Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 349 Stay In The Mental Hospital

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Zac gazed at her as sunshine fell on his face through the branches. His bright face shone brightly, and

his dark eyes were particularly deep and mysterious like an ancient pool with a thousand years of

silence, which was too deep to see the bottom.

"You have forgotten me when we were kids, and I have forgotten who you are now. We are even now."

"It's impossible to call it even. Now it's much more important than before." She looked sad and


"So is my amnesia better than yours?" Zac said with a faint and intriguing smile at the corners of his


'Wow! He is so competitive.' Essie thought in her heart.

Essie didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. She said, "I lost to you, okay?"

With a smile of satisfaction on his face, Zac picked up the green tea on the table and drank it leisurely.

In the next few days, Essie went to Yang City with Hanson to visit Florey and Jobson. Then she went

back to Jiang City. She didn't come back until the Lantern Festival was over.

After the new year, the entertainment circle was getting busy.

The news about Eva's affairs had arisen much discussion before daybreak.

It turned out that there were several indecent photos of Eva flirting with a rich businessman on yacht

posted on the Internet. Soon, the indecent photos were reposted on the main page of that day.

Vinton was furious and shouted on Weibo, "which son of a bitch dare to frame my girl? "I will break your

neck when you are caught by me!"

Eva sat on the sofa and kept drinking ice water to cool down her anger in case she smashed the

computer out of anger: "what the fuck! Please find a sexy woman to make the Photoshop. This woman

has neither breasts nor butt, which is insult to my figure."

"Rest assured. Holy is the boss of the Hacker Union. Once he is involved, he will find out the bastard."

Essie patted her on the shoulder. Holy said, "I find him. He is in Dragon City."

"He's dead meat." Vinton stood up and was about to rush out with his men. But Eva stopped him and

said, "wait a minute. I'll go with you." She jumped up from the sofa and decided to give the bastard a

lesson in person.

"How dare you go out? There are so many paparazzi waiting outside to catch you." Essie turned

around and grabbed her hand.

"I won't be recognized if I cover my face." After that, Eva put on her hat, sunglasses and mask in a

perfect match.

Vinton's Bugatti was speeding on the street. He was afraid that if they drove there too late, the Internet

hacker would run away. But the guy didn't expect to be found so soon. He was hiding in his rental

house and counting the money.

With a loud bang, the door was kicked open.

The man was frightened to see a row of tall and strong men at the door. "What... What are you doing? "

"Did you upload this photos online?" Vinton suddenly grabbed his collar and lifted him up from the


"I... I... I don't know what you are talking about. " The man trembled with fear.

Eva saw a file with her name on it and opened it. There were pictures of Photoshop and original

pictures in it.

"What else do you have to say? How dare you frame me? You're dead meat!" The creepy man was

almost scared to death by Eva's thump on the table.

"It's none of my business. I am an Internet worker. Someone gave me money and asked me to do so."

The man kept begging for mercy. If he didn't tell the truth and asked for the leniency, he would be either

dead or disabled.

"Who is it?" Essie pulled out a knife and waved it in front of the man. The sharp light of the knife swirled

in the air, and the man was scared to wet himself. "It's a woman," he answered.

"What does she look like?" Vinton threw him away in case that he got dirty.

"She's about 1.6 meters high, with short hair and a black mole on her nose. She gave me 3000 dollars,

and after it's done, she gave me another 3000."

Essie showed a picture to him from her cell phone, asking, "is it her?"

"It's her! It's her!" The man nodded immediately.

"This woman is Valery's assistant," Said Essie in a low voice, staring at Vinton. At the sight of this,

Vinton's thick eyebrows twisted into a line and said angrily, "is she really insane?"

"Let's talk about it when we get back." Essie patted him on the shoulder. It was not a good place to talk.

They sent the man to the police first, and then asked Holy to post the original indecent photos online,

which proved that Eva was innocent.

Eva had an impulse to smash the table. "Vinton, your sister and I are not related at all. Why did she

want to cheat me?"

"It should be because of me." Essie said, "She thought I introduced you to Vinton and tried to control

him by taking advantage of your beauty trap. So she wanted to take revenge on you to defeat me."

"She must have persecution paranoia." Eva wanted to curse, "I've heard that she has a mental

problem. You'd better find a doctor for her as soon as possible. The medicine must be taken every day

and not stop."

