Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 510 The Hatred Of Stealing Love

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"Essie, Hanson has been waiting for you for a long time. Have a good talk with him." After finishing her

words, Lucy flew upstairs with Bob, leaving her daughter alone with Hanson. She hoped that her

daughter and Hanson could start over. Although such an episode happened, Hanson was still the best

choice for her son-in-law.

"Essie, do you still blame me?" He half lowered his head, sadness and depression written all over his

face. These days without her was like living in hell.

"Hanson, I've known what happened between you and Christina. I've never blamed you. I know you

didn't mean it," Essie said in a low voice while rubbing her hands.

All of a sudden, Hanson stretched his hands to hold hers and said, "Come back to me. Let's start all

over again, okay?"

Hearing that, Essie quivered slightly, as if she was stabbed by a needle. Hastily, she withdrew her hand

and said, "Sorry, Hanson. I... I don't deserve you. You will find someone more suitable than me. "

A hint of surprise and hurt flashed into his eyes. He asked, "Is it because of Jim or because of Zac?"

He had been watching her news. The media had been talking about her and Jim. How could he not


With her eyelashes quivering, Essie lowered her head again and said, "Sorry, Hanson..." She didn't

know how to explain, because she couldn't think of other words except for this.

"I don't want any apology." Hanson raised his voice and looked a little excited. "Don't you love me at


When she heard him, Essie felt her heart twisted again. She felt sorry, ashamed and guilty... All kinds

of emotions surged in her chest. Indeed, she could no longer love him. She had lost her heart to Zac,

and she would never take it back.

"Hanson, you're a good man. You're good to me. It's all my fault. I don't deserve your love."

"Do you really not love me anymore?" Hanson frowned tightly. His chest swelled urgently and his heart

seemed to burst out from it. Sorrow was written all over his face and it was spreading all over Essie's

body, making her feel a sharp pain in her internal organs.

"Sorry, Hanson..." she said the apology repeatedly.

Hanson felt like he was kicked at the cold bottom of the sea.

"Essie, can you tell me honestly who replaced me? Jim or Zac?" His voice was hoarse and his throat

was dry. Every word was very difficult to speak out.

Essie, on the other hand, could not be frank with him. She and Zac were in a secret relationship now,

and she did not want others to know about it. But she was clear that if she did not tell him the reason

today, Hanson would not give up.

"I... I like Jim a lot. " She had to make up an excuse.

"What about Zac? Have you ever liked him?" He pushed her, not knowing whether he was dissatisfied

with her answer or he didn't believe her at all.

"He was... I have never loved him." She tried her best to keep calm so that he wouldn't find anything


"His hard work has set up such a precise plot. Didn't he do it in vain to make a wedding dress for the

other?" Hanson said with a sneer.

Surprised, Essie looked at him and asked, "Hanson, what do you mean?"

Hanson picked up the ice tea cup on the tea table and took a sip. After calming himself down, he said

slowly, "Do you know who planed this for Christina?"

"Who?" Essie asked in a trembling voice.

"Zac Rong." Without beating around the Bush, Hanson said directly, "It was he who found Christina and

helped her to drug me and then she climb onto my bed to pretend that we had sex. After that, he asked

Christina to pretend to be pregnant and made a scene at the engagement ceremony, which destroyed

our relationship. "

"No way!" Essie was shocked again. She didn't believe that Zac would do such a despicable thing.

"It was Christina who told me everything. Yesterday she came to me and told me everything that Zac

advised for her. In order to prevent our engagement, he tried every possible means. " He was so

furious that he gritted his teeth. There was nothing in this world that could pacify his hatred of being

robbed his loved one. He would never forgive Zac.

As if she had been hit by a blow, Essie's shoulders trembled violently. Her face turned deathly pale, like

a piece of paper. In a trembling voice, she said, "Zac is not that kind of person... He won't do such a

thing. " She still couldn't believe it. Although Zac was so bossy, cold-blooded and ruthless, he had

always done things in an open and honest way. He wouldn't play tricks in the dark. 'And he is arrogant

and unruly. I don't think he would do such a thing.'

"Do you think I will frame him up on purpose?" Out of rage, Hanson clenched his fists and his nails

were embedded in his palms.

"I don't mean that. I just feel it's strange. Zac doesn't know Christina well. How could he ask her to do

this?" Essie said calmly. Even if he wanted to find an accomplice, the person he looked for should be

Ivy, how could it be possibly be Christina?

