Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 538 Acting

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With a sneer, Essie said, "I never want to fight against you. I just want you to know that the Xu family

only belongs to my brother, not to the son of you and Bles!" He said this not only to her, but also to


Vinton was satisfied to hear that his sister was much closer to him than his mother. Her mother treated

the bastard better than him. Maybe he was not her biological son.

"Let's go and let Mrs. Elizabeth reflect on herself." He called her Mrs. Elizabeth on purpose, not

mommy, which made Elizabeth angry. Her son was just an ungrateful man who forgot his mother as

soon as when he had a wife.

Seeing them leave, her face with heavy makeup was distorted.

Vinton's car stopped at the door of the apartment. Essie got out of the car first, and then Eva was about

to get out of the car, but she was grabbed by Vinton, "Eva!" His eyes flashed with pleading.

She pulled her hand back from his palm and said, "Vinton, you can go back first. I want to be alone for

a while."

He sighed and held her hand. "Eva, I want you to know that no one can change my decision, including

my parents. I hope you will not be affected. No matter what my mother said to you, just ignore it. I'm

here. She doesn't dare to hurt you. "

"Vinton, no matter what she says or does to me, I will still respect her, because she is always your

mother. So, don't make your mother unhappy because of me, okay?"

Eva smiled slightly. She was so tolerant and considerate, but all these were played out. She knew too

well what kind of person Elizabeth was. Such a person was not worthy of respect at all.

Vinton was touched and held her in his arms. He knew that she was the most reasonable woman in the


Startled by his action, Eva pushed him away and said, "there are always paparazzi lurking here all year

round. It's better to keep a low profile, or I will be written as the other woman tomorrow."

"Who dares to say that? I'll make him lose his job right away." Vinton snorted.

Looking at them not far away, Essie snickered in her heart. She really hoped that Eva could be with

Vinton, so that she could become her sister-in-law.

On the other side of Dragon City, Baron and Lucy were sitting face to face in a private room of an

afternoon tea restaurant.

Lucy didn't expect that Baron would call her. She felt uneasy and hesitated whether she should meet

him or not. At last, she came out.

Baron looked at her. Although she had changed, he recognized her soon.

In the past more than twenty years, many memories had been buried in his heart deeply. He thought he

would never dig them out before he died. However, the appearance of Essie made them erupt violently

from the bottom of his heart like a volcano, which was out of control.

In his heart, Lucy was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was like a light colored painting,

beautiful but not gorgeous, charming and refined. He was always attracted by her.

He remembered that she had been standing under the setting sun that day, orange red, purple, blue...

The colorful sunset glow was burning fiercely in the sky behind her, but it couldn't hide her brilliance.

She was wearing a snow-white dress, which matched her snow-white face. She was like a white cloud

floating out of an empty valley, mist and quiet, or like a wave rolling in the sea, pure and elegant.

All of a sudden, his eyes couldn't move. They were fixed on her without blinking. Suddenly, she smiled.

Her smile was pure and flawless. It was like a dream, an illusion, a poem, and a painting. Although she

didn't smile to him, it could destroy his sense and seize his soul...

In a trance, a bolt of lightning exploded in the sky above his mind. The beautiful smile broke into

countless powder and dissipated. Then came an endless storm, wiping away all the happy and sweet

scenes in the past.

"Baron, the stupidest thing I have done for so many years is to fall in love with you. From now on, we

break up and never see each other anymore!"

This was the last time he saw her and the last words she said to him.

That night, she stood in front of the French window, lightning intertwined behind her. Countless strong

shadows, along with extreme sadness and despair, condensed on her face.

Her beautiful eyes were overwhelmed by tears, and the surging tide of tears, like a torrential rain

outside the window, did not stop for the whole night.

"Baron..." Lucy called his name in a low voice, pulling him out of his memory. He suddenly found that

his face was wet with tears. He wiped his ears and rubbed his face hard, as if trying to rub away the

sadness and guilt on his face.

"How have you been these years?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"Good. Bob and I live a good life." Lucy replied calmly.

Baron sighed heavily, "he is better than me. He won't make you sad."

"Let bygones be bygones. Don't mention them anymore. I'm glad you're fine." Lucy's voice was as light

as the breath of depression.

Baron's heart was filled with bitterness. He had never been really happy since Lucy left.

