Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 631 Divorce

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Albert came back in advance. As soon as it happened, he received a call from Mary, saying that

someone was going to murder her. Now that he knew the person he found out was Jonas, and Lucy

was involved. He guessed that there would be another storm, so he came back in advance.

After getting off the plane, he didn't go to the hospital to see Mary immediately. Instead, he called Lucy

first. Since Lucy also wanted to see him, she invited him to have a visit in the villa in Phoenix Road.

"Brother Albert, I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm sitting up straight. I didn't hurt Essie's mother-in-law.

It's not me who gave the phone to Jonas. I'm not afraid even if the police come to investigate," Lucy

said in a calm and firm tone.

"Luce." Albert said in a low voice, "Mary is the bad person, I'm not stupid. I know what kind of person

you are. You won't do such a thing."

"Thank you, brother Albert." Lucy lowered her eyes, and her long curly eyelashes cast a sad shadow

on her eyelids. She picked up the black tea on the tea table, took a sip and slowly said, "To tell you the

truth, I really hate her. If she hadn't set up Baron and drugged him, he wouldn't have had sex with

Elizabeth. If she hadn't bribed the doctor and secretly ligatured me when I gave birth to Essie, I

wouldn't have been unable to give birth to a baby again. If she hadn't been helping Elizabeth in secret,

she wouldn't have been able to compete with me for my husband. I have a reason to hate her, and I

can't forgive her. But I'm not as vicious as her. The only thing I hope is that I will never have any contact

with this woman again. But God wants to make fun of me and let my daughter marry her son. "

She paused for a moment and continued, "I thought I would put up with it and let it go. She would feel

guilty and be good to Essie, but I didn't expect that she didn't regret at all. Instead, she continued to

hurt my daughter and even wronged me."

A violent spasm, accompanied by fear, ran over Albert's body. "Luce, do you mean that Mary has been

involved in those things before? Did she really had anything to do with all those things?"

"I have always regarded her as my best friend, my best sister. But since the car accident, she has

completely changed into another person. She suspected that I had an affair with you, so she used

Elizabeth to retaliate against me and hit me. But you and I are innocent. " A teardrop fell down from

Lucy's eyes. "At that time, Elizabeth was poor and didn't even have a decent job. If it weren't for Mrs.

Rong, who would be on Elizabeth's side and who would dare to take the risk to harm the young

hostess of the Xu family?"

Anger flashed in Albert's eyes. The muscles at the corners of his mouth were tightened, and his breath

was heaving heavily. He didn't expect that the man sleeping next to him for so many years was a wolf!

While he was silent, Lucy's voice came again, "I didn't want to tell you about this, but I'm worried about

Essie. I don't want her to be hurt like me and have a broken family."

"I won't let this woman continue to do evil!" Albert said, gnashing his teeth.

After he left, Essie went downstairs. She had taught her mother to say these words. She asked Lucy

not to mention anything about Jonas, nor did she intercede with Albert. But she knew that Albert would

definitely ask Mary to withdraw the lawsuit.

"Mary are heartless. Don't blame us for being unkind." A malicious smile quietly fell from the corners of

Essie's mouth.

"Brother Albert is so excellent. That woman doesn't deserve him at all!" Lucy snorted. He knew that this

was only the beginning. The day when the woman's true face was revealed would be the end of her


In the hospital, Mary had just finished the chicken soup sent by the servant. When she saw Albert

come in, she immediately lay back on the bed, looking very weak.

"Albert, you are finally back. I thought I would never see you again," she said weakly.

With an expressionless face, Albert suppressed all his anger in his chest. "Did Bob come to apologize

with his nephew yesterday?"

"They didn't do it sincerely. I just said a few words and they left angrily." Mary sighed helplessly and


"Didn't you ask Lucy to report her guilt and apologize?" Albert said slowly. When Bob came yesterday,

the servant was there. She told him what she had heard.

"She instigated her nephew to hurt me and refused to admit it. Am I wrong to do so?" Mary raised her


"Didn't you call the police? The police have collected the evidence to prove that it was Luce who

harmed you?" Albert asked.

"That bastard admitted that he hurt me because he received her phone call. What evidence do you

need?" Mary glared at him angrily. As soon as she heard that he was defending Luce, she was so

angry that even her hair was smoking.

