Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 571 His Woman Is Pregnant

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"Sister in law, don't you even know me?" Walt asked deliberately in a mocking tone. Memory loss was

the best excuse to cover up all illusions and lies.

The woman looked at him up and down with strange and alienated eyes and a little vigilance. "I'm

sorry. I don't remember everything in the past."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember. As long as it doesn't affect your relationship," said Walt with a

faint smile.

"Of course not." Zac put his arm around the woman's shoulder and said, "She has lost her memory,

and she is also my little fool." His tone was obviously declaring his supremacy to his brother.

Walt sneered in his heart. The real Essie had become his wife. He was afraid that he would never see

her again in his life. He could only spend the rest of his life with a fake Essie as a treasure.

"I hope you can protect Essie from getting hurt in the future," he said slowly.

"I will," Zac said in a serious tone.

The woman sighed in her heart. It was not easy to be a copycat these days. Her face and body could

be transformed, but the soul in her bones could never be transformed. It was like treading on thin ice to

stay with Zac for a long time without being discovered by him. She couldn't be careless or make any


After Walt left, Zac went to the company. Women went shopping alone. It felt good to have money.

They could buy whatever they wanted. Channel, Versace, Hermes... She was going to buy them back


By the time she returned from the new world square, Zac had already come back from the Emperor.

Seeing her booty, he was slightly shocked.

Essie had bought luxuries only once, and she did it in order to annoy him since she knew her for so

many years. Her clothes and handbags were all designed by herself. Shoes, jewelry, cosmetics and

other things would be air freighted from all the fashion brands in the world every quarter, so she didn't

need to worry about them.

How could this woman know Essie's special living habits? In her opinion, the wives of rich families went

shopping, shopping, held parties and played mahjong every day.

"Honey, let me show you my new clothes." The woman smiled sweetly and presented the spoils she

bought in front of him one by one.

Looking at the clothes in her hand, Zac choked slightly. A hint of sharpness flashed through his dark

eyes. He had almost the same taste as the muddled-headed fool. But now, she seemed to have

forgotten her basic taste and her ability to appreciate things had declined greatly.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the woman pouted and said, "Honey, do you think that I have spent

too much money?"

"Of course not. I was worried that you wouldn't spend money." said Zac with a smile.

The woman smiled. Yes, the Rong family was the richest family in the East. Money was nothing to

them. How could they care?

"Honey, I heard that my Porsche was burnt down in the explosion. Can you buy me another one?"

"Okay." Zac nodded.

"Thank you, honey." The woman smiled happily. She put her arms around his neck and wanted to give

him a kiss, but Zac almost avoided it subconsciously. Before his hidden disease was cured, it was

better to keep a distance, in case he would vomit again.

"I'll go upstairs to take a shower first." Then he stood up and went upstairs.

The woman was disappointed. She found that he seemed to be more and more indifferent to her, and

even looked at her as if she was a stranger.

She wouldn't know that Zac loved Essie's unique soul and personality, not the appearance. She was

quirky, pure and indifferent, and confused evil energy... It was all because of those unique characters

that attracted him, making him unable to extricate himself from the unique charm of obsession.

Now, she gave Zac the feeling that she was a stranger with skin drawn, and all the qualities that could

attract him no longer existed.

Sitting on the windowsill and looking at the night outside, Zac felt indescribable loneliness and

indescribable depth in his heart. He pursed his perfect lips into a straight line, and a murderous look

flashed through his eyes.

On D Island, Essie felt sick. As soon as she ate something, she felt sick and wanted to vomit. She

always felt dizzy and powerless, and was sleepy all day long.

Walt also found her abnormality. Fearing that it was another side effect of the medicine, he quickly

asked the masked man to find a doctor.

After the examination, the doctor smiled and said, "Your wife is very healthy. Nothing serious. Vomiting

and dizziness are just pregnancy reactions."

"What?" Walt was shocked, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. His little sun was

pregnant? Was he going to be a father?

He jumped excitedly, held up Essie and spun in the air. "Cathy, that's great. You're pregnant. We're

going to have a baby."

Startled, Essie looked at him with her eyes wide open, at a loss. They just got married and are going to

have a child? Wasn't it too fast? She panicked and was not prepared at all.

