Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 397 Setting A Trap

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Realizing his gaffe, Zac stopped being serious immediately and put on a gentle smile. "I mean, the

movie is not suitable for kids at your age. You should watch cartoon, like 'Pleasant Goat and Big Wolf',

and 'Boonie Bears'."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Mili said, "I'm a genius. This kind of cartoon is too childish for me. It's

not suitable for me."

Shaking his head, Zac laughed. He gently pinched her nose and changed the topic to be serious. "All

right, little genius. If you want uncle Jim to join your movie, you have to convince him on your own

ability. Later we will ask him out for an afternoon tea. What should we say is up to you."

"Okay." Mili nodded her head. She was sure that she could persuade Jim.

As soon as Jim received the call from Zac, he arrived at the afternoon tea restaurant on time.

"Why do you ask me out for afternoon tea today?" He smiled and sat on the sofa.

"Uncle Jim, it's me asking you out, not my daddy." Mili popped out from behind the sofa and startled

him. If it weren't for Zac sitting opposite him, he would think that he had entered the wrong room.

"Little girl, where did you come from?" He looked at Zac and then at Mili in astonishment.

"Uncle Jim, let me introduce myself first." Mili answered politely, "My name is Mili. My mother is called

Essie. My father is Zac. My daddy Hanson is Hanson." She stated in detail.

Jim was taken aback by her words. His eyes were as wide as two bells. Isn't this little girl the... the..."

"That's good you are understanding. Sit down and have some tea." Zac poured him a cup of black tea

and put it in front of him to help him calm down.

"Every time I see you recently, I feel pleasantly surprised." Jim gave him a meaningful look.

"Don't you always like surprise?" Zac said, who wore a forced smile on his face.

Jim looked at her up and down carefully and said, "She does look like your Essie. And also looked

like..." He stopped. There was a strange look on his face which fell on Zac's face.

Zac thought what he stopped to say was the words 'Hanson Xia'. A cold light flashed through his eyes.

He had already forgiven his little fool and did not care about her child with others, but it was inevitable

that he felt a little bit unfair and a little jealous.

She and Hanson had two cute children, but she and him, her real and legitimate husband did not have

a child. He felt a bit annoyed just thinking about this. He couldn't let Hanson compare with him. He

wanted to have three children with his little fool. No, four or five children, they must be far ahead of


"I've already taken Mili as my daughter. I'm her only daddy," He said a bit aggressively. In his heart, he

had been very happy that Mili had called him Dad instead of Hanson. If she called both of them daddy,

he would be very unhappy.

Being his best friend for more than twenty years, how could Jim not know his mind? "Congratulations,

you have a daughter." He said with a meaningful smile.

Mili sat beside Zac. She looked at Jim's face with her big eyes and said in a baby voice, "Uncle Jim,

you're so handsome, just like my daddy and daddy Hanson. No wonder people said how many people

on earth are there, and how many fans you have. You must have conquered their heart with your

handsome face."

Jim laughed and thought, 'This little ghost is so funny. I like her!'

"Little girl. Which one do you think is more handsome, me or your daddy?" He teased her deliberately.

"You're more handsome." She blinked her beautiful big eyes mischievously and turned her tone a little,

"My daddy is more good-looking."

Jim raised his bushy eyebrows and said, "handsome is the same as good-looking, isn't it?"

"Of course not. Handsome is a word. And good-looking are two words. How could they have the same

meaning?" Mili tilted her head and pretended that she didn't understand what he meant. If she said he

was more handsome, her daddy would be unhappy. If she said her daddy was more handsome, he

would be unhappy. So she thought it was better to pretend to be stupid and lie.

But what Jim didn't know was that she was so clever. He thought that she really didn't know the

meaning of these words. Children were only three years old didn't even learn the Chinese

character. So how could she distinguish the synonym and antonym of the words?

"All right. You daddy and I is a draw."

Mili giggled and said, "Uncle Jim, I like to watch your movies. I'm your loyal fan. If only I could act in a

TV play with you one day, that will be terrific."

"That's easy to handle. I'll cooperate with your father to shoot a movie and then we can act it together

some day," he said in a joking tone as he was coaxing a child.

"Really?" Mili asked excitedly with her eyes wide open.

"Of course, I never lie to children." Jim smiled.

At the same time, Zac was casually drinking tea. He knew that this little fairy was trying to set a trap for

Jim. But unfortunately, Jim didn't know it at all. He was trying hard to get into her trap.

"Uncle Jim, let's make a pinky swear. If there is a good film, you must take me to act it with you." Mili

stretched out her little finger.

