Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 601 Alliance Of Enemies For Three Generations

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Jim's expression was as calm as water, as if nothing had happened. As the emperor of the

entertainment circle, he was good at hiding and pretending. It was almost impossible to read his mind

from his expression.

"Use a substitute for the rest of the play." He ordered.

"No, it's just a false alarm. I'll take some rest and then shoot. " Eva waved her hand.

"No objection." Jim's voice was very light, but his tone was quite domineering. His order could never be


Eva pouted and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Essie, "Jim is right. We'd better

use a substitute. The horse is fine. There must be a reason for it to be frightened all of a sudden. Don't

take any risk anymore. "

Hearing this, Eva stopped talking.

The bodyguards brought the frightened horse back. After the veterinarian checked, he found a bag on

the horse's buttock and some honey around it. The vet speculated that the honey on the horse's button

lured the bees and stung the horse, which caused it to run crazily in fear.

"Why is there honey on the horse's butt?" Confused, Essie frowned.

"Go and ask the breeder." Said Jim.

The bodyguards nodded and left. Soon, they came back. The breeder told them that he had never

eaten honey, but when he prepared the horse in the morning, a man who claimed to be a reporter

came over and wanted to interview him. He specially asked him that which horse was for Eva. But

when he was about to accept an interview, the man said he had something urgent to deal with and

stopped the interview. His behavior was very strange.

"Check it right away." Jim said in a low voice. He knew it was not a simple thing.

In the afternoon, his subordinate caught the so-called reporter. Seeing the man in black in front of him,

he was scared and told him everything honestly. It turned out that Elizabeth's assistant gave him

money and asked him to harm Eva.

Eva was furious, "how much does this old witch hate me? She wants to murder me all day long!"

Essie patted her hand and said, "don't worry. She must have forgotten that we still have the video of

Wendy. Since she is heartless, don't blame us for being unkind."

"I'm going to settle accounts with this old witch myself!" Said Eva angrily.

"Calm down. I'll call Vinton first."

Essie took out her phone and was about to dial the number, but was stopped by Eva. "No, thanks.

Vinton is on a business trip to the United States. He just boarded the plane this morning. Even if you

call him, he can't answer it. I guess Elizabeth took the opportunity to attack me when he was not

around. "

When she was talking, Jim came over and said, "I'm going to ask Mrs. Elizabeth for an explanation.

She destroyed my film set like this, and caused a mistake in work and time. She must give me an


Hearing this, Eva's eyes lit up, as if she had found the avenging alliance. "Jim, we'll go back to Dragon

City tonight. I'll take you to settle accounts with that old witch."

Looking at the two of them, Essie felt a little nervous. Indeed, there was no eternal ally or enemy in the

world. There was no eternal enemy in the world. Even the enemies of three lifetimes could form an

alliance. It was really like the sun rose in the West.

However, with Jim by her side, she didn't worry that Eva would suffer losses.

In the afternoon, Eva went to the airport with Jim. Getting on his luxurious private plane, Eva was

stunned. It was not a cabin, but a presidential suite.

Money is capricious! You could do whatever you want! You could buy whatever you want!

Jim didn't know why he was so crazy that he allowed her to take his private plane. He should have let

her go back in the crowded economy class!

In the evening, he must have received the Buddha's light in his sleep, so he suddenly had a kind heart.

"Jim, no wonder you fly here and there all day long and are not tired at all. It turns out that you are not

taking a plane, but a presidential suite in the air." Eva clicked her tongue.

"Today is your lucky day! If it weren't for your fear that you would arrive in the middle of the night and

delay me to get even with Elizabeth, you wouldn't be able to take a step forward in my plane in your

life. " With his arms crossed over his chest, Jim stared at her expressionlessly, as if he was giving her a


"Humph! If it weren't for Elizabeth, I wouldn't have come in even if you invited me." Eva rolled her eyes

at him.

After sitting on the sofa, she took out her phone to play games and ignored him. No matter what, she

took advantage of him. When she took his plane, she would shrink her legs. She didn't want to be

thrown out from thirty thousand feet in the air and smashed into pieces just because she pissed him off.

Jim didn't want to let her go so easily. It was too boring not to tease her about the two hour schedule.

"Heaven pepper, did you find that you were born to be my defeated opponent? You can't defeat me in

the judo, and you will be instantly killed by me in the game. In the future, when you see me, you'd

better bow down to me."

