Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 304 Mother Made The Decision

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"I am not your private property. You are remarried and have another woman. I am meaningless to you."

"You have a poor memory. I have told you three years ago that I will never remarry. I will only get

married once, with only one wife." His expression was cold and serious, and his strong aura

suppressed her, making her almost suffocate.

She shrank back in the chair subconsciously, as if she wanted to find a place to hide. "You... Aren't you

tired of me? Aren't you interested in me anymore? "

"That's true, but..." He deliberately paused, turned the steering wheel sharply and drove to a quiet lake


"It's late now. I have to go back," Essie she in a trembling voice as she held her own arms.

"I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Maybe I will be interested in you again." He lifted the corner

of his mouth and smiled evilly. Fear gripped her heart, and she curled up like a preying lamb...

Now, she finally realized that Zac couldn't be provoked at all. He was too dangerous. To be an alliance

with him, one would seek every opportunity. In the end, she would be in danger as well.

After returning to the villa, she received a call from Lucy. He told her that grandpa of the Yi family was

seriously ill and that she and Mr. Yi went back with the children.

Essie quickly booked a ticket and rushed back to Jiang City.

Grandfather had a heart attack. He had been in the ICU for a week after the operation. Luckily, his life

was saved.

After discussion, Bob and Lucy decided to stay in the country for the time being. After all, Grandpa of

the Yi family was more than 80 years old and had heart disease. He might die at any time, so they'd

better stay with him.

The Mili and Dot missed their mommy and daddy. Since Hanson didn't come with Essie, they called

him. They were good at numbers, they also knew a lot of words.

As soon as Hanson heard that the children had returned to Jiang City, he rushed there.

"Daddy, Mommy, Mili and Dot miss you so much. Why haven't you come back from Dragon City for

such a long time?" With her arms around Essie' neck, Mili said in a soft tone, touching her face like a

spoiled child.

"Mommy and daddy miss you too, but we still have a lot of things to deal with, and we won't leave until

we deal with them." "Now that you're back, we can be together as often as we can," Essie continued,

fondly kissing her rosy cheek. But she had to make sure that they were safe.

"I heard from Finney that something happened to Hengyuan Co., Ltd. Is that why you came back?"

Lucy pulled Essie into the room and asked.

Essie nodded and said, "Mom, I didn't tell you because I don't want you to worry about me."

Hearing that, Lucy's face turned dark all of a sudden. "Then is it true that she said your father was lying

in hospital in coma and you did not know if Alice is alive or dead?"

"Yes." Essie said in a low voice.

Covering her face, Lucy sat on the sofa and began crying sadly.

"Mom, don't worry too much. The doctor said that Mr. Xu passed out because of the clot of blood in his

head. He will wake up as long as the clot is removed. Besides, sister used to serve in the special force.

I believe she can still manage to survive even if the car was crashed into the cliff. Now she is likely to

have been injured, and she is recuperating in a secret place. When she recovers, she will come back."

Essie consoled her mother. The only thing she could do now was to guard Hengyuan Co., Ltd. She

couldn't let it fall into the enemy's hand.

"Was it because of Elizabeth?" Lucy gnashed her teeth in hatred.

"Of course she is relevant to it. Fortunately, Mr. Xu has long been wary of her, and made the will and

commission. Her plot failed." Her eyes were filled with hatred and she made up her mind to do

everything to get even with Elizabeth.

"Essie." Lucy took her hand in hers and said worriedly, "That woman dares to do harm to your father

and sister. Isn't it very dangerous for you to stay at Hengyuan Co., Ltd?"

"Now my sister's comrade in the special force has disguised as me and has the position of chairman,

so Elizabeth doesn't know who I am," Essie said.

"That's good." Lucy breathed a sigh of relief. "Essie, you must be careful again. Elizabeth Wang is a

sinister and vicious woman. She could do anything she wants."

"I know. I'm always on her guard." Essie gave her a light smile, in case she was too nervous. After a

pause, she seemed to think of something and quickly asked, "Mom, have you taken the children to visit

their grandparents?"

"Not yet. You said you didn't want too many people to know about the kids, so we didn't take them out,"

Lucy said.

"Don't tell our grandparents. Our relatives, especially Finney about them. If they will come to visit us

and asked about the kids, just tell them that they were the kids of the relatives of yours who just come

for a visit." Essie reminded.

"Okay." Lucy nodded.

As soon as she came out, Dot climbed onto Essie's lap and sat down, and Mili sat on Hanson's lap.

They were like a happy family of four.

