Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 533 Rivals In Love

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After resting in the hospital for a few days, Elizabeth was discharged from the hospital.

Vicki would go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha every month on the first and fifteen

days of the lunar month. Elizabeth was weak and insisted on accompanying Vicki. She was good at

playing the card of bitterness.

She knew very well that Vicki was her ultimate backer. As long as she coaxed Vicki well, she was not

afraid that Baron would not compromise.

There were many people coming to worship the Buddha in the temple. After Vicki finished her worship,

she just walked out of the temple. A strange man rushed out from nowhere, with a gun in his hand. He

pointed the gun at Vicki without saying anything.

The pilgrims in the temple thought he was holding a toy gun, so they didn't care. When they heard a

gunshot, they realized it was a real gun.

"Mom, watch out!" Elizabeth rushed up desperately to protect Vicki and then fell to the ground.

Seeing her lying in the blood, Vicki was frightened and shouted, "help! Help!"

The bodyguards quickly surrounded, two of whom went to chase the murderer, and the rest called an

ambulance to send Elizabeth to the hospital.

Vicki was deeply touched by Elizabeth's action. She felt grateful that her daughter-in-law had saved her

life, and Baron was grateful that she had saved his mother. So he didn't mention the divorce anymore.

Essie knew that things would turn out like this. It was Elizabeth who made up and acted as a shield. It

was not the first time that she had done such a thing.

The most pathetic part was the gun player. He thought he could live a carefree life with the money, but

he didn't expect to be crushed to death by a big truck on the way to escape. It was estimated that the

truck was deliberately arranged by Elizabeth. Elizabeth had always been cruel and merciless. She

wouldn't blink her eyes when killing people to keep her secrets.

Now there were two more people in the Xu Group. The first one was Alice. If she wanted to come back

to work, of course Baron wouldn't refuse. Although he would be on guard, he could let her do

something unimportant. The second person was Valery. As the second daughter of the Xu family, no

one could object to her entering the Xu Group.

Essie had a vague feeling that after Baron woke up, the Xu Group's crisis would not be solved, but

would get worse. Besides, she couldn't cut off the branches and leaves as generously as before.

In the villa of Phoenix Road, Hanson came, because Lucy asked him to have dinner at home.

Mili and Dot were very happy to see him. "Daddy Hanson, we miss you so much. You should come to

see us often." Mili put her arms around his neck and stroked his face. She was really worried that her

daddy Hanson would abandon them after her mommy and daddy made up.

Hanson lovingly kissed her red face and said, "you are my favorite babies. I will often come to see


Dot sighed and said, "if only we were the members of the Mosou."

"Yes." Mili took over his words and said, "then daddy Hanson and daddy can be together with mommy."

Essie was a little nervous. Children's wishes were always the purest and simplest. In terms of love,

their relationship with Hanson was much deeper than that of Zac. They and Zac were just related by

blood, so their relationship was not deep.

Lucy had cooked a lot of good dishes. Even if Hanson was not with her daughter now, she still treated

him as her son-in-law. As for Zac, he was always an outsider. It was just that he was lucky to take his

daughter away for the time being.

Before Essie came back, she had talked to Hanson for a long time, telling him not to give up. He had to

be confident that she would help him get back Essie.

"Hanson, eat more. Come and see Essie whenever you have time." Lucy said with a smile while

picking up food for him.

Hanson nodded and unconsciously glanced at Essie. He felt a little disappointed at the thought that she

gave him to Ivy as a gift.

There was a slight smile on Essie's face.

There were usually two women in a man's life. One was a female confidant, and the other was the

woman he loved most. The same thing happened to women. For her, Hanson was her confidant. She

could trust him unconditionally and maintain friendship for a lifetime.

She picked up a roast duck leg for Hanson and said, "Hanson, I find that mom knows your taste very

well. She knows what you like to eat."

"Both of you like spicy food. The two of them have the same taste. It's easy to know whether they

match each other or not. Otherwise, they have to accommodate each other during the meal. It's too

tired. " Lucy said vaguely.

Of course, Essie knew what she meant, but she didn't think it was a problem.

Zac had a light taste, but when they had dinner together, he always ordered her favorite dishes. As

time went by, he also developed a taste bud that could bear the spicy taste.

"Mom, the spicy lobster is so delicious." She changed the topic quietly.