"Okay, let's do a pinky swear." Jim lifted her little finger and said together, "We are bounded by the

pinky swear and none of us could change our mind until the end of our life."

Mili laughed with a secret light in her eyes. She took up a small muffin, spread it with cream and

blueberries paste on it, and then fed it into her mouth unhurriedly.

After she finished eating the muffin, she wiped her hands with a tissue and said slowly, "Uncle Jim, do

you know that Sino Star will shoot a fantasy play called the 'Ups and Downs of a Haunting Country' in

May? I'm going to act as a little fairy in it. Would you like to play with me?"

Jim choked violently and spit out all the water that had just come into his mouth. Fortunately, he picked

up a napkin in time to cover his mouth. "Little cutie, are you serious?"

"Of course, and my sworn mommy is the heroine." Mili said seriously.

"Who is your sworn mother?" Jim raised his eyebrows.

"Eva, you have worked together in 'War Emperor'." Before she could finish her words, Jim coughed

violently again. He covered his mouth and coughed several times to ease his breath. "Oh, my God. I

underestimated you." He realized that he was fooled by Mili.

If that was her biological mommy, he would have say yes.

But her sworn mommy! No way. That was not a good idea. The hot pepper Eva was not easy to

cooperate with. He'd

better avoid seeing her. He did not want to fight.

Seeing that he was not in a good mood, Mili was afraid that he would refuse her. She quickly said,

"Uncle Jim, we just do a pinky swear just now. You will take me to act together, and you can't go back

on your words. You can't break your promise."

Jim didn't know what to say. With an awkward smile, he said, "Little girl, I happen to be busy in a play in

May. So I don't have a schedule. When I have a good film in the future, I'll definitely take you to the

play, okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mili burst into tears.

"Uncle Jim, you lied to me. I loved you so much and wanted you to be my swear father, but you were a

big liar. You promised me and we have a pinky swear together just now, yet you just ignore your

promise. I am no longer like you. I will ask parents dislike you too."

Zac grinned to himself. What a witty girl! She was good at acting. And it must be hard for Jim to handle


On the other side, Jim looked very embarrassed. He was at a loss what to do to stop Mili from crying.

"Zac, your daughter is crying. Say something to comfort her." He could only seek help from Zac.

Zac casually took a sip of tea, looking like an outsider. "You made my daughter cry, and you must be

responsible for coaxing her."

Jim glared at him. 'The father and the daughter must collude with each other and forced me to act in

the play, ' he thought.

After twenty minutes of Mili's hysterical cry, Jim finally surrendered. He raised his hand in surrender

and said, "Well, well, little girl, I promise you once, and I'll play with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mili stopped crying abruptly. She looked at him with tears in her big

eyes and said, "You must keep your words."

"A word from a man of honor cannot be withdrawn," Jim said seriously.

Mili smiled through tears. She jumped up from the sofa and ran to him excitedly. She put her arms

around his neck and kissed him on the neck. "Uncle Jim, I know you are the best. You won't bully

children. I've made up my mind to let you be my sworn father. In the future, you have to protect me."

Jim shook his head helplessly and smiled. This little girl was so quick witted at such a young age. She

would definitely become a girl who would be hard to deal with in the future.

Mili ran to Zac and sat down on his lap. With a triumphant look, they smiled at each other.

Jim looked at them. As the king of gossips, he had sharper observation and judgment than ordinary

people. At the moment, the more he looked at them, the more surprised he was.

The more she looked at them, the more he felt the two looked alike. Although this little girl looked like

Essie at first sight, when she sat down with Zac, he found that she looked like her father in many

aspects. Not to mention the look, smile, and every move she took, they were exactly like Zac.

Was she really adopted? He drew a big question in his heart.

Seeing that he had been staring at himself and Mili, Zac coughed to arouse his attention. "You don't

have a daughter so you are quite envious of me, do you?. Didn't my daughter regard you as her sworn

father just now? You also have a daughter. "

Jim realized his gaffe and quickly looked away. "Now that she called me daddy Jim, I will have to

protect this little fairy," he said.

"Of course, she is my daughter. How dare you not cover her up?" After saying that, he looked down at

Mili with a doting look in his eyes.

"It's said that father and daughter are closely connected. You acted in coordination just now. It's really a

tacit understanding." Jim squinted at him and asked curiously.

"No, you are wrong. I am an audience. I will watch my daughter's acting and let her show you her

acting skills," Zac said, who wore a forced smile on his face. Like her mom, Mili was a smart girl with

many schemes in her mind. She didn't need his help at all.

"In fact, if you don't make it clear to me. And you are taking her with you, I will surely think you are the

biological father and daughter." Jim stressed on the word 'biological' deliberately.


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