"Steven, I feel a little dizzy and want to have a rest." She leaned her head on his shoulder. She was

already dizzy, and she felt even more dizzy when he turned her around.

Walt stopped in a hurry and went upstairs with her in his arms. After entering the room, he carefully put

her on the bed and said, "You can sleep for a while. I'll come up to accompany you after I send the

doctor away."

"Okay." She nodded and closed her eyes. Her mind was in a mess, like a ball of numbness, and she

could not understand.

On the dark beach, the masked man was waiting for Walt.

"You are so fast. In such a short time, you have already got her pregnant. If Zac knows that his wife is

pregnant with his brother's child, will he be so angry that he spit out blood? " He grinned hideously, and

his laughter was like the call of a ghost in the night.

"She is my wife and has nothing to do with Zac." Walt's eyes flashed with malice. The masked man's

words didn't sound like congratulation to him, but sarcasm.

"That's right. Now you each have an Essie. It's a happy ending for both of you." The masked man


"Where did you get that fake Essie?" Walt turned to look at him.

"Everyone has different facial features. It's not easy to make a person like a twin. She is the woman

with the most suitable facial skeleton we have chosen from countless candidates, and she has

undergone dozens of plastic surgeries to look like what she looks today," the masked man said.

"So you have been building this woman since a long time ago?" Walt frowned. It seemed that this

group of people had been plotting a plot for a long time, much more terrible than he thought.

However, he didn't know whether their goal was the Xu family or Zac. However, it was not easy for

them to take advantage of him and use him. He must take the opportunity to figure out Willi's identity.

He would not be willing to make a deal with the devil hidden in the dark.

A strange look flashed in the masked man's eyes. "It's not easy to create a woman with the same

appearance, and there's only one plastic surgeon who has this amazing technique so far. In order to

make him work for us, we have spent a lot of effort."

"What's your purpose?" Walt asked in a low voice.

"That's none of your business. You just need to cooperate with us." A sinister smile appeared on the

masked man's face.

'I'll figure it out.' Walt sneered in his heart. Only by knowing oneself and enemy could a hundred battles

be invincible. In this deal, he was not used by them, but using them.

In the room, Essie tossed and turned on the bed, with her hand gently stroking her belly. Somehow,

she had a very strange feeling that there had been a little life there. But she had never given birth to a


Walt returned to his room with joy of being a father for the first time.

He had been depressed for the past few days. The damn medicine didn't take its effect anytime except

every time he wanted to make out with her. It suddenly took effect, so that he couldn't touch her at all.

The baby must have been conceived on their wedding night. That was the only night he had sex with


He didn't expect that the God would favor him so much this time that he could make the little sun

pregnant by having sex with her only once.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Essie quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She

was still a little flustered. She didn't know whether she should be happy or worried about the baby. She

was not ready to be a mother.

Walt lay beside her quietly, afraid of waking her up. Now she was the key object of protection. She

couldn't let anything happen to her.

He gently put his hand on her belly and fell asleep with her in his arms. Every night, what he could do

was to hold her in his arms and fall asleep like this. He couldn't do anything deeper.

Essie didn't reject it.

His chest was very warm. She liked to be held in his arms and fall asleep, as if it was a habit that had

been formed a long time ago. In her memory, there seemed to be someone who had been holding her

like this, giving her warmth and safety.

But she couldn't remember who he was, and she didn't even know if there had really been such a

person. Maybe it was just her imagination. The man in her imagination might actually be Steven.

Because Steven had said that he was her only boyfriend. They grew up together and trusted each

other and had a deep and intimate relationship. So she couldn't have a second man in her world.

She sighed in her heart. The life on the island was very peaceful and cozy, but she felt extremely

lonely. It was too quiet here. Except for Steven, there were only maids and Eve. They didn't talk to her

when Steven was away, which made her so bored.

She really wanted to go out and see what the outside world was like.

She must have lived outside before. It was impossible for her to stay on this boring island all the time.

Thinking of this, she fell asleep.

The second morning, Walt got up early and went downstairs. He asked the maid to prepare breakfast

for his wife.

Since his little sun was pregnant, she had to eat more.

'This woman has been with her master for only half a month, but she is pregnant. Isn't it too fast?' Eve

thought jealously.

"Master." She walked up to Walt and said in a very low voice, "Are you sure the baby in Mrs. Rong's

belly is yours?"


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