Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 319 That Would Be Too Kind To You

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At Mega Club of City C.

Sally followed Essie and was a little nervous. It was her first time to come to such a place. Yesterday,

Essie told her about it secretly. She was curious and followed her.

"Don't worry. The emperor is far away from here. No one knows or cares about what to you are doing

here. What's more, everyone only looks at money and doesn't care about identity and background."

Essie patted her on the shoulder, looking reckless.

As soon as the female boss of the club, Lily saw her, she rushed over and smiled, "Julie, you are here.

Garret is waiting for you inside."

"Are you a frequent visitor here?" Sally asked.

"I come here every Monday." Essie smiled lightly.

"Lily, this is Kelly, my friend. Would you like to ask Max out and have two drinks with us?"

"You are really good at choosing. Max is the trump card of our Mega Club. He never shows up easily.

Today, I just want to give you a favor and ask him to come out and have two drinks with you two." Lily

smiled and got up to go out.

After a while, a man came in, tall and burly.

Sally hadn't seen such delicious and juicy little fresh meat for a long time. At this moment, she was like

encountering a sudden drizzle, full of vitality.

After Max sat next to Sally, Essie leaned her head against Sally's ears and whispered, "The box here is

soundproof. You can't hear anything outside. Don't worry." Then she stood up and said, "Take your time

to have a little fun. I'm going to the next room to find Garret."

Essie went to the next room. It was not Garret but Zac who was waiting inside.

"City C is really a good place." She sat on the sofa and took a sip of the juice.

"The bait has been put down. Now you just need to wait quietly until the fish is hooked." Zac shook the

red wine in his hand.

"Can Max really get it done?" Essie was a little worried.

"Don't worry. He is the best at dealing with a resentful rich woman like Sally." Zac raised the corner of

his mouth, half smiling.

"Is it not because you men are fooling around with other women outside that wives become resentful

women?" Essie sneered and looked at him with scorn. Obviously, in her eyes, he was one of them.

"I didn't expect that you are also a person who likes to get into trouble," Zac sighed in secret. If he fell

into the ink tank by accident, he would never be able to wash it white again?

"It's not too late to know now," Essie shrugged and said indifferently. She didn't care about his idea for

a long time.

"Essie Yi!" Zac seemed to be infuriated. He roared and rushed to grab the back of her head, forcing her

to face him. "I don't care whether you are angry with me or revenging on me. In a word, as long as I

don't agree, you can't marry Hanson."

"I have nothing to do with you. You have no right to interfere with my freedom." Essie stared at him with

a layer of ice in her eyes, which froze all her feelings. His heart also felt the chill, and even his beating

became difficult. "You left me for three years. When you settle this account, you will get real freedom."

She shrank and unconsciously leaned against the sofa, as if trying to hide herself. After a long time,

she took a deep breath and gathered up the courage to confront him. "Do you know why I want to


"Why?" He squeezed three words out of his teeth. She pursed her lips, and a look of almost sadness

gradually appeared on her face. "Because I know you are not the one who can give me happiness."

Zac felt as if he had been shot. His shoulders trembled violently, and his facial features gradually

twisted. "Who can give you happiness, Hanson?"

"Yes," she said without hesitation and firmness that he had Leila in his heart, and Hanson had her in

his heart. She would not be stupid to live with a man who didn't love her and only took herself as a


Zac stumbled back two steps. His face was as pale as ashes and his heart was as dead as ashes.

Suddenly, he laughed sadly, bitterly and sadly. "Well, I will release you. As long as we settle the

accounts of the past three years, we will be completely severed and never be related again."

"What do you want to do?" She shuddered and felt that things would not be so simple.

"Give me a baby." He said clearly and forcefully.

what? There was a bang in her head, as if a thunderbolt had exploded. "It's impossible!" She jumped

up, which was the most ridiculous request she had ever heard.

"Then we're going to live like this endlessly," he threatened word by word.

"Why do you want me to have a baby? You have to give me a reason, right?" The blood on her face all

faded away, leaving only a pale fear.

