Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 602 Carve A Bastard On Her Face

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"I can read your mind on your face. Do I need to go in your heart and read it?" Jim sneered.

How is that possible? Eva unconsciously turned her head to look at herself in the mirror not far away.

Her nose, eyes and mouth were all very normal and honest, so she wouldn't reveal the secret. It must

be because this guy had a pair of golden eyes that he could peep her heart. She must be careful in the

future. She had to pretend to be paralyzed in front of him so that he could not see anything.

After getting off the plane, she directly took a taxi to the Xu family's manor.

Hearing that Jim and Eva came together, Elizabeth was a little surprised. This bitch was still alive,

which meant that the person she sent had failed. This time, she must come to blame her. But why did

Jim come here? Did she find a helper?

He had heard that she had an affair with Jim. Was it true?

This coquettish girl was so awesome. She even managed to deal with Jim. Elizabeth thought she

couldn't underestimate her!

When they came in, Elizabeth sat upright and said seriously, "what brings you two here?"

"Of course I have something to tell you. Can I come to you if I have nothing to do with you? Aunt! " Eva

deliberately called the word "aunt" loud and forcefully. Elizabeth's face darkened as she heard it.

Jim sat opposite her, took out his phone from his pocket and played the video of interrogation of her


He liked to get straight to the point.

In the video, the man was tied to a pillar, and his chest was carved with a pattern of insects. Every time

the needle went down, he screamed like a pig. After the carving was finished, honey was smeared on

it. Soon, ants climbed up along his legs in groups, drawing a dark pattern of insects.

Elizabeth felt her scalp tingling and her stomach churning.

"Why do you show me this?"

"Aunt, he has told me everything you asked him to do. You hired a killer for murder." Eva stared at her


"Don't listen to his nonsense. I have fired him a long time ago. He must be full of resentment, so he

deliberately slandered me." Elizabeth tried her best to keep calm.

"I've asked someone to investigate it before I came here. He went shopping with you yesterday and

helped you take many bags. Even if you fired him this morning, he didn't have time to plot a plot to

frame you. " Eva sneered.

"I don't care. It's not that easy to accuse me just by his nonsense!" Elizabeth was used to hiring killers,

as if a dead pig was not afraid of hot water.

Jim had expected that, so he opened another video unhurriedly. With a light tap of his slender index

finger, it came the scream of Valery in horror.

He Jim was going to settle accounts with her. Even if she was dead, she couldn't get away with it.

Elizabeth's face turned pale in an instant. She suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and the corners of

her mouth couldn't help twitching. "What do you want to do to Valery?"

"Mrs. Elizabeth, don't worry too much. I just let them carve a few flowers on your daughter's face. It's

not a big deal." Jim's tone was as slow as a breeze, but it was enough to make Elizabeth tremble with


"Jim, don't push me too far. The Xu family and the Jing family never fight with each other. If you want to

ride on the top of our family, you have to weigh your own weight."

Jim sneered and ignored her. He pressed the Bluetooth button on his earphone and ordered in a low

and clear voice, "carve a bastard on her left face first."

"Yes, boss." A voice came through from the video, followed by Valery's wail.

Elizabeth's face seemed to be stung by a ferocious bee, and her whole body was twisted in horror. She

could no longer maintain calm. She rushed over and roared, "stop, let them stop as soon as possible. I

will promise you whatever you want."

Jim and Zac were both fearless people. Even if the emperor stood in front of them, they would not

lower their head. At that time, Zac was polite to her because of her friendship with Mary and the

cooperation between the Rong family and the Xu family. But Jim wouldn't. He didn't have any friendship

with the Xu family. If anyone offended him, he would never show mercy.

However, the person she was going to deal with was Eva. What did it have to do with Jim?

After Jim gave the order to stop, Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. "Jim, you help Eva so much. It

seems that all the rumors between you are true."

"No!" Jim shook his finger and said, "She will settle accounts with you by herself, and I will settle

accounts with you on my own. We have nothing to do with each other."

"What does it have to do with you?" Elizabeth frowned.

"I'm the producer of this film. You asked someone to destroy the film set and affect the normal shooting

progress. The horse broke into the street, injured the pedestrians, crashed the cars, knocked down the

roadside stalls, and caused a bad public impact. As the backstage manipulator, shouldn't you give me

a satisfactory explanation for such kind of personal injury, property loss, and other losses?" Jim

crossed his legs and said slowly.