The expression on Hanson's face twisted, "I thought you didn't like him? Why do you still speak for

him? "

"I'm not speaking on his side. I know him well since I've been with him for such a long time. I don't think

he would do such a thing. Maybe Christina lied to you," Essie said in a low voice.

"Why did Christina lie? What benefit will she get from framing Zac?" Hanson asked.

Essie didn't answer. She couldn't figure it out either. Except for Zac's sister-in-law, Christina didn't have

anything to do with him. Why did she get Zac involved in the mess?

"Hanson, let's calm down, okay? I will find out the truth, no matter who is lying or playing tricks, and I

will finally give the cat away. " Anyway, she didn't want Hanson to hate Zac because of this.

However, the anger in Hanson's eyes did not decrease at all. He had already believed in his heart that

it was the conspiracy of Zac. No matter what Essie said, it would not change his mind, which would

only make his hatred towards him deeper.

While they were talking, Lucy was eavesdropping from upstairs. She went downstairs as soon as

Hanson left.

"I knew Mary's son was a scum! How could he do such a despicable thing?"

With a sigh, Essie knew her mother was eavesdropping.

"Mom, it's not clear yet. Please don't guess randomly."

"There is no need to investigate it. It must be him. He has been trying to destroy your wedding with

Hanson. He is not a good man, so he would have done such a thing," Lucy said angrily.

"I will ask him about it," Essie said.

"No way!" Lucy pulled her back. "Don't forget what you have promised me. You will never have any

relationship with Zac in your life."

"Mom, I just want to make things clear. That's all. What's more, I'm dating with Jim now, so I have

nothing to do with Zac, " Essie said perfunctorily.

Hearing this, Lucy frowned. "Are you really not going to make it up with Hanson?" No matter how

excellent Jim was, he was also a part of the entertainment circle. Everyone knew that people in the

entertainment circle could not be relied on. She could only feel relieved when her daughter was with


"It's over between me and Hanson," Essie replied decisively. She had made up her mind that she

would never have another man in her life except for Zac.

"No. I want you to be reconciled with Hanson," Lucy gave an order. A bystander could always see more

clearly than an insider. She had the experience, so she was sure to see a man more accurately than a

daughter. In her eyes, Hanson was a rare good husband. She couldn't allow her daughter to be self-

willed and miss the fate to be with him.

Seeing her mother's meddling in her relationship, Essie said helplessly, "Mom, there is a girl who likes

Hanson very much and she is very suitable for him. I want to help them to be together. They must be

very happy."

"If you help them achieve their goals, who else will help you do that?" Lucy interrupted her. "Essie, I'm

your mother, and I'm in charge of your marriage. I have made up my mind to choose Hanson be my

son-in-law. You have to be reconciled with him no matter what, or I will break off the mother daughter

relationship with you. "

Hearing what her mother said, Essie got an impulse to kneel down and beg again, "Mom, I'm in a mess

now, whether in love or in marriage. Could you please stop making more troubles for me?"

She loved her mother very much, and was very filial to her. She did not want to disappoint her, nor

make her sad. But she could always compromise to her, except for the marriage. She loved Zac.

Without him, her world would be a mess. There would be no joy or color. Her life seemed to be


She didn't want to live like a zombie, so she had to go against her once.

Lucy was angry and was going to fly into a rage. Bob ran downstairs and said, "Lucy, Essie is an adult

now, not a child. I believe she can handle it. You don't have to worry too much."

Hearing that both her husband and her daughter were on the same page, Lucy seemed to be even

more furious. "If she could handle it properly, she won't marry somebody without thinking twice and be

kicked out in a muddle."

"Mom." Essie took a deep breath. She hadn't told Lucy that Zac was forced to divorce her. It seemed

that she had to tell her today.

"Zac didn't betray me. He divorced me in order to save me. The antidote preparation I use every month

is provided by Leila. She is in collusion with my enemy and has forced Zac to divorce me. Only after

that can I get the antidote preparation. "

"What did you say?" A violent spasm passed over Lucy's body.

"To separate Zac and me, those people have tried every means to destroy the cooperation between the

Rong and Xu family. Last time, they destroyed my brake. They tried to hurt me as if they wanted to hurt

my sister. It was Zac who saved me. He was seriously injured because of this. His arm hasn't

recovered yet. "


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