'If I can't get us back to what we used to be, if you are destined to leave, then leave me a child as a

reminder of you, ' he said in his heart in silence. But when it came out of his lips, it was, "I need a


"There are so many women who want to have a baby with you. Why bother me?" She couldn't help

raising her voice and protesting fiercely. She would never accept it, never accept it. She was now

Hanson's fiancee and would never let him touch her again.

"You can choose to refuse, but don't ever want to marry anyone else." His eyes flashed with a

malicious and cold light. She knew how terrible he was. She challenged his unparalleled dignity and the

possessiveness in the universe. He could not let her go easily.

"Okay, I'll give you a child. When the Xu family's matter is over, I'll give you a child." She pretended to

compromise. Anyway, she had already given birth to two children for him. She could let him see them

then, she would run away with the children.

"I knew you were a smart woman. You wouldn't hurl an egg against the stone." He raised the corner of

his mouth and smiled gloomily.

Sally didn't come out until the evening. She seemed to have gone to heaven. On the way back, Essie

smiled at her and said, "Is Max good?"

"Not bad." Sally blushed with shyness. He was tall and in good shape. After keeping silent for a while,

she asked, "Will you still come next Monday?"

"My son is back next week. I can't come. You can come by yourself. You don't have to go to the club

every time. Just call him and make an appointment somewhere is okay," Essie said with a smile.

"Really?" Sally raised her eyebrows and smiled knowingly.

Essie also smiled. It seemed that Sally couldn't leave Max for a few more times.

In the next few days, Essie frequently received warning emails, threatening her to leave Hengyuan Co.,

Ltd, or she would be killed. Zac sent someone to protect her in secret.

The charm of Max was really endless. In the past few days, Sally went to City C every day. Women

were emotional animals, and love would blind women. In order to get a long-term guarantee, so as to

prevent Bles from finding out and divorcing her, she took the risk and began to secretly dig out the

secrets of Bles.

In the lakeside villa, Zac handed a stack of documents to Essie. "These are the evidences of Bles's

embezzlement in the project construction of Hengyuan Co., Ltd in recent years, but they are not very

useful to you."

"Why?" Essie asked.

"It's just a little money. First, it can't prove that he has something to do with the plot of the Xu family.

Second, it can't find out his accomplices behind the scenes."

"His partner should be Elizabeth, right?" Essie said.

"If I guess right, he and Elizabeth are just chess pieces. Someone wants to use them to misappropriate

the whole Xu's Group," Zac said.

"Misappropriate the Xu family?" Essie was shocked. In China, no financial group had the ability to

swallow the whole Xu's Group. Even the Rong's Group, which dominates the whole eastern region,

dare not make such an idea. When the dragon and the tiger fight, both sides must be hurt. "That is a

big appetite. Aren't they afraid of being stuffed?"

"It is because of their fear of being stuffed that they want to use the method of division to make the Xu

family chaotic from inside and then benefit from it," Zac said in a deep voice.

Essie frowned slightly, with a slight blush in the middle of her eyebrows. After a short silence, she

turned to look at Zac and said, "Why do you know so much about the situation of the Xu family? 'The

mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.' Do you want to the oriole behind?"

Zac raised the corner of his mouth and sneered, "I could be."

Essie looked at him with a cold look, "If you want to keep this in mind, then we are sworn enemies."

Zac pressed the tip of her chin with a cold expression, "Don't forget that we can only have two kinds of

relationship, husband and wife or enemy. You can decide which one to choose!"

Essie trembled, "Didn't you say that you would let me go as long as I have a child for you?"

"To let you go doesn't mean to be friendly to you," he said it coldly and ruthlessly.

Yes, it was too naive to challenge young master's invincible dignity and want to retreat completely.

"Then let's face the sky on the main road and each walk on one side. We can be passers-by." She

pouted and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't it too kind to you to be a passer-by?" Zac leaned over slightly, with his hands on the back of the

sofa. His handsome face was almost close to hers. His hot breath hit her face wave after wave, and her

face was almost scalded. "It can only be an enemy." His aggressive words squeezed out bit by bit, like

nails, and hurt her heart.

"Is there no useful information from Sally?" She changed the topic in a hurry to relieve the extremely

gloomy atmosphere around her.

Zac stood up straight and took out another stack of materials from the table. "This may be useful."

Essie opened it and was shocked. "They actually..."


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