Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 587 Filming

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"Valery, I haven't settled accounts with you yet. You'd better shut up, or I won't forgive you." Vinton

stared at her angrily.

Valery was furious. Now that Baron was in charge the family, she was not afraid that he and Essie

would gang up on her.

"Vinton, do you want to fight against us for her? I tell you, don't regret it. This woman didn't take you

seriously at all. She had already been with Jim secretly. Recently, the paparazzi have frequently

photographed her entering his lounge as soon as she took a break on the film set. You don't need to

guess what they were doing inside. "

"Valery, don't sling mud at me. I don't care about your slander." Eva said calmly.

Of course, Vinton believed her. He had already known that she didn't get along well with Jim. Essie had

also said that she and Jim had been enemies for three lifetimes. When they met, they would quarrel or

fight. It was impossible for them to be together.

"Valery, I know what kind of person Eva is best. Don't try to sow dissension between us. I can let go of

what happened yesterday temporarily, but if you dare to mess around again, I will pay you back in

double. " Then he took Eva's hand and left. His Eva was hungry, so he didn't want to delay her


Eva always ordered two double food, two cups of milk, two steamed dumplings, two deep fried dough

sticks and then began to eat.

Wendy looked at them insidiously not far away. She had thought that Eva and Vinton eat them together,

but later she found that they were all Eva's. She was shocked and widened her eyes.

"How could Vinton stand such a horrible woman?" She covered her mouth and said in shock. The most

hateful thing was that she didn't gain weight even if she ate anything. She was still so bony. She was so


"Who knows? Maybe she is good at bed." Valery sneered.

A strong sense of jealousy swept over Wendy's eyes. It was all her uncle's fault. He made such a

bastard to hurt her. Otherwise, she would have married Vinton.

After the weekend, Eva went back to Hengdian and continued to work.

Although she and Jim didn't like each other and couldn't reconcile their conflicts, they had different

interests and couldn't be friends, they had one common point in the shooting. That was, they didn't

shoot large-scale scenes, and only used a substitute for those involved.

But this time, Jim decided to act in person. Obviously, he was deliberately teasing her.

Everyone knew that if Jim act in person, he would never allow his partner to use a substitute for the

person in the play. But Eva didn't buy it. She never bought it for anyone, especially her enemy, Jim.

She really wanted to refuse, but the paparazzi had hyped it on the media and announced that the two

were going to present the first kiss on the screen, which made her feel embarrassed to use a


Looking at her, Jim said with an evil smile, "Heaven pepper, you should be good at this kind of thing.

Play it well. Don't NG it."

Eva gritted his teeth and thought, 'what a bastard!'

"Jim, guess a riddle. A ninety-years-old grandma leaned against the wall to eat porridge and guess six

words. Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, but it must be very suitable for you." Jim sneered.

Eva clenched her fists, and had an urge to fight with him desperately. Even if she couldn't win, she

would still fight. Thinking of this, she punched him almost subconsciously. Jim dodged her swiftly and

grabbed her wrist with his five fingers.

She lifted her left leg and swept him. He turned around and dodged. He grabbed her slender waist from

behind, lifted her up from the air, spun three hundred and sixty degrees for three and a half circles, and

then threw her onto the cushion.

However, he didn't exert much strength, so as soon as she fell on the ground, Eva jumped up quickly

and jumped off the cushion in anger, like an angry yak, rushing madly at him.

She swung her left punch at his face, intending to take the opportunity to raise her right foot to kick his

knees and then hit his chest with her right fist.

Unexpectedly, Jim had already seen through her trick. He quickly retreated with his left foot to avoid her

attack, and pushed her right arm with his right arm. Then he turned around lightly and agilely like a

swallow, and kicked her knee with his left foot, making her kneel on the ground.

The crew and the director took a deep breath. Did they make a mistake? The fight was the next scene

would be played.

The director didn't dare to say anything. Jim seldom acted according to the script, and often changed

the script. He guessed that he was adding the play, so he asked the photographer to catch the camera

and shoot quickly.

What's more, the fight was very interesting, as if it was a real fight. The audience would definitely


Being pressed to the ground, Eva couldn't move her hands behind her back. Her face turned green

with anger. Jim untied the clothes belt on his waist, tied her hands, put her on his shoulders and walked

towards the bed.

The director's eyes narrowed into slits with a smile. Jim had changed it well. It was more passionate

and wonderful than the script. He hurriedly waved to the photographer and asked him to follow the


Eva really wanted to break out into curses, but when she saw the photographer focusing on taking

photos, she could only swallow all her anger in her throat and try her best to resist. She pounded his

back with her tied hands. She kicked him hard.

Not knowing whether it was because of anger or shyness, Eva's cheeks were as red as apples in


This guy really knew how to connect the story.

"Jim, this is not the script." She put her lips close to his ear and said in a voice just like whisper.

Jim snorted, "didn't you change the script first?"

Eva choked. She didn't want to change the script, but just wanted to teach him a lesson on impulse.

"You should know that I'm not changing the script."

"The camera hasn't stopped yet. Just cooperate with me." A wicked light flashed through Jim's

charming eyes, like a lion king who had won a battle and was ready to taste his prey.

"You wish." Eva raised her head, opened her mouth and bit him. She couldn't defeat him, but she could

bite him.

Jim snorted and squeezed out one word from his teeth, "Stop."

Eva didn't listen to him and didn't move.

"You won't let me go, will you? Then don't blame me for being rude to you." A cold light flashed through

Jim's eyes. He clenched his fingers and grabbed the edge of her dress.

This was an obvious warning and threat. If she didn't stop, he would tear up the filming clothes one by


She was frightened and stopped. She didn't want to be naked.

At this moment, Jim was burning with anger. It was not the first time that this woman bit him. She must

be a dog in her previous life, or a dog starved to death.

He suddenly pinched her chin.

If he didn't teach her a lesson, she wouldn't know how powerful he was!

Eva didn't expect this at all. Her beautiful eyes widened in fear.

Soon, the astonishment turned into embarrassment. Waves of heat surged up from her chest, burning

her neck, cheeks, and finally went straight to her brain. Her brain cells completely stopped working, and

she even forgot to resist.

She should have bit him hard, pushed him and kicked him hard, but she didn't move at all. Her body

was so soft that she had lost any power.

After a while, she felt dizzy. She was lack of oxygen seriously in her head and began to have an

illusion. She felt that she was slowly floating up, floating up to the colorful clouds and the moon.

At the same time, Jim's strength became soft unconsciously.

Not far away, the director was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes. He was so moved and

excited that his heart beat wildly, like a young girl. He didn't expect that Jim, the commander in the

entertainment circle who never acted kissing scene, and the hot female star, would give the first kiss on

the screen in his play. It was so awesome and exciting, which made him feel flattered.

The director shouted "cut" and applauded with the excited crew. It was the first time that they had seen

a kissing scene between Jim and Eva. They were so excited.

Eva was so angry that she wanted to kill someone, but she had no chance to do it. She could only find

a place to vent his anger.

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said in a low voice and walked outside.

After entering the lounge, she slammed the door with shame and anger, leaned against the door, and

let the coldness of the iron door penetrate her hot body through her costume. Then she punched the

wall. She was not only angry with Jim, but also herself. She seemed to have been pressed the pause

button, completely stunned, allowing him to assault her.


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