Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 408 Catch Adultery In The Act

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"It seems that they have been in touch for a long time. At the party last night, Zac pulled Essie to a

corner where no one could see them. I happened to see them make out." Alice's voice was very low.

She didn't want anyone to overhear what she said. "I'm just thinking that he divorced Essie and married

another woman. Why does he still harass her and refuse to let her go? Isn't he entrapping her and

hurting her?"

A gust of anger rose up on Lucy's forehead. "I knew a vicious woman like Mary could not have a good

son. Our Essie was lying in the hospital, unconscious. Then he went through the divorce procedure

secretly and married Leila. Does he regret and come to look for Essie? "

"Essie is a simple girl. I'm afraid he could coax her with a few sweet words. No matter what, he is

married. He contacted Essie secretly. Didn't he turn Essie into the mistress? " Alice heaved a sigh,

looking sad. "Essie is my sister. I can't let this bad man destroy her."

"Well, Essie always is soft hearted. And after he said a few nice words, she passed out." Lucy patted

her thigh and couldn't be more anxious. No wonder Essie often stayed out overnight these days. Going

to Eva's house was an excuse. She went to see Zac.

"In the afternoon, I saw she was chatting with Zac on Wechat. They have made an appointment to

meet each other in the Jade Mountain the day after tomorrow when you go back. Won't they..." Alice

stopped her words on purpose, because she believed that Lucy would understand what she meant.

"Silly girl!" Lucy jumped up from the bed. "I want to ask her and make it clear to her. If she does get

involved with Zac, I have to stop her at once. Otherwise, it will be too late. "

"Mom, if you go there now, she will definitely not admit it. And I don't want her to know that these things

are said by me. She will think that I am being troublesome and affect our relationship. I think it's

better..." She whispered in Lucy's ear, and Lucy nodded.

Early in the morning of the day after tomorrow, Lucy packed up and left the villa. After Essie and Alice

sent her to the high-speed rail station, one went home while the other went to the office.

After work, Essie drove directly to the Jade Mountain.

Zac had been waiting there for a long time.

"Has your mother gone back?"

"Yes." "Every time I come here to see you, I feel like I'm guilty to be with a married man. I think we'd

better not see each other before you get divorced. It's so bad. " Although she knew that he and Leila

married for some reason, it was nothing but a marriage. Leila was his wife legally, and if Essie had any

other reason, it was also an illegal and immoral "mistress".

Zac said in a helpless tone.

Every time she met him, she would be entangled by the issue, as if it was an insurmountable barrier

that stood in her heart. He really wanted to tell her that it was a fake marriage between him and Leila

and she was still his legal wife, but he could not tell her yet.

And it's impossible for them not to meet each other. It was still five months before Essie was injected

the last antidote. If he couldn't see her for five months, it was better to kill him.

"My marriage with her won't last long. Several months later, I'll divorce her." He held her by the

shoulder, with a pleading expression in his eyes, "give me a little more time."

Essie lowered her head and said nothing. She felt at a loss what to do, and she was even more

stressed and depressed than the night outside the window. Although she knew clearly that she should

not love him and could no longer love him, she could not control her heart. Once her heart was

occupied by him, she would never be able to take it back.

"Melon." He gently touched her face with his long fingers and lowered his head to kiss her when he

heard a knock on the door.

Taking a glance through the cat's eye, Zac was shocked. "It's your mother!"

"What?" "Isn't my mother at home?" She asked. Lucy's voice came through from outside when Essie

was at a loss. "Essie, open the door for me. I know you are in. I saw you go in." The reason why she

stayed a whole day outside Jade Mountain was just to wait and see what would happen next.

"How did mom find out what happened between us?" She was so anxious that she wanted to cry.

"Since she knows, why not face it bravely?" Zac comforted her with a smile and then opened the door.

Lucy's face had already turned red because of anger. She stared at her daughter and her ex-son-in-law

as if a storm were coming.

"Mom, didn't you say that you took the high-speed train?"

"If I don't pretend to leave, how could I catch you having a tryst here!" Lucy was shivering all over. It

was all her fault. She shouldn't have turned a blind eye to their relationship considering the relationship

between Xu's Group and Rong's Group.

"Mom, Zac and I, we..." Before Essie could finish her sentence, Lucy interrupted, "don't you remember?

