Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 637 Mary Was Not Hostess Of The Family

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"Mommy, daddy." Essie greeted them in a low voice, with a gentle smile on her face. At this time, she

had to show respect and magnanimity, or she would be regarded as narrow-minded woman

Mary snorted angrily. Being ignored by Albert for the past few days, she was on the verge of breaking

down. How could she still pretend to smile?

"It's good you come here." Albert smiled at her and was very satisfied with her performance.

Mary thought this tramp was here to laugh at her. She must have known that she was out of favor.

Fortunately, her son was on her side now and had never doubted her behavior. Otherwise, she would

lose this battle completely.

Walt and Leila were also there. Leila was very happy in her heart. The battle between Mary and Essie

was really wonderful, but it was a pity that Essie, an immortal fighter, fought back again and was not

driven away.

"Daddy, is there anything you want us to do?" Zac asked.

"I'm going to have a family meeting today." Said Albert.

Mary's heart jolted, and she had a vague sense of foreboding. The last time Albert held such a serious

family meeting was more than 20 years ago, he announced that he would bring Minny home.

What did he want to do this time?

When all the family members were all here, Albert called the uncle Li into the meeting room.

Albert looked serious, and the air in the meeting room also became solemn.

"Recently, Mary has just recovered from a serious illness and needs a long time to recover. In addition,

she is getting old. It's time for her to enjoy her old age. These days, Essie helped Mary manage the

family affairs and handled everything in an orderly way. So I've thought about it. From now on, Essie

will take charge of this house. "

His words caused a great uproar in the meeting room.

Obviously, he was going to change the hostess.

Mary twitched violently with her face turning pale and blue. When Albert slept in separate rooms with

her, it had already aroused the private discussion of the servants in the house. If he had to deprive her

of the position of hostess, wouldn't they slap both her left face and her right face?

What position and prestige would she have in the family in the future?

"I'm fine. I'll recover after resting for a few days. Essie is pregnant now. How can she deal with so many

complicated things? Would you think about it again?"

A sharp look flashed across Essie's face. She quickly answered, "it doesn't matter, mommy. I'm not that

fragile, and it's not my first child. I don't need to be too careful. Your health is very important. You can

rest for a period of time. When you recover completely, this house will be handed over to you. "

She had a considerate and caring smile on her face, and her words were very euphemistic. But Mary

understood what she meant. It was obvious that she was seizing power and asking her to retire.

Zac didn't say anything. Although in his opinion, it was not appropriate for his father to change the

hostess at this time. He didn't want to show mercy to his mother. But since Essie said so, if he had to

object, he might be kicked out of bed again tonight.

He tried his best to make her obedient last night. He didn't want the relationship between them to be


Noticing that Albert wouldn't change his decision, Leila took the opportunity and said, "Dad, Essie is

pregnant. She can't work too hard. Let me help her. I can learn how to run a family." She wanted to

take the opportunity to get a share.

Walt cast a sidelong glance at her. This woman was good at taking advantage of the situation.

"That's good." Albert nodded.

Mary was on the verge of breaking down. Her face was slightly twisted, and her hands were trembling

in anger.

Sally glanced at her with a gloating smile on her face. In the house of Rong family, she seemed to have

a good relationship with Mary, but in fact, they had been fighting openly and secretly. Taking advantage

of her identity as the hostess of the family, Mary tried her best to suppress her. Even when she went

out to borrow a jewelry, she would deliberately make things difficult for her and pick out the out of date

jewelry for her.

Now, she was demoted and thrown into the cold palace. The crown prince's wife came out to preside

over the overall situation. As an elder, she thought that Essie didn't dare to make things difficult for her.

"In fact, it's better to leave this house to Essie. Young people are energetic and have ideas. Our

century old house will be more vibrant in the future."

"Young as she is, it's inevitable for her to be impetuous. There are so many trifles in the mansion. It is

strange if she can handle them well." Mary rolled her eyes at her, knowing that she was adding insult to


Sally waved her hand and smiled, "Maybe others can't handle it, but I believe Essie can. She is the

former president and chairman of the Xu's Group. She can manage such a big group in an orderly way.

We are just a family. Are you afraid that she can't manage it well?"

