Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 507 Come Back To Me

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Zac's clenched finger slightly raised to the side and hit the glass on the table. The wine spilled from the

table and splashed on Essie's dress.

She quickly stood up and went to the washroom to clean it. And Zac also stood up.

Jim pretended not to know his intention. He was drinking and didn't say anything.

As soon as Essie came out of the bathroom, he dragged her into an empty box nearby.

"What are you doing?" She cowered a little at the sight of the man coming to blame her.

"You can't go to Jim's home," Zac said in an extremely domineering tone, as if an emperor was sending

a commander to his ministers.

Essie push his hand away. "Mr. Rong, from the moment we left the True Color Bar, we were done. We

have nothing to do with each other. This is my business. It's none of your business. "

Zac's eyes twitched. A trace of sadness flashed across his eyes. "I did it for your own good. Women

should be more reserved." He changed his tone.

"Are we still young? Just ignore them," Essie said casually.

Zac was furious. His brows twisted into a straight line. "Essie Yi, I didn't know you would be such a

casual woman."

Essie smiled coldly and said, "Zac Rong, didn't you say that you wanted me to be with Jim? I just did

what you wanted. You should be happy. Why did you blame me? Do you have any reason and right to

blame me? "

There was a violent spasm that crushed his body. "You know it?"

"Thank you for your arrangement. I get along well with Jim. Perhaps he is the right person for me. So I

decide to give myself entirely to him tonight. " Essie declared it word by word in a fit of pique.

There seemed to be a thunder in the brain of Zac, exploding his reason and thoughts. Things were

completely out of his expectation. No wonder she accepted Jim so soon, no wonder she was going to

hand her over without scruple. It turned out that she was deliberately irritating him!

What a silly girl! How could he forget such an important thing?

At the thought of what would happen later and her being held in another man's arms, he was on the

verge of collapse or madness. There was only one idea left in his mind: stop her and take her back.

She gave herself to Hanson just because she hated him three years ago. Now he could no longer

watch her repeat her mistakes.

He suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms. Although he only held one hand, he held her so

tightly as if she would run away and never be found again.

"I have changed my mind. Come back right now." His tone was sincere and arrogant, as if he was not

going to give her any way out.

She struggled to push him away, but even if he only had one arm, the force was so strong that she was

unable to refuse.

She was a little angry and annoyed. She clenched her fists and thumped him on the shoulder. "Who do

you think I am? Your private belongings or dolls? If you want me, I have to be with you. If you don't

want me, you can give me to others as long as your wish. Have you considered my feelings? Have you

ever respected me? "

Blazing flames were burning in his eyes, and his eyes were red. "You are my woman," he said word by

word, clear and powerful.

"I'm no longer who I am. You've never cared about me. All you've done for me is emotional investment.

You're a bastard. I don't want to be your woman any more, for you to plunder." She ferociously roared,

full of anger. She wanted to give him a heavy lesson, so that he would never dare to dump her as a


Tears welled up in his eyes as if the ice melted. "Three years ago, I lost myself to you in the bar. I admit

defeat for bet. I am your booty. You have to take it whether you wanted or not."

She bit her lips and lowered her head, while her whole face was covered by the shadow. "You have a

bad memory. You have won yourself back," she said.

"Did I really win?" His eyes flashed a sharp light, as if he was going to see through her secret.

She lowered her eyes in a hurry and let her thick eyelashes cover her eyes, in case they accidentally

revealed her secret. He pinched her chin and forced her to look up at him. "Did you trick the dice cup?"

She trembled slightly and looked at him with her eyes wide open, "How do you know?"

"How can you fool me with such small tricks?" Zac snorted. Since they started the second round, he

was suspicious. After she left, he took her cup and soon found a secret at the bottom.

"Since you hate me so much, I will give you a chance to win yourself back, isn't it good?" She raised

the corner of her mouth slightly, overflowing a hint of mocking smile, and a layer of sad tears appeared

under her long eyelashes.

He didn't say anything. His eyebrows were slightly knitted, and his tightly closed lips contained

countless unspeakable and heavy emotions. His shoulders shivered slightly, and there were

helplessness and sadness piled up on his shoulders, which were heavier and thicker than the night

outside the window.

After a long time, he spoke slowly, "Since you cheat, the last gambling is not counted. I'm still your

booty, and you have to accept it."

She straightened her back out instinctively, as if trying to maintain her dignity. "Zac Rong, I can't come

and go at your disposal. I've made up my mind to be with Jim. Please don't bother me anymore. " she

spoke in a helpless, sorrowful tone, with some determination. She had to be ruthless to make him fully

aware of his 'mistake' and never push her out any more.

Getting close to her, Zac stared at her with his eyes full of anger, "Essie Yi, don't forget that I saved you

twice, and you must pay me back. But you are stupid and silly. Only your body is of some value at all.