A hint of crimson penetrated into Eva's eyebrows, and there was anger rising in her chest, but she did

not lose her temper. She suppressed it. For the sake of his saving her life this morning, she endured it!

Jim knew what she was thinking. She was no scheming at all. She had shown her joy, anger and

sadness on her face. It was easy to tell that she was thinking about something.

"Heaven pepper, if you don't say anything, do you acquiesce in it?"

Without raising her eyes or opening her mouth, Eva just pressed the screen harder, as if silently

venting her anger.

Jim slightly narrowed his peach blossom eyes and sneered, "I saved you again today, and you owe me

another favor. Do you think there will be a circle between us, making you heavily in debt?"

Hearing his constant provocation, Eva couldn't stand it anymore. She threw the phone aside and said,

"Jim, did you do it on purpose? Let me prepare more resentment, and then I will vent it all to that old

witch! "

"You can even think of this. Your brain is still useful." Jim sneered.

"Jim, it's not appropriate to fight on the plane, so please shut up and be quiet, okay?" Eva stared at him


"Can you beat me?" Jim sneered.

"I've learned a few more moves recently. When I'm free, let's have a good fight." Eva clenched her fist

and waved it angrily in front of him, threatening him.

But Jim laughed at her in return. How could she beat him? Unless one day the comet hit the earth, it

would be impossible!

However, he still wanted to enjoy the wonderful feeling of conquering her.

"Okay, I'll see it some other day." He said slowly. Next time, he would not only tie her hands, but also tie

her body, make her a meat dumpling and let her be kneaded by him.

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the cook. If you lose, you have to cook spaghetti with Italian

Sauce for me. " Eva had her own plan.

Jim's charming thin lips flashed an evil smile. It seemed that this foodie was addicted to his Italian meat

paste noodles.

After a short silence, he picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip. Then he changed the topic

quietly, "Heaven pepper, have you ever thought about it? After all, Elizabeth is Vinton's mother. If you

can't get along with each other well, it will definitely affect your relationship with Vinton."

"Vinton said that he would help the right but not the family. His mother has been driven by greed. She is

thinking about how to control him, how to get the property of the Xu family, and has long forgotten the

love between mother and son." Eva puckered her lips and felt sorry for Vinton to have a mother like


"Really? Vinton is not only her own son, but also her amulet in the Xu family. She should treat him as a

treasure." Jim shrugged.

"That's because you don't know Vinton's life." Eva sat up straight and looked very serious. "Vinton told

me that his mother didn't care about him since childhood. Instead, she treated his sister Valery as a

treasure. Sometimes, I even suspect that she is not Vinton's mother at all. Maybe she only gave birth to

Valery. In order to kick aunt Lucy out, she took a son back and told others that she had twins. She has

fooled everyone in the Xu family. "

"Heaven pepper, you are too imaginative. It's not easy to fool the Xu family. Without the paternity test,

how could the three of them get into the Xu family?"

"That's also strange. Vinton did have a paternity test with his father, which proved that he is indeed the

son of the Xu family. But if Elizabeth is his mother, how could she be not good to him? " Eva was


Jim touched his chin and said, "it's not strange. If he really suspects his identity, he can have a

paternity test with Elizabeth."

Hearing this, Eva's eyes lit up. She patted her head excitedly and said, "Oh, why didn't I think of it? You

are the smartest one, Jim."

"You don't need to tell me." Jim raised his eyebrows proudly. He not only defeated her in strength, but

also in intelligence. This heaven pepper was destined to be defeated by him in her life.

Eva picked up the orange juice on the table and took a sip, with an excited smile on her face. If the

paternity test proved that Vinton was not Elizabeth's son, then Elizabeth would be completely ruined.

The Wang family and the Xiao family would also die with her. At that time, the shameless York, who

was a social climber, would come back to his original form.

Jim read her mind at a glance and asked deliberately, "heaven pepper, I heard that your father and

Elizabeth are also relatives."

"I don't have a father. My father was struck to death by lightning when I was very young." Eva quickly

took over his words.

"It seems that you hate him." Jim said casually.

"Yes, I hate him. What I want most is that he has nothing with that bad mistress on the street." Eva

snorted and the resentment in her eyes was deeper and thicker than the clouds outside the window.

Jim spread out his arms, leaned against the back of the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked lazy and

leisurely. "The Wang family and the Xiao family are both developed depending on the Xu family. If

Elizabeth falls down, they will also be doomed. Is that what you are thinking about?"

Being poked in the heart by him, Eva was a little annoyed, "Jim, are you a mind reader in my



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