Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 453 A Smart Advice (Part Two)

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"Are you going to embarrass me in public?" He stared at Leila coldly.

"I just want to show respect to our ancestors. I will leave after that. Is that okay?" With tears all over her

face, Leila looked at him with a pitiful look.

It was a pity that Zac didn't show any pity for her. Instead, there was only endless aversion in her heart.

"Because I married you, I have become the unfilial guy be is blaming by of a thousand people in the

Rong family. If you continue to quarrel with me, I will have to divorce you." He stressed each syllable.

Upon hearing this, Leila stopped crying immediately. She stood up and asked, "Why? What did I do

wrong on earth? Is it just because I am adopted daughter of Qin family?"

"The elders have told you clearly about the conditions. Since you want to enter the Rong family so

much and be a member of the Rong family so much, why don't you take action? What are you waiting

for?" Zac said impatiently.

"Your conditions are way out of line. In the Qin family, there are my parents and family. I can't cut off

from them," Leila almost roared at him. She wouldn't let herself become a woman without roots.

At the gate of Rong Mansion, Essie came out. She didn't look at Leila, not even gave her a sidelong

glance. What happened between her and Zac had nothing to do with her. She didn't want to get


After seeing Essie get on the car again, Leila asked with her eyes almost popping out, "Why did she

get on the car? Is she going to worship the ancestors? She has nothing to do with the Rong family.

Why should she worship our ancestors? " She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She couldn't

wait to dash forward and drag Essie out of the car. She kicked her to death!

Zac opened his thin lips slightly and said in an indifferent tone, "If your surname is Xu, you can go with


Leila's eyes turned black. She rushed into Mary's arms and cried, "Mommy, you must help me plead

with grandma and grandpa. I'm your daughter-in-law. You can't let anybody else ride on me."

Mary patted her on the shoulder. She hated Essie more than she did. But she couldn't force anyone to

do something rash, so she had to be considerate.

"Take it easy. You and Zac are protected by the law. That woman wants to replace you. It's

daydreaming. I will never let her succeed." She had to comfort Leila first.

Taking a deep glance at her, Zac said, "Mommy, you are not the hostess of the family now. All the

decisions are made by grandpa and grandma. Your opinion is of no use."

These words were just like cold water, pouring down from her head without mercy. This made Mary

shiver. "Even if I am not the hostess of the house, I am your mommy. Your business is also my

business. I can't let it go. I tell you, Leila is my daughter-in-law now. No matter who she is, I won't let

Essie come back

to the family unless I die."

"Let's see if you can bring the whole family of the Rong family under your power alone." Zac snorted.

He found that his mother would be totally unreasonable when it came to things concerning Essie. She

could even completely ignore the interests of her family. Was it because she felt guilty?

Mary veins on her forehead moved violently. "Leila is your wife. Can't you think of a way for your


"It is this woman's own stupidity. Except for following me like a shadow and weeping all day long, she

has never thought of making contributions to the Rong family. She didn't do anything helpful, so how

could I intercede with you for her in front of our ancestors?" Zac snorted.

"I'm a woman, and I don't know much about the business. How can I contribute?" Leila felt wronged.

"There's still a chance. It depends on whether you dare to make it or not." A treacherous look flitted

across Zac' eyes.

"What chance?" Leila and Mary said almost at the same time. Their eyes were shining, as if they were

looking at the dawn.

"Alice is dating with your cousin, Fell. If they get married, it will be a threat to the Rong family. If you can

try to destroy their relationship, you will not only become the backbone of our Rong family, but also let

the elders know that keeping your relationship with Qin family will not do any harm to the Rong family,

on the contrary, it will do you good. In this way, you will not only be the daughter-in-law of the Rong

family but also will not sever the ties with the Qin family," Zac said slowly.

Leila was shocked. She didn't think it was a good idea. "I... I can't do anything that is not good for the

Qin family. If my cousin knows it, he won't let me go," she stammered. When she got married, her

parents had warned her that she could only remain neutral in the conflict between the two powerful

families. If she did something that hurt the Qin family, she would not be a member of the Qin family in

the future.

Zac sneered. "I'm just giving you an advice. It's up to you whether to do it or not. But there's one thing I

have to remind you. First of all, Alice is the elder sister of Essie, who share the same father and

mother. You have ruined the relationship between me and Essie. As her elder sister, she will definitely

defend her sister and bear grudges against you. When she becomes the hostess of the Qin family in

the future, you will be the first one she wants to deal with. You are just an adopted daughter of the Qin

family. Now that you are married to me, she will find an excuse to kick you out of the house easily. "


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