Looking at them, Lucy smiled and said, "Essie, you and Hanson have experienced so many setbacks

and unforeseen events. It's not easy for you to be together. Should you find some time to settle the

wedding ceremony?" She could see that Hanson really liked her daughter. She would be relieved only

after they got married.

"Yes, it will make your grandfather happy to have a happy wedding at home," Bob chimed in.

Upon hearing this, Essie was a little shocked and said, "Father, mother, I have explained to you that

Hanson and I are just good friends." She looked down and her thick eyelashes cast two silhouettes on

her eyelids. Hanson was an excellent man. His wife should be perfect and pure. She didn't deserve


Hanson was excited and excited at first, but when he heard her words, he was totally disappointed.

Everything seemed to slip back as before ever since they go back to Dragon City. He couldn't help her

to deal with the matter of Hengyuan Co., Ltd. What he could do was to watch her get closer with Zac.

"I have to work harder," he said dejectedly.

Lucy knew that her daughter was the one who had a problem on this matter. Was she still thinking

about Zac?

After dinner, Bob and Hanson took the children to the courtyard downstairs to play. Lucy began to

teach her daughter a lesson.

"Essie, Hanson has been waiting for you for more than three years. You can't let him wait any longer

like this. You've always loved him. You gave up the opportunity to study abroad for him, and went to

Yang City to fight for him. Now that you're finally together, why don't you cherish it?"

"Mom, I had been married and I have two kids. I don't deserve him." Essie said with her head down.

"If he mind, why did he follow you to America and protect you for more than three years?" Lucy took

her hand in hers and said, "He treats you well, treats the children well, and he is a person worth relying

on. Don't think too much, and then you will miss the chance, and you will surely regret."

"Mom, so many things have happened in the Xu family, and I'm not in the mood to get married." Essie

sighed heavily.

"Tell me the truth, are you still in touch with Zac right now?" Lucy frowned.

"It's just about business. Hengyuan Co., Ltd has been cooperating with the Emperor and the Rong's

Group. It's inevitable for me to get in touch with him," Essie added in a more serious tone, "Don't worry.

There is no remarriage between us. The reson that Xu family become such a mess has something to

do with Mary, she must me one of the culprits. How could I possibly live with the son of my enemy?"

"How about this? You will marry Hanson and go back to America with the kids after the problems of the

Xu family are solved," Lucy suggested.

Feeling helpless, Essie said, "Mom..."

"I will make the decision on this matter. Don't think too much and refuse it in any way. I have decided to

let Hanson be my son-in-law." Lucy interrupted her and her tone became very strong. He could no

longer let her daughter do whatever she wanted and ruin her happiness.

At this time, the door of the living room was opened. Hanson and Bob walked in with the children.

Lucy pulled Hanson Xia to her side and said, "I have talked with Essie just now. As soon as the matter

of Hengyuan Co., Ltd is settled, I will hold a wedding for you. What do you think?"

Hanson's eyes lit up. "Essie, is she really willing to marry me?"

"Of course she would," Lucy said with a smile.

"That's great!" Hanson said excitedly. He ran to Essie and held her up, rotating her in the air excitedly.

"Mommy and Daddy are getting married!" Mili and Dot were so happy that they clapped and jumped.

Essie was a little overwhelmed. She didn't intend to get married anymore. All she wanted was to bring

up Mili and Dot well. But seeing that the whole family were so happy, she couldn't say anything to

disappoint them.

The next day, after visiting grandfather in the hospital, Hanson and she took the children to the zoo to

see panda. Mili and Dot were both good at Chinese and English. They were lying on the railing, talking

to the panda in Chinese and in English. But the panda just ignored them, which made them very


"I know. Mili, the panda doesn't understand Chinese and English. They only understand the panda

words." He said in a childish voice.

"Yes." Michelle nodded. "If only we could say the same thing."

"We'll learn it when we grow up," Dot said seriously.

Hearing what the two kids said, Essie and Hanson burst into laughter.

"The three and a half years in New York was the happiest time in my life. We lived together like a

family. I don't want any changes to it, okay?" He then held the hands of Essie.

"Hanson, I'm a married woman with two children. Don't you really care?" Essie felt uneasy in her heart.

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became.

"I watched Mili and Dot being born and growing up with them. They are my kids." Hanson smiled with

happiness on his face. "Didn't you say that father Yi is the best man in the world? And I want to be the

second father Yi."

"Hanson." With her head resting on his shoulder, Essie was deeply moved by his words. If only they

could be as happy as they were from the beginning. It would be great if they didn't have so many

problems and met with so many troubles and without Sunny.


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