Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 647 Need To Have An Abortion

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In the Dragon City of the eastern region, the sun was shining brightly. It was the first day that Vinton

moved in Eva's apartment, and he was in a good mood. He put a few pieces of organic vegetables on

the snail and leaned against the sofa.

At this time, his mobile phone rang and an email was sent: Mr. Vinton, it's twelve o'clock in the evening

in Western America. Do you know what your girlfriend, Eva, is doing? She just came out of Jim's

limousine, disheveled. What do you think they are doing after being locked up for two hours?

The photos were attached. Vinton saw clearly that it was Eva who came out of the limo.

He didn't believe that Eva would have an affair with Jim. The only thing he worried about was that Jim

would bully Eva. They had been enemies for three lifetimes. Eva had been against Jim all the time.

Maybe Jim had a grudge against her and used the excuse of hype to humiliate Eva.

He picked up his phone and called his assistant, asking her to arrange a private plane for him to visit

the United States.

When he arrived, the shooting team had just finished a day's shooting. Eva was surprised and pleased.

"Vinton, why are you here?"

"I miss you." Vinton stretched out his arms and held her waist. He lowered his head and kissed her

affectionately on the red lips, without caring about the cameras around.

The director thought it was a good topic and asked the photographer to continue shooting.

Jim was not far away. When he saw the two people making out, an indescribable deep expression

quietly flashed across his face.

Vinton also saw him. He held Eva's arm and walked towards him deliberately. "Jim, I didn't expect you

to take part in this variety show with Eva."

"I don't have much work to do recently. It's good for me to travel and relax." Shrugging his shoulders,

Jim looked calm. After saying that, he smiled faintly, "Are you here to visit her or to take care of her?"

"As soon as she left, I began to miss her, so I came here." Vinton smiled, turned around and kissed her

on the cheek, "I've decided that I'll go wherever you go in the future."

Eva glanced at him coquettishly, "don't talk nonsense. There are a lot of things waiting for you to do in

the Xu Group. You can't delay your work."

"The Xu Group is not as important as you." Vinton looked at her affectionately.

An unpredictable feeling rose in Jim's chest, as if thousands of horses were galloping and trampling,

and thousands of sharp arrows were penetrating and stabbing. He had never been in such a situation,

even when Janice was alive.

Mandy walked over and smiled at Vinton, "Wow, Mr. Vinton, you two love each other so much that I'm


Vinton glanced at her with sympathy. This woman was not bad, but she was willing to be his uncle Bles'

mistress. He really didn't know what she was thinking? Was it because of the lack of father's love?

"I don't know how to call you. Should I call you aunt or Miss Mandy?" He sneered.

Mandy was a little embarrassed and annoyed.

Seeing this, Eva hit Vinton with her elbow to stop him from talking nonsense, "Mandy, he's just kidding.

Don't take it seriously."

"Nothing." Mandy forced a smile and turned away. Anyway, her goal had been achieved. Eighty percent

of Vinton's visit this time was to blame her.

After that, Vinton took Eva into the limo. He needed to talk to her alone. No matter what, he couldn't

turn a blind eye to it.

He took out his phone and showed her the e-mail he had received.

Eva frowned and a flame of rage flashed through her eyes.

"Vinton, are you here for this? Don't you believe me? "

"No, Eva, of course I trust you. I'm worried that Jim will bully you." Vinton explained hurriedly.

"I'm not a weak woman. I'm a black belt. Can he bully me?" Jim snorted.

"So you are just hyping for the new play, aren't you?" Vinton asked.

"Well, here is the thing. Jim made some midnight snack. I happened to be hungry, so I ate something at

his place." Eva scratched her head and said frankly.

"So, you're all right. You don't want to fight anymore?" Vinton raised his thick eyebrows.

"No. I can't reconcile with him. We are at daggers drawn." Eva clenched her fists and her face was

filled with anger.

"Then why do you still have midnight snack with him?" Vinton smiled.

"Well, we have to get along with each other for a month. It's natural for us to ease the conflict

occasionally." Eva pouted.

Vinton shook his head and laughed. She always had some strange ideas in her mind, which could not

be explained by ordinary people's thoughts. As long as they were fine, he was relieved.

"The person who sent me the e-mail must have taken part in the shooting with you. He must have

ulterior motives. Be careful." He reminded.