With a sneer, Albert said, "Anyone can make a phone call. It's easy to pretend to be Lucy."

"Albert Rong, I knew you would defend her. My mother was murdered before, and she must have

colluded with Essie. Because I didn't pursue it, they went even worse and put me in trouble." Mary was


A malicious and cold light flashed through Albert's dark eyes. "Lucy has no enmity with you. Why did

she hurt you?"

"It's because of my relationship with Elizabeth that she vented her anger on me." Mary dodged aside


Albert didn't miss her small action. "Your relationship with Elizabeth is indeed much closer than I

imagined. It took you a lot of efforts to make her to get her position today. " His voice was like a

undercurrent before the tsunami, heavy and slow flowing, which could bring about stormy waves at any


Mary sensed it and couldn't help shivering, "I don't understand what you mean."

"You know it very well. You know what you have done!" Albert pointed at her heart and his critical eyes

were like knives that cut her into pieces. "Mary, it's not until today that I realized that I married a wolf in

sheep's clothing, not a wife!"

Mary shook violently and grabbed his hand. "Albert, have you met Lucy? Did she complain first and

frame me?"

"Frame you?" With a sneer, Albert continued, "I've always been wondering that kind of person like

Elizabeth Wang, a woman without money, power and background, is capable of turning the Xu family

upside down! Now I finally understand that she is not alone. It's you, Mary Ou Yang, who have been

working together with her! "

"I didn't do anything. I just gave Elizabeth some money. Everything was done by Elizabeth alone. It has

nothing to do with me," Mary growled. She would never admit her crime even she had to die.

"If it weren't for you, how could a promiscuous woman like Elizabeth have the chance to get close to

Baron? If you hadn't drugged Baron, how could he have sex with Elizabeth? If you hadn't threatened

and tempted the doctors of Dragon City hospital in the name of the young hostess of the Rong family,

no one would have dared to do the ligation operation secretly for the young hostess of the Xu family

even if Elizabeth had offered ten million dollars! Mary Ou Yang, how could you make a woman lose her

ability to conceive? You are so vicious! " Albert's voice was full of anger, and his face was flushed with

the raging flames.

"I didn't do it. It has nothing to do with me. If she wants to accuse me, show me the evidence!" Mary

jumped out of bed, trembling with excitement.

"Evidence?" Clenching his teeth, Albert said, "I don't need any evidence. I just need to bring Elizabeth

here and confront you. Everything will be clear!"

"Can you believe that woman's words? In order not to let Baron blame her, she will definitely put all the

blame on me." Mary's face twisted as if she had been stung by a hornet.

"I'd like to see how you two bite each other like dogs." Albert sneered ironically.

Seeing that he didn't believe her at all, Mary sat on the bed and burst into tears. "Albert, I've been

working for your family for so many years, taking care of your parents and raising your children. I

haven't done anything wrong. How could you suspect me and blame me for an outsider!"

At this moment, Albert was full of disgust with her. Over the years, he had tolerated her narrow

mindedness and petty shortcomings, and had always maintained a respectful attitude towards her. But

he never thought that she would be so vicious in secret.

"Mary, what our family needs is a kind, tolerant and generous hostess, not a vicious woman. After you

leave the hospital, you don't have to go back to the Rong Mansion. I'll ask the lawyer to draw up a

divorce agreement and send it here. "

Hearing this, Mary's face turned pale and even her lips lost color. "You... You want to divorce me? "

"You don't deserve to be my wife." After saying that, Albert turned around and walked out. He turned a

deaf ear to Mary's heartbreaking cries behind him.

In the villa, Zac came back a little tired. As soon as he received the phone call from Mary, he rushed

over and comforted her with Walt.

Perhaps Albert was still in a fit of anger. He didn't go back to the Rong Mansion, nor did he answer the

phone. Perhaps he didn't want to be persuaded by anyone.

Knowing what had happened, Essie pretended to know nothing and poured him a glass of milk. "The

kids are asleep. Why do you come back so late?"

Zac cast a dark glance at her and asked, "Did my father meet your mother?"

"He came in the afternoon. He had a cup of tea and left. I was taking a nap. Mom didn't tell me until I

woke up. What's wrong?" she asked casually.


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