Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 594 Explore The Yard Again

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Albert's birthday party was about to arrive. Mary pretended to be nice to Essie and wanted to teach her

how to prepare the birthday party, so Zac and Essie had been living in the Rong Mansion these days.

Leila also took the opportunity to live here with Walt.

In the afternoon, Leila walked freely on the bamboo path. She was very happy that she could finally

enter the house. She had lived for so many years, but she had never entered the Rong Mansion,

because there was a rule in the family that anybody from Qin family was allowed to enter!

Rong Mansion was really much bigger and more beautiful than she thought.

She liked her current identity very much. In the past, she had tried every means to enter the mansion,

including kneeling down outside the door and almost broking her legs, but she hadn't been recognized

by the family. Now no one could deny her.

The buildings inside the mansion still retained the classical charm. When she walked inside she felt

that she had passed through hundreds of years ago. However, the security and monitoring equipment

inside was the most advanced in the world. A fly could not fly out, and a mosquito could not fly in.

The monitor was equipped with full angle probe and far-reaching infrared rays. No matter day or night,

any trick could be seen clearly.

However, there was only one place outside the monitoring range, which was the ghost yard. There was

no monitor there, but there was an alarm system. Once someone broke in without permission, it would

automatically go off. Only mice, birds or small cats could occasionally get in.

Leila had only heard of the legend of the house of the Rong family, but she didn't know where it was.

She turned around and went to the boundary of the ghost yard. It was completely different from the

elegant and splendid house, as if she had entered another world.

The walls of the courtyard were filled with weeds about half a person high around four weeks. Looking

inside through the gap of the iron gate, it was gloomy, as if the sun could never shine in. The yard was

full of weeds, and the shrubs and weeds were taller than people. They almost blocked the view and

covered the house.

The walls of the courtyard were covered with runes. There were two huge stones standing at the gate

of the iron gate, and on the gate, there was a unique and complicated big eight diagrams hanging.

Leila was a little shocked. Was this the legendary...?

While she was thinking, a gust of wind blew from the yard. The sun above her head was burning, but

the wind seemed not to come from this world. It was extremely cold.

Leila shivered and hugged herself. A chill came into her body.

Suddenly, a hand put on her shoulder, which made her fresh creep. She covered her ears and squatted

on the ground, screaming.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid. It's me!" Ivy thought she saw the ferocious ghost inside and was


Leila looked at her through her eyelashes and breathed a sigh of relief. "Ivy, don't you know that I'm

scared to death?"

But Ivy didn't take it seriously. She held her arm and took her away. "You can't stay here. Be careful

that something inside will come out to ask for your life."

Leila breathed a sigh of relief, still in shock.

Ivy nodded, "you have to remember that you have to be at least five meters away from this yard in the

future to be safe, understand?"

Leila raised her eyebrows slightly and asked with confusion and curiosity, "is there really a ghost


"Yes." Ivy nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with a pair of big eyes rolling in her eyes, which looked

very mysterious.

Leila immediately asked Ivy to tell her the story of the ghost yard.

Ivy liked to talk about this place the most. As soon as she heard that Leila was interested, she

immediately became excited.

"I've heard from my ancestors that our family was the former Prince's mansion of the Ming Dynasty.

The ghost yard is specially used to imprison sick and wrong servants. I don't know how many people

have died in this place before. After my great-great grandfather bought it, he rebuilt the whole mansion,

and the ghost yard was also built into a separate residence for the servants to live. However, all the

people living inside were either ill or crazy for no reason. Later, they hired a Fengshui master. He said

that the Fengshui here was very bad and too gloomy, and it was not suitable for people to live here, so

it was idle. "

Leila's curiosity was growing.

"I don't know if it was at my great grandfather's time or my grandfather's time. In a word, there was a

woman with resentment committing suicide on a night with bloody moon, which was also the gloomiest

time. She was wearing red clothes. After she died, she turned into a ferocious ghost and wandered

around the yard. There was no such strict protection around the yard before. Some thieves thought

there was a treasure hidden in it, so they sneaked in and stole it. As a result, they went crazy when

they came out and were taken to the police station. They died three days later. Later, some new

servants accidentally entered the house and went crazy when they came out. They ran to the road and

were hit to death by a car. " Said Ivy, rubbing her arms.