Eva glared at him secretly. This guy was really good at distinguish. But it was not a bad thing. He would

settle his accounts, and she would settle her accounts. She didn't want to be mixed up and

misunderstood by others, especially by Vinton.

Elizabeth curled her lips. She didn't believe that the matter was so simple. It was just the two of them

secretly had an affair and worried that her son would know, so they deliberately covered it up.

"Since it was my assistant who did it, it's my fault for not discipline him well. I'll bear all your losses."

She said slowly. The most important thing now was to ask Jim to let her daughter back.

"Okay, but this matter has caused a bad impact to me. There are many paparazzi around, and the

news will surely be on the front page tomorrow. You must apologize publicly. As for whether you are

going to let your assistant bear it alone or not, it's your business, and I don't care." This was also an

excuse for her. After all, she was the hostess of the Xu family, so he took it as a favor for the Xu family.

A muscle on Elizabeth's face twitched. Of course she would find a scapegoat. People with thicker skin

like her could make up any excuses.

"Okay, I promise you. Let go of Valery as soon as possible."

"Don't worry. Once everything is settled, she will come back safe and sound." Jim said and turned to

Eva, "my problem has been solved. Now it's your turn."

Eva was less angry now. Although he did it for himself just now, it could be considered as a vent of her


She turned to look at Elizabeth, clenched her fists and smashed them on the sofa. "Aunt, don't think

that I can be easily bullied without a backstage. Don't forget that I still have the video of Wendy. As long

as I'm in trouble, the whole world can see her beauty in the bath. At that time, I'll see what else way you

can think of to let her marry Vinton."

"Why is the video in your hand?" Elizabeth was shocked.

"Vinton gave it to me. You tried every means to kill me. Of course I have to find a guardian." Eva


Elizabeth's face turned red with anger. She knew what kind of person Vinton was. He was pure, gentle,

kind and righteous. He couldn't do anything cruel. Unlike Zac and Jim, when they were really angry,

they could do anything. Even if he took the video of Wendy, he wouldn't really take it out. He just

wanted to frighten them.

But if the video really was in the hands of Eva, it would be troublesome. It was easy for Eva to deal with

Wendy with this video.

Her son was so stupid to give such a thing to her.

"Eva, I warn you. If you dare to spread this video, you will never be in the entertainment circle again."

She threatened.

Eva sneered, "you want to kill me all the time. If I can't even save my life, how can I worry about this?"

Elizabeth paused, with a strange look flashing in her eyes. "Well, I don't want to be aggressive either.

As long as you hand over the video, I won't care about your relationship with Vinton in the future." She

wanted to paralyze Eva. However, Eva knew clearly what kind of person she was. How could she

believe her?

"Aunt, I'm not a fool. If I give you the video, I will lose my amulet. And this kind of thing can be

duplicated without any restriction. Even if I give it to you, it won't be the original copy. "

Elizabeth's eyes turned ghastly pale. She turned around and took a stealthy glance at Jim. He was

playing with his mobile phone aside, as if he hadn't heard their conversation at all.

"Jim, the problem between you and me has been solved. Can you leave now? I have something to talk

with Eva alone. " Only by sending him away could she deal with this fox girl.

Jim spread out his hands and said, "you can just ignore me as if I was not here. But she is the heroine

in my play now. If anything happens to her, my play will be destroyed. It's a loss of several hundred

million. I can't be careless. So you should also be careful. Don't let her hurt a hair before the movie is

finished. Otherwise, my loss will not be solved with an apology statement. " Although his tone was light,

his threat made Elizabeth shiver.

Jim was a cunning man. He never played according to common sense, and no matter what he did, he

always took the initiative to give the other party a surprise, unprepared. It was difficult for her to make

enemies with Essie now. She couldn't make enemies with him anymore.

Eva looked at him gratefully. Even if he did it for himself, it meant that he indirectly helped her.

"Aunt, that's all I want to say. You'd better think it over. If you don't want your niece to be ranked first on

the hot search list, keep a low profile. People do things and God knows. If you do too many bad things,

you will get retribution sooner or later. "

Elizabeth's old face turned red, like two pieces of pork liver.

If it weren't for Jim's appearance, she wouldn't have taken this coquettish girl seriously. Now she had to

grit her teeth and swallow it.

"Eva, after all, I'm Vinton's mother. You should respect me, shouldn't you?"


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