Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 330 I Don't Remember Her

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The door of the operating room remained closed for a long time.

Essie was crying sadly and worried about him.

"God bless the boss. He will be fine." Said William, who didn't know what to say. He could only comfort

her. At this time, the men in black had blocked the whole Dragon City and searched for the killers.

Mary and Albert also rushed over. When Mary heard that Zac had taken a bullet for Essie, she bristled

with rage. Without hesitation, Mary slapped in Essie's face and shouted, "you're a disaster! Why can't

you stay away from Zac?"

"Well, don't make more troubles at this time." Scolded Albert.

"If anything happens to Zac, I will not let her go." How Mary wished that she could rush to Essie and

choke her to death. Luce bewitched her husband and Essie bewitched her son. Both of them were


"Zac will be fine." There was a firm tone in Albert's words. His son must be fine.

The operating room's door was finally opened and the bullet was removed. Fortunately, it was not

deadly and no life-threatening.

Hearing this, Essie was relieved, but she was laughing and crying at the same time. Since he was fine,

she was relieved.

However, Zac was in a coma after he entered the VVIP ward. He didn't open his eyes until two days


She stayed by his side and didn't even leave him when Mary scolded and drove her away.

"Frozen guy, you are awake!" She sniffed and a smile finally appeared on her tired and worried face.

"... Who are you? " Zac asked in confusion. He looked at her in a completely strange way.

She was shocked. "I'm Essie... Don't you remember me? "

"I don't know you." He turned his head with his face cold and indifferent.

"Did... Did you lose your memory? Do you remember who you are? " Her heart skipped a beat.

"Of course I do." There was a hint of disgust in his tone, as if he hated her very much.

Essie pressed the nurse call button. After the diagnosis, the doctor suspected that it was a partial

amnesia caused by injury and coma. He forgot everything happened after fleeing to Yang City.

Essie seemed to be hit on the head by a stick. His brain was buzzing. In the ambulance, he said that

he would forget everything about them, but she didn't expect that he really forgot everything about


"Don't you remember me at all?" Tears fell down from her eyes. Was the God kidding? It took her a

long time to understand her own heart. She wanted to be with him without any hindrance. Why did he

lose his memory and completely forget her?

"Are you one of my pursuers?" Zac looked her up and down indifferently, and his eyes were full of

mockery. "You look too mediocre, and I'm not interested in you. You have to leave in a second."

"I'm your wife. We got married and we are protected by the law." She felt angry, anxious, upset and


"Is it fool's day?" He sneered. Apparently, he didn't believe it at all.

"We got married on fool's day." Tears were welling up in her eyes. Essie felt like her internal organs

were convulsing.

"Boss, she is indeed your wife." William explained for her hastily.

"Am I crazy?" Zac looked at him in disbelief. The implication in his words was that something went

wrong with his brain so he got married with Essie.

Essie was heartbroken. He almost became another person as he lost his memory. She wanted to tell

him about the story of Mili and Dot, but she wouldn't tell him in such a condition. If she did, he would

take the children away and then leave them to Mary. Mary would not be kind to her children. She might

even secretly torture and abuse them. She couldn't say a word.

"Even if... Even if you lose your memory, I'm still your wife. I'll find a way to help you regain it. " She

said firmly.

"I will divorce you." He said without hesitation, cruel and ruthless.

"No way!" She got angry, put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "You're a person without a full

civil capacity now. Even if you file a divorce case against the court, the court won't accept you. Don't

expect that before you recover."

"Boss, Mrs. Essie is right. You can't get divorced now, so it is more important to cure your amnesia as

soon as possible." Suggested William.

Zac snorted and said in a very unpleasant tone. "Just let you be my wife for a few more days. I want

cherries. Go buy them for me quickly. If you make me unhappy, I will divorce you personally."

"Okay." Essie curled up her lips. Did it mean that their marriage existed in name only? This guy had

always been frightening. He was totally inhuman when he lost his memory.

After she left, he turned his eyes to William. "Which bastard wanted to kill me?"

"The killer didn't want to kill you, but Mrs. Essie. You take a shot for her." William explained. It seemed

that Zac truly lost his memory.

Zac stared at him in disbelief as if he was shocked by aliens's sudden attack. "This time, the killer was

hired by KA, a famous killers organization. We haven't caught him yet, but I'm sure he haven't left

Dragon City. He will not stop until he reach his goal." Said William.

"Who wanted to kill her?" Zac touched his chin.

"She is now the target of many people." Then, William began to simply explain to Zac. Since Zac had

lost his memory, William had to let Zac know about the love story of Zac and Essie and the current

situation in Dragon City.

Zac was shocked all the time. After hearing what William said, he was silent for a long time. Then he

opened his mouth slightly. "Find seven or eight people to look at that woman for twenty four hours

seven day."

"Maybe they think that you and Mrs. Essie have broken up, so they dare to deal with her

unscrupulously. How about..." William whispered in his ear.

