your bowl and not look at the pot."

"Be my woman, and she will be mine forever. It won't change," Zac said slowly in a gentle tone. The

implication in his words was incomparably domineering.

Anger had been building up in Walt's heart. "She is not your puppet. You can have her at your


Zac's dark and deep eyes flickered in the sun, sharp and sensitive. "Essie is your little sun, right?" he

asked in a low but clear voice.

"Yes," said Walt in a gentle shake. He spit out the word heavily. Since he had guessed it, there was no

need to hide it.

"You have been loving her all the time?" Zac said, his face turning red.

"Yes, I've been looking for her for four years, but I didn't expect her to become your wife." Walt stared

at him frankly. He met Essie first. Why did she become the wife of his younger brother?

"Now that she and I are married, you should face the truth." Zac gnashed his teeth. No one could have

a finger in his woman, even if they were brothers.

"I've given up. As long as you can make her happy, I'll hide my feelings and never let her know. But I

didn't expect you to divorce her and marry someone else. " After a moment of silence, the blue veins

on his forehead began to roll. "You don't deserve to own her since you have abandoned her when she

needs you the most! The most hateful thing is that you married Leila and still harassed and played with

her. What a shame! I won't watch you hurt her and do nothing! "

Zac's black eyes widened. His eyes reflected nothing but sorrow. "She is my woman. I will never hurt


"You can't hurt her again. From now on, I won't give up any more." Clenching his fist, Walt swallowed

with hatred.

A bloodthirsty expression rose on the face of Zac, "Are you challenging me?"

"You have been loving her all the time?" Zac said, his face turning red.

"Yes, I've been looking for her for four years, but | didn't expect her to become your wife." Walt stared

at him frankly. He met Essie first. Why did she become the wife of his younger brother?

"Now that she and | are married, you should face the truth." Zac gnashed his teeth. No one could have

a finger in his woman, even if they were brothers.

"I've given up. As long as you can make her happy, I'll hide my feelings and never let her know. But |

didn't expect you to divorce her and marry someone else. " After a moment of silence, the blue veins

on his forehead began to roll. "You don't deserve to own her since you have abandoned her when she

needs you the most! The most hateful thing is that you married Leila and still harassed and played with

her. What a shame! | won't watch you hurt her and do nothing! "

Zac's black eyes widened. His eyes reflected nothing but sorrow. "She is my woman. | will never hurt


"You can't hurt her again. From now on, | won't give up any more." Clenching his fist, Walt swallowed

with hatred.

A bloodthirsty expression rose on the face of Zac, "Are you challenging me?"


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