Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 563 Be Friends Forever

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"I have never made a wrong decision," Zac said in a domineering tone as usual. Obviously, he was just

telling her, not discussing with her.

In this family, she seemed to have no right to make a decision. Even if it was given birth to a baby, it

was up to the big devil.

Feeling a little angry, Essie really wanted to jump up, clench her fists and sing loudly, 'get up, people

who don't want to be slaves!'

But in the end, she held it back. Her big eyes rolled two times and smiled cunningly. "I've calculated it.

It's the safety period now."

"Oh?" Raising his eyebrows, a glimmer of light flashed across Zac's handsome face.

She took a look and deliberately didn't say anything. She sat up from the bed and said, "I'm sleepy. I'm

going back to my room to sleep."

Before she finished speaking, she was held into the arms of the man. Since it was the safety period,

what else should he worry about? She wouldn't get out of bed until he was satiated.

On the second day, when she went to the airport to see off her grandfather, Laves, and grandmother,

Ophelia, Essie felt sleepy. She regretted deeply. She shouldn't have flirted with the devil last night.

Not long after Laves and Ophelia returned, Lady Rose and Irene also returned to Provence. After the

cooperation agreement was signed, they still had a lot of things to do. On the surface, Mary was

reluctant to leave her sister, but in fact, she was greatly relieved, as if she was sending away the God

of plague.

In the evening, Essie received a call from Hanson, asking her to take a walk by the river.

Since she reconciled with Zac, Hanson seldom came to Dragon City.

"How are you doing recently, Hanson?" Sitting on the riverside, Essie asked with a smile.

With a faint smile on his face and a hint of loneliness in his eyes, Hanson said, "I'm fine." There was a

touch of alienation in his tone.

Noticing that, Essie smiled bitterly and said, "We haven't seen each other for only a few days. Why are

you so polite? Can't we even be friends in the future?"

"How could it be?" He shook his head bitterly. She was the most profound mark in his heart and the

only figure in his eyes. Unless his heart stopped beating and his life was over, how could he break up

with her?

The dusk was burning in the west, emitting the last glow as much as possible. The colorful glow

blended with the blue sky, painting the most beautiful moment of the day.

The setting sun was infinitely beautiful, but it was close to dusk.

Should the blazing emotion in his heart sink into the deepest horizon like this sunset?

The setting sun's fiery red light turned into tens of thousands of golden threads, flowing through the

water and interwoven into a large net made of golden threads.

Her beautiful figure was reflected in the net, rippling with the sparkling waves.

He looked at it in a daze, but felt that it was just an illusory light and shadow, far away from him.

"How are you getting along with Zac Rong?" His voice came through slowly, like the echo of the wind

from afar.

"Not bad." She smiled and sat beside him. The setting sun shone on her face, adding to her beauty.

She was graceful and sad, like a beauty returning to the home under the sunset, like a fairy drifting in

the wind. After a short silence, she said in a low voice, "Hanson, I'm sorry."

His dark eyes blinked slightly, and a faint light flashed in the dark space of his heart. "You don't need to

tell me this. I missed the fate between us."

She lowered her head and stared at the rippling waves of the river, silent for a long time.

The water flowed through the golden net sprinkled by the setting sun and turned into sadness. Her

heart was covered by the twilight.

"You are good. I don't deserve you." Her voice was very light, very low, as if she was breathing,

shuttling through the air.

"Don't say that again, okay?" He picked up a stone and threw it into the lake unhappily. The shadow of

the setting sun broke into pieces, as messy as his heart. "These days, I have thought carefully. Every

time you have an accident, the people around you are always Zac. I can't protect you, and I can't

compare with him."

"Nonsense!" She shook her head hard. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do in America

alone. I've let you down in this life. I owe you, and I won't pay it back in this life. If you don't want to be

friends with me anymore, I have nothing to say. But in my heart, you will always be my best friend. No

one can replace you. "

Hanson turned his head and looked at her without blinking, "Essie, even if we are not destined to meet

in this life, it's impossible for me not to see you and ignore you. If you want to be friends, even if we are

good friends for the rest of our lives."

A ray of setting sun shone into Essie's eyes, turning into golden dots, shining her whole face bright.

"Really? You are still willing to be my friend. " She looked at him with her eyes wide open.

He nodded seriously, with a sincere expression on his face. "But you have to promise me that you

won't allow anyone or anything to affect our friendship, okay? Even Zac Rong can't. " She looked at

him without blinking. Her warm eyes were still the same as before.

