Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 474 The Engagement Ceremony

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"I know he endured it, but he must be very unhappy about it. Besides taking advantage of his personal

interest, he has no feelings for Alice anymore. If you set up another fire between them, it will burn Alice

to death." Zac comforted her while patting her on the shoulder.

"Mommy said that now they are on alert and can't act rashly, they have to think of a perfect plan," Leila


Zac nodded slightly. "The wedding date is in October. There's still time. Don't worry. You can take your

time. You will knock them with one shot next time. After that, Alice won't be able to turn over again. "

"I won't let you down, brother Zac," Leila promised. With the help of Mary, she felt much relieved. If the

Qin family found out about it, she would put all the blame on Mary and walk away from it.

In the following week, Essie was busy preparing for her and Hanson's engagement ceremony. Although

the demon king looked gloomy every day, the engagement ceremony still had to be held.

The day before the engagement ceremony, she went to Venice Hotel in Yang City with Hanson to

observe the site layout.

Although it was only an engagement ceremony, the celebrities from Yang City and Dragon City were

invited to attend the engagement ceremony. It was hailed as the 'cross city century engagement party'

by the media.

After checking the flower arrangement, Essie was about to go to the pastry shop, but a MMS was sent

to her.

In the message, there was a very sexy photo. She seemed to be shocked and suddenly, her phone fell

to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Hanson helped her pick up the cellphone. When he saw the photo on the screen, his

body was twisting violently and finally fell down to the ground.

"Essie, you... Let me explain. It's not what you think. " He grabbed the shoulders of Essie and said in

fear, "That day, I was so drunk that I didn't know what happened. I didn't know why Christina was with

me. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I'm just afraid that you won't talk to me after you know it. "

Essie stared at him. And there was a long silence. It seemed that Christina didn't give up him, just like

Ivy. In fact, they were all better than her. No matter which of them he chose, he would be happier than

being with her.

They loved him wholeheartedly, but she gave herself to Zac, both her body and heart were incomplete.

She didn't and had the right to blame him. She just wanted him to be happy and have a good marriage.

"Hanson, Christina is pretty good. In fact, you can consider..."

"Essie!" Hanson interrupted her words, his eyes filled with shock and pain. "You don't want me


"No, I just feel that I don't deserve you." Essie's face was full of sorrow. If it weren't for her mother's

hard word, she would have made it clear to him and she didn't want to waste his time.

"Excuse!" Hanson raised his voice. "You're blaming me. You don't want to forgive me, right?" He fell

down to the ground, cupping his head in hands, and his fingers plunged into the thick black hair. He

clenched his hair and said, "It's all my fault. Why did I drink? I'm a good drinker. I've only drunk a few

glasses, and somehow I've lost my consciousness. Damn it! "

"Hanson." She rushed forward and hugged him. "I didn't blame you, really, it's not your fault at all. I just

think that Christina is better than me. I'm incomplete and don't deserve you. "

"She is no match for you. No one can compete with you! In my eyes, you are always the perfect girl,"

Hanson said in a firm and forceful tone. If it were not because of Zac's swoop in, she would always

belong to him, and all the mistakes were caused by Zac.

Thinking of this, Essie felt that her mind was in a total mess. There was a demon in her heart. She was

eager to take this opportunity to cancel her engagement with Hanson.

But what she couldn't bear was that tomorrow would be the engagement ceremony. If she suddenly

cancelled, it would be equal to slapping Hanson in the face. She couldn't do anything to hurt him, or

she would hate herself and feel guilty all her life.

"Hanson, let's forget about it, as if it had never happened. Don't let it affect our engagement ceremony

tomorrow." She tried her best to sound calm.

Hanson raised his head to look at her with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms tightly, not wanting

to let her go. "Thank you. Thank you for forgiving me. Essie, thank... Thank you, thank you very much."

Essie sighed. What right did she have to forgive him? It was her who asked for his forgiveness.

In the evening, she went back to the Dragon City alone. According to the local customs, whether it was

the engagement or the marriage, the couple had better not meet each other the night before the event.

As soon as she got off the car, she was pulled into his Bentley by Zac.

She was a little panicked. "I'm going home tonight. I can't..."

"I know." He interrupted her in a low and hoarse voice.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" She rubbed her hands, and her heart was a little uneasy and bitter.