With her chin in her hands, Essie contemplated for a while and said, "I used to think that she pretended

to be mad because she was afraid that Zac would make troubles for her. However, since I saw her at

home last time, I felt that she really had something wrong with her spirit. She is kind of crazy for


"You are right. She is becoming more and more unreasonable." Vinton nodded. Last time when her

cousin said something, she got furious and wanted to argue with him. If she didn't behave herself, there

must be something wrong with her.

"Brother, I think we'd better take her to the psychiatric hospital. If she really gets the mental disease,

she will certainly do more harm to Eva. Because she can't see the problem in her normal mind." Essie


"Right, right. Vinton, you should take her to see a doctor as soon as possible. Patients with mental

illnesses often have hallucinations. Do you remember the movie we watched last time? The heroine of

the movie was a psycho. She thought that her whole family was trying to murder her and grab her

family property. In the end, she almost killed her whole family. " Holding her arms, Eva said with a

shiver, "your sister is fantasizing that Essie and I are going to harm her today, but maybe tomorrow she

will fantasize that you, your mother and grandmother are going to hurt her, and at that time, the lives of

your whole family will be threatened."

"No matter what, it's good to get the result from a doctor. If there is a problem, you can get treatment as

soon as possible. If it is delayed for too long, it won't be cured. " Essie echoed.

Vinton thought it made sense. In the afternoon, they went to Gina psychiatric hospital and made an

appointment with the director, the famous psychiatrist, Dr. Li.

The next day, Vinton made up an excuse to deceive Valery. When they arrived at the gate of Gina

psychiatric hospital, Valery was shocked, "why do you take me here?"

Essie had been waiting at the gate for a long time. When she saw the car coming, she walked up to it

and opened the car door for Valery.

When Valery saw Essie, she got very angry and blushed, while saying, "bitch, why are you here?"

But Essie said calmly, "sister Valery, we have an appointment with Dr. Li, the director of Gina

psychiatric hospital. We want him to check for you." She said that on purpose. When Valery heard

Essie's words, she must be very furious and hysterical. The more furious she became, the more likely

she would be believed to be a person with mental disease.

"I'm not sick. I don't go to the doctor. I want to go home. Drive me home quickly." Valery grabbed the

back of the chair.

"Sis, I just want you to have a check. We will go back as soon as you finish." Vinton said, trying to get

rid of her hand.

"Vinton, did you drugged by this slut and colluded with her to set me up?" Valery raised her foot and

gave him a hard kick.

Essie called two nursing workers to help them and took Valery in. As Valery kept struggling and bit the

two nurses. They had no choice but to tie her up, as if she was a patient.

"Cathy, you bitch! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! And you, Vinton, how dare you collude with her. I'll skin you

alive! " Valery kept on cursing.

Dr. Li asked others to leave the room and stayed alone with her. After a while, he came out and shook

his head, saying, "she got typical violent depression. She is often sensitive, irritable, emotional and full

of doubts all day long. Patients like her often have violent tendency, and have the motivation to commit

suicide or kill someone. "

Vinton agreed with Mr. Li very much.

"What kind of treatment does she need?" He asked.

"Since she has started to have violent behavior, it means the situation is serious. I recommend to go to

hospital for treatment. Otherwise, it will harm the safety of herself or others at any time." Dr. Li said to


Hearing this, Vinton said hastily, "let her stay here for a while and see how things are going."

Hearing that she was going to be sent to the mental hospital, Valery was totally frightened with her face

totally pale. She then said, "give me the phone. I want to call mommy."

Essie cast a cold glance at her, and turned to Vinton, "we'd better keep it a secret from aunt Elizabeth

for the time being. The reason why Valery was not be cured before was that Elizabeth was softhearted.

We decided to let Valery live here for some time, and tell her when Valery gets better."

"Yes." Vinton nodded and picked up Valery's phone. He texted Elizabeth and told her that Valery was

going to travel for relaxation in the name of Valery. Actually, Elizabeth didn't doubt it at all because

Valery often did such things.

"Vinton, I don't want to be hospitalized. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Take me home, okay?" said Valery,

giving up the idea of forcing them to take her away.

"Sis, I'm for your own good. You can stay in the hospital for a few days. When you get better, I'll take

you back." He took out a handkerchief and wanted to wipe her tears, but she bit his hand as soon as

she looked up. With a snort, Vinton wanted to push her away. But he couldn't. As a revenge, she bit his

arm with all her strength. She thought Vinton set a trap for her after he was bewitched by Essie.

But in the doctor's view, it was a typical insane behavior. "Hurry up! The patient's mood is out of control.

Inject a sedative as soon as possible." Dr. Li immediately ordered.


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