She was like a glowing body, which could bring him light, and also like a happy bean, which could bring

him happiness. Now, as long as he could see her often and hear her voice, he would be satisfied.

"Okay, I promise that nothing can affect our friendship," said Essie, nodding her head repeatedly.

After that, they went to Sunshine Hot Pot to have spicy hotpot. On their way back, Essie was in a good

mood. The problem that had been haunting her for a long time finally solved.

When she arrived at the gate of the villa and was about to enter, her phone rang. She looked down at

the caller ID and found it was Finney. She was at the gate of the Midnight Club and asked her for help.

Zac had a business dinner tonight and hadn't come back yet. She went in to say hello to the children

and then went out.

Midnight Club was one of the top entertainment clubs in Dragon City. All the people who came in and

out of it were nobles and rich families. They must have membership.

Being stopped at the door by the security guard, Finney was very angry. She was at least a senior

white-collar worker, an elite in the city. This damn security guard even thought that she was not

qualified to be a member. It really pissed her off.

In order to save her dignity and face, she called Essie angrily and asked her to help her.

Essie was a little embarrassed. She had been to this place two times. One was a party of celebrities,

and the other was a party of Vinton. She had never been there alone.

"Sister, there are many night clubs in Dragon City. Why do you have to come here?"

Finney pouted and said, "If I don't come here, how can I find a handsome and rich single man?"

Shaking her head, Essie said, "Don't be silly. Nine out of ten of the men who come here are playboys,

and the tenth one is a gay."

"No, Hanson, Zac and your brother Vinton are all single-minded and infatuated. So now I have

regained my confidence. I must marry off before thirty years old," Finney said confidently.

"Didn't I introduce you several handsome and rich men for you? If you like one, just pick one and I'll be

your matchmaker." said Essie, touching her forehead.

Finney waved her hand and said, "I've background checked all of them. They have girlfriends in secret.

I'm out of the game."

"Really?" Essie was a little shocked. Why didn't she know? Especially her cousin, who was totally a

stone that didn't understand amorous feelings, had a girlfriend?

"Where did you get the information? Is it from Baidu?"

"I have my own channel. Show your super VIP membership card to that snobbish guy and see if he

dares to look down on me again." After saying that, Finney grabbed her arm and begged for her help.

Finally, she surrendered.

She took out her membership card from her handbag and said, "This is my cousin. Can you apply for a

membership card for her?"

The members of the Midnight Club were also divided into different stars. The security guard saw that

she held the top black card and apologized to Finney in a hurry. The club manager also rushed out to

apply for her membership card.

Hearing that, Finney was relieved from anger. She snorted and walked in arm with Essie.

At first, Essie wanted to leave, but she was worried about Finney, so she had to stay with her.

They deliberately found a conspicuous seat. Before they sat down, Finney began to look around with

her black eyes.

There were a variety of noble men here, including rich men with wife and children, the new rich men

who could relieve loneliness and pressure, and a group of the second generations of officials and rich

people who didn't know what was worry. They were surrounded by a group of horny girls like bees and


"This place is really nice." Taking a sip of the cocktail, Finney smiled. When she looked at a corner of

the club, a ray of starlight flew into her eyes.

Finally, she saw a handsome man. He was so handsome that it was earth shaking. And he was there


He was very good-looking, a little melancholy and a little distance from everything. He was handsome

and cold. His features were delicate and gentle, as if they were drawn by a masterpiece. His black eyes

were like black glazed, emitting mysterious and deep light. His straight nose was with a charming arc.

His plump lips were slightly pursed, and the arc at the corners of his mouth was slightly tilted, with a bit

of cynicism, arrogance and unruly.

He slowly exhaled a cigarette, and the light white mist was ethereal in the air, surrounding him and

making him look like a dream, an illusion, a poem, and a painting.

"He's so handsome and cool!" She trembled with excitement.

Turning her head to look in the direction of her gaze, Essie saw a familiar face in a dim corner.

He was alone, with a bottle of almost bottomed whiskey at his hand. It seemed that he wanted to drown

his sorrows in wine. Two women walked towards him and seemed to want to accost him, but they left

soon with obvious disappointment on their faces. It seemed that he enjoyed being alone.

Finney stood up and wanted to accost him, but was stopped by Essie. "Sister, do you have a crush on

him?" There was a strange smile on her face. Her cousin's taste was really good. She had noticed the

most distinguished single aristocrats in the club tonight.

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Finney asked, "Do you know that handsome man?"


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