Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 326 They Are Not Divorced Yet

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"Mom, are you planning to buy a house in Yang City?" Essie thought that if her mother asked her to

take the registration booklet, it would be useless for her to do anything other than buy a house.

"Belle is a real estate tycoon in Yang City. Half of the houses in Yang City are developed by Hanson.

Do I need to buy another house?" Lucy poked her forehead.

"What's the big deal?" Feeling confused, Essie glanced at her father. Then Bob threw up his hands. He

had no idea what her wife wanted to do.

"Let's go first. I'll tell you when we arrive," Lucy laughed conspiratorially and whispered something in

Hanson's ear. Hanson scratched his head and was confused without asking anything. Since his future

mother-in-law wanted to play mystery, he would cooperate with her.

The family got on the car. Sitting in front of the window, Mili and Dot were delighted to see the beautiful

city by the sea.

Hanson stopped the car in front of the Bureau of CIvil Affairs.

"What are you doing here?" Essie asked in astonishment.

Lucy smiled, "I asked Hanson to drive me here. Today I want to hold an important thing between you

and him."

"Us?" Hearing that, Essie was dazed for a while. She felt a little scared for no reason, as she felt that

her mother had behaved too weird today.

After getting off the car, Lucy patted Hanson's shoulder and said, "I thought about it yesterday. I can't

let it go until Hanson become my real son-in-law, so I decide to let you two go to the Civil Affairs

Bureau to get the marriage license today."

"What?" Hanson was surprised. He didn't expect that his future mother-in-law wanted them to do this.

He felt happy because it was exactly what he wanted. Feeling like being struck by a lightning strike,

Essie was twisting violently. "Mom, stop it. I haven't solved the problem of Hengyaun yet. I don't want to

get married."

Lucy had expected that she would find an excuse to oppose it. "It doesn't matter. You register first. We

will hold the wedding after the matter of Hengyuan is dealt with."

"Mom, I... I'm not ready yet. Let's wait and see. " She winked at her father for help.

With a slight cough, Bob said, "Lucy, it is indeed too abrupt for you to bring it up. Marriage is not only a

matter of the children. If Hanson's parents don't know anything about it, we'd better make an

appointment with them first. Let's have a talk and discuss it."

Upon hearing this, the light in Hanson's eyes dimmed, and he felt like he had been hit by cold water. All

of a sudden, his excitement was gone, and he was depressed again.

Lucy turned her head to take a look at Hanson. "Hanson, have your parents known what happened

between you and Essie?" She asked.

Hanson nodded and said, "they let me make the decision." After the runaway last time, Florey had

changed her attitude towards Essie. It was her who got Bella for her son, and it was also a revenge for

her. Moreover, Essie was not nobody, but the boss of Summer 100 Degree and the third daughter of Xu

family. As for Jobson, he couldn't wait to marry the Xu family which was one of the four biggest families

in Dragon City.

"That's it!" As Lucy said, he pulled Essie aside, and tried to persuade her.

"Mom, if you are worried that I will reunite with Zac, I will refuse to contact with him in the future. I don't

want to get married now, please don't force me." Essie begged her mother.

"It would be strange if you don't meet him." Lucy poked her forehead. "The reason why I want you to

marry Hanson is that I want you to give up on this idea completely and to be with him wholeheartedly."

"But I'm not ready to get married now. Please give me some more time." Essie felt distressed.

"It's not the second time in the world to see a person as good as Hanson. Your hesitation today really

makes him heartbreaking." She said in all earnestness. "Now that Mary has known your identity, she

will never accept you. Even if you are reconciled with Zac, she will try every means to separate you.

She can help Elizabeth to be into my family, and then she can find more other women to be involved in

your family. She can do anything as malicious and evil as she thinks. You and Zac can never live a

peaceful and happy life. "

Essie thought her mother was right. As long as Mary was with her, it would be impossible for her and

Zac to be together again. It was better for them to end the relationship and give up each other.

She bit her lips for a long time and said weakly, "let's go."

When they arrived at the marriage registration desk, Essie's heart wrenched. She didn't remember how

she and Zac registered here, but according to the guests present, it must have been very sensational.

Otherwise, the staff wouldn't have recognized her at the first sight.

"Flash marriage and flash divorce!" The staff shook his head and handed the marriage registration form

to her. "Are you drunk today?"

Embarrassed, Essie nodded.

After the registration, the staff was surprised to see her information. "Well, Miss Essie, you and your ex-

husband, Zac, haven't even gone through the divorce procedure. He is still your legal husband. If you

marry again, you are remarried."

