Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 305 His Current Wife And His Ex

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She sighed and thought of Zac uncontrollably. She was getting more and more confused about how to

get along with him. Now he was the only person she could rely on and ask for help in Dragon City, but

he was too domineering and strong. Working with him was like playing with fire, which burned her to

ashes one day.

Dot turned around and looked at them with his eyes wide open, "Mommy, daddy, are you going to kiss

each other?"

Instantly, Essie stood up in a hurry, "You little kid, what are you talking about?"

Dot stuck his tongue out and climbed onto Hanson's legs, "Dad, you two will get along better if you

often kiss Mom."

"Yes." Mili giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. "I saw many people kissing each other on TV.

So they are very close to each other."

Essie wiped the sweat from her forehead. It must be when her mother was watching the soap opera.

The two kids hid on the stairs and watched them, learning everything inappropriate for children.

Even a gifted baby in the family would have trouble.

While she was thinking, Hanson gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and said, "It's all right. Daddy

decided to kiss mommy more often so that she wouldn't be taken away by others."

"Mommy is daddy and Dot and Mili's. If anyone dares to take Mommy away, Dot will beat him away."

Dot clenched his fists like a man.

Essie stroke their head with a smile. "Mommy will always be with you and daddy. You should listen to

your grandparents in Jiang City. Don't go around and be naughty. After Mommy settle all the things, we

will go back to America together, okay?"

"Okay." Dot and Mili nodded.

Upon hearing her words, Hanson's mouth was filled with a sweet candy, which flowed into his heart

along his throat.

"So you are holding your wedding in Jiang City, or in New York?" Mili asked.

"New York. Mommy loves there." Essie smiled. She stayed far away from the fire, fearing that he would

burn her.

"Great!" The two children clapped their hands with excitement.

Hanson opened his arms and hugged them in his arms. He hoped that this happiness could last forever

and no one could destroy it.

After spending two days in Jiang City, Essie returned to Hengyuan Co., Ltd. It seemed that Vinton had

become wise. He came to the office and asked about the project of Sea City.

Essie copied the time schedule of the project team and introduced the project to him briefly. When they

were chatting, the secretary called and Elizabeth was waiting outside the office, saying that she had

something to tell her.

"Please wait for a moment, Mrs. Xu." Hanging up the phone, Essie turned to look at Vinton and said, "I

guess your mom is calling because of the project in Sea City."

A slight light flashed through his long and narrow eyes. Vinton moved behind the screen nearby, trying

to know what his mommy was thinking about.

Essie smiled and asked the Secretary to invite Elizabeth in.

"Mrs. Xu, why are you here today?" She made a gesture of inviting her to sit with her on the sofa and

asked the Secretary to prepare two cups of black tea.

"Originally, I was going to look for Cathy, but she said that you have been fully responsible for the

project of the Sea City amusement park, so I talked to you directly," Elizabeth said.

"Do you have any suggestion?" The corners of Essie's mouth lifted into a smirk again.

"I heard that you asked Vinton to take charge of this project with you?" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, Mr. Xu has already known a lot about this project and has come up with good suggestions. I

believe that he will be able to deal with it alone soon." Essie smiled.

"Vinton is the director of human resources. He's in charge of the human resources. Don't let him get

involved in projects." Elizabeth sounded like she was giving orders to her subordinate, rather than

discussing something.

But Essie had already anticipated her coming. She was plotting to ruin the Sea City project, in order to

get Cathy out of this position. Now that if Vinton was involved, it would be hard for her to take the


Without the support of the crown prince, Vinton, Elizabeth could do nothing, let alone managing the Xu


"Mrs. Xu, you're wrong. Mr. Xu is the young CEO of Hengyuan Co., Ltd. He has the right to manage

and participate in everything. Moreover, he can take over the core business as soon as possible. You

should be happy about it."

"Don't flatter me. Vinton is still young. I'll pave the way for him. You don't need to worry about him. You

can do whatever you like to the project in Sea City. Don't disturb Vinton, or I will not be lenient to you,"

Elizabeth said viciously.

"Mr. Xu is the future manager of Hengyuan Co., Ltd. He must have the ability to run an independent

company. Now it's time for him to practice his ability. The road you paved is yours, not his." To provoke

Elizabeth, Essie raised her voice on purpose.