"Really? It's so mysterious." Leila's eyes widened as if she was listening to a horror novel.

"These things happened before I was born. I just heard by others, but there is one thing that happened

to the people we know clearly." Ivy whispered in her ear.

Leila was stunned for a while and asked, "who is it?"

"Jim. When he was a child, he put a cat into the ghost yard and tied a camera on it. He wanted to peep

into the secret of the ghost yard, but he almost died. Fortunately, uncle Li went to his family to save his

life in time. " Ivy said indifferently. She had sworn in front of Essie that she couldn't tell anyone what Jim

and Zac had seen in the ghost yard, so she could only say it simply.

Leila was shocked. She had never heard of it.

Hearing her words, Leila seemed to have thought of some scheme, with a very strange light flashing in

her eyes.

Two days later, in the evening, she went to the room of Ivy.

"Ivy, do you know? I'm very curious, especially about the mysterious things. If I don't figure it out, I

won't be able to eat or sleep well. " She said on purpose. She knew Ivy too well. As the queen of

gossip in Dragon City, she was very curious. No matter what gossip or strange things happened in

Dragon City, she had to investigate it. Leila believed that Ivy had always wanted to find out the secret of

the ghost yard, but she dared not take action because of the family ban.

Ivy's eyes lit up, as if she had found a confidant of the same kind. She also had this kind of feeling.

When she encountered a curious event, she felt uncomfortable if she didn't find out the truth. But as for

the matter of the yard...

She waved her hand and said, "sister-in-law, I know how you feel, but you really can't touch the ghost

yard. That ferocious ghost is very powerful, and even Jim and my cousin, who are fearless, dare not

provoke it."

"Ivy, there is no ghost in the world. It might be a coincidence at that time, but his method really works.

We can have a try." Leila looked indifferent. Since she was intimidated by Essie last time, she was no

longer afraid of ghosts. In this world, the most terrifying thing was people. Even if there was a ghost, it

would be scared to death when it encountered a person who was extremely evil.

"But this is a ban of our family. If it is known by others, we will be expelled. You are the new daughter-

in-law of our family. It will be very serious if you break the family rules before the wedding." Said Ivy

hesitantly, worried.

"Didn't you say that one meter around the iron gate of the ghost yard is not under surveillance? No one

will know if we take actions there. " Leila said confidently.

Ivy's eyes lit up, as if she was persuaded by Leila, but soon extinguished. "It doesn't work if you want to

imitate Jim. He happened to have a typhoon last time, so a big tree was blew down. The branches hit

the high wall, so the cat could go smoothly. Now there is neither a typhoon nor a tree falling. Cats can't

get through it. "

"Who said we must use cats?" With a weird smile, Leila whispered in her ear. After a short pause, Ivy

smiled and said, "sister-in-law, you are really brilliant."

After coming out of her room, she went to look for Essie. At this moment, Essie was leaning against the

sofa, eating fruits and watching TV lazily and leisurely.

She hadn't recovered her memory of the ghost yard, so she had no impression of it.

When Leila mentioned it, she was a little curious. However, when Leila proposed to peep at the ghost

yard, Essie stopped her in a hurry. Zac always said that curiosity killed cats, not to mention that it was a

taboo in the family. Anyone who offended it would be punished severely, and he might be expelled from

the family. She didn't want to take the risk of breaking the law.

"Sister-in-law, you've just entered the Rong family, and you don't know the rules of the family. Ghost

yard is a taboo, and you can't touch it."

"I came here out of kindness to invite you to see something interesting together. It's okay if you don't

come, but don't betray us and complain to my mother-in-law." Leila pouted. It didn't matter. Even if she

didn't go, it wouldn't affect her plan.

She had already made a plan in secret. She went to peep at the ghost yard, pretended to release the

ferocious ghost, and then pretended to be a murder case of the ferocious ghost. She wanted to kill the

tramp, Essie, to avenge herself.

At midnight, after everyone fell asleep, she quietly went to the ghost yard with Ivy.

Lying on the bed, Essie couldn't fall asleep. She turned around and saw Zac sleeping soundly. Then

she got up secretly and went out. She had made up her mind that she wouldn't get involved, but she

could stay by their side and watch them. If something happened to them, the more people they had, the



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