"Did you make a mistake? The lawyer I entrusted sent me a letter, saying that we have already finished

the divorce thing. How come I haven't gotten a divorce?"

"No, you didn't. There was no record of your marriage information about either going through legal

procedures or divorce procedures." The staff said affirmatively.

"Did the lawyer lie to us? He didn't submit the divorce agreement to the court." Lucy said angrily.

She picked up her phone and called the law office. To her surprise, the lawyer she entrusted had

moved abroad long gone.

"It seems that he really cheated me." Essie sighed. Her lawyer had told her that the divorce certificate

had been handled and could be kept by Zac. After coming back home, she had never thought of getting

it from him. She was too careless.

"It must be because of Zac who fooled us." Hanson said while gritting his teeth. A flame of fury flashed

across his eyes.

Lucy took Essie's hand and said, "I'll take you to find Zac."

"Mom." "I'll talk to Zac myself. If you go there, it will only make things more complicated and the

problem can't be solved."

Putting his arm around Lucy's shoulder, Bob said, "Essie is right. They'd better deal with the divorce

thing by themselves. In this case, we can do nothing but cause more trouble for them."

"Then let Hanson accompany her." Lucy didn't believe that his daughter could handle it alone.

"It's not a good idea to go there with Hanson. Anyway, we hope them get together and leave with

respect. Don't embarrass each other." Said Bob.

Hanson was depressed. They had arrived at the Bureau of Civil Affairs, but he still couldn't get married

with Essie. It seemed that the God hadn't satisfied him enough.

Knowing what Hanson was thinking, Bob patted him on the shoulder and comforted, "good things are

hard to get. When we settle this matter, you and Essie will have a happy ending."

Hanson nodded. He had decided to take her to get married as soon as the divorce procedure was

finished. He couldn't wait any longer.

Standing next to Lucy, Mili pulled her brother to a chair in the waiting area and sat down.

"The man who married Mommy before is our daddy who created us, right?" She covered her mouth

and whispered in Dot's ear.

"Yes." Dot nodded and said, "his name is Zac. he hasn't divorced Mommy yet, so Mommy can't marry

daddy Hanson."

"Zac..." Mili read silently in her heart and took out the iPad from her schoolbag. Since they were all

genius children with above 200 IQ, the kindergarten taught them different things from ordinary children.

Now they had learned many words. Mili wanted to find Zac's picture on the Internet, but she failed.

"There are no pictures of him." She was a little disappointed.

"Mommy must have his photos in her phone." Dot said.

"That's right!" Mili's eyes lit up. She was born with curiosity. She really wanted to know what her daddy

who created her and her brother, looked like.

When Essie returned to the mansion of Hanson, she felt a sense of relief, like a rope that had been

tightened on her chest suddenly loosened. She even could breathe easily.

Lucy decided to go back after Essie finishing the divorce process, or she would be worried about her.

Hearing her words, the invisible rope that Essie had just released tightened. There was a weak voice in

her heart protesting, she didn't want to divorce, not at all.

"Mom, Mili and Dot have to go to the kindergarten. You'd better go home early."

"I have asked for a week's leave for the kids. You can't have been undivorced for a week, can you?"

Lucy said firmly, as if she would not stop until they divorced.

Essie sighed in helplessness.

Mili walked over and pulled her sleeve. "Mommy, I want to call uncle Holy. Can I borrow your phone?"

"Okay." Essie nodded and gave the phone to her.

A hint of cunning flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she winked at Dot. Then they went upstairs


After they went into their room, they began to search for the phone of Essie.

"Can you find daddy's photos in it?" Dot's face shone with excitement.

"There should be." Mili opened the photo album, leafing through them one by one. Then she stopped

on a photo of her mom and a strange man. "Yes, it must be him." She was so excited that she almost

cried out.

"How do you know?" Dot winked her eyes.

Mili put the photo beside Dot's little face and said, "you look almost the same as him. You are definitely

his son."

Dot grinned and said, "so, you are a mini version of daddy, and I am a mini version of mommy."

"Yes." Mili nodded with a smile. "There must be his telephone number in Mommy's phone. We can try

to call him. If he knows that he has two children, he must be shocked."

Unfortunately, she didn't find the name of Zac after turning over the address book twice.

"How could it be?" She pouted in bewilderment.

Dot pointed at a long and creepy name and asked, "is that possible to be this one?"


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