Mary snorted from her nose. The little tramp was most good at repelling enemies. As soon as she took

over the company, the loyal and devoted stewards in the house would probably be removed by her.

"Since my daughter-in-law took over the Xu Group, she has reduced the staff greatly. Many old

employees have been ruthlessly fired by her. I hope that such a thing will not happen in our family."

"Mommy, you're in charge of the family well. There's no need to do such a broad-minded thing." Said

Essie with a faint smile.

Sally pouted. Mary had been in charge of the family for so many years, and she must have hidden a lot

of secrets.

"Well, that's it." After saying that, Albert told uncle Li to assist Essie.

Coming out of the meeting room, Mary called her two sons into the study alone. As soon as the door

was closed, she burst into tears.

"As you can see, your father is going to drive me into the cold palace. How can I stay at home?"

"Mommy, it's good to leave the family to Essie. You should have a good rest and enjoy yourself at such

an old age. Didn't grandma hand over the power at your age? " Said Walt.

"Your grandmother has asthma and needs to recuperate abroad. I'm in good health and don't need to

rest." Mary rolled her eyes at him. The eldest son was usually considerate, like a small cotton padded

jacket, but at a critical moment, he would support the tramp. 'What if he still has feelings for Essie even

though he is married?'

Zac poured her a cup of tea and said nothing, because the one replace her was his wife.

"Mommy, daddy's decision is always difficult to change. The most important thing for you now is to

recuperate and find a way to repair the relationship with daddy."

"I've married him for so many years. I've been a good wife and good mom. I've never done anything

wrong to him and the family. Now he hurts me for an outsider. Why don't I feel cold and sad?" Mary

said with tears and snot.

"Mommy, daddy was just angry for a while. Time will pass. Didn't you also experience this before?"

Said Walt.

"It's all because of Essie. I haven't had a peaceful life since she married Zac. Zac, if you are really filial

to me, divorce her as soon as possible. Don't let her piss me off again, or I will really be pissed off to

death by her! " Mary pounded the table angrily.

"Mommy, don't get Essie involved in the grudge between you and Luce. She is also a victim. You are

incompatible as fire and water, which will only put us children in a dilemma. " Zac frowned.

Now, the relationship between him and his parents-in-law has dropped to the freezing point, even

worse than before. In the past, at least Bob protected him and spoke for him, and now even Bob has

changed his attitude.

Yesterday, Hanson came here obviously because of his parents-in-law. They were ready to change

their son-in-law.

Essie was the most obedient woman to her parents, and her brain was often short out. If they

bewitched her a little more, she might really give up on him and throw herself into the arms of her rival

in love again.

"She is Luce's daughter. How can she not listen to Luce and not be affected by her? Let me tell you,

Luce is a cunning woman. She looks innocent and kind, but in fact, she is more sinister and vicious

than Elizabeth. If she didn't kill me this time, she would definitely not give up. And next time, she would

come to harm me. Now her daughter has taken over the family. It's easier for her to hurt me. I'm afraid I

won't even have a place to live in the future. " Mary held her arms and looked terrified, as if her life was

in danger at any time.

Walt held her hand and said, "Mommy, I think you are suffering from persecutory delusion. There are

so many people and eyes in the house. How could anyone hurt you? "

"My wife is not that kind of person. You think too much." Zac said affirmatively. He was very clear about

what kind of person Essie was. Even if she hated her mother, she would not have the intention to kill

her. She was always defensive and would never take the initiative to attack. However, once she was

attacked, her counterattack was powerful enough to kill. So what he needed to do was to ask his

mother to calm down and not to provoke this muddled fool again.

However, it was impossible for Mary to do that. She was born to be vengeful and never let go of Essie

unless she died.

"Even if she won't hurt me, Lucy can still bewitch her to harm me. Just like what she did to your father.

He only cared about her and turned a blind eye to this family and us. If I hadn't endured humiliation and

burden, you would have changed your mother."

"If you are really worried, you should find a way to repair your relationship with daddy as soon as

possible. Many women admired a man as mature and handsome, unrestrained and powerful as daddy.

Those young women have plenty of ways to hook up with men. If you don't want to work hard, there is

a high chance for them to take advantage of the opportunity. We don't want to call a woman younger

than us auntie. " Walt tried to distract her from catching Essie.


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