"It's okay. There are so many bitches in the entertainment circle. I'm used to them, as long as you

believe me, I will be fine." Eva smiled sweetly, stretched out her arms, wrapped his neck and kissed


Vinton took the opportunity to hold her in his arms.

After a long time, she lay on his chest and took a deep breath. "Vinton, I've thought about it. When

Essie's child is born, we'll get married. There's no need for a trial marriage. I believe you won't betray

me and let me down."

Hearing this, Vinton was ecstatic, his strong body trembling with excitement.

"Really? Are you telling the truth? "

"Okay." Eva nodded. Her mother and father had missed most of their fates. She didn't want to be like

them. She wanted to seize the fate with Vinton.

"Then I'm going to prepare for the wedding now." Vinton kissed her hard, jumped up from the sofa and

danced like a child. Eva looked at him and giggled. She was as happy as he was.

In the Eastern Hemisphere.

In the past two days, there was a news from the celebrities in Dragon City that the sudden condition of

the umbilical cord around the neck of Essie's baby, which was serious. Because of this, she was

hospitalized for observation, and there was a possibility of miscarriage at any time.

When Walt heard the news, his nerves were on edge. He was worried about his child. He was about to

go out to see Essie, but was stopped by Leila.

"Willi has got the news and told me everything. Don't worry. Let me check the news first to see what's

going on with the baby." She said unhurriedly. Afraid that she couldn't persuade Walt, she added, "Zac

is a very vigilant person. If you make any mistake, he will doubt you. By that time, not only will you lose

your child, but you may also be driven out of the house. Everything will be over. "

"You'll be there soon." Said Walt anxiously. He couldn't calm down for even a minute without knowing

the baby's condition. He felt as if his heart was burning. This child was the only emotional bond

between him and Essie, which was more important than his life. If possible, he would rather sacrifice

his own life for his life.

"Okay, I'll go now. You must calm down. It's not wise for you to let Steven out. Willi has made a plan for

you. Steven must disappear from the world." Leila nodded.

Walt didn't say anything. He just didn't want Essie to forget him and everything on D Island.

Leila went to the hospital, and Essie was in the VVIP ward of Obstetrics and gynecology. She seemed

to be in a heavy mood with tears in her eyes, but Zac's reaction was much calmer.

Leila snickered in her heart. Although Zac tried his best to insist that the child was his, she knew that

he was just trying to cover up for Essie. He knew very well that the baby was not his. Now that there

was a problem with the baby, he probably wanted it to be aborted, lest it would cause more trouble

when it was born.

"Essie, how is the baby? Can the doctor solve the problem of umbilical cord around the neck? " She

pretended to be very concerned.

"Two weeks around the neck. The doctor said there was little hope of survival, and suggested that we

should perform the operation as soon as possible, so as to reduce the pain of the fetus." Tears welled

up in Essie's eyes as she spoke.

"Is it so serious?" Leila's heart jolted. She really hoped that Essie would give birth to this child. This

bastard would become a stain in her life, and also an irresistible thorn between her and Zac.

Stroking her bulging belly, Essie sobbed, "what a poor child. He hasn't been born yet. He is leaving us

after taking a good look at the world."

"I know a very good obstetrician. How about inviting her to see Essie tomorrow?" Leila suggested.

"Sister-in-law, we appreciate your kindness. What shouldn't have come is destined not to come." Zac

refused politely with a bit of toughness in his tone.

Leila could tell that he really wanted the baby to miscarry. This was a good chance. Even if there was a

chance to save it, he might not try.

At this time, the doctor came in and asked them if they had considered the surgery.

Holding the hand of Essie, Zac said, "we've made up our mind. Let's arrange the operation as soon as


Tears welled up in Essie's eyes. She shook her head desperately at Zac, but Zac ignored her action

completely and looked very cold.

Leila's malicious eyes flashed, "when will you have an operation? Tell me and I'll come to accompany


Zac nodded slightly.

After returning home, she told the news to Walt, who was waiting anxiously.

[Walt punched the wall angrily. "He just wants to take the opportunity to kill my child. I won't let him

succeed. I'll take her and the child away!"

"Don't be impulsive. If you screw it up, you will not only fail to save the child, but also hurt yourself."

"I don't care." Walt almost lost control. He just wanted to send her to the hospital and take away Essie.


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