You were still lying in the hospital. When it was about your life, he divorced you and married his first

lover. He is an ungrateful hypocrite. He is even worse than your father. Why do you still love him? "

"Aunt, it's not what you think. I'll explain it to you later, okay?" In the face of Lucy's scolding, Zac was

speechless and had no words to defend himself.

"Don't fool us with your honey words. You and your mother are two birds of a feather. I'm not stupid."

Lucy was so angry that she couldn't control herself anymore.

"Auntie, my mother is my mother. I am me. Why would your grudges affect us? " From Lucy's tone, Zac

knew that her anger was partly due to the feud between her and her mother, partly was the fact that he

divorced Essie.

"Listen up, you two! As long as I am alive, you are not allowed to see each other again!" As soon as

she finished her sentence, she took hold of Essie's hand and said, "go back with me. If you meet him

again in the future, I will die in front of you immediately." It was a threat and was also a warning. Lucy

didn't care to threaten her daughter with death as long as she could renounce Zac.

Hearing her mother's cruel words, Essie didn't dare to say anything more. Taking a painful look at Zac,

she walked out of the house with her mother.

Zac was so annoyed that he hit the wall with his fist. Not until then did he realize that Lucy had become

a barrier between him and Essie. In Essie's eyes, her mother and her family were much more important

than him. He was afraid that she would eventually compromise and leave him.

On their way back, Lucy was still unable to calm down. Why did her daughter become so unconfident,

ambitious, and so humiliating. She couldn't let her go. She must cut off their relationship and let them

give up hope.

"When you go back, I'll call Hanson, telling him to come back from Europe as soon as possible and to

keep a close eye on you. I don't want to give Zac any chance."

"Mom, I have thought it over. No matter if I can be back with Zac, I can't hurt Hanson anymore." "I'll

make it clear to Hanson. He's a good man. It's all my fault. I don't deserve him. He should find a girl

who really loves him and should not waste his time and energy on me. "

Before finishing her words, Lucy gave her a heavy slap on the face. She was so angry that she almost

burst into fury. "I tell you, Essie, I only have a son-in-law, and if you dare to break up with him, I will

break all relations with you. From now on, you are not my daughter anymore. I will take it as I never

gave birth to you. You can do anything you want to do. I don't care anymore. "

A warm teardrop spilled over Essie's eyes. "Mom, I now have only a sense of guilt in my heart when I

face Hanson. I'm sorry for him. If I don't make things clear to him, I will only hurt him."

"Breaking up with him will do him no good. He has been waiting for you for such a long time

wholeheartedly. If you tell him this, he will be heartbroken. That is not what he wants." Lucy roared

almost hysterically.

"Mom, I promise you that I won't see Zac anymore. But please promise me that you will let me explain

to Hanson. Don't drag him down anymore." Essie begged.

"No way!" Lucy said resolutely, and then she added, "let me tell you, only when I die can you break up

with Hanson and be with the son of Mary. If you want to make it clear with Hanson and keep your

relationship with Zac, I will die in front of you immediately. When I die, you can do whatever you like. I

can't see or hear. The scar in my heart will no longer be painful. " As Lucy spoke, she wiped away her

tears. She hated Elizabeth and her enemy, Mary. These two kinds of hatred had been deeply imprinted

in her bones and imprinted in her soul. They would not die away.

"Mom!" Essie then felt that a chill spread from her spine, making her shiver. She was so afraid of her

mother's death.

"Do you still regard me as your mother? And do you want me to live well? Now, swear to me that you

will never have any contact with Zac in your life. You are not allowed to break up with Hanson and

determined to be with him." Lucy pressed her step by step, giving her no chance to breathe.

Tears streamed down her face, with her despair and helplessness.

Seeing that she bit her lips and didn't speak, she opened the door. "If you don't swear, I will jump out of

the car."

Seeing this, the bodyguard quickly said, "my lady, it's dangerous to open the door on the road."

"It's none of your business. If my daughter can't listen to me, there's no point living." Lucy said angrily.

When Essie saw a car coming over from behind, she was freaked out. Her mother was impulsive,

might lose her mind sometime, and could do anything. Essie quickly shouted, "Okay, I swear, I won't

have any dealings with Zac, and I won't break up with Hanson either. Please close the door right now."

Lucy closed the door at once. The bodyguard immediately pressed the lock button, fearing that she

would be angry, and then opened the door again.

"I tell you, I will keep an eye on you. Don't ever try to fool me again."

Holding up her arms, Essie felt like falling into an abyss. It was dark and cold.


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