Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 613 The Rallying Force Of Jim

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"Are you tired? Go to the pavilion in front and have a rest." Zac asked at the end of the path.

Essie nodded. When she was about to sit down, her stomach twitched and she covered it.

"What's wrong? Does your belly hurt?" asked Zac, holding her in a hurry.

"No, it seems that the baby has moved." Essie shook her head.

"Really?" Zac's dark and cold eyes lit up. "Let me listen."

He put his ear on her belly. After a while, he laughed in a low voice, "it's really moving. This little guy

can move."

He had missed the days when Mili and Dot were in their mother's womb. Now the baby was a

compensation for him.

Behind a big tree not far away, Walt was peeping at them in the shadow.

This should be the first time his child had fetal movement.

He was so excited that he really wanted to rush over, touch and listen.

But he couldn't!

His brother was now possessing his wife and baby, and he could only hide in the distance and watch

them secretly like a thief.

A flame of anger flashed through his eyes. He clenched his fists and was about to hit the trunk when a

hand put on his shoulder.

He was shocked and shook violently. He suddenly turned around and was relieved to see Leila.

He quietly dragged her to a distance, in case the conversation was heard by the people in the pavilion.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know that I'm scared by you?" He rolled his eyes at her.

"You have a guilty conscience." Leila sneered.

"It's none of your business." Walt seemed to be irritated.

"I just want to remind you that no matter how much you like Essie, you can't show it. Zac is very

shrewd. If you have a flaw, he will find it." Leila curled her lips. She really didn't know what was so good

about Essie. She is just a tramp, but they all liked her and were infatuated with her.

"I know what I'm doing. You don't have to worry about me. As for you, remember your task. Don't seek

personal revenge in the name of public interests. Otherwise, you will be dead meat. " Walt warned her.

Essie was pregnant with his child now. He had to protect her well and couldn't let the vicious bitch Leila

do anything to her.

The corner of Leila's mouth twitched. Her goal was to kill Essie in silence. Even if Willi blamed her, she

couldn't be blamed.

"Don't worry. My task is to get you a beauty." With a sinister smile, she held his arm and said, "let's go,

honey. You have to learn from Zac and show off more love with me."

Giving her a glare, Walt led her out of the garden.

Mary arranged two older servant and nurse to take care of Suzan. After getting along with her for two

days, Essie found that Suzan was sometimes confused and sometimes sober. Sometimes she didn't

know anyone, and sometimes she could recognize everyone clearly. Except for Mary and Lady Rose,

she seemed to have never made them right.

This morning, she accompanied Suzan to bask in the sun on the balcony.

Suzan looked very depressed with tears in her eyes.

"Grandma, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Asked Essie in a hurry.

Suzan looked out of the window, completely immersed in her own thoughts, as if she hadn't heard what

Essie said.

"I warned you, but you still did it. You drove her away and occupied her home, her husband and her

child. How could you be so vicious?" She murmured to herself with her body trembling slightly. She

looked very excited.

Not understanding what she meant, Essie held her hand gently and said, "grandma, I'm your

granddaughter-in-law, Essie. Don't you know me?"

Suzan suddenly shook off her hand and glared at her with her big eyes. "Didn't I tell you? Don't ask

something that doesn't belong to you. Why don't you listen to me? Do you really think you can replace

her? No matter how you pretend, I can recognize you. You are greedy for something that doesn't

belong to you. You will pay for it! "

"Grandma!" Essie took two steps back, and the nurse was outside. They had warned that Suzan often

had mental disorder and might be aggressive. She must be careful all the time and let them in as soon

as she found anything unusual.

However, instead of calling them at once, Essie said softly, "grandma, no one can replace another. You

must have misread it."

Suzan stretched out her hand and pointed at her angrily, "then why do you live in her house? Why are

you with her husband? Why does her child call you mom? "

"Your eldest daughter Mary lives here, and your second daughter Charlotte lives outside." Explained

Essie. She didn't know why she should explain it to Suzan. Suzan must have suffered from Alzheimer's

disease again, so she couldn't think clearly and had a delusion.

