Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 308 A Car Accident

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The smile on Mandy's face froze for a moment and then slowly opened, "I like uncle type of man, can't

I?" She tried her best to be natural and calm, with the corners of her mouth becoming wider and wider,

and the smile becoming more fake and exaggerated.

"But he has a wife and children, and he is old enough to be your father." Eva pouted. She always felt

that Mandy was insulting herself.

"It's not a matter of gender to be in love nowadays. Do you still care about age? Didn't the thirty year

old Weng fan married the eighty year old Chen Ning Yang?" Mandy glared at her, with a bit of

displeasure in her expression. Eva was exposing her scar.

Essie hurried out to ease the atmosphere, "Well, Eva, this is Mandy's personal problem, we don't have

to worry about it." She didn't want everyone to leave in discord.

Eva picked up the lemon tea on the table and drank it in silence.

The living room became unusually quiet.

After a while, Mandy's voice came through the ice, "Essie, how are you doing in the Xu family?"

"Not bad. Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart, I have a lot to learn." Essie smiled


"The Xu family is unpredictable now. You'd better leave early and don't get involved in it," Mandy said in

a casual tone, as if she was just caring about her.

"It's Xu family's business to compete for shares, property and power. It has nothing to do with me. I'm

at most a senior white-collar worker who works. As long as I do my job well, it's enough," Essie said


"It's weird for you to go to work in the Xu family because you are the young hostess of Rong family and

the boss of SUMMER 100 ℃." Mandy smiled with a hint of sarcasm in her face.

"She is helping her friend. The third daughter of Xu family is a friend she knew in the United States.

She haven't been back for decades and was not familiar with the place. Can a girl as loyal and faithful

as Essie stand by and watch?" Eva cut in.

"I see," Mandy muttered in a low voice, as if she was talking to herself. After taking a sip of juice, she

proposed to go shopping. Eva put on her hat, sunglasses and mask and didn't dare to go out until she

was fully armed. Public figures also have their own troubles.

When she came to the new century mall and saw the exclusive store of Summer 100 Degree, Essie

walked in.

"Now your Summer 100 Degree has exclusive stores all over the country," Eva said with a smile.

"With our Eva as the spokesperson, can we not be popular?" Essie winked mischievously.

"Miss Xu has been back for so many days. Should she know the business of the group by now? Isn't it

too selfish to keep you by her side to deal with these messy things?" Mandy said, as if she really

wanted Essie to leave Hengyuan Co., Ltd.

"That's not right. If you choose to help others, then help them to the end and if you choose to escort the

Buddha, then send the Buddha to the termination of the West," Eva said.

"I'm afraid she wants Essie to be her shield." Mandy frowned and said, "It's inevitable that Essie will be

hated and treated as an eyesore by others of the Xu family if she helps her. What if she is in danger?"

"That's a problem." Eva touched his chin. According to her understanding of Vinton, although he was

stubborn, he was kind-hearted in nature and would not harm Essie. However, his mother and sister

were obviously villains and must be careful. "Essie, if there is danger, you'd better leave early. It's

important to help friends, but you can't put yourself in it. Vinton's mother and elder sister have a grudge

against you because of Zac. Now that you are involved in their fight for property, it's hard to guarantee

that they won't do anything to you."

"Yes, yes, yes, Eva is right." Mandy nodded her head like a rattle drum, "Essie, Summer 100 Degree is

still waiting for your management. Leave the Xu's group and go back to Summer 100 Degree."

"Don't worry." Essie smiled faintly, "When Chairman Xu wakes up, I will naturally leave the Xu family."

"How is president Xu now?" Mandy asked.

"I don't know. President Xu has been taking care by Cathy all the time. After all, I'm an outsider and it's

not convenient to ask." Essie shook her head. After Zac's reminder, she was also a little vigilant. She

believed in her friendship with Mandy, and she would not harm her, but she did not believe in Bles. If he

forced or cajoled Mandy, it was difficult to guarantee that Mandy would not be used by him.

Mandy's face flashed an indescribable dark color. "I hope President Xu is safe," she said hypocritically.

"In the future, if you really marry Bles, he will be your brother," Eva joked.

Mandy glared at her angrily, pretending to look at her clothes and ignore her.

Essie's dark apricot eyes flashed, "Mandy, your Bles is at least the brother of chairman Xu, and also a

major shareholder of the Xu family. Should he come out to preside over the overall situation after such

a big thing happened to the Xu family?" she deliberately spoke in a casual tone, as if she was just

talking about an insignificant competition. She wanted to see how much Mandy knew about Bles.

