Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 443 The Unbroken Connections (Part One)

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She couldn't figure it out, so she had to be cautious.

Now she was like a restless bird who was afraid of any slightest wind. Because she was not alone. She

had to protect her family and children well. She would not let them get any harm.

"The person Alice need most now is Fell, not family." Zac's tone was casual, but deep and intriguing.

It was obvious to Essie that he was hostile to her sister now, and perhaps the whole Rong family held

the same perspective now. The problem was that Alice was too busy to be with Fell, which would

probably cause trouble to the union of the Rong and Xu families.

Everyone in the power and business circle knew the situation of Dragon City. The Qin family and the

Rong family were enemies to the core, and they attacked each other from different areas respectively.

Although Qin family was not as powerful as Rong family, it still had great power. Although it was not an

alliance of the Xu family, the Qin family had a strong background in Southeastern Asia region, which

was unparalleled by the powerful families. It had been supporting the war with the Rong family.

The Jing family was neutral in the four families.

As for the Xu family, they chose to cooperate with the Rong family, but they didn't become the enemy of

the Qin family. The Xu family wouldn't take part in any industry that had disputes with the Qin family,

which made it possible for them to retreat.

The decision had been made when Baron's father was alive. After he took over the position, Baron

continued to support his father's decision.

The disputes between the Rong and the Qin families were becoming frequent. If the Xu family and the

Qin family united, it would be extremely disadvantageous to the Rong family. And the Rong family

would never allow such a thing to happen. If Alice really came up with an idea to sabotage the union of

the Rong and Xu family and make the Xu family stand on Qin family's side to become the enemy of the

Rong family, then Alice's situation would be dangerous and the Rong family wouldn't let her go.

Anyway, she was her sister and she would not allow anyone to hurt her. Only the stable current

situation would she be safe.

"I'm now in charge of the Xu family. Before Mr. Xu wake up, I'll take care of the company and carry out

his decisions. As for my sister, the relationship between her and Fell was their personal affairs. If they

get married in the future, she will focus on teaching her and child and serving her husband in the Qin

family," she replied calmly.

"Since Alice has lost her memory, she has no idea about the business at all. Being a housewife and

attending the child is the best way." Albert nodded. This was the best arrangement.

Zac snorted in his heart. It was only a beautiful wish of Essie. The purpose of Alice's coming back at

this time was probably to regain the Xu group. Fell was only a knife to her, and he was used to kill her,

a muddled woman.

"You know, as a man of high position, you should always keep vigilant. Don't be so sentimental," he

reminded her that for people like her, who often had a brain fart, it was necessary to give her some

precautions all the time. Otherwise, if one day she was sold, she would pay for the person who sold


"I know," Essie said hesitantly. Too much warnings worked too well for her. Now, she was so afraid that

she would have to walk alone at night.

Lucy looked at Essie and Zac thoughtfully. She had a feeling that there was something wrong between

them. As if they were connected by a string that was so thin that they couldn't see or touched. Even if

they had cut off from each other, they still had strings on their way and couldn't be cut off.

Its existence made her extremely worried, and the only thing that could make it disappear was a


"I really hope that Baron could wake up soon, so that you and Hanson can take the children back to the

United States and leave this troubled city." She sighed, deliberately saying that to let Zac forget her

daughter and stop badgering her daughter.

Zac's heart throbbed painfully. In the past three years when she was in America, he was worse than

death. The uprooted pain of the soul didn't heal until today. Was she leaving? Could he let her go?

Essie lowered her head and said nothing. In the past, she had always believed that time and distance

could make people forget the feelings that they should not have. But during her three years in the

United States, she had never forgotten Zac, not even for a moment. The more she missed him, the

deeper she missed him. If a person really fell in love with another person, both time and distance would

not hinder the relationship, unless the person was at the end of his life.

Casting a glance at his son, Albert began to feel sad. He knew that love could last for a long time, but

destiny would not wait for people. Once they were missed, it was impossible to restore it. Just like

himself and Luce in the past. If you missed her, you would miss her forever.

"Even if Baron could wake up, he still needs Essie's help. The Xu group suffered a lot of damage to its

vital energy, and it would take a long time to recover. When Alice lost her memory, she wasn't able to

help Baron anymore. And it was Essie who could really help him," he said in a low voice.

Essie sighed. What he said was reasonable. Before, she thought that she could leave here as long as

Mr. Baron woke up. But now she felt that her idea was too simple. Even if Mr. Baron could come

around, it would take him some time to recover. What's more, the thing between Elizabeth and Bles

would undoubtedly give him another big blow. She couldn't let him go like this and fight alone with his

enemy. If one day he really fell down, the Xu group might not be able to be saved.

"I won't leave until I get rid of those enemies who cast greedy eyes on the Xu group," she said very

firmly, looking like a female soldier.


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