Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 324 A Exposed Secret

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"Grandma." Hearing that, Essie lowered her head. She knew that Alena and Abel had come to try to

hook them up again. However, their marriage was cut off and they would not go back to be together


"I know that you're still upset about the child. We're indeed responsible for this matter. We shouldn't

indulge that evil woman too much." Alena sighed. "Your aunt Bonney is right. That child is a

troublemaker. A family won't be peaceful wherever she goes."

"Grandma, let bygones be bygones. I don't worry about them," Essie shook her head in denial. She

didn't want to talk about what had happened between her and Zac at all.

"Then come back as soon as possible. If there is anything wrong with Zac, I will teach him a lesson for

you." Said Alena. It was a happy marriage between her grandson and granddaughter-in-law, and she

didn't want to just break it up.

"There are still a lot of things in the Xu's Group, so I didn't think too much about what I should do. I

don't want to consider it until my father wakes up." Essie said in a low voice. Essie didn't want to say

anything to make them sad or disappointed. Alena and Abel treated her so well.

"The affairs of the Xu family are too complicated. Don't take it all by yourself. Let Zac help you." Alena

took hold of her grandson's hand and placed it on the hand of Essie. And Essie didn't break free for

that woman. Instead, she nodded obediently.

"As the new year is coming, please come back to have a family reunion dinner with Zac." Said Abel.

"Okay, Grandpa." "Uh huh." Essie said obediently. Alena and Abel looked at each other and burst into


Mary was peeping at the side hall, feeling very upset. After dinner, she secretly called Essie to the

room and wanted to talk with her alone.

"Grandpa and grandma were old-fashioned, so they hope you can remarry each other. But since you

have divorced, it means that you are not suitable for each other. It's better for you to look for a new

partner." She said slowly but in a sharp tone.

Hearing this, Essie smiled and said, "Why don't you want me to come back? Is it because you dislike

me or you are afraid of me?"

Mary paused, "I'm afraid of you. What am I afraid of?"

"You know it better than anyone else." Essie sneered.

Mary was shocked. Her face was pale. Did Essie already know what had happened at that time?

"I don't know what you are talking about." Mary pretended to be calm.

The corners of Essie's mouth lifted into a mocking smile. "The day has eyes, the night has ears. Maybe

your son is to pay his debt for you. But I don't accept it. Some debt can be paid off, while others can't

forever. "

"I don't owe you or your mother anything. She asked for it." Mary could no longer control her emotions.

She jumped up from the chair.

"God is watching. One day, you'll pay for what you have done." finishing her words, Essie walked out of

the room. Mary slumped into the chair. A chill rose from her feet and quickly spread all over her body.

After dinner, Zac drove Essie back home.

"What did you say to my Mommy when you were in the room?" He asked worriedly. His mother came

out again to be a stumbling block, he was already powerless. If his mother continued to make trouble, it

would undoubtedly made things worse.

"For the last three years, your mommy hasn't changed at all." Heaving a sigh, Essie didn't say

anything, but she had made it clear that her mother didn't say something good to her.

"No matter what she says, just ignore her." Zac suddenly frowned and his eyes were filled with anger.

"Anyway, she is your mother. Since she doesn't like me, why don't you force her to accept me? Isn't it

better to find a wife that she likes?" Essie asked in a cold voice.

"Mommy's taste..." Zac shook his head and sighed. The women his mother chose, Valery, Cherry and

Jenny, none of them could make him feel at ease.

A mocking smile went up to Essie's face. Birds of a feather flock together. Like Mary, the daughter-in-

law of the same class, "if your mother can't get along with your wife well, you'll be very tired as a son.

Just pick one. As for your type, even if you're at your 80s, women will come one after another."

Zac said with a cough. "Don't forget that I have a hidden disease. No matter how many women there

are, they are just useless."

Hearing that, Essie choked violently. Yeah, how could she forget that? It was a very serious problem. If

the hidden disease could not be cured, he would have no choice but to use his hands.

She patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "don't worry. Always keep a peaceful mind. I will be

responsible for you and find a way to cure you."

"What if it can't be cured?" There was a mischievous gleam shining in his dark eyes.

"Then you can be a monk," Said Essie.

