Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 270 The Perfect Match

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"Mommy, master is also a human being. He also has the emotions and desires. Who can guarantee he

won't make up the store when someone gave him one million or ten million? Did someone hired a fake

monk to monkey around the temple before?" Essie slowly said.

"The master in Huang Temple is highly respected. He has already got rid of the extra emotions and

desires, and he doesn't care about money at all." Retorted Mary.

"Mommy, superstition is nothing but a psychological comfort. Something just happens, and we can say

that it's a coincidence. If marriage needs superstition to solve, why do we need love and


"I would rather believe it than not believe it. I can't take the risk to bet my son's life. Only when he find a

woman who can bring him good luck can I feel at ease." Mary said firmly.

"Mommy, since you believe in superstition, let's find a more reliable person." Zac said.

Shocked, Mary looked up and saw aunt Bonney coming in.

Aunt Bonney was the younger sister of Alena, the most powerful councilor in the East. It was said that

she was the 180 second generation of Sir Guigu, and she was now living in Taiwan.

When she received the call from Zac yesterday, she came here by plane.

"Aunt Bonney, have some tea please." Zac came over with the tea in a respectful manner.

"Good boy." After taking the cup of tea, aunt Bonney stared at Essie. After a while, she smiled and

said, "this girl has a full forehead and a well-defined angles of square. Her eyebrows are like willows,

her eyes are clear and bright. Her nose is straight, the mountain root is large, and the cheekbones are

neat. She is a beauty in philtrum, with red lips and white teeth. That is exactly the typical appearance of

a woman who would bring good luck to her husband and children. The one who said that she was a

bad lucky girl must be blind, or has an ulterior motive."

Hearing this, Mary's face was a little pale. "Aunt Bonney, has Zac done something mischievous in front

of you again?" That was to say, aunt Bonney had been bought off by Zac, so she put in a good word for


Aunt Bonney cast a glance at Mary and said, "What we learned is not a joke and it make sense. There

is evidence." While saying that, aunt Bonney took a book out of her bag. "This is a book I wrote last

year. You can take it and study it carefully. In the future, don't be fooled by the jerks who swindle


Mary took it reluctantly as she was very upset to be blamed.

A smile appeared on Alena's face. "Aunt Bonney, can you check the birth dates for the two children to

make Mary at ease?"

Aunt Bonney took out her divine weapon and asked them to write down their birth dates on the letter.

After a while, she nodded slightly and said, "They are just the perfect match. I have only met two pairs

of couples with perfect match before." As she spoke, she looked up at Abel and Alena, "the first pair is

sister and brother-in-law, and the second pair was appeared fifteen years ago, I have calculated the

fortune for the child of Xu family and Zac, but I didn't expect that there would be another girl who can

match Zac..." She stopped, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes. "Well, how can she have


Albert interrupted her before she could finish speaking. "Thank you for coming here from Taiwan, aunt

Bonney. It's mid-autumn now, so I think it's better for you to stay here with us during the Mid-Autumn

Festival and talk with Alena."

"Okay. We are getting old. There is little time for us to get together." Aunt Bonney nodded with a smile.

Essie stole a glance at aunt Bonney, and felt a little flustered. Although her words were interrupted by

Albert, she knew that aunt Bonney wanted to say that she has the same birth date with Cathy. Aunt

Bonney remembered it so clearly because Essie and Zac had perfect match.

Essie turned her eyes to take a peek at Zac. He was happy. It seemed that he didn't hear anything from

aunt Bonney. She breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of the family meeting, Alena said, "the reason I agreed to hold this meeting today is to help

to untie the knot in Mary's heart and make her get along with Essie in the future. I don't want you to be

alienated by others." She looked at Mary and said, "for the family, being harmonious is the most

important. we are family and there is no conflicts we can't deal with. When it comes to the marriage, we

can't persuade them to break up. Now that Essie is the chosen person by Zac personally, as the elders,

we can only wish them good. There is no reason to force them to separate. "

"Mother-in-law, you're right. I'll treat Essie as my own daughter," Mary smiled awkwardly. She felt

depressed not because Essie's fate but other things she couldn't get rid of. Essie shared the same face

with Luce. Every time she saw her, she felt uncomfortable and couldn't accept her.

Essie was well aware that Mary was saying yes and meaning No. the so-called bad luck was just an

excuse Mary found to drive her away. No one knew why she hated Essie so much.

At the same time, Alena turned to comfort Essie. "Essie, don't take it seriously. Your mother-in-law was

fooled by others."

"Filial piety is what I should do as a daughter-in-law. Even if mommy might be more strict with me, it's

all for my own good. I don't mind."

"She is very sensible despite her young age." Said Alena with a smile.

