Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 556 Honey Trap

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The drizzle rippled in the sky, making the quiet night even more desolate.

Vinton leaned against the sofa, took a sip of wine and swallowed his loneliness. He was bored, but he

didn't want others to accompany him. The only person who wanted to be with him was Eva.

The apartment was so quiet that he couldn't get used to it. It was the first time that he had found his

apartment so large, empty and desolate.

Yesterday, as soon as he went to the Hengdian, he was driven back by Eva. He was so disappointed

and crazy that she said she didn't want to talk to him recently. What on earth did he do wrong to upset

her and make her so resistant to him? He really wanted to take her to the Civil Affairs Bureau on

Monday, so that she wouldn't dare to stay away from him.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and smiled with a little self mockery.

At this time, a mobile phone rang, breaking the silence. It was neither the exclusive phone for Eva, nor

her ringtone. He took a slight glance at it and found that it was Essie.

In the morning, Eva's assistant called and told Essie that Eva was almost hit to death last night. Essie

knew that she had to do something for her bestie. But she could only come up with an idea, and the

specific action depended on Vinton.

Not long after she hung up the phone, Vinton received a call from Wendy.

"Brother Vinton, I'm in the midnight club. If you're alone, come and drink with me." The person in the

video squinted slightly and looked half drunk. Beside her, there were two strange men harassing her.

"Wendy, are you okay?" Vinton asked deliberately.

"It's okay. I'm going to dance later. My legs are fine. I can dance. Really, I can dance," Wendy spoke

incoherently and drank up the wine in her glass. It seemed that it would be strange if there was nothing


"Wendy, wait there. I'll be right there." Vinton sneered and put away his phone. He was about to look

for her, but she came to him first. 'No time like the present'. It seemed that they could take action

tonight. He immediately called Essie and asked her to send someone to decorate his apartment to

make a trap.

In the midnight club, the lights were flickering and the music was boiling.

Wendy was dancing madly. Vinton had ignored her since he came back from Switzerland. It was not

easy to get a good opportunity to save him. She thought she would be able to touch him, but she didn't

expect that a call from Eva would take his soul away. Her efforts were in vain.

She was not reconciled. She must play a good play to get Vinton back.

She was wearing a V neck vest, her chest slightly exposed, and a hot miniskirt, which perfectly showed

her long and beautiful legs.

The bees and butterflies surrounded her, staring at her beautiful figure. Blood boiled and nosebleed

gushed out.

Seeing the tall figure in front of her, she smiled coquettishly, "Brother Vinton, look at me. Am I as good

as before?" She stood on tiptoe, trying to give him a light rotation, but her ankle was soft and she fell


Vinton held her in time, "Did you sprain your ankle again?"

"Nothing." She tried to stand up, but as soon as her feet fell to the ground, her body tilted again and fell

into his arms.

"I'm fine. I'm really fine." As she spoke, tears fell down, looking so painful and desperate.

Vinton patted her on the shoulder and said, "Wendy, don't worry. I will find the best doctors

of orthopedics for you and cure your leg."

"Brother Vinton!" Wendy couldn't help but burst into tears in his arms.

He sighed and lifted her up. "Wendy, let's go. Go to my place tonight."

Upon hearing this, Wendy was overjoyed and shyly buried her head into his solid chest.

After returning to the apartment, Vinton put her on the sofa.

She held the tea table and wanted to stand up, but she fell back again. She frowned and looked very

painful. Of course, it was completely fake. Her legs had already recovered.

"Wendy, what are you doing?" Vinton asked.

"I just want a glass of water." Wendy lowered her eyes and a drop of tear fell on her thick eyelashes,

looking pitiful.

"Let me do it." Vinton walked to the water dispenser, poured her a glass of water and sat beside her.

"Wendy, stay here tonight. I'll take care of you."

"Brother Vinton, I... I don't want to bother you. " Wendy raised her eyes and looked at him with tearful

eyes, looking very embarrassed. In fact, she really wanted to throw herself at him at once.

Vinton smiled, "You got hurt because of me. Of course I should take care of you."

"Thank you, brother Vinton!" She picked up the cup and took a sip of water. A smile crept over the cup.

After that, Vinton went to take a bath. When he came out, he wore a sapphire blue silk bathrobe with

his chest wide open.

He was extremely handsome, like a demon. After bathing, his lazy and messy appearance made

people's souls ripple.