Elizabeth's face turned grim. "Who do you think you are? How dare you have something to do with the

Xu family? It doesn't matter if Vinton is capable or not. I'll do everything well for him. The only thing he

needs to do is to drive away people like you and enjoy his life in the position of chairman." She stood

up and went out angrily.

Essie closed the door and walked behind the screen.

With his eyebrows tightly knitted, Vinton's handsome face was red from anger. Then, Essie poured him

another cup of tea and said, "It seems that your mommy doesn't want you to get involved in the project

in Sea City, so..."

"My business is none of her business. She wants me to be her puppet, no way!" Clenching his tea cup,

Vinton was freaking out. He wanted Elizabeth know who was the real master of the Xu family.

"Calm down. You can't fall out with your mom because of this. Otherwise she and your uncle will be on

the alert." Essie patted on his shoulder and warned him seriously.

"I know. I'm not that stupid." Vinton nodded.

The corners of Essie's mouth lifted slightly again, and a crafty light flashed through her dark eyes.

Knowing that she was back from Jiang City, Zac immediately drove to pick her up. During the days

when she was away, he was so bored that he felt the world was so quiet as if there was only him.

"How is your grandpa?"

"He is kind of saved. He is old and there are a lot of illnesses." With these thoughts in her mind, Essie


"It's okay as long as he's fine." He patted her on the shoulder to comfort her. After a moment of silence,

he said in a low voice, "You will attend the anniversary party of the Emperor tomorrow with me."

"Me?" She was slightly stunned. Shouldn't Leila the one who should be with him, the CEO?

"Do you want me to bring other girl instead?" He pinched her chin and closed her mouth which opened

due to surprise.

"What identity should I have?" She muttered and her voice was as low as a breeze.

"The wife or the mistress of the CEO, you can choose it by yourself." His eyes were as cold as ice. He

smiled mischievously as if he had set a trap beforehand, waiting for her to jump in. That was two

options. But indeed, there was only one option. That was to disgrace herself as his mistress. He was

sure Essie wouldn't do that, otherwise, she would have admitted that she wanted to remarry him. That

was the trap he set up for her.

She was that fool.

"I think I'd better be the business representative of Hengyuan Co., Ltd," she said as she pouted.

"That was the position for Malcolm. You don't have to be in that position anymore." His tone became

more powerful. Others could always only be obedient to his decisions.

"Then I won't go." She glared at him and fought back bravely.

There was a cold light in his eyes. He slightly leaned and put his handsome face close to hers. The

charming and hot manly breath spread over her face, as if he was making fun of her in silence. "I will

announce the second stage cooperation of the Sea City project on the anniversary ceremony." His

simple words made her completely lose the courage to resist, and she could only raise her hands in

surrender. Her Achilles' heel had been seized by him so tightly that she was unable to fight back.

"I'll make a compromise and go with you. As for my identity, you can introduce as you like," she

muttered, leaving the dominant power to him. Anyway, he liked to be the superior king, and she only

needed to listen to the order.

It had been three years. It was natural that she would become the focus of attention when she came

back to Zac. This made the other man jealous. Leila attended the anniversary party of the Emperor as

the representative of the Qin's group. In the past three years, it was her who accompanied Zac to

celebrate the Emperor's anniversary. She had been full of expectations when she thought that he would

invite her, but she didn't expect that he would still invite Essie. Now she finally realized that she had

been replaced by Essie again.

In the first place, Essie was a little nervous. She didn't know how he would introduce her. When he

heard the words 'my humble wife', she felt her heart back in her throat, which confirmed her status as

the wife of the CEO frankly.

She didn't know why she cared about it. There was no chance for them to be reconciled. What's the

point of caring those fake names?

Leila walked towards them and said, "Miss Yi, I didn't expect you to attend the party with Zac. Are you

the representative of Hengyuan Co., Ltd?" She asked on purpose, unwilling to admit that she was the

wife of the CEO of the Emperor.

But Essie wanted to irritate and stimulate her. 'I am tired of being a substitute for you and I will be the

master of the family from now on.'

"Miss Qin, all the guests present know my identity. If you still don't know, you can ask Mr. Rong to

introduce me to you. What do you think?" She smiled and took a look at Zac.

Stroking her chin in a spoiling manner, Zac said, "Leila was just kidding. Everyone in Dragon City

knows that you are the wife of the president of the Emperor."

A strong sense of jealousy rose in Leila's black eyes. She seriously suspected that Zac forgot the

words 'ex'. She was the ex-wife of the president, not the current one.


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