Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 274 Being Set Up And Pregnant (Part Two)

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When she came out of the clinic, she was so furious that she felt depressed. She staggered and almost

fell to the ground. Fortunately, Amy was holding her and comforted her, "Sister Yi, don't be angry. Now

that you have a baby, let the baby be born." She comforted.

She didn't want a baby! She didn't want to have a baby with that big liar! Essie gnashed her teeth in

anger. It was sure that Zac was not sure of the identity of Valery's child. He was worried that the

paternity test proved that the child was really his, so he had to let her go as promised. That's why he

came up with this scheme. Damn it!

Cursed Zac in her heart as she walked. She didn't notice Sage who was eavesdropping outside the

clinic room.

When she heard the news that Essie was pregnant, Valery was shocked and she nearly couldn't keep

her feet. 'That bitch stopped taking the medicine. Now that she has the baby in her belly, her baby is

less precious, ' she thought. In a hurry, she made a phone call to Elizabeth, thinking that she must find

a way to get rid of her baby.

On her way back, her mind was in a mess. She hadn't made sure if she wanted the baby yet, so she

asked Amy and Jacy to keep it a secret and not let Zac know.

Zac came back early today. When he opened the door and saw her sleeping in bed, he came over. She

quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but she was discovered by him. He sat on the bed

and touched her head with a smile. "Are you still tired today?" He had sensed that she was not in good

health these days. He thought maybe she was too busy with the family feast of Mid-Autumn Festival,

so he didn't dare to make her too tired at night and asked her to have a good rest.

Bastard, scheming, liar!

After she cursed him in her mind, Essie turned her back on him and didn't want to see him at all.

Zac was confused and asked, "Honey, what's wrong?" He held her shoulder.

She pushed his hand away and wanted to ask him to get out of the room, but she felt a surge of

nausea in her stomach. She quickly jumped out of bed, covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

He began to worry when he saw her vomit all the way to the wash basin. "Are you having a bad


"Nothing... Nothing. Maybe I ate too much preserved plums in the studio." She explained haltingly for

fear that he would be suspicious.

He shook his head and felt sorry for her. His little fool was a violent eater and didn't know how to take

care of herself. It was normal for her to have a stomachache. He picked up the cup and poured her a

glass of water to rinse her mouth. When he held her in his arms to come out, his eyes blinked. He

seemed to think of something and quickly asked: "Haven't you got your period yet?" He had to confirm.

His little fool was in a haze, and he thought that if she was really pregnant, she would not know.

A dash of coldness flashed through Essie's eyes.

'Bastard, you remember my period so well. You want me to get pregnant, don't you?'

"I went to the hospital today. I suffered from some endocrine disorders. The doctor said I would feel

better after eating some black chicken white phoenix pill," She lied to him on purpose.

"Really?" He lowered his head, making no secret of his disappointment. Anger smoldered in her heart.

She patted him on the shoulder and said, "I take the medicine you gave me on time every day. How will

I get pregnant? Even if there is an accident, I will deal with it quietly. I won't cause you any trouble."

Essie's gentle voice stirred up great fury in his heart. He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her

shoulders, with fury burning in his eyes. He said, "Essie, bear in mind that you must pay attention to my

children! If you dare hurt my child, I will make you live a miserable life!" His tone was extremely cold

and intimidating, like an irritated cheetah, which would swallow her up at any time.

She shivered, not daring to provoke him again. She had to act shamelessly. "I'm so tired, so

uncomfortable, I want to lie down and rest."

He didn't let her go and asked seriously, "Do you remember?"

Fearing that her shoulder would be crushed, she nodded passively. Then he released his hand and

allowed her to lie back to bed.

She put her hand on her lower abdomen subconsciously, and it was just two weeks old, and it should

be able to take it off without anyone noticing, without arouse his suspicion, right? While she was

thinking, her belly suddenly throbbed, as if an embryo were protesting silently. It was a living life. How

could she be so cruel to kill it? 'No, I can't be so cruel. It will become a ghost to pester me and ask me

to pay for it. It will make me have nightmares every night. I can't close my eyes.'

At the thought of it, she shivered and shook her head hard.

Zac noticed her reaction. Looking at her pale face, he thought she was frightened by his warning.

Holding his chin with both hands, he smiled faintly and said, "It's good that you know you are scared."

Essie just wanted to curse his ancestors politely in her heart, but she stopped when she thought of the

gracious and lenient faces of his grandparent, Abel and Alena. She had to take in her anger in silence.

There was a long silence in the room. After a long while, the phone rang. It was from William. He had

already found out who was the driver who had crashed into Todd.


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