With a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, Lucy said, "if you bring a son-in-law who doesn't share

the same food habits with you, I have to prepare a few dishes for him alone."

Essie sighed in her heart. Her mother was dissatisfied with Zac now. She didn't even allow Zac to enter

her family. It seemed to be difficult for her mother to accept Zac. She had subconsciously merged Zac

with Mary.

After dinner, Zac came to pick up Essie and the children.

Since Lucy didn't allow him to enter, he could only wait outside the villa. Seeing that Hanson and Essie

came out together, he couldn't help frowning his two thick eyebrows.

Seeing Zac in the car, Hanson's face darkened. When rivals in love met, their eyes turned red.

Getting out of the car, Zac pulled Essie into his arms, declaring his sovereignty.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Essie knew that the man's super possessive desire had exploded again.

She turned to look at Hanson and smiled awkwardly, "I'm leaving, Hanson."

Hanson squeezed out a smile from the corner of his stiff mouth. He clenched his fingers and clenched

his nails into his palms. "See you another day." He said in a low voice.

'You'd better not see each other again.' Zac thought to himself, almost forcing Essie into the car.

Mili could tell that her father was jealous. Although her mother was his wife, she had the right to make

other friends.

"Daddy, both Dot and I like daddy Hanson very much. I hope he can often see us and play with us. You

can't object!" She folded her arms across her chest and looked at Zac overbearingly like an adult.

All of a sudden, Essie found that the gene of Zac was so powerful. Although Mili looked like her, she

had almost the same character as Zac, let alone Dot. It was a copy of him.

Zac's handsome face was covered by dark clouds. He rubbed Mili's little head with his big hand and

expressed his dissatisfaction, "I'm your father."

"So what? You are my daddy and he is my daddy Hanson. You have the same status in my heart. " Mili

said seriously.

Zac frowned. He was her father. How could Hanson be compared with him?

"From now on, you only have one daddy, no daddy Hanson." He ordered in a commanding tone, like a

dictator giving orders. The two little people could only obey and could not disobey.

But Mili was not afraid of him. She looked at Zac fearlessly and said, "Daddy Hanson is always my

daddy Hanson. No one can replace him."

Zac was a little annoyed. Her words were a provocation to him, and she didn't take his father seriously

at all. He had been depressed that he had missed them for three years, and now he was defeated by

Hanson in love. It would be strange if he was not angry.

"Children should listen to adults. Don't disobey their orders." He put on a stern look.

Mili wrinkled her nose at him and said, "I'm a gifted child, and I have my own opinions. Adults' opinions

are only for reference, and I will definitely refuse unreasonable requests."

Zac was a little nervous. He believed that he could teach a three year old child.

"I'll lock you up when I get back. I will let you out when you follow my orders."

"Daddy, you are wrong. You should respect my decision. You can't control my will just because you are

my daddy." Mili protested angrily.

After a long silence, Dot said slowly, "sister, don't you remember that daddy is the devil? The devil will

never allow anyone to disobey him."

"That's good." Zac didn't care what he meant.

Mili pouted her two cheeks angrily. "Daddy Hanson is the best. He has never been so arbitrary."

Her words added fuel to the fire, which made Zac angrier. It was completely a challenge to his majesty

as a father. "I will lock you up for a month, and deduct all the pocket money."

"Great devil king, dictator, tyrant!" With arms akimbo, Mili glared at him and tried her best to resist.

Noticing that the atmosphere in the car was getting more and more tense, Essie hurried out to be the


"Zac, be patient with your children. They have their own ideas. You should respect them."

Zac stretched out his big hand and flicked her forehead hard. If she hadn't run away with his children,

he would not have missed so many important moments with them. Now his status wouldn't be so low.

He should be on an equal footing with an outsider.

Therefore, he decided that if these two villains dared to provoke him again in the future, he would

directly take her as the chief culprit.

Feeling wronged, Essie raised her hand to cover her red forehead. The big devil's possessiveness was

so strong that he not only had to control her, but also the children. It was really a headache.

After returning to the Blue Coast, Zac carried her on his shoulder and threw her on the bed after Mili

and Dot fell asleep.

"Did you have a good dinner today?" He pinched her chin. She couldn't escape. She had to be

interrogated honestly.

Knowing that he was just being possessive, Essie replied in a low voice, "Hanson and I are just friends

now. Don't think too much."


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