Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 654 No Self-Knowledge

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After a long silence, she stuffed the photo into her daughter's hand and said, "Well, I do have my own

purpose to introduce a boyfriend to Irene, but I can't tell you now. Anyway, I'm doing this for the sake of

Irene. You'd better pick one of these people as soon as possible and see which one may be the one

Irene likes."

Essie took a meaningful look at her mother. She could tell that her mother wouldn't speak it out today.

She swallowed and choked all the doubts in her heart.

She picked up the photo and looked at it carefully. It was reasonable that women were left because

they were too good, and men were left because they were too bad. The more beautiful, well-educated

and well paid a woman was, the higher her taste would be. She was even more picky about men, and

choosing from one man to another would become a worry.

On the contrary, the men who left over were basically the kind of bad looks, low salary and bad moral


"Mom, I can see that Irene has a high taste. She doesn't like ordinary men. She won't like the men you

are looking for her. "

"They are all carefully chosen by me. It's not that they are left over, it's just that they are busy with work

and have no time to have a relationship." As Lucy explained, she took out a photo and said, "Look at

Beck. He graduated from medical school and is now a surgeon of Dragon City hospital. He is

handsome and has a good job. The doctors were very busy. They worked early till late at night every

day, so they didn't have time to make girlfriends or date. His parents wanted to have a grandson, so

they had to go on blind dates on his behalf. I told them Irene's conditions. They are all very happy. They

are eager to make an appointment early and come out to meet. "

"Mom, he's only five feet fifty seven inches tall, the same height as Irene. She won't like him." Essie

waved her hand.

"She's not looking for a male model. Why does he have to be that tall?" Lucy curled her lips.

"Didn't she mention her conditions on the yacht that day? She wanted to find a tall, handsome,

excellent and perfect man like your son-in-law, Zac," Essie said in a playful tone.

Lucy poked her forehead. If he told her the truth that Irene had a crush on Zac, she might not be able to


"What's so good about Zac? He has such a sinister and evil mother behind him. Even if he

is the God comes down to the mortal world, I don't want him to be my son-in-law."

"Mom." Essie held her shoulders. "Don't forget that although he has a sinister mother, he also has a

wise, kind and lenient father. Didn't you think highly of my father-in-law? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lucy rolled her eyes, "If it weren't for your father-in-law, I

would have let you divorce. How can I allow Mary to bully you? "

"Well, mom, let's get to the point. I don't think Irene has any intention of getting married, so she uses

Zac as an excuse. Your arrangement is in vain," Essie explained.

"I don't think so. What if she really wants to find someone like Zac?" Lucy said with a hint in her words.

But Essie didn't expect that. She smiled and said, "Zac is unique on the earth. If she really wants to find

someone like Zac, she will become a leftover woman."

"If she can't find another one, then she can just grab others'. Isn't this the way to be a mistress?" Lucy

snorted. As long as he mentioned the mistress, she would unconsciously think of Elizabeth and Mary,

the manipulator behind it. Anger quietly gathered in her heart.

"An arrogant woman like Irene won't degrade herself to be a mistress of a married man." Essie didn't

care about that at all.

Lucy could see that and sighed, "Essie, sometimes you are smart, and sometimes you are very

confused. I really don't know whether you have the same character as me or your father."

"Neither. I like my father." Essie chuckled. When Bob went downstairs, he happened to hear that. He

smiled and said, "That's right. Of course my daughter resembles me."

Essie waved at Bob, motioned him to sit next to her, and handed the photos to him. "Dad, look, these

are the blind dates mom chose for Irene. Do you think Irene will like them?"

"She is twenty-eight years old now. It's time to get married." Bob said in a low voice and looked at the

photos one by one. "They are all very good. The young men are all handsome and have a good job.

They are suitable for Irene." Although Lucy didn't tell her daughter that Irene liked Zac, she told it to

Bob. Therefore, Bob strongly agreed with her arrangement for Irene's blind date.

Not knowing the reason, Essie was a little surprised. Her father and mother had reached an agreement

on this matter. It was so weird.

"Dad, you two are so strange. Are you going to retire and be a matchmaker because you are too idle?"

"It's not a big deal to be a matchmaker. If the matchmaker succeeds, we will accumulate the merit for

our family," Bob said with a smile.

Since the elders insisted, Essie decided to let them do it as an entertainment activity. But Irene had to

be bothered.

In the evening, Essie returned to the villa. During her chat with Zac, she told him that her parents had

arranged a blind date for Irene.

"Good," Zac said casually with an indifferent look. He never cared about others' affairs.

"Irene is your cousin anyway. Don't you care about her at all?" Essie pouted again.

"I can't handle you alone. How can I care about others?" A faint smile played at the corners of Zac's

mouth. He reached out his big hand to touch her high abdomen. If he didn't tell stories to this naughty

little guy every day, he wouldn't let his mother be peaceful.

Putting her arm on his shoulder, Essie said in a somewhat shameless manner, "Why do you say that?

It seems that I'm a very troublesome woman."

