Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 553 Haunting By Ghosts

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"How long is cycle of reincarnation?" Essie asked.

"Sixty years," Walt said.

"When did the yard appear?" Essie raised her eyebrows.

"I don't know the exact time, but it was before we were born, so we should have a chance

to see that day coming in our lives. At that time, the place will be open for visit," Walt said in a playful

tone, as if he was looking forward to that day.

Essie was a little nervous. No wonder Zac always said that he would demolish the yard after he took

over the Rong family. He probably planned to wait for a cycle of reincarnation. Even if that guy was

fearless, he didn't take it seriously. He shouldn't dare to violate the family's ban.

Irene had been sitting quietly beside and listening. As a guest, she didn't know much about the Rong

Mansion and couldn't get in the conversation. But judging from her frightened eyes, she knew that she

firmly believed in the saying of ferocious ghost and was quite scared.

"Irene, you are a French. Do you also believe that?" With a slight smile, Essie patted her on the


Irene nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "I always believe that people have souls, and their souls will

not be annihilated after death. They exist in different spaces from ours. Sometimes when the space is

in a mess, they will run out to make trouble. There are rumors about Ghost Castle in France. It's so

scary. "

Essie didn't believe it at all. In her opinion, everything in the world could be explained with scientific

reasons. However, the current development of science was still limited, so there were many things that

couldn't be explained clearly.

"Maybe there is no ghost in it at all. It's something like the holy head."

Walt's deep eyes twinkled. "In fact, there is something in the yard that someone must know better than


"Who?" Essie and Ivy asked almost at the same time.

After a pause, he picked up the black tea on the stone table and took a sip. Then he slowly spit out

three words, "Jim."

Hearing that, Essie was stunned for a while. "Jim? How did he know the secret of the Rong Mansion? "

"He is born with great curiosity. How can he let go of the secret of our Rong Mansion? I heard that he

almost died because of this," Walt said.

"Cousin, why don't you tell me earlier?" Ivy' wrinkled her nose.

"I have never taken this kind of thing to heart. It is because you are so curious that I remember it."

Walt shrugged. At that time, she was still young and didn't have much memory. He was older, so he

remembered it clearly.

"I'm going to ask brother Jim," Ivy said excitedly, as if Columbus had discovered a new continent.

If Jim was the king of gossip, and Ivy was the princess of gossip, the two of them were people who

would do anything to know the secret.

Before the moon came to the last contact, Ivy took out her phone and called Jim. But as soon as he

heard that it was about the ghost yard, Jim hung up the phone without saying anything, as if he was

very afraid of this matter.

Ivy was so disappointed that she pouted and said, "Brother Jim is so mean. I just said a word and he

already hung up."

"I guess that thing has left a deep shadow on him. He won't tell you." A faint smile played at the corners

of Walt's mouth.

Hearing this, Ivy was very curious. She looked at Zac not far away and said, "Jim came here to play

with my second brother. He is spying on our ghost yard. Don't my second brother know that?"

"Then you have to ask Zac," Walt said with understatement.

Ivy stood up in a hurry, ran to Zac and sat down next to him. "Second brother, I heard that Jim was

once haunted by a fierce ghost in red in the ghost yard? Did he see the ferocious ghost in red? "

Zac patted her head gently and replied coldly with three words, "I don't know."

Holding his arm, Ivy shook it coquettishly and said, "Brother, you and Jim are the best. You must know

something about him. Just tell me."

Zac glared at her and smiled, "Ivy, there is still a blood moon in the sky. Aren't you afraid that ghosts in

red will come to you at midnight?"

Hearing this, Ivy shivered. She looked up at the red moon in the sky and said, "Cousin, don't scare me.

I'm very bold and not afraid at all." She plucked up her courage and said.

Not far away, Essie looked at it. Judging from the expression on Ivy's face, she knew that she didn't get


Zac had kept such important information a secret from her before. It would be strange if he told Ivy.

However, Ivy wouldn't give up. She blinked her big eyes for two times and came up with an idea.

She walked back to Essie and put her arm around her shoulder. "Sister in law, I believe you must want

to know the secret of the ghost yard as I do, right?"

Essie understood what she meant. But she was still in a cold war with Zac. She didn't want to make up

with him first.