Abel, who had been silent all this time, spoke. He was not open his mouth easily but his words were

not allowed to be disobeyed, "Essie has officially become a part of our family. According to our family

rules, no one has the right to let her leave unless she has made any unpardonable big mistake. After

the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will ask aunt Bonney to pick a good day to open the wedding ceremony. "

Everyone nodded and said yes.

After the meeting ended, everyone left the meeting room. Aunt Bonney kept the little couple alone, as if

she had something to talk to them.

"Just now, I checked the fate for you. Although you are perfect match, now the palace of marriage is a

broken soldier star, which means you are going to be separated. You must be careful, tolerate with

each other all the time and being considerate to each other."

Separation? There was another wave of sadness in Essie's heart. She was just his nominal wife. She

could help him get rid of Valery and be a substitute for him. Wasn't it possible that she lost her value

and was driven away by him at any time?

Zac's face turned a little pale. He hated to hear such words most. How could he allow someone

muddled headed to leave him for a lifetime.

Aunt Bonney smiled and said, "you don't have to be too nervous. There is a saying that all you need to

know is to wait till the dawn breaking."

Outside the conference room, Valery was waiting for the news that Essie had been kicked out of the

house of Rong family.

When aunt Bonney came out, she saw Valery. She looked at her carefully and frowned.

After Alena took her to a room upstairs, aunt Bonney asked, "is the pregnant child downstairs the wife

of Walt?"

"No, she is not." Alena waved her hand. She didn't know how to explain it to aunt Bonney.

Aunt Bonney breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good. That kid doesn't look good. The one she married

would have bad luck and unrest family. You can't marry him."

Alena sighed. "I don't really believe in your theory. But what a coincidence! You'll get the point."

Aunt Bonney smiled, "it is said that the heaven cannot be leaked, and I am the person who works hard

to crack it."

"Honey, now you should believe in the destiny of marriage. You are mine from the very beginning. You

can't escape from me," said Zac. With a teasing smile on his face, Zac said as he put his arm around

the shoulders of Essie.

With a bitter smile on her face, Essie thought, 'the love angel is really tied her with Zac firmly. She must

have destroyed the Milky way in her previous life, so she was punished to be a slave and be exploited

endlessly by Zac.'

Seeing that they were still as close as before, Valery was confused and asked, "didn't she be driven out

of here? Why are you still with her? "

With a snort, Zac said, "she is my wife. I have been permitted to marry her. She is also the daughter-in-

law of Rong family. Who dares to kick her out?"

To Valery's great disappointment, she murmured, "you'll be doomed to death if you marry her."

Zac said with a cold light, "my wife is the ideal woman with good luck. If anyone dares to speak ill of her

in the future, don't blame me for being rude to him." His tone was so cold that Valery couldn't help

shivering. All her soap bubbles turned into bubbles.

"Are you crazy? Why are you trying to protect her like this? The master said that she was a lone wolf. If

you continue to keep her in the Rong family, you will not only make our family uneasy, but also cause

you harm. Our baby has been destroyed twice by her. I almost had an abortion if you don't drive her

away. " She hadn't figured out the situation yet. She had thought that it was all because of the firm

support of Zac alone that Essie could stay here. She had deliberately raised her voice so that everyone

could hear.

A tinge of cruelty flashed across Zac's eyes. "I promise to take care of you, but the condition is that you

must be honest and behave yourself. If you keep making trouble out of nothing, I have to send you


"I'm not making trouble out of nothing. I'm worried about you and our baby. Every time I see her, I feel

scared. I have nightmares and dreamed that she is going to kill our baby. Could you let her go? Let her

go before she hurt our baby more. I don't want to see her again." Holding her bulging belly, Valery

trembled with fear.

To Essie's surprise, Valery was even a talent for acting.

"Valery, I'm the wife and you are the concubine. I have a higher position than you, so I can treat you

well and treat you as my sister as long as you're satisfied with taking care of the baby and abide by the

responsibility. If you're dissatisfied with this and insist on stirring up trouble, I can only ask you to go

back to the Xu family after you give birth to the baby." Her tone was like a warning, and it was enough

for her to be so arrogant.

At this moment, Mary came over. As soon as Valery saw her, she ran to her with tearful eyes and said,

"Mommy." She murmured in a low voice and lay on her shoulder, starting to cry.

Sage saw that and quickly complained, "Mrs. Mary, you're here just in time. This vicious woman is

bullying my lady again. She envies that my lady is pregnant with young master's child, and treated my

lady with malicious words as long as she sees her..."

At this moment, Mary came over. As soon as Valery saw her, she ran to her with tearful eyes and said,

"Mommy." She murmured in a low voice and lay on her shoulder, starting to cry.

Sage saw that and quickly complained, "Mrs. Mary, you're here just in time. This vicious woman is

bullying my lady again. She envies that my lady is pregnant with young master's child, and treated my

lady with malicious words as long as she sees her..."


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