"He has always been a lazy man. He just wants to be at ease. If he is in charge, he will definitely have

a headache," Mandy said.

Essie heaved a long sigh, "I heard that Bles was also high spirited and keen to fight in the past. Now he

is old enough to only love to spend time with beautiful women. It seems that man can only subdue to

the old age."

"Really?" Mandy raised her eyebrows and said, "I thought he had always been like this."

Essie smiled. Looking at her, she didn't seem to know much about Bles. A man like him who

deliberately disguised himself would be on guard against anyone, and his lover was no exception.

After leaving the exclusive store, they went to Starbucks for coffee. At this time, Zac called and told her

that Rabi was injured in the hospital.

Essie hurried to the Dragon City hospital and saw that Zac was holding Rabi in his arms. In front of the

operating room, there was also a nanny standing next to him.

Rabi's knee was injured. The doctor disinfected and applied medicine and gauze.

"Mommy, Rabi's knees hurt." At the sight of her, Rabi suddenly pouted and tears fell down.

"Good boy, don't cry. Let mommy blow for you." Essie squatted down, blew gently for him for a while,

and asked the nanny, "How could the little young master get hurt?"

"In the afternoon, Miss Qin and I went out with little young master. The balloon of little young master

flew on the road. Miss took him to pick it up. A car came over. Miss Qin pushed little young master

away, but she was hit by a car," the nanny faltered.

Zac held Rabi in his arms. He was still a little scared. This time, he was too careless. He shouldn't just

let two people, Leila and the nanny, take her out. If Leila didn't push Rabi away, Rabi would be lying in

the room now.

"You are too careless," Essie scolded. Children at this age like to run around, and the people who take

care of them can't be distracted for a moment.

"It's not our fault. Miss Qin took little young master to pick it up. It's the driver who drunk-driving and

drove over speed." The nanny said angrily, "He bumped into someone and was very arrogant. He said

that he was the son of someone. No one could touch him and then ran away."

Essie snorted, what a fool. He hadn't figured out who he provoked. Not to mention him, even his father

was doomed.

Zac's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty cruelty. He was waiting for the phone call from William. Soon he

called, "Boss, we found the culprit."

"Give him the first level treatment, and his father, kill them together." The words were simple, direct and

rude. In Dragon City, he was the king.

Essie didn't know what the first grade treatment was like, and she always felt that it was restricted.

However, she knew that if he was soft hearted to the bad guys, he would be cruel to good people. If

Zac didn't teach them a lesson, they would harm good people again.

Leila had been in the operating room for a long time and didn't come out. It seemed that the situation

was not optimistic. After receiving the phone call from Zac, Christina rushed over and said, "How is my


"She is still in the emergency room." Zac frowned uneasily.

At this time, the door of the operating room opened and the nurse came out. "The patient has lost too

much blood and needs blood transfusion. Who is her family?"

"I'm her sister. We have the same blood type," Christina said in a hurry.

"Great. Come with me." The nurse was relieved and took Christina into the blood test room. "Are you

sure you are of the same blood type?" she had to make sure.

"Yes." Christina nodded and stretched out her arm. "Our whole family has type B blood."

"Type B negative?"

"Negative?" Christina was shocked, "What's the difference between negative and positive?"

"Positive blood type is common blood type, while negative blood type is rare blood type, that is, Rhesus

Macacus," the nurse explained.

Christina was surprised. "I'm not with Rhesus Macacus. I'm an ordinary blood type."

The nurse's hand, which was about to be injected, suddenly stopped. "But your sister has type B

negative blood?"

What? Christina was shocked. Her parents were both type B positive blood, so were her brother and

her. How could her sister be type B negative blood?

The nurse stood up and said, "Your blood can't be used. There is no type B negative blood source in

our hospital's blood bank. I have to call the Dragon City blood bank as soon as possible to make an

emergency blood transfer." Then she ran out.

Christina was still in shock. She took several breaths in a row, trying to calm herself down. Maybe her

father or mother had mistaken her blood type. Seeing that everyone was positive, she thought she was

the same. She didn't expect that her sister would be Rhesus Macacus.

Fortunately, there was a reserve of type B negative blood in the Dragon City blood bank. After the

blood transfusion, Leila's vital signs became stable, but she was still in a coma.

It was nearly evening, Rabi shouted that he was hungry. He wanted to eat lean meat gruel. Essie

decided to take him back with the nanny, let Zac stay here to take care of Leila. When Zac came back

in the evening, Rabi was already asleep.

"How is Leila?" Essie asked.

"She has not woke up yet." Zac's voice was very low.


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