"You are really troublesome. Which pregnant woman will trot and walk after she is pregnant, which

makes her husband worried and afraid that she will fall? Which pregnant woman will drool when she

sees the spicy crab all day long, so her husband has to be on guard against her all the time, fearing

that she can't help but have a big meal on the things that she should not eat... " Zac listed ten crimes of

the woman in a playful tone.

The woman was stunned by his words. She had never thought that she would have so many 'evils

behaviors'. "You know, I sometimes have brain fart, otherwise you won't call me your little fool all day

long. As your husband, you can repair it for me when I have a brain fart."

Zac pinched her chin lovingly, "So I'm very busy every day. I don't have time to worry about others'


With her thick long eyelashes winking mischievously, Essie said, "Zac, do you know that if Irene is left

behind, half of it is your fault?"

Zac raised his eyebrows and asked sharply, "What's wrong?"

"On the yacht that day, didn't Irene say that she wanted to find a man like you? Look at you. Why are

you so excellent? You have covered up the light of an ordinary man, leaving them no chance to live. "

With a charming smile on his perfect thin lips, Zac said, "Well, honey, I admit that it's my fault to be

excellent." He paused and changed his tone. "But Irene is also wrong."

"What mistake?"

"She haven't seen clearly her own advantages and disadvantages," Zac said in a more euphemistic

way. After all, she was his cousin. In fact, what he really wanted to say was that Irene lacked self-


Essie understood what he meant. "It's normal for a woman to find an excellent husband."

"Only a woman like you is born to fit in with me. A woman like her is absolutely not suitable for a man

like me," Zac said seriously.

"Oh?" "Why didn't I see that I am a good match for you?" said Essie with a sly smile.

"We are a perfect match, aren't we?" With a mischievous smile, Zac raised her chin and kissed her on

the red lips, affectionately and gently.

Essie smiled sweetly, revealing two cute dimples. In fact, she was glad that she had married him by

accident. Although he was domineering and made decisions for her, she was not allowed to disobey

him. But she still felt very happy. From the moment she fell in love with him, she was destined to be

with him for the rest of her life.

At the capital airport of Iceland, as soon as she got off the plane, Eva felt a chill. She was afraid of cold

the most. If she didn't want to see the aurora, she would never agree to go to such a cold place.

She was the one who wore the most among all the female companions. A thick long down jacket was

wrapped around her neck to her calf, and there were several thick thermal clothes in it. In Jim's eyes,

she had already wrapped herself into a round ball.

"Heaven pepper, you are so spicy. Are you afraid of cold?"

"Peppers grow in a warm zone. How can they grow in such a cold place?" Eva rolled her eyes at him

angrily. As soon as the car arrived, she quickly got in and ordered the driver to turn the heat up to the


Jim also got in the car and sat beside her. She was slightly surprised, "Scum Jim, why do you come

up? Where is your special car?"

"I decide to record this episode under the same condition as you." Jim smiled evilly.

"Wow, the Nine Heavenly Mysterious Gods are going to descend to the mortal world to experience the

sufferings of the mortal world," Mandy said with a smile.

"We should line up and welcome him warmly," Kirk joked and played with his voice.

Eva curled her lips. She did not want to sit in the same car with this arrogant guy at all. She just wanted

to be quiet alone.

"Heaven pepper, I have a good news for you. There will be aurora tonight," Jim said as he looked at the


"Really?" Eva's eyes widened. 'Oh my God! I'm so lucky to see the aurora in the first day here.'

"The night in Iceland is very cold. You are so slim. Can you stand the wind?" A hint of mockery flitted

across Jim's face. If he didn't play with the heaven pepper for a moment, he would feel bored during

the trip.

She was the one who wore the most among all the female companions. A thick long down jacket was

wrapped around her neck to her calf, and there were several thick thermal clothes in it. In Jim's eyes,

she had already wrapped herself into a round ball.

“Heaven pepper, you are so spicy. Are you afraid of cold?"

"Peppers grow in a warm zone. How can they grow in such a cold place?" Eva rolled her eyes at him

angrily. As soon as the car arrived, she quickly got in and ordered the driver to turn the heat up to the


Jim also got in the car and sat beside her. She was slightly surprised, "Scum Jim, why do you come

up? Where is your special car?"

"| decide to record this episode under the same condition as you." Jim smiled evilly.

"Wow, the Nine Heavenly Mysterious Gods are going to descend to the mortal world to experience the

sufferings of the mortal world," Mandy said with a smile.

"We should line up and welcome him warmly," Kirk joked and played with his voice.

Eva curled her lips. She did not want to sit in the same car with this arrogant guy at all. She just wanted

to be quiet alone.

"Heaven pepper, | have a good news for you. There will be aurora tonight," Jim said as he looked at the


"Really?" Eva's eyes widened. 'Oh my God! I'm so lucky to see the aurora in the first day here.’

"The night in Iceland is very cold. You are so slim. Can you stand the wind?" A hint of mockery flitted

across Jim's face. If he didn't play with the heaven pepper for a moment, he would feel bored during

the trip.


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