Suzan waved her hand and said, "don't lie to me. I know you have been complaining about me. It's my

fault that I didn't let you go to America with your sister, but insisted on keeping you and living a hard life

with me. But I agreed to let you go later, didn't I? There are so many men in the world. Why do you fall

in love with your brother-in-law? It's a sin for two sisters to fall in love with the same man! "

Her voice became louder and louder. Not only the nurse outside, but also Mary was startled. She

pushed the door open and ran in. "Is she sick again?" The nurse asked.

Essie nodded.

"Go get the tranquilizer." A nurse said. Another nurse quickly opened the medicine box and took out an

injection. Seeing this, Suzan shouted in horror, "don't give me an injection. I'm not sick. I'm very sober."

The nurse grabbed her arm and gave her a shot. She calmed down and closed her eyes without saying


"How did you take care of her? You must stay with her from now on." Mary said angrily.

"We will be careful next time." The nurse pushed Suzan away in a hurry.

Taking a look at Essie, Mary said, "grandma has been in a bad mental condition since she got sick. You

are pregnant and it's inconvenient for you to stay with grandma alone in the future. If she has hysteria,

you will be in trouble."

"I see." Essie nodded slightly, thinking about what Suzan had said just now.

She was puzzled. If Suzan was really out of her mind, she should often mess up Mary and Lady Rose.

But she didn't. Instead, she called her mother-in-law Charlotte and Lady Rose Mary all the time.

What the hell was going on?

On the other side of Dragon City, Eva took Jim to the Tang dessert shop. According to their agreement,

she would make a Hodgepodge every week as a payment for Jim's meal.

This time, she made an excuse that she was too tired to cook and invited Jim to eat in the shop.

However, Jim had already seen through her little tricks.

"Heaven pepper, you took me here to make an advertisement for free, didn't you?"

Eva was embarrassed instantly. This Jim was really like a mind reader in her stomach. No matter what

she was thinking, he could almost guess it.

Damn it! He was horrible!

However, she would never admit it and would not give him a chance to be complacent.

"Jim, don't take my kindness as malice. I just want you to taste the most authentic Hodgepodge. You

should know that my mother's cooking is much better than mine."

"Oh?" Jim raised his beautiful thick eyebrows slightly, with a look of doubt. The heaven pepper was

always stubborn.

"Believe it or not, my shop has been signed by me. I don't need you to shoot an advertisement!" Eva

rolled her eyes at him, paused, and added, "remember to wear masks and sunglasses when you come

out, in case of causing chaos and affecting the business of our shop."

Jim's charming eyes twinkled. He only wore a pair of sunglasses when he got out of the car. He never

wore a mask.

Even if he was not Jim, he could defeat all the men and women in the shop just by his powerful aura,

tall figure and perfect handsome face.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted.

"Oh my God! That's Jim!" A girl jumped up and screamed. Then the whole shop, the whole street and

the whole Dragon City were boiling.

Eva had been well prepared and recruited fifty waiters in advance to cope with the surging tide of


Jim's fans were ferocious and impulsive creatures. Wherever Jim came, it was their sacred palace.

In the Internet age, the transmission of information was carried out at the speed of sound. After a fan

sent a message on WeChat, his fans of the whole Dragon City swarmed over like bees.

Hiding in the VIP private room upstairs, Eva looked down, and her eyes seemed to contain two pieces

of gold, shining.

Jim's advertising appeal was unparalleled in the world, but he never accepted any endorsement, and

no one had the face to invite him to do advertising. His only exception was to shoot a publicity movie

for the Summer 100 Degree of Essie.

"Are you satisfied with this result?" Jim's mocking voice came from behind.

Eva was so complacent that she nodded her head crazily subconsciously. After she came to her

senses, she smiled awkwardly and said, "didn't I ask you to wear a mask? If you wear it yourself,

people will not recognize you. "

With a snort, Jim said mischievously, "if I go out, tell them that the food here is too bad. What effect will

it have?"

Eva was shocked, "you are lying!"

"Believe it or not, if I say it tastes bad, I promise that no one outside will say it tastes good." Jim

crossed his arms over his chest, looking threatening.

For this, Eva had no doubt. His fans were blind, impulsive and brainless. If one day Jim said that eating

shit could nourish their brain, they would definitely jump into the shit pit without hesitation.

"Jim, I invited you for dessert out of kindness. Do you want to return kindness with



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