Wendy's heart skipped a beat. She thought Vinton was hinting at her, but she didn't respond

immediately. A woman should be reserved, and only when she wanted to refuse, could she attract the

man more.

She lowered her eyes and took a sip of water to hide her thoughts.

Vinton sneered in his heart. He had seen a lot of women, how could he not see through her little tricks.

He walked over and put his arm around her shoulder. "Wendy, do you want to take a shower?"

Wendy lowered her head and blushed with shyness. "Okay," she replied in a low voice.

"Let me help you for the water." After saying that, Vinton went into the bathroom. After pouring water

into the bathtub, he picked up Wendy and carried her to the bathroom door. "I'll wait for you in the

room. Take your time."

"Okay," Wendy replied in a low voice, trying her best to control her excitement so that Vinton wouldn't

know what she was thinking. In fact, she was so excited that she wanted to scream.

With a gentle smile on his face, Vinton closed the door, went back to the living room, poured a glass of

red wine and went upstairs.

Wendy was so happy that she hummed a tune while taking a bubble bath in the bathroom.

After coming out, she put on Vinton's shirt and took a selfie. Then she pressed the button and sent it to

Eva's phone. This was the phone number that Elizabeth stole from Vinton when he was in Switzerland.

It was convenient for her to deal with the tramp Eva.

At this time, Eva was lying on the bed and playing games. When she saw the photo, she thought it was

a trick, but when she looked carefully, she recognized that it was Wendy.

Why did this woman send her pictures? Was she insane!

Then she saw that she was wearing a man's shirt and behind her was the bathroom of Vinton's house.

Her heart jolted and she quickly dialed it.

"Wendy, what the hell are you doing?"

"I am in brother Vinton's home and just finished bathing with him. I just remember to inform you."

Wendy sneered.

"So what?" Anger flashed through Eva's eyes. Vinton bathed with her? Was he drunk?

Wendy laughed wildly, "Eva, I just want you to know that you can't defeat me. Vinton is mine. I'm his

fiancee. Now that we have sex, we will definitely get married. If you are smart enough, you'd better

retreat as soon as possible. Don't be a shameless mistress and get involved in our relationship. If your

fans know that you are a mistress, they will definitely despise you and kick you out of the entertainment

circle. "

Eva snorted and said in a mocking tone, "Wendy, Vinton has slept with many women. Who do you think

you are! If he had to marry the women he had slept with, then you will have to wait in line until your

next life. "

Hearing this, Wendy was exasperated. She stamped her feet and said, "Brother Vinton is still waiting

for me in his room. I have to go upstairs to serve him. I won't talk to you anymore. Just cry alone in

Hengdian." Then she hung up the phone.

Eva was furious.


How could Vinton sleep with Wendy?

If he was not drunk then he must have drugged by Wendy.

'Oh my God! If he really slept with Wendy, Elizabeth would have a reason to force him to marry her.

Maybe she would get pregnant by this chance.'

Thinking of the consequences, she was so anxious that she jumped her feet and hurried to call Vinton.

At this moment, Wendy was knocking on the door of Vinton's room. In order to carry out his plan

smoothly, Vinton had to hang up her phone for the time being.

As soon as Eva heard that the phone was hung up, she became angry. That guy had endured for so

many days, and he must have been driven by alcohol or medicine. How could he listen to her?

Even if she called someone to save him, it would be too late.

It seemed that he was doomed this time!

On the other side, Vinton opened the door and smiled at Wendy, "I've prepared a room for you. It's in

the opposite room. Go to bed."

These words were like a scoop of cold water from the Arctic Ocean, pouring down ruthlessly from the

top of Wendy's head. All her enthusiasm, excitement and passion were completely extinguished, and

even the smoke could not come out.

"Brother Vinton..." She looked at Vinton with tearful eyes, motionless, unwilling to leave. He was hinting

her to have sex with her. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

"Wendy, I'm sleepy. See you tomorrow." Vinton grabbed her shoulder, turned her around and pushed

her to the corridor. Then he slammed the door.

Wendy rushed into the room and burst into tears.

She felt as if she had been kicked into a bottomless abyss from the top of the clouds, and her heart

was broken into pieces.

She didn't understand why Vinton didn't like her so much. Eva was just an actor. She looked ordinary,

had an average figure, and came from a poor family. She was not from the same family as him. Why

did he fall in love with her?

Vinton returned to the big bed and lay down. He crossed his hands and held the back of his head, with

a mischievous smile on his face.


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