"I thought I would never see you again."

Lucy rubbed her hands and said, "in fact, I came here for the matter of Essie."

Baron was shocked, "what's wrong with Essie?"

"I don't think she is suitable for Zac." Lucy said cautiously.

"Why?" Baron was confused. He felt that it was good for his daughter and Zac to be together, for

herself and for the Xu family.

"Zac's mother, Mary, doesn't like our Essie. Essie will have a hard time in the family from now on." Said

Lucy. At that time, she was also single-minded and married Baron regardless of everything. She

thought that as long as the two people loved each other, they could overcome any difficulties. But in the

end, she was wrong. Two people who got married should not only live together, but also live with their


If a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law didn't get along well with each other, the couple would have a

hard time in the future. If the mother-in-law stirred up trouble and sow dissension between the two, how

could the two live a good life? They had been quarreling all day long. No matter how deep their

relationship was, it had disappeared.

Baron didn't think it was a big problem. "Lucy, don't worry too much. I'm here. Mary doesn't dare to

bully her."

"You don't understand. Mary can do anything. I don't want her... To repeat my tragedy. " She almost

blurted out.

Baron felt hurt and said, "it's all my fault. Luce, I'm sorry." His voice was mixed with undisguised pain.

"Baron, I didn't mean to say that, but I have experienced it before. I know if my mother-in-law and

daughter-in-law don't get along well with each other, it will hurt our marriage greatly. I don't want Essie

to regret in the future." Lucy said sadly.

"What does Cathy think?" Baron sighed.

"The outsider sees more clearly than the insider does. She naturally can't see clearly the relationship

between them and the consequence of bad terms with his family, but I'm different. I'm sober. Now there

is a boy who treats her very well. He must be better than Zac. He must be able to make Essie happy. I

don't want her to miss this good marriage. " Said Lucy.

Hanson was also excellent. There were a lot of women chasing after him. He couldn't wait for his

daughter like Bob. She had to hurry up.

"Let's wait and see. If Mary really can't accept my daughter, I'll figure it out." Baron said in a low voice.

Lucy nodded. She believed that it would be much better to have him involved than to leave Essie fight


As soon as Essie returned to the Blue Coast, she was invited by Zac to take a boat.

After the heavy rain, the Dragon City was full of sunshine and energy, which made people cheer, happy

and excited.

Zac liked this kind of weather. He asked the servant to prepare a few delicate desserts and enjoy

afternoon tea with Essie. It was so warm.

He picked up a jasmine shaped dessert and fed it to her. "How about this dessert?" He asked in a low


"Wonderful, it's so delicious. It's my first time to have such delicious dessert!" "Where did you buy it?"

asked Essie excitedly.

"I didn't buy it. It was from Lady Rose." Zac said, "it has a nice name, called the Jasmine Fragrance

After The Rain."

"It's so poetic." Said Essie with a smile.

Zac picked up a piece and took a small bite. A touch of dizziness flashed in his eyes. "I don't know why,

but I always feel that this taste is very familiar. It seems that I have eaten it before, but I can't remember

when it is."

"Maybe it was when you were a child." "If Lady Rose is really your aunt, it's normal for you to eat the

dessert she made when you were a child, isn't it?" said Essie thoughtfully.

Zac nodded slightly.

With a wave of her arm, Essie said, "I've decided to learn to make dessert from Lady Rose, so that I

can often have such delicious dessert to eat." She giggled, and the silvery sound was taken away by

the wind, rippling on the lake lap by lap, and spreading to the other side of the lake.

He was infected by her joyful breath and looked at her with a smile.

The sun shone down quietly. Her beautiful face looked fresh, pure and flawless in the bright light. There

were also two dimples full of enthusiasm, floating with the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

He was so intoxicated that he couldn't help holding her in his arms and kissing her affectionately. All the

happiness in his mouth melted into a strong sense of affection.

After a long time, she gently pushed him away, picked up another piece of dessert and began to eat. It

seemed that she was more interested in desserts than her husband.

"Idiot, are you greedy?" He flicked her forehead discontentedly.

Sweat dripped from Essie's forehead. He was really a possessive man who could even be jealous of


"Zac, is it really appropriate for you to be so domineering?"

"As long as it works on you." An evil smile appeared on Zac's face.


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