Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 609 A Complicated Love Story

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"Hanson, are you going to Dragon City? Give me a ride. My car broke down. I'm just wondering how to

go back. " She put her chin in her hands and looked pitiful. Just now at the banquet, she accidentally

heard that Hanson called Mili and knew that he was going to Dragon City, so she decided to seize this

opportunity to contact him.

Hanson was a little helpless. Although he didn't like Ivy, he didn't want to refuse her because she could

tell him about the recent situation of Essie at any time, so he reluctantly nodded.

Ivy was very happy. She knew that Hanson was softhearted and would not refuse her reasonable


In the evening, on the Phoenix Road, the cold wind swirled around with yellow leaves, spreading on the

sidewalk on both sides of the road. A familiar figure walked slowly on the leaves.

Hanson asked the driver to pull over, "Aunt Lucy -" he called.

Lucy turned around and saw him. A kind and excited smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Hanson, you're finally here. Mili and Dot are looking forward to your coming every day."

Hanson got out of the car and walked to Lucy. "I'm here."

While he was talking, a little head popped out of the car and looked at Lucy with a smile. She had seen

her at the wedding of Essie and Zac. In her eyes, Lucy was also a legendary woman.

She jumped out of the car and greeted enthusiastically, "Auntie, I'm Ivy, the cousin of your son-in-law."

"Aunt Lucy, she's my employee. Her car broke down. I give her a ride." Hanson glared at her and

explained to Lucy in a hurry, fearing that she would misunderstand him.

Lucy smiled, "Oh, it's Ivy. Would you like to have a seat with Hanson?"

When Ivy was about to say yes, Hanson interrupted, "no, thanks, aunt Lucy. She has something to do.

I'll ask the driver to send her to Rong Mansion."

"I'm fine." Ivy murmured.

A hint of impatience flashed across Hanson's face. "Go back and write down the market plan of next

year. Hand it over to me tomorrow." He had many things to ask her to do.

Ivy spit out blood, stuck out her tongue at him in disappointment, and got on the car reluctantly and


Looking at the car driving away, Lucy smiled and asked tentatively, "Hanson, you haven't been here for

a long time. Do you have a new girlfriend?"

"No, I don't have a girlfriend."

Hanson shook his head hard, and a trace of loneliness fell into the eyes of Lucy. "You are so excellent.

There must be many excellent girls around you and like you." She said in an extremely gentle tone.

"Aunt Lucy." Hanson's eyes darkened, and a sad look was added to his original loneliness. "I... I only

like Essie. I won't like anyone else. "

Lucy sighed heavily, "I also hope that Essie can be with you. But now things are so complicated, and

Essie has also been greatly shocked. I can only turn a blind eye to her marriage with Zac for the time


Without answering, Hanson accompanied Lucy into the villa.

The parterre were full of camellias, which were red and blooming. As far as one could see, it was like

red clouds falling from the setting sun.

These flowers were like flames in Hanson's eyes, burning his heart. "Maybe Essie and I are really not

meant to be together, right?" He lowered his head, depressed and helpless.

"Fate is too mysterious. Now Essie and Zac may not live a good life together. Her mother-in-law..."

Lucy wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought.

Hanson's face immediately tensed, like a string that could break at any time. "Aunt Lucy, is her mother-

in-law not good to her?"

"It's impossible for her mother-in-law to be good to her." Lucy smiled bitterly.

"Why?" Hanson asked in confusion.

Lucy looked at the west sky and took a deep breath. "It's hard to explain it in sentences." She patted

him on the shoulder to comfort him, and brought the topic back. "Hanson, you are a good child. You are

good to Essie and you are good to Mili and Dot. Only when Essie is with you can I rest assured. Now

she is in the family, I am worried about her."

"Aunt Lucy..." Hanson's eyes lit up, like a drowning man who saw a life-saving straw and had hope in

his heart. However, this hope could only be maintained for a second before it was extinguished. What

was the use of Lucy supporting him? Essie's heart had been taken away, and he could no longer take it


In the villa, Mili and Dot were bending over the window, waiting for Hanson. They had been worried that

after their parents reconciled, Hanson would abandon them and no longer be their daddy Hanson.

As soon as they saw his familiar and gentle figure, the two of them happily greeted him.

"Daddy Hanson, you're finally here. We miss you so much." "I thought you abandoned us."

"How could it be? You are always my sweethearts." Hanson kissed her little face affectionately.

"Daddy Hanson, no matter you and mommy are married or not, you are always our beloved daddy

Hanson." Dot looked up at him and said seriously.