So you have to give it to me. "

Hearing that, tears came to her eyes again. Hot air kept rolling in her eyes, which soon turned into hot

tears. "I wanted to give myself to you, but you didn't want. There is only one chance. If you missed it,

then you will not have a second chance. You have missed it. There is no chance,"

she accused. Her slightly excited voice pierced his heart and touched his heart. He swallowed and all

the sadness disappeared, then he said in a peremptory tone, "Essie Yi, you can't leave me as long as I

don't let you go."

"Let's give it a try." With these words, Essie removed his hand and walked outside.

As soon as she returned to her seat, she saw Alice and Fell walking towards her. They were the last to

enter the club. When Zac saw them, he changed his seat and sat in an unnoticed corner.

"Don't you think that two dogs strive for a bone and the third runs away with it?" Fell looked at Jim and

said sourly. If it had not been for Alice who had attacked him in the halfway and made him trapped in

her design, he would have been the winner.

Jim smiled and said, "Shall I call you brother-in-law from now on?"

"It's not settled yet. Don't call it too early," Fell said half-jokingly.

At the same time, Alice took Fell to sit opposite to them and ordered two cocktails, "Essie, I find that

you are particularly eye-catching. You have won the hearts of the dreaming guy from the upper class.

First you have Zac, then Hanson, and then Jim. They are all dreaming

guys for all women yet, all have been taken in by you."

"Sister, I'm now a laughing stock in the celebrities circle. Please stop kidding me." Essie she gave her a

glance, pretending to be angry with her.

"I'm not kidding. I really didn't expect that you would be with Jim," Alice said. To her, either Essie was

with Zac or Jim would be a threat to her. She would be no threat to her if she was with Hanson.

"This is the fate," Jim replied, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Fell pursed his lips. If he hadn't made a mistake and fallen into Alice's trap, it wouldn't be his turn?

At the corners of her mouth, Alice said with an indistinct smile, "Essie, I don't know. There are so many

fans. Will you be stressed to date with Jim?"

"I've been followed by paparazzi a lot lately, so I feel a little stressed. But as long as I get used to it, I'll

be fine. After all, most of the business in the entertainment circle is the Jing family's. they don't dare to

make up stories." Essie shrugged and smiled.

"I saw some irrational fans on the Internet, saying that you were married and you had two children, who

didn't deserve Jim..." She paused on purpose and didn't continue because they all understood what

she was going to say.

She said these words not only to Jim, but also to Fell. She knew that Fell was still unwilling to give up

on Essie. After all, her current value was inferior to that of Essie. If she could not turn over, she would

be useless for the Qin family. Naturally, he would turn his attention to Essie.

"Bad guy is everywhere, not to mention bad guy with ulterior motive." Jonny sneered. His relationship

with Essie could provoke the nerves of some people. It was normal for them to hire some online

rumormongers to attack them.

"I have blocked the social network. Out of sight, out of mind," Essie smiled as she said.

Alice took a sip of the wine. She was one of the bad guys. She was one of those hired online

rumormongers. She hired them to lurk in the underworld and hired them to slander Essie.

In a distant corner, Zac was staring at them.

Not long after Alice and Fell left, Jim left the club ahead of time with Essie.

Seeing this, Zac quickly got up and followed behind.

The night was like a cup of black tea that had been brewed for a long time, which was dark and thick.

There were few cars on the road.

Jim was driving his Bugatti car on the way to his villa.

He looked in the rearview mirror outside the car and said with a mischievous smile, "Zac has been

following us all the time. Things will get on very soon."

she was going to say.

She said these words not only to Jim, but also to Fell. She knew that Fell was still unwilling to give up

on Essie. After all, her current value was inferior to that of Essie. If she could not turn over, she would

be useless for the Qin family. Naturally, he would turn his attention to Essie.

“Bad guy is everywhere, not to mention bad guy with ulterior motive." Jonny sneered. His relationship

with Essie could provoke the nerves of some people. It was normal for them to hire some online

rumormongers to attack them.

"| have blocked the social network. Out of sight, out of mind," Essie smiled as she said.

Alice took a sip of the wine. She was one of the bad guys. She was one of those hired online

rumormongers. She hired them to lurk in the underworld and hired them to slander Essie.

In a distant corner, Zac was staring at them.

Not long after Alice and Fell left, Jim left the club ahead of time with Essie.

Seeing this, Zac quickly got up and followed behind.

The night was like a cup of black tea that had been brewed for a long time, which was dark and thick.

There were few cars on the road.

Jim was driving his Bugatti car on the way to his villa.

He looked in the rearview mirror outside the car and said with a mischievous smile, "Zac has been

following us all the time. Things will get on very soon."


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