He raised his hand and grabbed her by the tip of her chin. "I allow you to get engaged, but I will never

allow you to get married. I will never take back what I have said. If you want to marry another man, you

can only step over my body! " He said that word by word in a cold, decisive and full of threat.

A bitter smile emerged on her beautiful face. "I know that a person like me should be alone all my life. It

seems that it's wrong to marry anyone."

Her eyes went through his shoulders and fell into the darkness outside. Suddenly, she felt so lonely as

if she was the only one left in the world.

He sat beside her, but he didn't belong to her. He had his wife and his family. Hanson was her fiance,

but he didn't seem to belong to her either. He should belong to the woman better than her.

She was just a fifth wheel. She should have stayed in a corner alone to spend the rest of her life.

Holding her shoulders, Zac looked at her face. He acutely captured her depression.

"You should marry me," he said overbearingly and peremptorily.

"You have a wife. How can I marry you, Zac?" She sneered, with endless sadness in her heart.

"I said, I would come back to you. Trust me." He gently touched her face and his fingers petted her face

like feathers.

She looked down and did not speak. She did not have confidence in herself, how could she have

confidence in him?

"I used to think my wish could come true as long as I worked hard. But now I realize that there are

many things that can't be decided by myself. Maybe one day you will completely leave me, just as

three years ago I made up my mind to leave you. "

The dark eyes of Zac shined in the dark night. With unspeakable deep sight, he said, "There will be

one day this happen and that is when my life coming to an end. But even so, I still hope you can be

with me, so that I can see you in my last sight. "

She shook her head, and her mouth seemed to be full of chauffeur. The extreme bitterness spread

from the tip of her tongue to the internal organs of her body. "I can't accompany you, because I will

surely die in front of you. Maybe one day the virus in my body suddenly attacked, or maybe one day

they had anti-inflammatory agents that were no longer effective. Anyway, I don't know how long I can

live. It seems to be a boon for every day I live."

"Don't talk nonsense!" He pulled her into his arms and said, "As long as I am here, you will be fine."

She buried her head into his arms, clenched his collar and said, "frozen guy, I don't know whether I'm

lucky to meet you or not, but I don't regret meeting you. If I had to make the choice again, I would still

go to True Color Bar, to have the courage to talk to you and bet with you. "

"You little fool!" His heart was surrounded by an refreshing spring water. It was so warm that even his

cold eyes were melted by it. He always knew that she had him in her heart. Even if it was only a little, it

made him very satisfied and happy.

He lowered his head and began to kiss her...

Early the next morning, Essie and her family went to Yang City. She knew that there would be lots of

reporters and media there at that time, so she didn't want to expose the two kids on the Internet. She

had already painted their faces.

The engagement ceremony was held at noon.

There was a magnificent and joyful banquet hall at Venice Hotel.

The four most influential families in Dragon City were all the chief guests. The guest from the Rong

family were Albert and Walt. Zac didn't come, but Leila was here. Essie's engagement was a happy

thing for her. Of course, she had to personally congratulate it.

"Am I not welcomed here?" She looked at Essie, with a lovely smile on her face.

"How could it be? Everyone who makes a presence here is our distinguish guest. Both Hanson and I

welcome you," Essie said with a slight smile.

"Zac would have come, but the group is busy for the moment, so he can't be here. He asked me to give

you his best wishes." Leila did not forget to give a blow to her.

But she didn't care about it. She just smiled and said, "Thank you."

She knew that Zac wouldn't come today. He promised last night that he would only do one thing for her

if he come. That was to rob her away.

Walt came over from not far away. "Congratulations, Essie." He said in a low voice, trying to hide the

bitterness in his heart. She would always have Hanson by her side even without Zac. It seemed that he

had no right to be with her.

"Thank you, brother." "I'm glad that you and Uncle are here," she added with a smile.

"I wish you happy," Walt said with a smile on his face. In his heart, no matter it was Zac or Hanson

could give her true happiness. Only he could. She belonged to him. However, the God arranged so

many rival for him and let him only be a substitute.

Of course, Essie didn't know what he was thinking about. In her eyes, he was just her brother, and he

would always be her brother.

The engagement ceremony began at 12 o'clock in the noon.

After the host flattered them, the groom to be held the arm of his bride to be and slowly walked down

the long red carpet.

When the two were about to exchange the engagement rings, a voice came from behind, "You can't be



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