"Well, daddy can't replace daddy Hanson." Mili nodded vigorously.

Touching the children's heads, Hanson felt warm in his heart. He saw them born and grow up. Even if

they were not related by blood, the family affection between him and the children was irreplaceable by


Looking at them, Lucy sighed in his heart. In her eyes, Hanson was always the best choice for a son-in-

law. Only when her daughter was with him could she really rest assured.

As for Zac, his mother would always be a thorn in her heart. When she didn't touch it, it would remind

her of the hurt she had suffered. Once she touched it, she would feel pain and hatred.

If it weren't for her daughter's accident, she wouldn't have held back her anger and kept the blood debt

with Mary in her heart.

Essie arrived later. Zac had an international meeting in the evening, so he didn't come with her.

She didn't know that Hanson had come back, so when she saw him, she was slightly shocked, and

then smiled, "Hanson, you're here."

The medicine that the enemy injected into her body had completely lost its effect. She almost

remembered everything, and the most impressive thing was her past with Hanson.

Hanson looked at her deeply, and almost all the emotional cells in his body were mobilized. Although

he missed her very much and had many things to tell her, he kept his strong emotion in his heart and

turned into a sentence, "how are you recently?"

"I'm fine." "What about you?" asked Essie.

"I... Not bad. " The corners of Hanson's mouth lifted into a smirk. In fact, he was not good, very bad. His

heart was hollowed out, and all his feelings were forcibly sealed under the cold sea. He was desperate

and painful. He could only work hard to eliminate loneliness and sadness.

Lucy could tell that Hanson still had feelings for her daughter, so she felt a little comforted.

Essie didn't say anything more. They were best friends and didn't need these useless greetings. She

took out the desserts she had brought and said, "Hanson, come and have a taste of the desserts I've

just learned. They are delicious."

Lucy took a look and frowned, "Jasmine Fragrance After The Rain?" How could you do this? "

"Mom, do you know this dessert?" Hearing that, Essie was stunned.

"How could I not know what Mary have done?" Lucy curled her lips. She used to like eating it very

much, but now she felt sick when she saw it.

Hearing that, Essie was shocked again. It turned out that her mother-in-law could also cook it. She

thought it was reasonable. Since she and Lady Rose were twin sisters, she could cook the desert that

Lady Rose cook.

"Mom, it's not mother-in-law who taught me this. It's her sister Charlotte who taught me this. She's also

the Lady Rose from Provence I've told you." Said Essie.

"Oh, it's her." Lucy's dark eyes twinkled. She didn't expect that Charlotte was still alive. It was really a


"Yes, it's father-in-law's birthday at the end of the month. Yesterday, I called Lady Rose and invited her

to attend his birthday party." Said Essie with a smile.

"I heard from you that she lost her memory. She forgot everything in the past, so she didn't come back

to look for her parents." Lucy asked casually.

"Yes." "Fortunately, Zac and I met her in Provence by accident last time. Otherwise, she and my

mother-in-law wouldn't be able to recognize each other for the rest of their lives," said Essie.

"If she remembers, I'm afraid she won't want to recognize your mother-in-law." Lucy snorted with a

mocking smile on her face.

Hearing her mother's words, Essie was slightly shocked. She knew that her mother meant something

else. The Xu family and the Rong family had a good relationship. Her mother must know something

about Mary and Charlotte.

"Mom, do you mean that my mother-in-law has a bad relationship with her sister?"

"The two sisters have fallen in love with the same man. Can they get along well?" Lucy said in a

sarcastic tone. "In the past, I always thought that Mary was a good woman, gentle, kind, innocent and

not scheming. As for her sister Charlotte, she was hypocritical, cunning, narrow-minded and cruel. She

had done a lot of things secretly to destroy the relationship between Mary and Albert. I'm worried about

Mary. I don't want her to be fooled by her own sister. She didn't expect that she was a wolf in sheep's

clothing. Maybe it was her who planned the car accident of Charlotte last time. Why can't a vicious

woman like her do anything? "

"Mom, do you mean that my mother-in-law and Lady Rose used to fall in love with my father-in-law?"

Essie asked in astonishment.

"Yes, Albert is so excellent. Every woman admires him." Lucy sighed.

Essie was a little confused. She found that the relationship among the previous generation seemed to

be more complicated and entangled than that between her and Zac.

Her mother seemed to have a relationship with her father-in-law before, and her mother-in-law and her

own siblings also fell in love with her father-in-law. Oh, my God, such a complicated relationship was

too complicated.


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