"You will be responsible for me for the rest of your life." A cold light was shooting at her. Shivering with

fear, she closed her eyes and pretended to ignore him.

After the event of Cathy, another big event happened in the celebrities circle.

Leila was not the real child of Qin couple but was adopted from the orphanage. On that day, after

coming back from the Zac's house, Leila was very sad and cried in her room, saying that it would be

better if her surname wasn't Qin. When Christina heard this, she couldn't help but tell Leila that Leila

was panda blood.

Leila ran to ask her parents. They had no choice but to tell the truth. After they got married many years

ago, they had not been pregnant for a long time. They heard from the master of the Huang Temple that

they would first adopt a child, and the child would bring them their own child, so they adopted Leila

from the orphanage. A few years later, Mrs. Qin finally got pregnant and gave birth to a boy and a girl.

They thought that it was Leila who brought good luck and treated her as their own daughter.

Leila felt half sad and half happy. She was sad because she was not from a powerful family. While she

was happy because she was not really a member of this family, so there was no need to ban her from

marrying Zac.

In the afternoon, Leila came to Zac and complained tearfully, "Zac, I really did not expect that I am not

the biological daughter of mommy and daddy."

"They brought you up. They gave you the best environment and education. They are better than your

biological parents." Comforted Zac. He looked calm. He had guessed it when Leila had an accident.

"I know." Leila sniffed, "what upsets me is that if I knew earlier that I was not a member of the Qin

family, we could be together and there was no need to separate."

"Leila." Zac handed her a piece of tissue. "I haven't known what true love is until I met Essie. In fact, in

my heart, you have always been a friend and sister."

"No way!" Leila was shocked and shouted, "you love me! You are just bewildered by Essie and you

don't love her!"

"Leila, whether you are a member of the Qin family or not, our relationship can't be changed. You are a

good girl. You will find the right person for you." Zac decided to make it clear to her.

"Zac!" Leila jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you. Even after we broke up, I still love

you, and it's never changed. I know my last name is Qin and I can't be with you, but I still can't help

missing you for a moment. I know you've been living with Essie for some time, so there will be love

between you and her more or less. But please calm down and think carefully. You only have a

relationship of six months. Will you really love her? "

"Love is not always with time." Said Zac in a low voice. At the beginning, he didn't know how he felt

about Essie, but now he was sure that she was the only woman he wanted.

"We have known each other for more than ten years. Can't a decade's love match six months between

you and her?" Leila raised her voice and became irritated. She couldn't believe it nor accept the fact. It

was impossible, impossible!

Zac sighed, "I knew Cathy since she was born. I still remembered she was in the cradle, pink and

lovely, like a doll. Maybe I fell in love with her a long time ago, but I didn't know. " He said to Leila.

Maybe it was because that he thought Cathy was different with other women in his heart, so he had the

hidden disease and didn't want to touch other women.

"No, she was only seven years old when she left. How could you have feelings for each other?" Leila

retorted harshly.

"But I'm already twelve years old." Zac shrugged. He was well aware of love at that time. Besides, his

grandfather arranged a marriage for him. His feelings for Cathy changed subtly.

Leila was on the verge of breaking down. She had thought that he would be happy and excited when

he heard the news, and that he would have a feeling that all sufferings had their reward like her. But

she did not expect that he would refuse her without hesitation.

It was all because of Essie. He wouldn't have cared for her if Essie wasn't Cathy. Although Cathy was

only seven years old, she enjoyed great popularity in Dragon City. Everyone called her a genius. Every

rich family in Dragon City had the rule of discussing marriage from childhood. They would become

more powerful if they cooperated with each other forcefully. The Jing family, the Rong family, and even

the Qin family all came to propose a marriage. At last, the Xu family chose the most powerful Rong


"Zac, let's start over. If you don't love me anymore, I will give up on you. Okay?"

"Leila." He pushed her away, "don't waste time on me. I don't love anyone else."

"Zac!" She cried. She was not reconciled! She was not reconciled at all! If she could know her origin

earlier, it was impossible for Essie to take advantage of the opportunity to get close to him.

"I'm sorry, Leila." Zac said apologetically.

"You will love me if there is no Essie in your life, right?" Raising her eyes, Leila asked bitterly.


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