Zac cast a dark glance at him and said, "are we divorced or not?"

"No. You tore up the divorce agreement she gave you before, and then she tore the divorce agreement

you gave her, so you are still a couple." William explained patiently.

"Then do as you say." Zac frowned. He didn't want to become a widower.

Essie carried the cherry back and replied, "It just arrived and is fresh. I have examined it carefully

without any chemicals or dye."

"How could you know that?" Zac smirked. She was not monkey king who had sharp eyes.

With these words, Essie snickered, and poured the fruit into the fruit bowl. Then she went to the

bathroom to wash it for him. However, after taking it out, he said coldly, "I'm not interested."

"Don't you want to eat?" She pouted.

"That was just now. I'm not interested now." He glared at her and said, "go to the corner and wipe it out.

Don't let me see it again."

What? When people lost their memories, they would just throw their bad temper to the most extent,

wouldn't they?

She took the fruit plate and sat down on the sofa in the corner. She was fond of cherries and she could

have them if he didn't eat them.

After reporting two matters, William walked out of the room. Lying on bed, Zac stole a glance at the

woman in the corner, who was enjoying the cherry.

"Woman, do you know that you look very ugly with the dark circles under your eyes? Don't you know

that it's frightening?" He couldn't help blurting out.

"It doesn't matter. I have decided to be with you all my life. If I am a little ugly now, it won't make a big

difference when I get old." She said unhurriedly while eating.

Zac choked. A glimmer of unspeakable light flashed through his cold eyes. "Your thinking is really

ridiculous. In fact, is your mind different with others?"

With her head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, she said, "Yeah, I'm different. You always call me


Zac was speechless. He gave her a bleak look. "After you eat, go to bed. Don't let me see your panda

eyes again."

"Okay." She muttered, put down the fruit plate and moved the folded bed to his bedside.

"What are you doing?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, confused.

"I am ready to sleep." She put the pillow at the head of the bed and lied down.

"Get out and sleep in your room." He growled, looking extremely unhappy.

"Once I fall asleep, my facial features are closed. If you have something to tell me, I can't hear you in

another room. So I'm going to sleep here." She explained. The VVIP ward was like a deluxe suite, and

there was a lounge for nurses and family members. But she was worried that he would be alone here,

so she had to sleep next to him.

"Woman, to be honest, I don't want to see you for even a minute. Please behave yourself and get out

of my sight as soon as possible. Don't get in my way, okay?" Zac opened the iPad and said in disgust.

It seemed that she was the obstacle to ruin the beautiful world.

She looked indifferent. She had known well about his sharp tongue, and had long practiced a set of

immune skills. "I'm not ugly. You will be used to me." With that, she closed her eyes and pretended to

be dead.

Zac was helpless. He turned around to look out of the window. Out of sight, out of mind. The sunlight

shone in through the slightly opened curtain and shone on his slightly pale face, which made his eyes

darker, like an ancient well that had existed for thousands of years and was bottomless.

But she didn't sleep for a long time. When Jane brought food to them, she woke up. She helped Jane

set up the table and set the dishes.

"Are you hungry?" Essie served him a bowl of porridge, picked up some pork and bamboo shoots and

prepared to feed him.

He frowned and said, "I don't want to eat meat. Pick out all of them."

"Okay." She nodded, thinking that he didn't want too greasy food as his wound hadn't healed yet, so

she quickly picked out the meat and put it in her bowl.

After feeding him the porridge, Essie told Jane to stew a black fish soup for him. The black fish was

good for healing wounds.

"The meat is too little. Ask the chef to cook more meat." The last sentence from Zac made both Essie

and Jane a little surprised. Did he just said that he didn't want to eat meat? It seemed that Zac had

read their minds. He frowned and said sourly, "idiot! The more meat, the better."

"Okay." Essie scratched her head. Zac had always been cunning. She had been used to it, so she

picked up the bowl and began to eat. She had lost her appetite for over a month, but today her appetite

was surprisingly good, and she ate up all the food left.

"Are you hungry?" Essie served him a bowl of porridge, picked up some pork and bamboo shoots and

prepared to feed him.

He frowned and said, "| don't want to eat meat. Pick out all of them."

"Okay." She nodded, thinking that he didn't want too greasy food as his wound hadn't healed yet, so

she quickly picked out the meat and put it in her bowl.

After feeding him the porridge, Essie told Jane to stew a black fish soup for him. The black fish was

good for healing wounds.

"The meat is too little. Ask the chef to cook more meat." The last sentence from Zac made both Essie

and Jane a little surprised. Did he just said that he didn't want to eat meat? It seemed that Zac had

read their minds. He frowned and said sourly, "idiot! The more meat, the better."

"Okay." Essie scratched her head. Zac had always been cunning. She had been used to it, so she

picked up the bowl and began to eat. She had lost her appetite for over a month, but today her appetite

was surprisingly good, and she ate up all the food left.


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