"Ivy, I've tried to talk to him about it many times, but he seems to know nothing. I guess Jim did it

without telling him. After all, this is a ban of the Rong family. He won't break it. If he knows that Jim is

going to spy, he will definitely stop him, so Jim won't tell him. "

"I don't think so." Ivy didn't believe it at all. In her opinion, Jim and Zac were definitely allies. It was

impossible to hide what Jim had done could be kept away from him.

Essie patted her hand and said, "Well, Ivy, Curiosity Kills cats. Let's not get to the bottom of it."

With an unwilling look, Ivy's dark eyes rolled two times, and a secret light flashed. She put her face

close to Essie's ear and said, "Sister in law, if you can help me get this secret from my cousin, I'll tell

you a secret that is related to you." Her voice was so low that only Essie could hear it.

Hearing that, Essie was shocked. As a omnipotent woman in this family, many gossips could not

escape her ears, but she was not sure that her secret was worth taking a 'risk'. It was known that if she

took the initiative to make up with Zac, she would lose both her dignity and face. What's more, she had

a very bad beginning. If they had a quarrel and a cold war in the future, wouldn't she have to beg for

peace first?

"Ivy, you have to know it's not easy. I have to work hard next time. So can you tell me your secret and

let me know? " She had to weigh the value of this secret and see if it was worth exchanging.

Raising her hand to cover her mouth, Ivy said in a lower voice, "There is a shocking secret between

your mommy, my aunt and uncle."

Hearing that, Essie was shocked. Did Ivy know the grudge between her mother and Mary? She

pondered over her words carefully. She mentioned Albert. Did it have anything to do with Albert? She

really didn't know that. It seemed that this secret was worth exchanging.

"Okay, let me have a try." She nodded and made a deal with Ivy.

In the evening, when she returned to her room, she decided to put aside the resentment for the time

being and asked Zac.

After bathing, she changed into a nightdress. At the sight of it, a glimmer flashed through Zac's dark

and cold eyes.

Zac was a smart man. He had already guessed what she was thinking.

He didn't say anything, but pretended not to know. He reached out and held her in his arms. "You little

fool, you've finally figured it out. It's not easy!"

With a stiff smile on her face, Essie forced a smile and said, "Zac, I've thought about it. A couple should

be honest to each other. As long as you don't hide anything from me in the future, this time... Forget it. "

A faint smile played at the corners of Zac's mouth. It was obvious that he was setting a trap for his wife.

He could see clearly the white spots and wrinkles in her head.

"Honey, don't worry. I will tell you everything you want to know," he said on purpose.

Upon hearing this, Essie's eyes lit up, as if a star flew in and lit up her dark eyes.

"That's what you said." She smiled naturally.

Zac raised his thick eyebrows and said mischievously, "Honey, it's late. Go to bed." Then he was about

to push her down.

She gently pushed him. She hadn't finished her work yet. She couldn't let him take advantage of her.

"Icy guy, we told a lot of ghost stories by the lake today, including the fierce ghost in red in the ghost

yard." She paused deliberately and looked at him with her eyes wide open.

"Okay," Zac replied indifferently, as if he didn't take her words seriously.

She had expected that he would react like this. In the past, whenever she mentioned the ghost yard, he

would always be indifferent.

"I heard from brother that Jim had pried into the secret of the ghost yard. Is that true?" she didn't want

to beat around the bush with him and asked directly.

He raised his beautiful thick eyebrows slightly and said, "Honey, curiosity Kills cats. There are some

things that you'd better not dig the ground. And today is the night of blood moon. I heard from uncle Li

that in such a day, the gloom is the strongest, and the power of the eight diagrams of heaven and earth

is also weak. It's really not suitable to talk about the ghost yard. " He pretended to be mysterious.

As he spoke, the window was pushed open by a gust of night wind silently. Essie seemed to be

frightened and her heart beat to her throat. When the window opened, there was no sound, as if it was

pushed open by an invisible big hand, causing an extremely terrifying ghost aura.

As the window was slowly pushed open, a gloomy cold wind blew into the room. It was like the night air

in the garden outside the window. At this moment, Essie felt that it was like the cold wind that appeared

in the horror movie, making her hair stand on end.

She unconsciously leaned against Zac and lowered her voice, fearing that if she raised her voice, she

would be blown into the ghost yard by the wind and be heard by the ghost in red.

There was an imperceptible sly smile on Zac's face. Although his little fool was very curious, she was

also very timid. She might not ask if she was scared.


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